Not great, but unique and entertaining
8 May 2024
I was looking for a quirky sci-fi movie, and this fit the bill.

You know the setup. An alien race called the Vuvv have come to Earth and become an accepted part of day-to-day life. They've provided a great deal of enabling technology to the human race, but in the process have rendered much of human activity obsolete, leaving a lot of disenfranchised people.

Chloe, a girl whose family has found reasonable success under the Vuvv, meets Adam, a boy whose family lost their home and is living out of their car. She convinces her mom to let the family stay in their basement.

A romance begins to develop between the two, which Chloe decides to exploit by creating a mental "reality show" for the Vuvv, who are asexual and fascinated by human relationships. If nothing else, it's an original concept.

As others have pointed out, the biggest problem with this movie is that it can't decide what it is. The goofy looking aliens and some other elements seem to set it up as a farce, but although there are some farcical beats, it's not really a comedy and instead takes a stab at ham handed social commentary.

The other problem with the movie is that the behavior of the characters are kind of inexplicable at times. The relationship between the two protagonists runs hot and cold and we're not sure if we're supposed to root for them or not. Also, the behavior of Adam's family is just bizarre. Far from being appreciative for being given a place to stay, they immediately act resentful.

It had its bright spots. The acting was pretty good, particularly Tiffany Haddish in a non-comedy role. The special effects were excellent, and it was weird and quirky enough to hold my interest.

If that's what you're looking for, this is worth watching.
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