Documentary?!? NOT
9 May 2024
I have always been interested in the JFK conspiracy. Not a conspiracy theorist by nature, it still had a lot of unanswered questions. THIS does not answer any of them.

JFK X is no documentary. I think to enjoy this film one must treat it more as a MOCUMENTARY in the same vein as This Is Spinal Tap. To take this even remotely serious insults the viewers themselves.

Initially the movie whizzes through some theories of the assassination at break neck speed. While trying to tell their tale it answers no real questions nor does it address the obvious holes in their initial thesis.

I enjoyed the Oliver Stone JFK movie MUCH more. Stone through every theory at the audience and finished smartly stating he didn't have the answer but let the viewer's imagination draw the conclusion. This piece of garbage shows no respect to the viewer and takes them on an illogical and asinine journey to Idiotsville!!!
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