12 May 2024
Louise Rayton Morgan (Jeanette MacDonald) is a single mom to three girls and a hard-working career gal. She has raised three vociferous singing daughters; Tess Morgan (Jane Powell), Alix Morgan, and Ilka Morgan. They are a singing family. Their doctor insists that Louise take a break from her work and family obligations. She goes off on a cruise and meets famous pianist José Iturbi. Meanwhile, her daughters search for their absent birth father. In reality, she had lied about him to her girls.

Splitting up the family makes the movie drag a bit. The story is really about the girls looking their father and struggling to accept the new man in their lives. I would get to that part sooner. The cruise and the romancing and the concert are not that necessary. Some people may like the music or the adult romance. I just find that it slows the movie down. There isn't much drama in their romance. The drama comes from the daughters' reaction to the romance. This film is fine.
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