Review of Zandalee

Zandalee (1991)
Entertaining For What It Is
13 May 2024
Either you like trashy erotic melodramas, or you don't. If you don't like trashy erotic melodramas you will dislike this movie. It's not most well-crafted example of the genre and it's certainly not great cinema like "The Godfather". But for it is it's an enjoyable night in if you like this kind of thing.

Since other reviews have already summarized the plot, I will take a minute to respond to some of the complaints addressed here.

1. Nicolas Cage was overacting: I've hung around artists of varying types for most of my life. Male artists who medicate mental illness with a constant cocktail of alcohol, drugs and promiscuous sex are not rare. Male artists who have little to no control over their emotions and are prone to egocentricity and rage explosions are also not rare. Male artists who have failed to distinguish themselves in the art world are often bitter and hostile towards society. And failed male artists with drug and alcohol problems whose unreliability tanks their prospects with day jobs and end up existing on the margins while barely earning a living in straight jobs typically end up resenting the big bosses like Thierry Martin.

2. How can a beautiful woman like Zandalee be attracted to Johnny Collins? He is greasy, disheveled, boorish and violent.: Some women are indeed drawn to men like that in spite of their better judgment. And like Zandalee they are often lonely and inhibited. Now most of the time women with brains and lives of their own don't stay with men like Johnny. The ones who do are usually trashy and ignorant women like the Marisa Tomei character.

Moving on, I enjoyed the New Orleans scenery and the colorful supporting characters like Thierry's grandmother, Zandalee's gay best friend, and the stupid but witty thug played to perfection by Steve Buscemi. Despite her beauty Erika Anderson is a terrible actress and her lack of talent is major downer for the script development. I couldn't keep from cringing every time I heard her wooden voice.

Judge Reinhold also does not hold his own, and his character's mental breakdown makes little sense because of his uneven performance. The ending is is boring and predictable. However, one of the scenes toward the end involving Steve Buscemi and Erika Anderson is hilarious. The supporting characters demonstrate that, despite the incredible pretentions voiced by failed artists, this film does not take itself too seriously.

There is full frontal nudity from almost the first scene, which keeps it being a classy erotic film. And there is too much intense emotion too quickly without build up in the script. But if you're in the mood for hot trash, this is it.
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