Inside Out (I) (2015)
Meet the little voices inside your head
14 May 2024
There are quite a few Disney Pixar animated films that came before or after this film that are fun and funny to watch, but for a film about your emotions in your head, you can do something that can be more emotionally investing or at least smart with how it shows the inside of someone's head and how it operates; after watching the film, I would say this one of the best Disney Pixar films I have seen that can be funny and smart with its execution, but also be investing and relatable with emotional moments by tugging at your heartstrings. Inside Out (2015) is a fun, funny, and emotionally investing animated film with great voice acting, well-done 3D animation, likable emotion characters, creative visuals inside the person's mind, and a relatable human character that the emotions control; it is creative and clever with its idea on how emotions effect people or how the mind works while sleeping, dreaming, or other things we tend to do on multiple occasions.

The five emotions Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Disgust are all likable and funny characters, who are voiced outstandingly by Amy Poehler, Phyllis Smith, Lewis Black, Bill Hader, and Mindy Kaling, with each emotion acting differently when controlling the main girl Riley and interacting with each other in entertaining ways; with Joy making sure Riley is always happy by keeping Sadness away from the control console, or just trying to keep everyone calm while they are in control. The main girl Riley the emotions control is a likable and relatable character for anyone that age dealing with issues, like moving to a new place or trying to fit in at a new school, but also you find out a lot about her and her parents making you care about them and what is going to happen next while the emotions are controlling her; I am glad that they made the main girl likable, or else this film would not have worked as well as it did. Lastly, while they are going around Riley's mind you not only learn new things about her, but I like how also you see how she sees things by using her imagination or just looking at things in a weird way.

I liked that there was no villain in this film and that it was just showing how certain emotions affect us in many ways, and that we tend to use certain emotions like sadness to help get across certain issues you are having or to just communicate to other people or family members; throughout the film you can relate with the character Riley when she goes through many changes of emotions for age, and by seeing how her mind works, you can see what she is like as a normal girl. The 3D animation is great with having lots of nice visuals and nice-looking emotion character designs, along with the design and look of the inside of Riley's mind being creative and clever on how it portrays certain things we tend to do, like how they show memories/core memories be kept for us to look back on; but also, the film has quite a bit of effective emotional moments that will tug on your heartstrings and make you cry while watching, which is because of how strong the family dynamic is and how relatable the characters are.

Inside Out (2015) is a fun, funny, and emotionally investing animated film with great voice acting, well-done 3D animation, likable emotion characters, creative visuals inside the person's mind, and a relatable human character that the emotions control; it is creative and clever with its idea, and very effective with its emotional moments, they balanced the emotional and funny moments very well making it less sloppy in how the film is put together. Lastly, there is not much else to say about this film that has not been said already about it, except that this an emotionally investing and fun animated film from Disney Pixar that is worth watching; both adults and kids will love this movie, and I highly recommend giving this a watch if you have not already.
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