Laughable theory, but an amusing watch
17 May 2024
This is all pretty absurd... but so is the accepted "truth" that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. He wasn't skilled enough to do what he was accused of doing, and he would've passed up a far easier shot to kill JFK on Houston Street before the turn onto Elm. Straight shot, car moving slower. So yeah, no.

That said, this "documentary" was incredibly poorly produced... like painfully amateurish. The first 45 minutes are a snooze-fest to watch and the last 45 minutes detail something so far-fetched that it almost comes across as a comedy "mockumentary." It would be a MONUMENTAL stretch to believe the filmmaker's contention, and even harder to believe that, if any of this was even remotely true, nobody spilled the beans in the ensuing years.

Watch at your own peril. Likely THE most bizarre JFK killing story of all time. But it's SO "out there" that it's almost worth a peek just to be able to talk about it at parties.
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