Crime School (1938)
crime school
17 May 2024
In general, I'm not a big Dead End Kids fan. Their first film, appropriately titled "Ded End" and considerably aided by a good screenplay by Lillian Hellman from Sidney Kingsley's play and direction from William Weyler, is powerful but their other stuff can all be gathered under a banner that reads: The Jets Do It Better. The only member with a distinct personality and look is Leo Gorcey (call it Cagney Lite) while the others all meld into one sneering, Brooklyn accented, dark haired juvy. And one wearies of the constant "So's your old man!" schtick that constitutes their dialogue.

As for Bogie, he's pretty much wasted when he's asked, as here, to play a conventional good guy. And Gale Page is a most unremarkable actress. As is Lewis Seiler as a director and Crane Wilbur and Vincent Sherman as scenarists (although Sherman could occasionally rise to the directing occasion, especially with Crawford). Solid C.
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