Doctor Who: The Underwater Menace: Episode 1 (1967)
Season 4, Episode 19
Not a gem but worth the effort to recreate and to watch*
20 May 2024
The Doctor (Patrick Troughton), Ben (Michael Craze), Polly (Anneke Wills) and newly acquired companion Jamie (Fraser Hines) materialise on a beach somewhere on Earth sometime in the near future and are promptly captured and taken to the legendary submerged kingdom of Atlantis, which Zaroff, a megalomaniacal scientist (Joseph Fürst), has promised to return to the surface but in fact has more insidious plans. Chapters 1 and 4 of this four-episode adventure are missing but animated reconstructions using the original audio tracts were released in 2023. 'Underwater Menace' is not one of the Doctor's better outings. The Atlanteans and their internal politics are simplistic and not very interesting, and Zaroff is a routine evil, gloating stereotype. Ben and Polly are serviceable companions and Jamie developed into a fan favorite but in this, his inaugural episode (after having been first encountered in now-lost 'The Highlanders'), the 18th-century Scotsman seems somewhat laissez-faire about the TARDIS, underwater civilisations, fish-people, and the future in general. The special effects are adequate (by early Who standards) but the script, especially the doctor's interactions with Zaroff is weak and the story is not that interesting (although the threat of Polly getting ichthy-ised is fun). The scenes of the 'fish-people' swimming together (obviously depending from cables over a dry 'underwater' set) has a strange charm and reminds me of similar scenes in Méliès early silent fantasy films. All-in-all, not great Whovian outing but still necessary viewing for fans. I applaud the attempts to resurrect the lost episodes whenever possible. *rating and comments pertain to all 4 original and/or recreated episodes.
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