The Yesterday Machine (1965) Poster

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Fun to watch a Bad Movie!
kellybob-48 August 2006
I was honored to play Dectective Laskey in this Yesterday Machine movie. Tim Holt was a true professional to put up with a bunch of local Dallas actors and even thou this is a typically Bad Science Fiction movie-- for the time, it is OK to watch. The reason I am writing this today is I just found my VHS copy of the movie and made a DVD of it for my own restoration and to have something to play for my Grandkids. Actually, the quality of the DVD turned out pretty good even thou the VHS is quite old. I had a recording studio in Dallas, Texas at the time of the shooting of this movie and most of the interior scenes were done in the back rooms of my studio---sets built for the dungeons, and the time machine locations, etc. All of the music was recorded at my Studio with the Nick Nicklas band doing the playing. All in All-----it is a really good example of a Bad Sci-fi 1960's movie and worth the watch----if you can find a copy. I'm glad I have one and now a DVD that will last for a few more years.
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Hitler's Henchmen in the Lone Star State.
Bucs196010 July 2007
This film has to be seen to be believed. A post-war Nazi physicist who is exploring the concept of time travel to bring back Adolph Hitler, sets up his laboratory in a farmhouse in Texas!!! What happened to hiding out in South America with the rest of the gang? To add insult to injury, he manages to kidnap a majorette(!) the day before the big game. This really ticks off the local police, led by an aging Tim Holt whose star was sinking fast. Also involved in the investigation is a reporter and a nightclub singer (??!!!). They must take on the band of evil henchmen, which consists of 2 or 3 heel clicking guys and a slave girl from somewhere in the past. And if you can believe it, it goes downhill from there.

The reason to even consider watching this horror, is for the joy of seeing Jack Herman as the unapologetic Nazi. This is a man who at one time worked in the Yiddish Theater, a proving ground for such stars as Paul Muni and Edward G. Robinson. His performance can be summed up in one word......ludicrous. Flailing arms, rolling eyes, clenching fists....unbelievable!! I am not familiar with Mr. Herman but I have to believe that he did not use this type of emoting in the Yiddish Theater. This was near the end of his life and possibly he was failing in health. Whatever the reason, it is the type of performance that hasn't been witnessed since. It is for this alone that I recommend this film for the bad movie buff. You will love it!!!!
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Enjoyable for what it is.
I was hooked by the first two minutes, like something from a Werner Herzog film. Competent writing, over the top acting, a torch song and a physics lecture. What else do you need? Spoiler alert: Nazis are bad mmm-kay? Enjoy with some popcorn on a stormy day.
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Incredible! Dr. Ernst Van Hauser forever!
jmike18 January 2002
This film is incredible! It has everything you could hope for in an enjoyable bad film. An amazing plot, Hitler's director of "scientific warfare" Dr. Ernst Van Hauser (played by Jack Herman, an ex-Yiddish theater player who was a drama coach at a local black college) is living underneath a farmhouse in Dallas, Texas (where the movie was made). He is doing time travel experiments and giving lectures to captured subjects about his theories of "Superspectronic Relativity and the Minus Ray" (while his drawings on the blackboard are redrawn twice during his lecture). He states that his theories are far more advanced than Einstein's. He captures a baton twiller and her sister a bad night club singer ("the girl with the orchid voice" the film lets us know) who sings a funny bad song written by the director Russ Marker (I think). The director was an associate of Texas film maker Larry Buchanan and uses some of his stable of actors like Bill Thurman. Also stars a somewhat over the hill Tim Holt as a police detective who immediately knows when a baton twiller disappears in Texas it must by Nazis and Dr. Ernst Van Hauser. Jack Herman's over the top performance as Dr. Ernst Van Hauser is beyond words (William Shatner looks tame and controlled by comparison). Some amazing bad films, with wonderful low budget charm, came out of Texas in the 1960's and this takes its place as a classic along side such bad films as Manos Hands of Fate or any of the Larry Buchanan epics of the period. Highly recommended for bad film scholars. Needs to come out on DVD!
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Sort of like "They Saved Hitler's Brain"...but without any brains!
planktonrules8 December 2009
Wow. 1963 was an amazing year in the annals of movie history. Not only did it bring us "They Saved Hitler's Brain" but also "The Yesterday Machine", so apparently this year was a banner one for insane neo-Nazi scientists and their kooky schemes. In many ways, both these films are very similar--lousy acting, lousy sets and lousy dialog. The only notable way they are different is that "The Yesterday Machine" lacks a cameo appearance of Hitler's head in a pickle jar!

The film begins with a young man being shot (apparently by disgruntled Confederate soldiers who were brought forward in time) and his girlfriend disappearing. This can only mean one thing...a crazed Nazi scientist is running amok experimenting with the fabric of time. So, it's up to a crack team made up of a dull guy and his amazingly untalented and annoying blonde girlfriend to save humanity. While this sounds ridiculous, this neo-Nazi movement only appears to have three members, so the odds aren't that stacked against them!

Jack Herman stars as the brilliant but wacky Nazi scientist. Not only can he make time do goofy things, but he can make the drawings on his chalkboard instantly change due to bad editing. And, he also is less subtle than Dr. Strangelove--and a horrible actor to boot. James Britton is the film's "action hero" and based on this performance, I can see why this is his only film credit--he has the charisma of cheese curds. As for the only "name" in the film, once important actor Jack Holt, he's barely in the film at all--just a walk on in the beginning and end of the film. But, since he'd been in "The Magnificent Ambersons" and some other REAL movies, they decided to list him first in the credits. You gotta feel sorry for the guy being stuck in ultra-low budget crap like this and "This Stuff'll Kill Ya" at the end of his once promising career.

My favorite bad scene in the film? The one where the Egyptian slave attacks the guard to save the dumb blonde's life. The blonde just stands there as this happens and even does nothing when the stabbed guard then strangles the slave! Talk about ingratitude!! Other great bad scenes are the "magic chalkboard" and the ranting and raving of the scientist--rarely have I ever seen any actor chew that much scenery.

Overall, it's a terrible movie in most every way. Understandably, most people who made this film never went on to do much of anything else. The film is bad, but perhaps silly enough to excite a few bad movie buffs.
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Mostly a dull affair
Wizard-828 May 2019
Years ago, I read about this movie in a book, and it stated that actor Jack Herman gave an incredibly campy performance as an evil Nazi scientist. The prospect of seeing some really bad acting made me want to see the movie, but I couldn't find a copy of it in any video store. But today I found the movie on YouTube, so I could finally watch it, and I was mostly let down. For the most part, I found the movie to be very forgettable. The first half of the movie is really boring, with almost no action (and what action there is is extremely lame), and is filled with drab scenes of people engaged in dull chat that is clearly padding out the movie past the breaking point. The second half of the movie is a bit more successful, having a bit more energy and punch to the story. However, the highlight is Jack Herman's acting, which is indeed campy and over the top at times, though actually I was expecting something even more overdone than I had been lead to believe. But even at his "best", Herman isn't enough to save the movie and make it worth watching. I would only recommend the movie to true aficionados of mad scientist performances.
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Well the premise was good....
13Funbags11 April 2020
It's amazing that such a good idea can go so horribly wrong. It's also amazing that a 78 minute movie can have almost no story or action. They use the old staples like having a woman sing a full song that has nothing to do with the movie and a newspaper reporter that is an expert marksman. They also give you plenty of plot holes that will have you scratching your head for the last 10 minutes. You probably won't enjoy this movie.
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Fairly high on the "goofy scale"
drystyx26 August 2012
If "Goofy" had a scale from 1-10, this would be about a 8.5.

It's a Scienece Fiction, or roughly Science Fiction, bit about a time machine invented by a Nazi.

It starts off okay, and when you watch how it begins, you will get a big thrill, because you will recognize a later classic for using much of what you see here. If you see it, you'll instantly know the name of the satire that uses much of the early part of this movie.

There are a few things to like. The girl with the legs at the start vanishes for a while, but then you get to see her again.

We have the "reporter and cop friend" cliché, which is sometimes not too bad, depending on how much "atmosphere" you get. This movie does give a pretty good amount of atmosphere for the few special effects it has.

Most of the early sixties and late fifties science fiction has good atmosphere, and a camaraderie among local folk. We get that here. What we don't get are good lines. These movies aren't usually this "corny". And the acting usually isn't this poor, either. I am usually not that particular with "acting", but these actors cross the line. They are truly just reading lines. Ironically, the best acting comes from the hot babes. The men are the dweebs here.

The atmosphere would usually let me forgive the corny writing and acting, but the second half just had too many "horrible" scenes. The worst one is where a girl helps the heroine escape, and the heroine just stands and watches while the girl who helps her is strangled to death. No explanation can cover this. Then there is the Hitler's scientist, whose lines are the most "expository" you will ever see on celluloid.

Not the worst, by far, but it leaves you with a feeling that even for a low budget horror, it should have been much better.
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Nothing but time
bkoganbing17 March 2014
Tim Holt who besides being a B movie cowboy also was directed at different times of his must have wondered how he came to be in this rather atrocious science fiction film shot on your average household budget for a family on food stamps.

His will be the only name you recognize from this cast of never wases in The Yesterday Machine. One of Hitler's top scientists escaped and has set up shop somewhere in the southern USA near the Battle Of Shiloh's site. We know that because a couple of Johnny Reb soldiers show up in the present day of 1963 and kidnap a young coed from that era.

Investigative reporter James Britton follows up the story with Holt playing a police detective. Together with coed Linda Jenkins's sister Ann Pellegrino they find the source of the problem. It's Jack Herman playing a mad scientist who if he were a little more mad would be Professor Irwin Corey.

Herman was one of Hitler's top physicists and he's cracked the space time continuum and he's even brought back a Nubian slave from the court of Rameses II. We don't get specifics, but Herman is going to a mess with time sufficiently that Hitler will triumph.

My high school plays showed better talent than this one did. Poor Tim Holt played it tight lipped and grim which was how he must have felt for being in this wretched film.
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Hitchcoc15 July 2015
Beginning with a baton twirling scene by a vacuous majorette (old fashioned word), to the terror they experience when they encounter a couple guys in the woods. The boy gets shot and his little cheerleader disappears in her short little skirt. So there's a missing person. Would one not immediately assume that a couple of bad boys got her. No, the sheriff immediately names a scientist from the Nazis during the war who made people old. There is absolutely no evidence to bring about this theory. None! Of course, when our hero investigates with the baton twirler's sister, that's the only conclusion available. And, doggone it, they're absolutely right. The acting is horrible. The girl they are searching for has one of the worst voices I've ever heard on film. Her sister is a two bit lounge singer with a bad singing voice (according to the emcee, she has won two gold records. Perhaps in those days, they were found in a Cracker Jacks box. There are long explanations made by the mad professor for some reason, including how his evil machine works. Then there is the strangulation scene where an Egyptian girl is being strangled while the sister sits and watches doing nothing to save her. This film is so dumb and yet one can't help watching it. It also may have the best rant since "Plan 9 from Outer Space."
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Unintentionally Hilarious - The Yesterday Machine
arthur_tafero6 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I expected Mr. Peabody and Sherman to be in this film; they would have done a far more believable job, but they would not have been as funny. The nazi professor steals the show here; he is absolutely hilarious. This film makes Plan 9 From Outer Space look like a masterpiece. The acting is horrendous. There is no direction, and the production values are similar to a poor student film shot in two weeks or less. The dialogue, however, is quite funny; but not intentionally. The only dull part of the film is when the mad professor tries to explain the time and space continuum to a high school dropout. If you love really BAD movies, then this is your piece of pie; If only to see the performance of the mad professor, his nazi boys and sex slave girls. * note the filmmaker missed a golden opportunity by not showing where the mad professor is transported when he gets shot and falls into the machine. He should have been transported back to 1776, where you could do a movie called Back to the Future.
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This Is Really Not a Horrible, Horror Movie!
gnosticmanna9 March 2008
This movie, its poor production values and picture qualities, and absolutely ABYSMAL Sound qualities aside, is actually a pretty effective sci-fi Horror story, told to the viewer in a pretty much intelligent manner.

I have always liked the actor TIM HOLT, going back to his playing the clean-cut young Prospector in "The Treasure of The Sierra Madre" with Bogart and Walter Huston. In this flick, his Police Lieutenant Partane character adds some semblance of credibility to his role and the overall storyline.

And Jack Herman, the apparently LIFELONG Yiddish Theatre Actor, who plays the "ESCAPED, VIRULENT NAZI SCIENTIST, Ernest VON HAUSER," absolutely steals the show, with his Mad Scientist's "Time-Travel Slave and Death Camp" of a deserted farmhouse, in Texas, no less!(* Actually, the Lonestar State has always been one of THE "All-American" Locales, for great MONSTER, HORROR and SCI-FI, Cinematic "Carnage"!)

All the usual mad Nazi "thoughts" and CRUELTY is there of course, in "The Yesterday Machine," yet there is indeed thoughtful DIALOGUE, as Mr. HERMAN'S Von Hauser character explains the "real science" behind time travel, to the heroic news gatherer-guy, "Jimmy Crandell," whom I believe is played by James Britton.

There are a couple of VERY WEAK, climactic plot points as the film closes out, but this one is still an A-OK to Good piece of SCHLOCKO Movie "AUTEUR-SHIP," let us, RIGHTLY, call it such!
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return to my youth
RICHYALF15 May 2020
This is an outstanding example of how a bad 1960s scify movie can be so enjoyable. The central theme seems to me to have been replicated in the the series The Man in the High Castle. I'm guessing that it might have also been inspired by Mr Peabody's Way Back device. That being said, the cheerleader in the opening scene personifies every high school boys fantasies.
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Tim Holt at the end of the trail.
st-shot10 April 2021
In this threadbare budgeted sci-fi former cowboy serial star Tim Holt and a cast of one and done performers wade through this story about a scientist, hiding out in Dallas, bent on returning the Reich to its former glory. A pure schlock cash grab sloppy production it is not without its charm with a gangbuster opening of a baton twirler performing to pop music with a disabled car in the background a nice surreal energized touch. From there the film begins to lose its burst and slip into mediocrity and stilted performance before the electrifying appearance of Jack Herman as an enthusiastic mad scientist Ernest Von Hauser. Far from the traitor to the "cause" that Werner Von Braun is, Ernie is hard at work with weaponry and a way back machine in the passionate hope of restoring his former bosses to power. Herman's over the top performance is so wonderfully strident it threatens to steal the picture but save for the baton twirling demonstration and ditzy remonstration of the daffy doc there is nothing to steal, the picture is worthless.
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NOT a B-movie or a D-movie......Exciting, suspenseful .
oscar-3513 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
*Spoiler/plot- The Yesterday Machine, 1963. A couple of college students stumble on a couple of Civil War soldiers while trying to get car repairs in a lonely rural road. The boy is shot and the girl disappears. The police investigate and find many improbable time travel matters located in an secret professor's lab under a abandoned Victorian house.

*Special Stars- James Britton, Ann Pellegrino, Jack Herman, Tim Holt('Treasure of Sierra Madre').

*Theme- Time is a river that flows and we are in it.

*Trivia/location/goofs- B & W. During Natzi time travel doctor's lecture the chalk drawings change back and forth.

*Emotion- A quirky, unique, and stylish low budget science fiction film. I would NOT call this a B-movie or a D-movie due to it's very good script, directing, casting, and acting. The low budget aspects of this film only become apparent with the time machine set piece and German doctor's lab sets. Maybe more money or creativity should have been shown there to treat the film viewer with a better reward for staying around to watch the whole film to it's finale. Exciting, suspenseful and frightening, this film is enjoyable.
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Plan Nine from Inner Space.
mark.waltz3 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
More evidence of the weirdness of the 1960's, going past the mod, mod world of Carnaby Street influenced campfests. It's a unique idea, that's forcsure, filmed on a budget you could fill up a piggy bank with. A group of curious teens, as they always do, discover something that they shouldn't, and this time it isn't ugly aliens ("Invasion of the Saucer Men") or man-eating goo ("The Blob"), but Nazis involved in time travel, determined to discover a way to go back and change the outcome of the second world war.

This looks horribly cheap, even on TV, so I can imagine what it looked like inside a movie theater. Certainly no Chinese Graumans or a Radio City for this one! The acting is uniformly horrible, with only 50's western star Tim Holt a familiar name. The young people who find the old house that somehow takes them back sends them to the Revolutionary War era, and before long, they're right between the flashing lights of the machine where melodramatic Jack Herman explains everything in a very funny manner, completely serious. This is the kind of bad movie to relish because to cut it off early would deprive the viewer of countless laughs at its expense.
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An interesting concept and a good title but nothing else
jamesrupert20142 February 2021
Twenty years after the end of WW2, a former Nazi scientist plans to alter the outcome of the war by sending super-weapons that he has perfected back in time to 1945. Don't get your hopes up - neither WW2 nor super weapons appear in this dull, low budget sci-fi thriller. Despite starring Tim Holt (best known for the classic 'The Treasure of the Sierra Madre' (1948)), the highlight of this film is the opening baton twirling by Linda Jenkins (which more than makes up for her voice and acting ability). The film has little to recommend it beyond an interesting premise: the script, acting and direction are amateurish, the production values are dismal, the music/sound is terrible (notably the silly musical cues such as the snare drum during the lengthy 'debate' about whether Der Führer was a genius or a madman) and the pacing is leaden (especially the pseudo-physics lesson that wastes a sizable portion of the 85 minute running time). The only interesting character is the unrepentant übermensh villian Prof. Ernst Von Hauser, Jack Herman's over-the-top, ranting Nazi-mad-scientist (complete vith a 'Hogan's Heroes'-style German accent and a compulsive desire to explain things). There are some nice cinematographic touches, such as the reflections of neon signs on the car hood and of the time machine's lights in Von Hauser's glasses and the images of poor Margie (the aforementioned Jenkins) strapped in a chair, surrounded by pillars of flashing lights, and back-dropped by a large swastika flag are surprisingly effective. Despite these minor pluses, 'The Yesterday Machine' is unwatchable by anyone not an aficionado of 'time travel' movies.
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"We learn from history that we never learn anything from history" - Hegel
Bernie444423 April 2024
Jim Crandall or Callie (James Britton) gets shot with a mini-ball. Majorette, Margie De Mar (Linda Jenkins) disappears. Reporter Jim Crandall (James Britton) and inept nightclub singer Sandy De Mar (Ann Pellegrino), who happens to be the sister of Margie, searches for the missing Margie near an old Dallas farmhouse and ends up in the lab of mad scientist Professor Ernest Von Hauser (Jack Herman.) Will they ever be seen again or will the mad scientist, using his time machine, bring back his friend Schicklgruber from the past and restore the rightful order of history?

The acting is hokey; it is probably on purpose. The background music will grate on your nerves. Shot in black and white. The accents are east Texas so we know it was made in Dallas and not Ft. Worth.

The only redeeming portion of the film is the mad scientist who takes more time than usual to explain Einstein and does not overact the part. Is he wearing Tom Ford glasses?

We are left with these thoughts: "Yesterday should be left alone. Because today the world has enough problems just trying to be sure we'll have a tomorrow." - Police Lt. Partane (Tim Holt.)
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Movie waay ahead of it's time
ebiros212 May 2017
It might have been just a crazy movie in the '60s that had no significance, but now in the 21st century when what the Nazis were doing during WWII is better known, this movie has a strange contemporary feel to it. A journalist, and a bar singer find themselves traveled in time to arrive in the laboratory of Nazi scientist. He talks about time travel and plans about bringing Hitler back from time.We know now that Nazis were working on some sort of time machine known as the "Bell" (Die Glocka). Maybe in another time line, third Reich might have won the war as this scientist was claiming to do. The movie is contemporary in the same vein as the "Iron Sky" (2016).
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A total waste of time!
RodrigAndrisan15 November 2018
Everything is fake and embarrassing in this production, subject, direction, actors, everything. I have seen much better movies made by beginning amateurs.
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So Bad It's Good!
mbrahms2627 January 2020
I would have given this hilarious piece of drek a 10 if half of Jack Herman's endless blackboard lecture on his time travel machine were devoted to more upskirt views of poutish, baton twirling Linda Jenkins. Herman's performance as a mad Nazi scientist is so over the top that it's wonderful to behold, especially if you're stoned or intoxicated.
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