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Never a good format
jbrickey23 July 2007
Though he had funny bits, especially videos from the viewers, he kept trying to make it a television version of his radio show which just didn't work. He never blamed the liberals for his failing, but that he had to market the show in syndication which meant no one could watch at the same guaranteed time. He mentioned that repeatedly on radio. For a current events show, you really need one standardized time when all your news is in by and you can give comments on. When I first saw the show it was directly after our local news. Then the next year it was after Letterman. The next year it was after whoever went after Letterman(though I could get a channel that had the show on at 1030). Trying to make sure your editorials are up to date when Nightline has already been aired is difficult on the broadcast stations, even more so in syndication.
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Failed Because It Was Boring
quitwastingmytime15 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
All the things which he was able to do on radio failed badly on TV. The long pauses to fill up time. Juvenile insults. Saying outrageous things knowing they weren't true.

None of it was helped by him being one of the homeliest people on television. And on radio you had people occupied by traffic and all his BS didn't register as BS as easily. On TV him looking like George C Scott's uglier dumber angrier twin hurt him.

Unmissed, just like Limbaugh. He made the world a worse place, more hateful and with ignorant people proud of being anti intellectual.
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TV was not Limbaugh's medium
ljk7611 April 2021
He had the face for radio. Besides, he had people on tv who disagreed with him. He could not win every argument which made him look weak.
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It was the liberals' fault
1523117 October 2003
No matter how many times I watched this show, I never quite understood its point. Since it was obvious that no conversation happened that was not scripted or directed, it was hard to view it as a 'talk' show. It always felt like a poor imitation of the radio program - except this time Rush seemed to try to be more outrageous in order to top the radio show. It didn't work, and only his most ditto-headish followers took the time to watch what they normally could hear while at work or lunch. Because of its poor ratings, most stations threw it into the late night limbo of syndicated sit-com reruns where it continued to lose viewers until Rush finally gave up on it.

Of course, rather than concede failure, Rush blamed the "liberals" at the local stations for its demise.
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Good riddance - hope radio show next
caa8212 November 2006
I'm not a screaming liberal, nor am I a vociferous veteran. I find the extremists from the opposite side from Limbaugh (such as Alec Baldwin, Al Franken, et al) just as off-target and often annoying as this arrogant blow-hard is. The only good these extremists - from whichever "pole" - serve is to counterbalance one another.

Limbaugh's insensitivity to the loss of life we have sustained in recent conflicts is nothing short of disgusting and appalling. This fat loudmouth, so vociferous, was unable to move his bloated posterior anywhere near harm's way, or into uniform. Supposedly, he had asthma (ha! who in the history of mankind has had a louder pair of lungs?). It has also been reported that he had a boil or some other type of lesion on his ample posterior.

For me this guy is obnoxious and decidedly unfunny. The fact that so many seem to equate enjoying his incessant droning with patriotism is positively scary.

Would that he and his right-wing cohorts (e.g. Savage, Beck, Ingraham), along with their left-wing counterparts, fade away somewhere, and JUST SHUT UP.
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Ahead of it's time
japva200014 February 2007
The Rush Limbaugh Show was a really funny topical political show, certainly ahead of it's time. Think Meet the Press meets the Daily Show - and is actually funny! Was it slanted hard to the right? Of course, but it was still fun to watch.

Also, the staff was fun and very nice as well. So was Rush, as I had the opportunity to go to the show and see a taping. And unlike other shows, there were no signs prompting the audience to laugh. As others have stated here, the show was never given a real chance as the time slot was usually sometime after midnight. Again this proves how ahead of it's time it was, without a doubt it would now be on prime time and crush O'Reilly, Hannity, and Jon Stewart.

Those voting 0 for the show clearly never saw it and just hate Limbaugh, and while I have lost almost all respect for him after the drug scandal, the show was funny.
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History Has Repeated Itself
dttruman3 February 2020
I remember watching this back in the early 90's and the whole show was a constant complaint factory focusing on President Bill Clinton. I stopped watching it after a few shows because of the continuous criticism. I just had a recent epiphany of why I don't watch "The View", the same constant criticism of Trump, by Goldberg, Behar, and some of the others. Bottom line, both shows suck, because of their bias opinions.
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ussclaudejones28 January 2020
I note that there is a 4.2 rating for this show ... there is no doubt in my mind it is purposefully stacked with low ratings by you know what group. Truth is, this show was hilarious, Rush Limbaugh was great doing this. I suspect due to his political leaning his show didn't get picked up by many stations.
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This was certainly no 'GOLD RUSH'.
redryan6419 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
FOR SOME STRANGE reason, the RUSH LIMBAUGH Television Series (Ailes Prod./Rush Limbaugh Prod./Multimedia Entertainment, 1992-96) never caught our fancy. The reasons may well seem to have been a puzzlement to us for all these years now; numbering up to 17, ever since the show made its debut. Perhaps a cool-headed, intelligent and straight-forward analysis of the show and the situation we were in at that particular time would offer some reasons.

STARTING with the business of where one stands on the political spectrum would serve to elucidate the situation, surely if one were a Democrat, a Liberal and at almost complete odds with all that he espoused; one's dislike for the show would be understandable. Perhaps one had a certain prejudice against a so called overweight or "Under Tall"* person. It's a common prejudice and one that seems to be on the Approved List of the Political Correctness Police; along with the hatred of Catholics and Southern White Folks. After all, Mr. Limbaugh seems to have a trace of an Appalachian 'twang' in his speaking, no?

WELL, in order we will address each of these points, one by one and in chronological order; all to be done right here, live and using no safety nets below! AS for our (my) political beliefs and party affiliations, we confess that it is that of Conservative and Republican; in that order. It has been so ever since this graybeard was about 16 years of age.* Obviously, our politics wasn't at the root of differences and lack of enthusiasm for the Limbaugh Show.

AS FOR the notion that bodyweight and physique type have anything to do with attitudes here; it is purely unfounded and highly presumptuous to render any judgments on these basis. Anyone who is familiar with yours truly, this writer, would know that this business of bodily mass has been a very difficult and chronic state to contend with throughout adult life.

THERE CAN be no conclusion of dislike by virtue of ant question of any regional dialect differences; at least in this particular case. The evidence to the contrary; as, you see, this "Yankee" from big, bad Chicago, just happens to be married (39 years, now) to a fine little 'Hillbilly' Girl from Kentucky (Deanna), and the regionalism was never a difference that came between us. (By the way, as the French say; "Viva la difference!")

SO JUST what is it about Rush's TV Edition that kept it from being a hit with more guys like little, old me? WELL, Schultz, it sure wasn't that the shows numbers were so bad; for it was shut down by the decision of Mr. Limbaugh. It could have continued in its state of Syndication; which may well be a portion of the problem. For a 'Talk Show' dedicated to Politics and Current Events to be truly successful, it must be on at the same time to many affiliates at the same time and it must be as fresh as a Bob Hope Monologue. These elements weren't there.

SECONDLY, having someone like Rush Limbaugh made to be an "actor" reciting his pre-scripted lines to a certain preset piece flies directly in the face of what makes a personality such as this so either appealing or repulsive to any potential viewers. There is no happy medium here; no 'middle of road' moderation or 'fence sitting'. Either one loves the guy or dislikes him very much. (Mother always taught us that one shouldn't hate.)

COMPELLING someone like this, who has had eminently successful experiences in the field of talk radio to adhere to a scripted format (which this sort of show seemed to require) could be likened to having a quick witted comedian such as Jonathon Winters or Don Rickles become a part of a stage play or movie. They've both done it; but they were surely not at the top of their game.

PERHAPS the LIMBAUGH program would have pleased this writer a little more and been more successful if it had been on a Network or a particular Cable Station. (Was there FOX NEWS Channel then?) Furthermore, me and me 'Little Buddy' of a partner, Officer Casey, worked a straight afternoon shift during this period. With the rotating day-off system, we'd only be home for the show every 6th and 7th week.

ONE other little item used to bother me. This was the on air TV promos that were used when the RUSH LIMBAUGH Show was being aired. The one that always puzzled and angered was a source of irritation to us was the station break spot that the station ran that went something like this: The voice over announcer would say something about watching the Limbaugh Show, while a rather smug Rush would be standing silently; until the announcer was finished. At this point Mr. Limbaugh would repeat his oft recited phrase of "Talent on loan from God!" This always seemed to irk me; until one day.I FINALLY figured it out.

(Duh!)ALL TALENT IS ON LOAN FROM GOD! (My, my! Aren't 'we' dense!)

NOTE: * Oh sure, when I was a 14 year old Irish Catholic, former Altar Boy; it was just wonderful to see John F. Kennedy win the Democrat nomination and the Presidency in 1960. However, due to studies of both Free Enterpriser (Capitalism) and planned economies (Socialism of all types; 'Democratic Socialism, National Socialism or Soviet Style); by the time of the Kennedy Assassination, this Irish kid was already a Goldwater supporter. (Of course none of this helped me any with any pull or 'clout' for advancing in heavily Democratic Chicago's Police Department; but that, my dear Schultz, is another story!).

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It was good.
JRGBUCS12 January 2000
I first heard Rush on the radio back in 1991. When he went on TV I usually watched it well up to about 1996 or so when it was cancelled. He was never boring or dull and he kept even me interested in politics. It's a shame his show went off the air, I enjoyed watching it and was the best talk show of it's time. But the radio show is still a great listen after 9 years.
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A talk show unlike others that never got it's due
Whow16888913 November 2002
Before Rush had his show there, were other conservative talk show hosts. But no one was able to match the style and class of Rush's. He was topical, funny, and warm-hearted. It's too bad he never got a decent time slot. I would love to see some of the reruns. It would be neat to see how he was back then.
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Great and crazy effort, that never quite worked.
dust-74 June 2005
Limbaugh apparently had an idea to make even more money. You could get on TV. You could get more advertisers. He's always been big on charging, which is fine.

So as was suggested, here, he took the idea of topics from his radio show, added some monitors, and basically did the same thing for the camera, with a small, selected studio audience. He was grating and insulting, depending on your point of view, or childishly arrogant, or defiantly confident, to others. You could see the mixed emotions on that even in quick shots to a friendly audience. Imagine if he had allowed the same screamers from his one-shot appearance on the cancelled Sajak 'tonight-show'-type show.

His show never got the start it needed. People say there is no anti-Limbaugh, anti-conservative, liberal conspiracy in the media. Well, there was when it came to his TV show. The thing was slated for 2-3AM in the wee hours of the morning, across the country. People had to set their VCRs (remember those?) to tape the show. This was before the explosion of the 'web' in 1998-1999, and the explosion of radio and TV conservative talk shows about the same time, most of them thanks to Limbaugh. You literally had frightened liberals, a couple of years before the Limbaugh victory in 1994, trying to silence his voice on TV. That's why Hillary is running as a conservative, now, and not a liberal. People have had it with delusional, control-freak liberals lying to them like Dan Rather and Mary Mapes, or trying to keep other views from them. A decade ago, the liberals thought people would go along, or wouldn't notice. Then came 1994. And Limbaugh was as grating, or as confident, as ever following that.

While O'Reilly turned out to be a quasi-liberal, and Hannity emerged as a rival to Limbaugh, both Hannity and Limbaugh remain not so much classic conservatives, Hoover conservatives, and certainly not bomb-throwing anarchic liberal ideologues, but simply average Americans, for the good and ill that implies. Hannity and Limbaugh are Americans as they've always been, for whatever political labels. And their fiercest liberal attackers are the poorly-educated, disenfranchised, trust-fund, entertainment and publishing business 'bohemians' that Americans have never historically trusted.
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