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Reasonably entertaining B-movie.
Teknofobe701 May 2005
A monster movie, but with little people. The front cover pretty much sums it up ... dwarf versions of the classic Universal horror monsters groping a half-naked busty young woman (who, incidentally, doesn't appear in the movie). Tasteless? Well, that goes without saying ...

Considering it's short overall length and it's fun tongue-in-cheek approach, this movie does take quite a while to get going. In the story, a nervous mad scientist is stealing first editions of various great horror books, in order to bring the archetypes to life with an ingenious machine. He wants to bring back Dracula, Frankenstein's Monster, the Werewolf and the Mummy, and so needs to get first editions of the definitive books on these monsters. He succeeds, but something goes wrong during the creation and they end up around four feet tall. Ha! Anyway, a librarian and a wannabe detective become mixed up in this plot, and decide they must foil his plans.

For a low-budget B-movie, the acting isn't that bad here. Most of the cast appear to be very competent comedic actors, and that of course helps to make the whole thing more enjoyable. As for the monsters, a couple of them appear to have been cast right off the street which works okay because there's only one speaking role -- Dracula. Dracula is played by Phil Fondacaro, who like Warwick Davis got his start playing one of the ewoks in "Return of the Jedi", and since then you might have recognised him in films like "Willow" and "Meridian". He plays the part very well, acting it completely straight and letting the other comedians play off against him.

"The Creeps" was put out by Full Moon Pictures, a horror studio that makes puts out these great little trashy low-budget B-movies (check out their website). It was originally released in 3D, which explains some of the rather odd camera angles. The production values are actually very good -- the monster makeup for the most part looks really great, and in fact for genre fans that alone almost makes this movie worth watching. And in keeping with the Laws Of The B Movie, there is of course one brief scene of nudity.

It's silly and campy and a bit lame, but if you enjoy a good bit of light-hearted B-movie trash then this really isn't that bad at all. And yes, it is a bit creepy.
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Charles Band directed by? Oh no!! Bad but worth seeing just for Phil Fondacaro's solid performance.
Foreverisacastironmess12319 September 2020
A goofy mad scientist who havs created a machine that's capable of bringing famous monsters from worlds of literature into reality, does so and he of course screws it up and they come emerge from the smoke half-sized! Isn't that hilarious.. This film is like total garbage it's not even good enough to be classed as trashy fun, it's clearly made on a micro budget and it shows, I'm sure that what little budget there was went on the pretty good monster makeup, but the acting was, apart from one person, absolutely terrible and it's one of the worst efforts by Full Moon that I ever seen, their earlier horror movie output was so much better, the Subspecies movies are a fantastic saga, but the ones this bad were just moronic and irritating. I didn't like the idea of small people actors playing the monsters and how it's playing off the way they are, it just seemed tacky and fundamentally off to me. The part that really made me go "nah" and decide I didn't care for this movie was when the mini Frankenstein and Mummy were 'chasing' the girl around the library, it just seemed awkward and in poor taste as they were floundering after her, all the monsters apart from Phil Fondacaro had virtually nothing to do but shuffle around awkwardly in place, but he kind of wrangled and spoke for all of them and he really made this movie worthwhile, or at least he almost did as the one bright spot in a terrible mess. Fondacaro was by far the best actor in it and I really bought him as a Dracula who happened to be small in stature, he had the dignity he had the imposing glare, the pathos, and I thought he was a great Dracula, he's a great actor I've always thought so in movies like Troll and Willow and even in Ghoulies 2 he played one of the most interesting characters, I'm a big fan I've never looked at him and seen his condition, to me his personality and talent has always shined through, he's always took every part seriously and gave it his all, and it was great to see him in a substantial role that allowed him to chew the scenery like a villain. For what it was it seemed to have genuine love for the Universal Monster movies and for me the best part of the story was nothing action-related, just some dialogue, it was when the captive sacrificial girl gives this really great little speech about why we need monsters and how they live forever as monsters in the original tales and in the imagination, how she spoke it wasn't the best and it comes from out of nowhere but I thought it was a really sweet little moment that was sincere and was written by someone with a real love of scary things and monsters. Very playful and I like the concept but this is a complete cheesefest and unfortunately for me it's good points don't nearly outweigh its shortcomings..oh well, there we go! Sorry.. That's The Creeps, not the most shining gem in the Full Moon repertoire by a long shot but hey a monster mash is always fun X
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Definitely Not Full Moon's Worst
gavin694211 August 2016
A mad scientist brings Dracula, the Wolfman, the Mummy, and Frankenstein's Monster to life... but there is a problem and they end up only three feet tall.

Steve Miller heavily criticized the film in his book 150 Movies You Should Die Before You See, as he felt that the film was homophobic and made fun of people with dwarfism. I could maybe allow the homophobic bit, but I am less inclined to agree about the dwarfism. One, the film is no more degrading to dwarfs than any other film that uses such actors. And two, Full Moon has long been (and continues to be) an employer of Phil Fondacaro. I don't typically defend Full Moon, but at least they're treating him right.

As for the merits of the film itself... well, it is sort of a funny idea, and i love that Guy Endore gets some love. But, yeah, not great. Better than most Full Moon, but that's not saying much.
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Politically incorrect gem
J-Russell3 September 2001
One of the best of the low budget Horror genre, this film proves that making good movies has to do with good acting and direction, NOT money. It's actually a spoof of horror movies, combining Dracula, Frankenstein, and other classic monster characters into one story, and portraying them all (rather unfashionably) with midgets.

The story centers around an ancient mystical book, the librarian who is in charge of protecting it, and the goofy scientist who wants to steal it in order to bring evil into the world. There are lots of fun scenes and lines in the movie, a testimony to the good writing.

In one of the more amusing sequences, the librarian's pushy, blonde, amazonian boss gets her just desserts and is mistakenly kidnapped by the midgets. It's a delicious blend of comedy and horror as the big, mean woman is tied to an altar, stripped naked and, finally, offered up as a human sacrifice by the little fiends.

Will the librarian and her boyfriend meet a similar death at the hands of the tiny monsters? You should really rent the movie and find out! I recommend it.
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13Funbags15 April 2019
The premise of midget monsters and people being afraid of them had tremendous promise and could have been really funny. Of course they failed hard and it's just boring. There is constant background music to let you know when you're supposed to laugh or be scared because there's no other way of knowing. It's like a Spike Lee movie only more realistic. To make it even worse, the entire story makes no sense. They frequently find themselves trying to explain what has just happened and it still doesn't make sense. They even have the guy work at a video store just to mention the other terrible movies these people have made. Don't waste your time.
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Treat this film as you would the plague
Andrew Difford21 August 2000
This is the first time I have felt strongly enough to write a review of a BAD film. I saw this film with 3 other people and none of us could think of a film that we could say was worse. We did not expect it to be a masterpiece and was ready to laugh at the cheesiness of it. Never got the chance! Even the Bad acting wasn't funny. I have already wasted over an hour of my life on this film (yes I did watch it all in hope of a small chuckle)so I will not waste a moment longer. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE for your own sanity avoid this film.
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rebecca_g11317 February 2006
I am a huge fan of Charles Band and Full Moon Entertainment. Waste of $10. BUT this movie was an absolute waste of time! It was not even scary, no one was killed. I would not consider this a horror movie, but a major disappointment! Phil is good as Dracula, he does the majority of speaking for the creatures. Do not understand how the whole lesbian activity fits into the story? Typical boob shot in horror movies, even though I would not classify this as one. I prefer the Full Moon movies from the 80s period as opposed to the 90s period with the exception of Blood Dolls. Good creature costume design. Rhonda is not a very good actress, hopefully she hasn't acted in much more. Don't waste your time renting this.
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Classic Full Moon buffoonery
jakerchief7 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It wasn't lol funny but it's good for a once over. If you ever wanted to see the rich snooty lady from Ace Ventura 2's boobs you get a solid 5 minutes of them.

It has a little better production value than most b-rate horror flics. Obviously the 90s special fx are dated, but with a movie like this you're not exactly taken out of the element. The acting sits at local theatre levels of commitment.

There's really no blood or violence except for a very small scene. If it wasn't for the one nude scene I'd say it'd be fine to watch for ten year olds.
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More Garbage From The Full Moon Stink Factory
goonorama4 November 2000
The people at Full Moon are certainly riding the short bus to work now a days. This movie is terrible. It's one film that makes references to other films the film makers have made. Masturbatory idiocy. The acting is rancid from EVERYONE in the cast except Phil Fondocardo as Dracula. The guy is just really good, and Full Moon is lucky to have him. Apparently they know this since he's about 60% of their movies. The plot is pathetic, unfunny, unfrightening, and has no suspense what so ever. If you like this movie, kill yourself.
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Surprisingly good...
paul_haakonsen11 January 2022
I stumbled upon the 1997 horror comedy "The Creeps" (aka "Deformed Monsters") by random chance here in 2022. And never having seen it, and it being a horror comedy, of course I had to watch it. Now, it should be said that I hadn't even heard about the movie prior to watching it, so I didn't know what I was in for here.

And when I saw that this was a Charles Band movie I have to admit that I was a bit ambivalent about it, as some of the Full Moon movies from Charles Band have been some duds and swings and misses, while others have been campy and cheesy but still watchable.

Luckily, then "The Creeps" was actually one of the more enjoyable and fun to watch movies from Full Moon, so that was a pleasant surprise. And I have to say that the storyline and the whole concept of having iconic literature (and movie) monsters come to life at half size was as much fun as it was creative. So writer Neal Marshall Stevens definitely managed to churn out something interesting with "The Creeps".

The storyline was good, campy and cheesy for sure, but it just worked out on a satisfying level, and that made the movie all the more enjoyable and watchable.

Of all the cast that performed in the movie then I was only familiar with Phil Fondacaro (playing Dracula). But I will say that the cast they had for this movie actually put on good performances and carried the movie quite well.

As for "The Creeps" being a horror comedy, then you have to bear in mind that the comedy is not the type that will make you laugh. Nay, the comedy here is subtle and sort of just is there as a layer pulled over the horror aspect of the movie. So if you are expecting a movie full of laughs and funny situations, then you will be disappointed.

I was actually genuinely entertained by this movie, and as such then I am rating "The Creeps" a six out of ten stars. This is definitely one of the better movies from Full Moon.
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Not even good if you like bad movies
BenTramerLives7828 October 2020
Charles Band has made some pretty decent "bad" movies but this is not one of them. I love Dollman. This film, however, is bad in every way and not in a good way.
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Bizarre, low budget fun
kulaboy23 August 1999
The Creeps is a perfect low budget film. The whole picture looks like it was made for less than $200. But lacking in set and money, the crew seems to have a fun time. A lot of fun is poked at the library system, notably in a feminist having sex with a first edition book of "Jane Eyre." The midgets are the stars of this. When an experiment bringing literary characters to life goes wrong, the real fun kicks in. The lead star as Dracula gives a great performance. The acting seems a bit off once in a while, but if you like a B-movie that doesn't take itself seriously and could make you laugh, tune in to "The Creeps" at your nearest specialist video shop!
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Phil Fondacaro makes this worth seeing
DrabMac19 May 2019
This would have been a typical don't waste your time b grade move if not for Phil Fondacaro. He plays his part like he really is Dracula, stuck in a four foot tall body. Even his eye make-up are top notch.The movie was worth watching for his performance. Made an otherwise poorly made movie really entertaining.
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Deformed Monsters
movieguru0128 October 2020
Dracula, Frankenstein and all of the other classic monsters are great. I never once thought what it would be like to take this classic characters and shrink them. Apparently somebody thought it would great and, well, here we have the result. The Creeps (AKA Deformed Monsters) is quite an odd film. There are shrunken monsters. I believe this movie is meant to be "so bad it's good" but it's not good.
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Loved it
chriscompton17 April 2000
This is an adorable little flick. The simple truth is that I have seen this one over and over again, I never tire of it. I would recommend this one to anyone who enjoys a top notch B movie. Warning, movie watchers who have problems with enjoying simple movies which have no serious 'change the world for the better' messages will not like it. If, however, you want to see terrific acting and a wonderful script, pick this one up as soon as you can.
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You don't go shrinking horror icons.
Vomitron_G28 July 2010
Well, I just knew before going into this one it was going to be silly & goofy stuff. At least I got that out of it. Other than that, it's a pretty dull film about 4 horror icons (Dracula, Frankenstein, The Werewolf & The Mummy) returning to live (or should I say: materializing into flesh & blood?) as... little people (yes, midgets!). I appreciate Charles Band's goofy take on these legendary figures, but other than that, this movie has not much too offer. THE CREEPS is basically a comedy, mixed with some horror, sci-fi & detective elements. But it's just too silly for its own good. As with practically all the more recent Full Moon movies, the little plot there is always seems to run in circles and there's just not much going on. THE CREEPS is one of the so-so 'new era' Full Moon quickies. Not excruciatingly bad, but just not good enough. If you want to see better, then see DR. MOREAU'S HOUSE OF PAIN (2004). If you want to see worse than THE CREEPS, you could try sitting through PETRIFIED (2006). Anyway, unless you like a lot of names-dropping of several culty and obscure horror-flicks, one pair of naked boobies, a stuttering mad scientist out for world domination and a singing lesbian librarian/walkure and, well, seeing the aforementioned 4 horror icons severely reduced in size & menace, I wouldn't recommend seeing Band's THE CREEPS. I'm surprised good old Charlie never cranked out a sequel to this one. This time reducing these four horror legends to nothing higher than... a bunch of dolls.
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A movie which is not a really movie but a farse
stefanozucchelli3 April 2022
I was surprised by the total lack of decency in this movie. It's not cool, there are no decent actors, no interesting storyline or captivating direction. It's not even so bad and over the top that it's memorable. It is a totally forgettable film and without any positive side, at least I have not found any.
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Not much here...
Leofwine_draca20 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
THE CREEPS is yet another monster-themed production from Charles Band and Full Moon Pictures and yet another film about miniature creatures. This one seems to be lower budgeted than ever, taking place in just a room or two. A mad scientist brings back all of the great monsters from literature but they end up as short versions of themselves. There are some fun references and allusions in the dialogue (such as to Jess Franco) but a real dearth of actual content, no horror, and dull character interaction padding out the running time.
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Pushing a library cart with an unconcious librarian draped over it...(priceless!)
ghekster3 March 2023
Deformed Monsters (org "The Creeps" 1997 - "Undersized, Undead, And Angry") Directed by Charles Band (Full Moon Video, Wizard Video, etc) it's almost Disney like except for a long topless "ravishing" scene ("nude" "virgin" "sacrafice") and a short "tryst" with a "Jane Erye"'s a comedy, rating low on the action, horror and gore...but it rates well on the library, videostore, annoying babe and mad scientist catagories.

Locations: Located Anna's near "Selma Ave" house at 1533 N Fairfax Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90046 , videostore, haven't found it yet, but looking at pictures online I figured out that the Rare Book Annex and at least part if not all of the mad scientist lair were filmed at DC Stages & Sets 1360 E 6th St Los Angeles, CA...making use of the two story Law Library and City Hall/rotunda hallway sets, also an outside door to the parking lot on the SE corner of the main building when they enter/escape from the lair...nobody else seems to know this...a multiset, two day shooting schedule there cost about $12,000 in also looks like the video store back office could have been filmed in one of the office room sets.
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A Howler
Nykky2 April 2001
Perfect camp. Phil Fondacaro is the best little Dracula I've ever seen; the script never takes itself seriously and even the musical score is perfect cheese. If you live outside the United States, you won't "get" this film at all- if you're American, you'll chuckle with understanding from front to back. The writer, director and composer knew exactly what they were doing here. It's too bad they only had a couple of bucks to do it with, but if you put that aside, this flick is a howler.
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The poor little devotees of goreporn get their noses tweaked again!
BigGiantEyeball21 March 2013
If you've watched a few Full Moon videos, you've seen much of the mad scientist set used elsewhere, and that Corman philosophy of film making pretty much defines, yet doesn't limit, this comedic gem. You've read the plot, so I won't repeat it. Watch this shiny little trinket for the over-the-top dialog, inventive character acting, and the topsy-turvy nonsense of tiny Universal monsters. Rhonda Griffin portrays an earnest goof and a bit of a ditz with great comic timing, Kristin Norton shines as a socially incompetent amazon lesbian, and Bill Moynihan creates a wonderfully nerdy and inept mad scientist. Watching his character stutter his way through over-intellectualized justifications of his misspent education is a joy to behold. The 'monsters' are silly in the extreme, except for Phil Fondacaro's Dracula, which is played mercifully straight. Crank up the popcorn maker, light a medical fire, and have a laugh. It's good for you!
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THE CREEPS...a small accomplishment!
goryverbinski6 September 2013
Have you ever wondered what would happen if Dracula, Frankenstien, Mummy, and the Wolfman were reduced to half? That is to say, little people. Well, neither did I until I came across the Creeps online. Anyway, the answer is "not much." Seriously, nothing relevant happens in this movie. the miniature horror icons just sort of wander around for 70 minutes as the script (that was probably written on a cocktail napkin) just seems to rely on the same one note joke that is "they're small". Never the less, This movie is a riot, and while it doesn't offer much by way of gore, it is still one hell of a little (no pun intended, cough cough)B movie. The whole thing plays out like the ugly cousin to a bad seasonal, made-for-TV, Disney movie. That being said, there is some nudity, but thats about it. Also, Phil Fondacaro (Ghoulies 2, Bordello of Blood) is Excellent as Dracula. I say check it out.
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The Creeps is the first legit field sequential 3-D feature on DVD!
justin-2889 February 2005
The Creeps (1997) was shot in 3-D with Chris Condon Stereovision lenses. These lenses utilize a 3-D filming technique called "over and under." During filming, a normal 35mm film frame is exposed by two lenses (one for each eye view) instead of one. The top half of the film frame is exposed by one lens and the bottom half of the frame by the other lens. Hence, the name "over and under." The Creeps has been available in 2D, but is now available for the first time ever in 3-D on DVD. This DVD represents the first legitimately released feature-length 3-D film in field sequential 3-D. A must have for 3-D collectors! Please visit for more information.
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Clummsy but good
lordzedd-319 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The idea of bringing to life creatures of literature into a world where they are mere stories works, also making them a mere fraction of the original height also works. I wish we saw more of them in the movie, that it wasn't close to forty five minutes into the story before they make an appearance. The acting was quite good, but it felt like it was rushed. You know what I mean, thrown together quickly. The cast does a great job and Ronda Griffin, do more movies, we miss you. But still another classic from FULL MOON. God rest the company's soul. I recommend this movie for any fans of the characters in this movie, Dracula, THE WEREWOLF, THE MUMMY and of course FRANKENSTEIN. I give it 8 STARS.
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1930s homage, '50s sensibilities, '90s production
aardvarktheape4 August 2023
A mad scientist steals original manuscripts in an effort to zap a group of monsters from the page and into reality, but his scheme goes wrong and the villains emerge pint-sized. It's up to a librarian and a video store owner/amateur detective to rid the world of of these "deformed monsters."

Charles Band unrepentantly produces schlock, some of which is unwatchable, but I found myself really charmed by The Creeps. This Universal horror homage feels like something that Roger Corman or William Castle would have made in the '50s, and it's the sort of film that absolutely could have built up a cult following among children if it had gotten any TV exposure (and hadn't included one completely gratuitous topless scene).

The acting and FX are generally very good (by b-movie standards), with Phil Fondacaro giving a standout performance as Count Dracula, and Kristin Norton devouring the scenery as the head librarian. I can't comment on the 3D version, which I haven't seen, but Band was savvy enough to realize that most viewers would be watching in 2D, so he's not constantly throwing stuff at the screen. It was, however, composed for widescreen, so the fullscreen version (most notably in a widely-issued release hosted by William Shatner) suffers from characters being cut out of the frame. The only other big con here is the script, which is pretty bland and formulaic, but the cast manages to overcome some of its shortcomings.

Yes, it's a schlocky b-movie that was shot in a week, but it's one of Full Moon's better movies from that era.
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