Las Vegas Bloodbath (Video 1989) Poster

(1989 Video)

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As Bad as Shot-on-Video Movies Get
abbazabakyleman-9883420 September 2019
David Schwartz must have had a reputation as the world's worst director. The same year Las Vegas Bloodbath was shot, he directed another shot-on-video film called American Revenge, which featured a pre-Samurai Cop Matt Hannon as a coked-up drug dealer named Angelo and even that film was terrible.

Las Vegas Bloodbath is a 80-minute opus that goes so slow with its plot. Basically, your run-of-the-mill psychological character study about an average joe who is cheated on by his unfaithful wife and kills her and her lover in their bedroom, but the film is padded with too much time of the so-called scenic videotape footage of Las Vegas (we don't get to see much in the way of the famous city strip). There are some random moments that make no sense, when the husband goes into a bar with a dead hooker's severed head and shoots the bewildered bartender in the forehead and a tedious 30 minutes of a group of women gathered for a baby shower (which sets up the film's climax) where they eat pizza, badmouth each other behind their backs, play party games, and watch themselves on a TV showcasing them as a hot oil female wrestling tag-team. It's clear that none of the people in this movie can act and there's one scene where one of the girls glances awkwardly at the camera during the baby shower sequence. However, bad movie lovers may like it, though.
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There was a chance to make a Falling Down exploitation
gacsogergely30 March 2022
Of course they botched it. It started ok, and continued to what looked like will be great fun.

Then the movie closed in to a house, after 20 minutes of nothing, and the predictable happened. In a very boring way. Films need escalation. This lacked that. No character-interactions, neither escalation of brutality or madness.

This is not good. With that specific even being at the start of the section in the house is even just something you don't want to even think of.+ If it had stayed on the streets like Street Trash, it might have been something with proper pacing, but this way it's just no.
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I don't know,maybe he doesn't like daytime whores!
Illyngophobia29 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I first heard about this movie through Brad Jones (the Cinema Snob), and was just in utter awe by a snippet he had mentioned on Youtube (the bar scene) and was left speechless. Had I found the holy grail of SOV movies? Upon tracking down the movie, I watched it in its entirety and just had nothing to say upon it finishing. I ripped on the movie for being on a level of bad as Ax'Em and gave it a rating that was far off course from the charts, not in a good way either. But now, I feel that the movie is starting to grow on me,thanks to David Dalton's song "Las Vegas Blood Bath" that can be heard in the end credits, which I'm listening to as I write this.

-- The movie centers around a man named Sam Butler,who after finding that his wife Ruth has been cheating on her; kills Ruth and her lover and takes to the streets of Las Vegas (with Ruth's severed head mind you). After the double murder, Sam distrust and hate towards women comes forward after the murder of a prostitute and him eventually stalking a group of women at a baby shower for the remainder of the movie. It's this scene that takes up much of the movie, where we see the women eating pizza, playing truth or dare and watching footage of them hot oil wrestling that had been on the news.

After what seems like 30+ minutes, Sam barges into the house and kills the women one by one, after talking to them about how Ruth betrayed him and the anger he feels. I guess the purpose of those scenes is to cause the viewer to feel bad for Sam and that he was pushed to the point of madness. The most memorable of these killings is the death of the pregnant woman,who has the fetus ripped out of her. After one of the murders, one of the women attempt to escape,which alerts the attention of a neighbor(?) who is soon killed by Sam. After the last kill, a cop enters the house and finds the "blood bath" upstairs. Sam is sitting in a bathtub, filled with hot oil and severed body parts (the extracted fetus is also in this scene). Sam promptly shoots the cop and has one last monologue before staring into the camera,when the credits start to roll. --

It might be time doing its wonders, but I think Las Vegas Blood Bath is one of those movies that are so bad that they're actually pretty damn good. And from comments left on the "Las Vegas Blood Bath:Ending Song" by David Dalton and Elizabeth Anderson (Ruth) things seemed interesting (I suppose you can say that).

Like other reviewers, pacing is a problem. Things can really drag out and dance on your nerves.The scene from when the whole baby shower starts to Sam coming in went on for WAY TOO LONG and is a perfect example of pacing gone terribly wrong. Had things actually been happening and the time was cut in half, it would be more tolerable. It reminds me of the Death Nurse movies that have stock footage from the Criminally Insane movies to pad the movie out. It's pointless filler that has no place there and serves no purposeother than to take up time.

All in all, I was a bit too harsh on it the first time around. When you get past the pacing, it's not that bad. To quote Elizabeth Anderson;

"Well David this is Ruth (Elizabeth Anderson) and well I had fun. It might be one of most unprepared and adlib movies ever made but hey we had fun."

And that there is perfection and reminds me about why I wanted to become a filmmaker in the first place. Yeah,aesthetics are something we all worry about as filmmakers and artists, but at the end of the day; it's about the memories that we had that make all the difference. It brings me back to the home videos I made as a preteen with my friends. They were a ton of rubbish and cheap/hoaxy as all hell, but we had a hell of a time making them.

I'm at a stand still, so I'm unable to give this a decent and honest rating. But I say that if you have a thing for shot on video movies, gory bad movies or you're crazy for wacky 80s hairdos; this is just what the doctor ordered! Go check it out sometime; you might enjoy it and have it become a rather guilty pleasure. Or hate it with a passion, or be like me...
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Las Vegas, check. Bloodbath, check. Acting, script, cinematography...?
FieCrier19 April 2006
I watched this in a 6-movie DVD set titled Serial Psychos.

It doesn't start off very well; some guy talks into a phone for awhile, not a very involving way to begin. He goes home and finds his wife sleeping with another man and kills them both with a gun that makes a rather unconvincing firing sound. Their bodies are not seen. This might give one the impression that the movie is relatively violence-free. Not so!

There are interminable scenes of driving, and later of a baby shower, and some gratuitous oil wrestling - which is more dull than you would think. The acting is all-around really bad.

However, apart from the first two murders, the rest are pretty darn gory. I can't say I've ever seen another horror movie with an actress who was actually pregnant in it. She was quite a good sport to participate, given what happens to her character (and baby). The final scene is extremely gore-splattered. Stay tuned for the cheesy theme song during the credits.

Not a good movie by any means, but was alone worth the cheap cost of Serial Psychos.
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If you love bad movies, then you've got to check this out!
TOMNEL31 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
To say this is the grand daddy of badly acted, poorly shot and horribly written movies would be a lie, but it's right up near there, slightly better than the films of Todd Sheets. This can't even really call it a film...this...home movie is atrocious in every aspect of the word. The only positive about this movie, is that this is genuinely entertaining in how awful it is.

Sam (Played by the wonderful Ari Levin) has just got a raise at work, and he went out and bought his wife a beautiful new sports car. Unfortunately, his wife cheats on him. This pushes him over the edge, and leads to her and her lover's murder, and now every woman he sees, he decides to kill (some random men too). He carries around his wife's head to add to the fun. He ends up holding a group of young women pregnant leading to one of the dumbest endings ever filmed.

If you love strong, gory violence, then this may be the flick for you. The violence isn't as frequent as in some bad exploitation films, but it's pretty gory and gross. This is the only movie I've ever seen where a murderer undresses and cuts open a pregnant woman's stomach, and throws the unborn baby against the wall.

The plot is just horrible, and way too random. When the hostage girls are introduced, they get about 25 minutes of random screen time, with horrible inaudible dialogue. These scenes could have easily been cut to a minute, but instead they become the stars of the show, before having their throne taken back by Sam, who comes and ties them up. Any character trait introduced in them is forgotten, and they have no development, as would be expected in a movie of this caliber.

This movie is awful in every way and only for those who get a kick out of horribly funny cinema. Anyone else will be cringing at how bad this actually is.

My rating: BOMB out of ****. 80 mins. R for strong violence, nudity and sexuality.
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Ugh... I really hated this.
bfan8318 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Typically, I enjoy no-budget, shot on video trash. I just couldn't find anything enjoyable in this mess. The plot revolves around a man who catches his wife cheating on him in their bed with another man, and he flips out and shoots them both, killing them. The rest of the movie has him terrorizing a hooker, then a group of female oil wrestlers celebrating a be-lated baby shower. I won't go into detail about what he does to the female wrestlers, except a scene with a pregnant woman that I found quite revolting and unnecessary. That's not the only reason I hated this movie. I hated it because there was NOTHING going on, and I felt like I lost several, much needed brain cells. Aside from the gory deaths, this movie is extremely talky. That wouldn't be too bad if the actors and actresses were worth listening too. Ugh... I feel like I need a shower and my memory scrubbed. Watch it if you want. I just hope you enjoy it more than I did.
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Just plain disgusting
jersas130 June 2001
Don't even THINK about renting this toxic waste of a movie. Acting was at a 5 year-old level. Sound quality was the worst I have seen.....ever. If you are desperate and want a few laughs, maybe you could try this turkey and I bet you hit the STOP button before it is half over. Aside from some fairly good gory special effects, there is nothing positive to say about this piece of garbage. What happens to a pregnant woman, AND her baby is so disgusting, you will say 'I can't believe they did THAT !' If you want laughs, try Trolls II. At least Trolls will not bring back memories of Richard Starkey.
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A work of sheer genius!
skyrrasuspyrra24 December 2007
What can I say about the greatest film in history. The world was turned on its ear when THE movie was dropped onto an unsuspecting society in 1989 like hydrogen bomb of intelligence and artistic integrity. Those who missed the point of this movie are BLIND and obviously need to realistically and finely analyze this movie, as they never have. This intricately woven tale about nude women, bad hair, oil wrestlers, a Jehova's witness, a severed head, a prostitute, blood-licking, hog-tying, head-drilling, guns, knives, and a crude abortion, is obviously an ingenious commentary on society and politics. It is blatantly obvious. This movie is TWICE as good a Schindler's List, JFK, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, The Deer Hunter, and The Godfather COMBINED. That's right: combined. I would go onto say it would never be topped, but we loyal fans await a sequel. If you haven't seen it, YOU DO NOT KNOW ANY FORM OF ENLIGHTENMENT. This movie is GOSPEL! The Director should be awarded a NOBEL Peace Prize and elected president of all existence. ALL HAIL LAS VEGAS BLOODBATH!
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Enjoyable Slice of 80s SOV Trash
Rapeman1314 December 2008
Las Vegas Bloodbath is a zero-budget shot-on-video piece of crap… but damn, what an entertaining piece of crap it is!

In the films opening scenes Sam Butler returns home from a business trip to find his wife, Ruth, in bed with another man. He flips out and kills them both, taking his wife's mulleted head as a memento. From here he promptly develops the standard 'all women are whores' complex and goes on a ho killin' rampage. First he picks up a type of whore he especially dislikes - a "daytime whore" and takes her to a car park where he mutilates her face then ties her leg to his car and drives off, thus tearing the limb loose and dragging it along behind him.

Here is where the film takes a strange turn - suddenly a group of female oil wrestlers are thrown into the mix. Apparently they are throwing a belated baby shower for their pregnant friend Barbara . For the next twenty-something minutes the audience is subjected to the brainless bimbos' chit-chat as they have a feast of donuts 'n' beer, try on bikini's, play truth or dare, talk sh!t behind Barbara's back ("look how fat she is!"), then finally settle down to watch one of their matches on TV.

Eventually the tedium is cut short when psycho Sam bursts through the door and gets to killin'. Now is the time for this sh!t-nugget to shine: Sam performs an impromptu C-section on Barbara, smashing the fetus against the wall in a joyful conclusion. He dispatches the other women in a variety of creative ways using a combination of gun, knife, claw-hammer & electric drill - savouring the demise of his final victim (who "looks just like his Ruthie") by ripping her arm off and letting her bleed to death.

Las Vegas Bloodbath is really a monumental epic in bad film-making. Everything about it screams amateur - from the abysmal acting and horrible 'videotography' to the nonsensical dialog and hilarious special effects work. Although without a doubt this is an ultra-gory film, particularly the fetus-removal scene which actually utilises a pregnant actress. Some of the lame attempts at humour are utterly hysterical, for example: Sam is constantly talking to his wife's severed head and at one point tells her "don't lose your head over it". There's also the touching introduction of his 'wife' to one of his victims: "whore, this is my wife Ruth - Ruth, this is a whore.

Another thing that seems to fuel Sam's psychotic temper is that everything somehow relates back to his wife - when he asks the group of women what they do and they reply that they're oil wrestlers, he screams "my wife loved oil wrestling!!" and in another instance Sam decapitates a Jehovah's Witness, yelling "my wife was a Jehovah's Witness!". Inspired stuff.

All in all, a very enjoyable slice of 80s SOV trash. Admittedly the middle section slows things down a bit and is kinda mind-numbing, but the girls with their god-awful 80s hair and appalling fashion sense lighten it up, slightly.
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'Once seen 'Las Vegas Bloodbath' can never be unseen!'
Weirdling_Wolf19 January 2021
Unwholesomely written, 'produced' and non-directed by the magnificently sleazoid polymath David Schwartz, his riotously wretched skank-fest 'Las Vegas Bloodbath' (1989) should by all rights be mentioned in the same baited, whiskey-drenched breath as Nathan Schiff's meat-spattering, cannibal hootenanny 'Long Island Cannibal Massacre' or B-movie diva Doris Wishman's memorably mad 'A Night to Dismember' but it isn't, and this gross filmic faux pas is due almost entirely to its complete non-availability, rather than by any perceived lack of exquisitely demented, beautifully inept, luridly lo-Fi content as 'Las Vegas Blood Bath' is a ceaselessly hysterical and a tyrannically tasteless marvel of debased sleaze, endowed with a uniquely egalitarian disregard for the viewers more delicate sensibilities. This scabrous S.O.V, no budget skeeze-a-thon takes a strictly zero tolerance approach to cinematic classicism, spurning all narrative subtlety or visual acuity for generously overflowing bathtubs of spectacularly cheap-jack gore and plentiful, no less profanely expressed dialogue. What sleazy-skeezey Schwartz lacks in natural filmmaking talent has been zealously compensated with a singular disregard for all vestiges of basic human decency, heroically dragging the viewer through the unrelentingly Stygian mire of our maniacally misogynistic mass murderer who suffers from a uniquely vociferous disdain for 'Ladies of the Day', and in a diabolical fit of murderous pique, our upsettingly Nic Cage-lookee-likee proceeds to bloodily eviscerate the poor blameless Fräulein who so unexpectedly provoked his disturbingly alacritous escalation from being merely an absurdly cackling creep to a hardcore, hate-fueled psycho beastmaster, unleashing a splenetic swathe of stomach-churningly grisly roadside slaughter! I shall leave it to those more scholastically-inclined to contextualize and expertly dissect the implausibly entertaining impetus, yet morally reprehensible machinations of David Schwartz's toweringly trashy, malodorous ode to celluloid chode, since its overwhelmingly tacky, perversely sickening appeal is perhaps quite beyond all rationality, unlike the crusty exploitation films erroneously placed upon the UK-Banned list, 'Las Vegas Bloodbath' is a demonstratively grotty-looking sickie, a quite literal video nasty, being both aesthetically abject and thematically nasty; clumsily 'shot' on garish, low-res VHS which luridly exaggerates the myriad invidious details of the majestically coiffed maniac's freakishly bizarre, execution-laden Las Vegas exodus like an especially skuzzoid skinflick, where boisterously consenting coitus has been crudely replaced with barbarous bathtub butchery and the apparently arbitrary torture of big-haired, bikini-clad, trash-talking bimbos making for an especially insalubrious climax.
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Great movie!
ericarima26 June 2006
considering the fact that this movie sucked, it was that funny, the gun shots at the end and the totally cheesy parts of the movie made me laugh so hard. Like one of them was when the last girl dies, how the hell do you rip a girls arm off using your leg, and that girl also smiled during the movie which made it so stupid, she was supposed to dry. The acting was way better then Napoleon dynamite, big time, this movie was way better then Napoleon dynamite, trust me, that movie was stupid too. That Ari Levin guy should make more cheesy movies, i was cracking up and my friend's face turned red on the part where the guy makes the cheesy gun shots in the background, that was the best part of the movie, but besides that, you should watch the blood massacre. that was a fun one to watch in the six pack of movies in which it came from: the serial killers.
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Best Movie Ever!
XTheSandstormX30 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is possibly the best movie ever made. With a great cast, this is surely a movie for the family *considering you're a part of the Manson family* The movie begins with a carefree man, who's Jewish by the way, coming home from work and finding his wife in bed with a police officer. The main character then pulls a gun on them and unloads while quickly switching to a car with a cat asleep on the trunk *which clearly is symbolism for the detaining camps in Micronesia*. He severs his wife's head and carries it with him on his quest for vengeance! He kills a prostitute first off with a knife through her lip, and soon chases after a baby-shower of oil wrestling women! As he ties them up he kills them one by one in wacky crazy ways that would make even Andy Dick laugh! Jim Carrey appears in the next scene as he helps the main character give an abortion to the pregnant woman *most people are terrified by this moment in the picture but I see it for the truth, the woman was viciously raped and no longer wanted to bear child* Unfortunately the mother dies during the operation. As the main character uses his crazy antics to show these women they've been naughty, he then has to fight off a sneaky policeman and triumphs! This movie has great symbolic value to show that women are truly the superior race. I suggest that everyone should watch this movie. It's directing skills are equal to that of John Woo, and even Johnny Depp couldn't shake a stick at the acting quality... This is a must see, that's why I give it 10 stars out of 10.
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Good gory Shot on video bloodbath
Viva_Chiba21 September 2010
I love (almost) every horror or gore movie shot on VHS, they have some kind of fashion for me.

Anyway Las Vegas Bloodbath is good, even if there is only a plot to show some cheap gore: Sam finds his wife sleeping another man, Sam kills both of them and he severs his wife's head (unfortunately, you don't see the actual severing). Sam goes on a killing spree around Las Vegas, searching for girls to kill......

The ONLY problem that i have with Las Vegas Bloodbath, there is a scene waaaaaaaaaaaay too long (it's a scene where a bunch of chicks are talking....nothing interesting happens), in fact, i fast forwarded that scene, until the next scene.

The music in the opening credit it's cool, also the opening credits are made with some old computer, that's just so cool !
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AngryCrow19911 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers



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