Demonicus (2001) Poster


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This script needed a very thorough rewrite
gtc836 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Some kids are hiking in the mountains, and one of them goes into a large tunnel and discovers some old mummified gladiator. He puts on the gladiator's helmet and spends the rest of the movie killing all the other hikers.

This thing is just so utterly senseless it's maddening. Here's a short list of things that don't make any sense:

1) A guy and a girl are in their tent and they think they hear something outside. The guy goes out to investigate and finds another hiker outside. Then he hears his girlfriend scream so they head back to the tent - arriving the next morning?!? He was only 50 feet away!

2) These two dunderheads then hear another girl scream (What, 100 feet away?), but don't investigate because they're afraid they'll get lost.

3) Another guy and a girl are walking around, and in about their 10th scene together the girl informs the guy that due to the circumstances, protocol no longer requires him to address her as professor. I mean, what the...? First off, that's just a really stupid thing to say, secondly he never called her professor in the first nine scenes they were in together.

4) A wounded girl attacks Demonicus and he stops her, telling her that part of his gladiator training taught him how to wound without killing. Um, yeah, we kinda noticed she's wounded and not dead because she's up and walking around. But, thanks for that tidbit of information.

5) One girl is tied up in Demonicus' lair, and when someone attempts to free her, she instead instructs this person to go and get help. Um, look, idiot, if she set you free, which would take about 5 seconds, there would be no need to get help.

And it just goes on and on. The whole middle part of the movie is spent with the two idiots getting lost in the woods, then they fight, then they pitch a tent and ignore the screams of their friends, then they wander around some more. It's just so damned boring and pointless that I turned the DVD off halfway through.

None of these characters are sympathetic, especially the ones that get the majority of the screen time. Demonicus himself made me laugh out loud every time I saw him - he looks like a kid in a Halloween costume, scrunching his face up to look evil. He runs, or should I say scampers around like he's gay. The special effects are comedic, the acting is for the most part awful, and nothing makes any sense.

Overall, maybe this concept could have produced an enjoyably campy film if they put some more time and effort into it, getting rid of the ludicrous dialogue, creating characters with actual likable personalities, having some sort of logical flow to the action, and maybe even making Demonicus a female character in a sexy gladiator outfit. But no, instead we get this senseless pile of nonsense that will bore you to death.
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Laughable hunk o' Full Moon junk.
capkronos18 July 2007
For some reason, various young couples hiking through the Italian Alps split up to see who can reach their campsite designation first. James (Gregory Lee Kenyon) enters a cave, finds a skeleton of an ancient demonic gladiator and becomes possessed by the spirit of "Tyranus" when he puts on a helmet belonging to the corpse. He then spends the rest of the film running around in the woods hunting down his friends and hacking off their limbs to add to some stew to bring the undead "Demonicus" back to life. This shot-on-digital Full Moon release is stupid, senseless, has terrible acting and sound and the (Los) Angeles National Forest is a poor substitute for Italy. However, it's pretty high on the unintentional laugh scale thanks mainly to the overwrought lead performance. Whether bug-eyed running around in cheap-looking armor brandishing a sword or spouting neurotic Latin gibberish about demons and resurrection, Kenyon's ridiculous facial expressions and awkward line delivery must be seen to be believed. Oh well, at least he's not boring like most of the rest of the cast.
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babeulous14 November 2001
I rented this one to see Vanesa Talor one more time. She can act, but doesn't get a chance in this clunker. The opening sequence is an elaborate crane shot of mountain landscapes. Must have come from a stock archive, because the movie is shot direct to videotape. The production values make _Blair Witch_ look professional. There's a really cheesy animated statue, but no other effects worth noting. This movie is bad, but not amusingly so. The players would do well not to mention it on their resumes.
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A Full Moon rush job with good potential, but handled too poorly to succeed.
TheVid15 November 2002
This low-budget project just doesn't have the sense of fun that it should have. Any enthusiasm or wit behind the camera (or in front of it, for that matter) just doesn't show. It appears more and more hapzard as it goes on. Low budgets and quick wrap times considered, this one just offers wasted potential and no energy. Not one of Charlie Band and company's better efforts, particulary disappointing, since it's one of his few slasher-style efforts.
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Worst film ever!!!
FunkyChunkyMonkey24 June 2005
This film is exactly what you get when you really over stretch your abilities, it's like someone who has just passed there driving test and then pitting them in a formula 1 Grand Prix (not I might add, the US Grand Prix as everyone might pull out due to dodgy tyres and you might just win), that is how far short this film falls. Now don't take this the wrong way, I love B-Movies, around half my collection is made of B-Movies but I don't think there are enough letters in the alphabet to describe how bad this film is.

First of the story (for a B-Movie) isn't that bad, it has potential there to make a B-Movie brand, were not talking Friday 13th potential, but potential none the less. But what really lets this film down is the acting, at not one second do I believe anything, it's like watching QVC except the presenters on QVC tend to have a heavier tan.

In summary I'd like to say I've seen worse films, but I can't.
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nogodnomasters22 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
James, while hiking in the Alps, comes across a cave with the well preserved remains of Tyranus Demonicus. James, being a normal guy is compelled to remove the helmet from the 2000 year old dead head and put it on himself, leading to a possession and slaughter of his fellow hiking friends, looking for the blood of a virgin to revive the corpse. He determines their virginity by biting their arm and tasting their blood, instead of the old fashion way. Gregory Lee Kenyon stars in the title role and played it like he was doing a bad Bruce Campbell impersonation.

Guide: F-bomb. No sex or nudity. "Holy Grail" blood squirts.
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What the HELL was Charles Band thinking?
lordzedd-325 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I mean really, how could Charles Band the head of Full Moon let a total stink-ball like DEMONICUS out. I mean it should never got the green light to begin with. The story is repetitive, the characters are weak at best, there is no real story on Tyranus other then he's a bad dude. Then they writer or director goes out his way for a bad ending. That's right a bad ending, Demonicus rises. The last survivor escapes a deadly cave in, then a picture of Chimera comes to life, cheaply I might add and chases her out. Then as she is walking home ala FUNHOUSE. A statue that has been destroyed centuries ago reappears for no reason just to collapse on top of her. I mean, that makes no sense. What the hell was Charles thinking allowing this pile of puke to be made, with four different movie companies they were that desperate for movies. They could have asked me, I had better ideas then DEMONICUS. THANKSGIVING TURKEY.
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Okay... What the Hell was that, people?
Jim-D25 February 2005
Seriously. I just wrapped up my first viewing of Demonicus and words have failed me.

I remember a time when I would see Charles Band's name on a film and my heart would race. He was never a Wes Craven or a John Carpenter. He was a bastion of hope for the little man. The guy whose movies arrived at the video store instead of the multiplex, but they still rocked harder than most of the trendy junk we otherwise had to endure.

And now... this.

A painfully-obvious Californian walking trail doubles for "the Alps" and an abandoned train tunnel is actually supposed to be "an ancient cave". I mean, they didn't even try to dress the thing up with moss or film it in a way that might suggest it was anything other than an old train tunnel! Ugh! Instead of a creepy demon gladiator, as the cover implies, we're treated to a dude wearing the latest in Wal-Mart Halloween apparel. There's a pretty cool looking corpse, who occasionally comes to life to belch and wiggle his fingers, but he doesn't even learn to stand until the final five minutes. Why couldn't he be the villain? Instead, we've got frat boy Joe with a plastic sword. Ouch.

Charles Band... you should be ashamed that your name is attached to such tripe. I love movies that are so bad, they're good. Hell, I occasionally enjoy a flick thats so bad, its just bad. This one, however, is just unwatchable. A perfect example of making a buck, rather than making a quality film.
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Absolutely Ridiculous
sgil7526 February 2008
My wife and I like to rent really stupid horror/sci-fi movies and watch them with our friends for a laugh. We saw this one on and decided to add it to our netflix list. Now, when I say this movie is awful, I mean it in a good way. Everything about it, the acting, camera-work, story, costumes, is just so cheezy and low budget but thats what makes it so good. I think in one scene the actors looked like they were actually walking in place. I really hope that whoever made this film wasn't serious when they made it because if they were, then that would just be sad. If you like to watch really stupid horror movies just to make fun of them then I recommend this one.
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Why do you keep putting the death hat on?
lastgoldrush1 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is about Tyrannus, a gladiator who is brought back from the dead to summon Tyrannus, a gladiator who must be brought back from the dead. Tyrannus, we learn after about an hour, is also called Demonicus. This adds much needed depth to the screenplay and calls into question our assumptions about identity, psychology and ourselves.

The spirit of Tyrannus accomplishes his little to-do list (killing some people and saying repetitive phrases in Latin) by possessing the body of a college guy. He uses a magic mind-control helmet to do this, which the college boy willingly puts on his head, and then at several points in the movie, takes off and puts back on.

Maria performs oral sex on a poor man's Sean Willian Scott, and Tyrannus wears the Rollerball glove. Tyrannus has his own green backlighting for no reason, and has apparently been sitting next to CG fire in an ancient concrete tunnel for centuries like this. Utter misfortune.

This movie is empty and will hurt you. See it.
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What a dog
Omne6 January 2002
Although I have to admit I laughed more watching this movie than the last few comedies I saw.

The budget must have consisted of pocket change from the actors. The production values are so low that they actual made it kind of fun to watch. Reminds me of the Robot Monster made up of a guy in a gorilla suit with a cardboard diving helmet on.

In one scene a hapless victim gets their arm and leg cut off. Geez, hard to believe but the Black Knight scene from Holy Grail was more realistic. I kept wondering why the victim didn't start shouting " None Shall Pass" and " It's only a flesh wound, I've had worse". It was one of the funniest scenes I've seen in the past year.

The "gladiator/demon" was a stitch too. Between the horribly cheap costume and the geeky look of the guy in it the end result was hysterical.

Truly a movie that is bad enough to be watchable. Kind of like seeing a slow motion auto accident on film.
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One for the lads!
gurnaak13 February 2003
This is simply the funniest movie I've seen in a long time. The bad acting, bad script, bad scenery, bad costumes, bad camera work and bad special effects are so stupid that you find yourself reeling with laughter.

So it's not gonna win an Oscar but if you've got beer and friends round then you can't go wrong.
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Demonicus is a winner!!! OWN IT NOW!!!!!
Demonicus is a movie turned into a video game! I just love the story and the things that goes on in the film.It is a B-film ofcourse but that doesn`t bother one bit because its made just right and the music was rad! Horror and sword fight freaks,buy this movie now!
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Worser than any Ed Wood Movie!
sexy_slayer27 October 2007
This movie is so awful, it is hard to find the right words to describe it!

At first the story is so ridiculous.A narrow-minded human can write a better plot! The actors are boring and untalented, perhaps they were compelled to play in this cheesy Film.

The camera receptions of the National Forest are the only good in this whole movie. I should feel ashame, because I paid for this lousy Picture.

Hopefully nobody makes a sequel or make a similar film with such a worse storyline :-)
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More than a little empty
pugdog#116 September 2002
In watching any movie, I demand something for my time. Plot is usually too much to ask, but an ending I can be satisfied with is almost mandatory. I can even over look the ending, if getting there was a lot of fun (you know what I mean!).

This movie had nothing. It was not even a weak gore fest. One of a group of students on a hike (the reason for which was never explained) is possessed by the soul of a demon gladiator (again, poorly if ever explained) and goes around killing his friends and cutting off their limbs (again, poorly explained) until we get to the end, which is not explained. <sigh>

As for acting and effects, this movie had the usual potential. A few extra snips of the scissors, a few more moments of shooting, and _some_ thought as to WHY all this was happening would have gone a long way to making it a legitimate entry into the late-night horror movie lineup.

As it was, all I can say is I wasted my time (buying <ouch>) and watching this movie. I can't even think of a reason to rent it.
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Not bad, not good...
xtrospawn17 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
As far as direct-to-video movies go, this one looks pretty decent. The acting is above par, the locations are nice, the premise is nifty. Unfortunately, the movie is devoid of any suspense because the actor playing Tyranus (or Demonicus, whatever) is not very scary. It's just some college kid running around dressed in gladiator garb. And unfortunately, without that much needed suspense, the film just kind of plods along.

The movie plays out as such: characters get lost in the mountains, Tyranus appears running toward them from the distance, characters get slain. Had Tyranus looked like a demon or a zombie, the suspense would have been higher. And had Tyranus leaped out from behind bushes or something instead of running down brightly lit paths, the suspense would have been higher.

But it still looks good and all of the actors are pretty decent, so I can't write it off as a total waste of time. But it could have and should have been a whole lot better.
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scrnwrtr251728 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
okay, this movie f*ck in' rules. it is without question one of the most technically inept pieces of cinema ever made. absolutely terrible, but you GOTTA see it. rent this with your buddies and come up with a drinking game or just have fun, it's hilarious. and the behind-the-scenes featurette proves it, you can do anything with paper plates and finger paint. awesome. okay, rent it just for this one scene: two characters are actually WALKING IN PLACE for about 3 minutes in a shot. the director (on the commentary) says "yeah, the tracking was so smooth it looks like they're...". yeah, right man, they are totally walking in place. it's so funny.
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So stupid, it's almost fun
pumaye16 November 2002
Warning: Spoilers
WARNING SPOILERS***** A really stupid movie about a group of young excursionists in Italy that find an armor of mythical warrior with a demonic souls. One of them wears it and becomes possessed by the spirit of a demon. It's killing time and several of his friends die under his blade to revive the demon corpse.

A waste of time for the viewers, as the fine young ladies in the movie leave their clothes on, the gore is ludicrous at best, and the acting is terrible, perfect pairing for such a bad script
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I bought Demonicus for 3 bucks at Hollywood Video!!!
Movie Nuttball3 December 2002
Warning: Spoilers
When I was over at Hollywood video I looked through their clearance out movies and there was DEMONICUS for five buckaroos plus fifty percent off! I saw it only once before and couldn't pass up this great deal! The second viewing was much better than the first. The box is so cool and the music is very good. If you haven't seen Demonicus yet I recommend that you do or if you rented and hated Demonicus do give it another chance as another viewing of it may change your mind. If you seen a copy at Hollywood Video for the price I got it for don't pass it up as it is a great deal!

Demonicus is well a very different but entertaining movie.Believe it or not is like watching a interactive video game with out playing it!It has very low budget and actors I'M sure that nobody is familiar with. We began the the video game uh I mean film with a guy and a woman some where in Italy and there is a cave that actually looks like a rail road/train track tunnel and she says don't go in there and what does he do?The normal stuff!HE DIDN'T LISTEN TO HER! He goes in there and find lots of gladiator artifacts and armor and a almost perfectly preserved body of a legendary gladiator named Tyrannous!Where did the chair come from that Tyrannous was sitting on and how did his body stay so good and where did the Cauldron Pot come from?So every cave is complete with a Caultron Pot?Tyrannous is wearing his armor,helmet,and has a weapon or two.He does the dumbest thing a person could do,he puts on the helmet and is taken over by the spirit of Tyrannous! From there he walks around just killing all of the campers near by to bring back the real Tyrannous.

Now,I said before its like a video game.Its hard to explain but it just feels like it.The music even sounds like video games.The acting is really terrible.The actors say things like why is he doing this,oh he was nuts already and Fine since he's nuts i'm going home!Also the movie also has some major errors like a guy is running and trying to find his girlfriend in the night and is still running in the day time still searching for her with out taking a break!

This movie has some errors but it isn't a classic like Werewolf but it is entertaining if you like really low budget error prone movies then you better see Demonicus!
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Demonicus is so cool!!!
DaGaLa15 April 2002
It begins with a guy and girl walking down a Italy road and the guy spots a cave that really looks like a tunnel.This is your same old don`t go in there scene but the guy had to have a look anyway. What he finds is a almost perfect dead body of the legendary gladiator Tyranus. He puts on his helmet and become posed by the evil gladiator. So thru out the movie we see the guy killing every camper,hiker,and everybody else in sight and Demonicus is got such cool music that sounds like it`s from a video game and yes this movie has some errors in it but they are funny!.Horror fans will be thrilled to see a crazy gladiator movie this.
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The Gladiator Witch Project?
EdYerkeRobins30 June 2001
All good movies "inspire" some direct to video copycat flick. I was afraid that "Gladiator" wasn't really that good a film, because I hadn't seen any movie that had anything remotely resembling anything Roman on the new releases shelf for months. Then I spotted Full Moon's latest offering, Demonicus. I'm a fan of Full Moon's Puppetmaster series, and Blood Dolls, but had never seen one of their non-killer puppet films. Anyway...

Demonicus chronicles what happens to a group of campers in the mountains of the Alps. One of the campers, James, finds a cave with old gladiator artifacts, and feels impelled to remove a helmet from a corpse and try it on. He becomes possessed, and, as the demonic gladiator Tyrannus, is impelled to kill his friends to revive the corpse, who is the real Tyrannus.

Granted, like many Full Moon films, this has little or no budget. At times, the editing and direction was so amateurish I'd swear I was watching the Blair Witch Project. The attempts at chopping off of limbs and heads reminds me of a Monty Python skit. The weapons, although apparently real, look really plastic-y. It literally looks like this was filmed by a group of friends with a digital camcorder on a weekend. Granted, there's nothing wrong with such film-making, just don't rent this expecting a technical masterpiece. It looks like there were attempts at research for the script too, because, even though Tyrannus really doesn't act much like a gladiator until the end, at least he speaks Latin.

All trashing aside, I actually enjoyed this film. Not as much as a killer puppet film, perhaps, but Full Moon still delivers! The only thing that disappointed me was there was no Full Moon Videozone at the end!
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"I'll pretend I'm dead again!"
BHorrorWriter17 August 2001
Oh, if only I could say the same thing. This movie...Excuse me, that is too big a word to use for this heap. A movie is something people want to watch, and get some pleasure out of doing it. No, this 8mm mess is just plain absurd. Full Moon/Cult Video has really delivered a big bomb this time. Demonicus, is a total waste of a few thousand dollars (refering to the budget), a day or 2 of wasted time (the time frame this movie was made in), and just a down right disgrace to low-budget filmaking. I am all for the Indie/Low-Budget scene. I am/was a big Full Moon fan. However, with all of their latest offering, I am inclined to tenure my title of "fan" and pick up on another company or genre of films.

I agree with the previous review: The amputation scense looked to be straight out of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Though, they were done a little better in that movie. Laughable dialouge, appalling action, ridiculous costumes and unnecessary anger, make this turkey dead from the get-go. I cannot believe someone actually thought this was a good idea to produce, and the release this to the public. There is a bullet out there for that person. Charlie Band, don't you think you have tainted your name enough with the likes of such bombs as: Stitches, Retro-Puppetmaster, Hideous, and another other movie you have put your name on since you departure from Paramount. Just because you own a production company, doesn't mean you have the right to make garbage movies, and expect old Full Moon fans to just take them. We won', and most of us aren't.

My wife asks me constantly why I watch these movies. I am always disappointed, and feel chipped for watching them. I suppose I am a glutton to punishment or I am just hoping one day Full Moon will make a good movie again.

And what about the Video Zone? Was this such a studio joke they didn't wanna bother? Or did the actors just have nothing good to say about it?

Italian Alps! Indeed!

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Demonicus 4 life!
williamcurley12 February 2006
demonicus rocked, you guys need to understand how hard it rocked, unfortunately, the words needed to explain the extent of the rocking have not been discovered. for a tiny idea, pop like 50 hits of E, watch Death Factory while on the phone with Jesus, wait, Jesus is on call waiting, you're having phone sex with Will Smith on the primary line. seriously, that movie... so good. you need to watch it at least a 4 times to catch all the subtleties... well, not so much subtleties as much as it takes the length of the movie, times 4 in order to ponder why the people at full moon are allowed to A, live, and B, reproduce. what is our world coming to?
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Scary and Campy
Collinge1975 March 2002
This movie scared the hell out of me. These American college students are on a hiking expedition in Italy. One of them, James, becomes possessed by the spirit of an ancient Roman gladiator. James stabs his girlfriend to death, and then goes on a bloody rampage, hunting down his best friends. It is obvious that the director uses the Blair Witch Project as his inspiration. While I was watching, I felt like I was right there with these kids, running for my life in the mountains. The dialog is campy but the actors make it work.
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A better stand-up routine than movie.
hoversj11 April 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Really. This movie makes a great comic monologue.

No matter what anyone says, not all movies are fun to mock. There are suprisingly few movies which really offer material throughout that is true food for humor, but this is one - unlike a movie such as, say, "Severed," or Full Moon's own "Killjoy" which are just plain unwatchably bad.

Still, Demonicus is close to the bottom of the Full Moon barrel.

In the Italian Alps, seven Americans (3 couples and a nerd - who explains that his girlfriend left him just before the trip, but I'm not sure if this was just written in to explain why they couldn't afford a fourth actress) are "competing" to see which couple (or nerd) can get to "base camp" first, taking different (but very wide and well-marked) trails.

One couple stop near a cave (which looks like a railroad tunnel from the outside, but papier-mâché on the inside). The guy decides to go in and check it out, and finds a mummified gladiator and is possessed by it. He then puts on all its armor (under the opening credits, somewhat reminiscent of the Rambo(R) Cartoon) and goes off to kill his friends and bring back their bits to make a stew ("is it soup yet?") to raise the gladiator, Tyrannus (nicknamed Demonicus), from the dead.

The actor playing the guy who gets possessed is also the film's fight coordinator, which I wouldn't admit. The fight scenes are very bad.

In fact, the nerd dies taking a sword UNDER his arm. When have we seen that special effect, outside of a high-school performance of Romeo & Juliet?

One of my favorite scenes is where the nerd and the tough guy (whose girlfriend - coincidentally a virgin - has been kidnapped by Tyrannus or Demonicus or whatever) are at camp and DON'T EVEN NOTICE another woman (all the women in this movie look pretty much alike) running frantically to them until she arrives, bleeding and breathless, to collapse, still clutching her "Time-Life Guide to the Secret Spookiness of the Italian Alps". She has just enough energy (having been running for so long that she lost her coat and backpack, but is still clutching The Book) to slap through the pages of the book and point to the legend of Demonicus. Then she dies. At least, they think she dies, and they wrap her in one of their sleeping bags (since a corpse needs the warmth much more than these bozos). Apparently, their main criteria for judging her dead is that her eyes closed, because she comes to later, and is fine.


Still, it's funny.
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