The Backlot Murders (Video 2002) Poster

(2002 Video)

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Pretty bad but not a total wash-out
preppy-38 April 2003
An up and coming rock band (one of its members is played by Corey Haim!) gets together on a back lot one night to shoot their first video. But somebody is stalking and killing off the cast and crew. Could it be the psycho band member they fired 6 months earlier?

This movie definetely has its moments--Priscilla Barnes is quite good and funny as a bitchy agent, there's a few good in jokes for horror fans (like me) and some of the murders are good and bloody. But that's about it.

Most of the murders are not shown or bloodless and dull; I wasn't scared once; the acting (except for Barnes) is horrible (Brian Gaskell is the worst offender--I don't care how cute he is!); there's sick, homophobic jokes; cheap, needless nudity and an endless stalking sequence at the end. Really not worth seeing.

If you do see it, there are some funny outtakes during the closing credits.
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Awful, but entertaining
BloodTheTelepathicDog20 April 2005
Somebody finally dug up Corey Haim and handed him this weak script, and told him he was acting alongside Priscilla Barnes. Granted blockbuster wasn't in mind for Corey, but just the thought of getting paid sounded nice.

This falls into the so bad it's good genre, but barely. Charles Fleischer was a riot as a gay music video director struggling with the fact that he is a flash in the pan. Brian Gaskill handled the role of demanding arrogant lead singer perfectly, and Priscilla Barnes did an okay job as snobbish band manager. Corey really didn't have a role. He was basically chewing scenery, playing second fiddle to Gaskill.

The main draw for this film is the braindead Playboy bunnies trying to act. Granted, Carrie Stevens and Angela Little are gorgeous, but they have no business uttering dialogue. They make Shannon Tweed and Kelly Monaco seem like the Hepburns.

The best eye-candy in this film was Jaime Anstead and Heather Tindell. Heather was outshined by Jaime however, and I quickly subscribed to the Anstead Fan Club afterwards. She was perfect in her role as the spoiled naive producer's daughter who Gaskill was using to get a record deal. Jaime redefines sexy, and I recommend this film to see her alone.
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what happened to corey haim, i'll tell you what happened!
rboyd-623 December 2005
What ever happened to corey haim, the thrills famously sung, i'll tell you what happened, he seemed to go for any script thrown at him, this film included, I've always been facinated with Haims career and to be fair to him I and many others strongly feel that in any movie he can light up the screen, fever lake for example, minus haim that film would surly have not been rented, the guy is actually more talented than people realise. But this film is still weak, its got no direction really, maybe the budget was low , although haim as the guitar player made me chuckle, its funny because ironically had the lost boys been filmed in present day it would be haim who probably would have been cast in kiefer sutherlands role, to summerise this , give the film a miss, unless like me you are a die hard haimster fan.
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Stupid and awful. My kind of movie
jt_boricua25 April 2002
Call me crazy because I know my summary doesn't make any sense to you but it does to me.What I mean by this is the movie had awful acting,terrible dialog,no plot and stupid big breasted bimbos who were rather pretty.(Heaven forbid they cast a flat-chested ugly girl.)This is the kind of movie(for reasons unknown)I enjoy watching.The killers mask was rather original.This is one of those movies I do not recommend to everybody,just to people who enjoy watching cheesy cardboard characters running from a serial killer.This is solely amateur night.

P.s. Pricsilla Barnes acting was not very good,so don't watch it just because shes in it.
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Don't expect much and you might have fun
Shattered_Wake1 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
After a rock band boots out a member before snatching up a big record deal (thanks to the lead singer's hot girlfriend's dad's record label), the shoot for their debut music video turns into a bloodbath when a rubber-masked killer begins to cut down those responsible for the band's successful start.

I'll be honest: This really wasn't THAT bad. It's cheesy and stupid, but it's damn fun. The comedic writing was actually funny, even though any time it got serious, it was just laughable. The acting was, well, not the best. But Haimster, who only played a bit role as the guitarist in the lame rock band, played his part well enough to satisfy Corey fans. He's not just a cameo, but he's not very integral to the story. The gore/violence is pretty well done, but the film is essentially a mockery of itself. It repeatedly makes fun of the horror genre as a whole, making fun of splatter films that rely on 'special effects' instead of real fear (and even put themselves on location at the 'Psycho' house to try to place themselves at the suspense level). . . but end up just doing the same (probably when they realize the film would be nothing if they didn't). Overall, it's a pretty fun horror-comedy that can be good with a couple beers and a couple friends. Don't expect much, though.

Final verdict: 4/10.
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It is a horror movie but not in that way
stefanozucchelli21 May 2022
It's not scary, it's not funny, it's not entertaining but it sure makes you bored while listening to absurd dialogues and some beautiful girls.

You can certainly do worse but it would take a lot of effort.
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A bit of fun, nothing serious
jojoh118 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Watched this movie last night I have to admit I was and still am a huge Corey Haim fan (RIP). The reason I decided to find this movie was to see some of his work since his untimely death a couple of months ago. I had not read any reviews or spoilers so went into this one pretty unbiased and this is my review. When the DVD arrived, I thought the cover looked good, very foreboding.

As soon as I hit the play movie icon and the credits started to roll my expectations did drop somewhat dramatically as the cheesy title dripping with blood looked very low budget. I realised then that this film is not meant to be taken seriously but is purely a "stab" at very low budget horror/comedy.

May contain spoilers......................

Opening scene and characters had some merits apart from the jackass songwriter who was abruptly fired and "fake beaten". 6 months later and the premise is of the band on the verge of superstardom filming a video at a famous studio, I thought was very good.

It was great to see a couple of famous sets and I was also trying to mentally picture some of the others in movies (sadly I could not work out anymore of these).

The bands manager wants them to be cutting edge and the video to put them "on the map" but sadly the direction isn't quite working out as the band are pretty much run of the mill. The lead singer is dating a record producers daughter purely for notoriety and has no real feeling for her.

I enjoyed the campness and insufferable elements from the cast but the rest of the supporting roles were your typical inane players who are literally forthcoming fodder to the killer. Gradually everyone starts to wander onto the backlot, where lots of riotous nudity and over the top fake stalk and slash takes place. Comical as each contained some silly one liner or rip-off of another slasher type movie.

The killer was very un-original and it was so obvious who was behind the mask. The so-called twist at the end again was very that again was predictable.

If you decide to watch this movie then please don't switch it on with great expectations. It is what is expected a very mundane B movie which does not stand out from the masses. If your looking for 90 minutes of horror or hilarity then you will be disappointed. Worth viewing at least for Corey's small part and for a giggle if your having a night in consuming alcohol with friends.
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The Backlot Murders
a_baron9 January 2015
Low budget, overacted rubbish is the first impression this film gives. And it lives down to its expectations.

A rock band (so-called) get a break in the form of the girlfriend of one of their number whose father is a big shot in the industry. They are contracted to (or wrangle) a music video on a set once used by Steven Spielberg.

The first victim is a special effects technician who is dispatched with one blow of an axe. His co-worker follows in quick succession, impaled on a piece of wood. And on it goes.

The one redeeming feature of this truly awful film is Charles Fleischer who excels as the temperamental Director. Him and maybe the classic line at about 37 minutes on the reality of female power.

If you think you've seen "The Backlot Murders" before, it's because you have, it's a remake of "Friday 13th" or "A Nightmare On Elm Street" but without even the semblance of a plot, evidently someone else realised this because the two films are referenced in one of the weightier moments of this shapeless monstrosity. The other cultural references are equally forgettable.

There is a bit of a twist towards the end, but a glass of water with a twist of lemon is still basically a glass of water, and rubbish with a twist is still rubbish.
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Spend your money on something else... I hear Corey Haim's selling his underwear on eBay...
se7endaze19 June 2005
The plot is a good one, a production company decides to shoot a rock video on the old Hollywood "back lots"(hence the title) before they're torn down. Things start off nicely with some good killings but once we get into the main characters, we're dealt a very bad hand. This group is filled with annoying and/or paper-thin characters that are so interchangeable that we never even figure out their names.

The cast includes "stars" like Charles Fleischer and Priscilla Barnes. It also includes Corey Haim, it's sad to see how far this very good actor (if you don't believe me, rent Lucas) has fallen. Maybe he thought this would get him back into the movies, but he made an awful choice. Don't worry, he only has 10 lines or so, then the good old hack'n'slash gets him. The script is wretched, the performances are paper-thin. Props go out to Haim, Fleischer and Jaime Anstead for rising above the material to at least make me smile a few times. The movie's biggest flaw is that it takes itself much too seriously. They should have made a campy, spoof of slashers, or a spoof of Hollywood, anything but a serious study into the mind of a psycho because it just didn't fly…

As for the genre staples, boobs and blood, Backlot Murders boasts them both, but never have they been so disappointing. The breasts are all fake, and if we ever run out of silicone, blame the "actresses" who make up this cast. The gore is hit or miss. They obviously had a budget but they wimped out on some of the better kills and didn't show as much as they needed to make this a film worth recommending. The only thing I did like was the mask on the killer, very unique…

If you're a fan of fake boobs and dry humor, you'd really have to see the movie to understand, then maybe you'll enjoy The Backlot Murders. Otherwise, spend your money on something else. I hear Corey Haim's selling his underwear on eBay...
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mobilealusa3 August 2008
First let me say I am writing this with no agenda in mind, except perhaps to cut this movie some slack from the 'pros' who think they have to dump on something in order to review it. You know before you rent it or buy it that it is a b movie. As such, it is a very good movie. Priscilla Barnes, absolutely nailed every line. She did a great job in this movie. Carrie Stevens and Angela Little always do a great job, as they did in this movie. They had very small roles, as eye candy sometimes does, but as usual, they did their best, and did very well. This isn't Shakespeare, but most of the time even a movies aren't Shakespeare. They are just more expensive with more effects. There isn't enough eye candy for my taste, but at least it was high quality eye candy. You can certainly do much worse than this movie.
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Deadly dull, bad acting, no writing, no plot
wlemery30 April 2002
God, this thing is bad. The acting is terrible, which is fitting as the lack of a plot or any writing is obvious. For the life of me, I can't imagine actors actually being paid to 'perform' in this incredible dog.

Pass this one up in favor of <insert anything else here>.
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it's a comedy
spacecase3029 April 2002
I was at the premiere for "The Back Lot Murders", at the Samuel Goldwyn Theatre in Beverly Hills. Unlike the two sadly amateurish reviewers above, a crowd of over 1,000 people "got it" to the point they were laughing throughout and cheering at the end. Maybe if the reviewers read the description on the packaging, they'd understand that a send up of shallow Hollywood types would inevitably include venal stupidity and bimbos with fake breasts. Oh well, one can't expect people always to understand the written word; the vexing part is that the unqualified ought to keep quiet.

As for "The Back Lot Murders", for the comical stylings of Charles Fleischer alone, this movie is well worth the 4 dollars. Playing gay video director (how's that for progressive?) Henry, Fleisher is a riot as he's forced to deal with one moron after another. The scene where he critiques the band for lackadaisical effort during a play along sequence is comic genius, and was rewarded at the the Goldwyn premiere with wild, spontaneous applause. Meanwhile, Priscilla Barnes, cast in a role most opposite the Terry chick from 3s Company, displayed an easy chemistry and perfect timing with even some of the first timers hired to appear. All the band members were perfect playing dumb asses, and the girls are gorgeous. Newcomer Jamie Anstead deserves special plaudits for displaying not just a perfect body, but some excellent comedic touches, with fleischer, Barnes and even vet soaper Tom Hallick.

As for the "stupid plot" contention, well, even a film hobbyist ought to see how much better the plot is when compared to drek that gets released in theatres. For one thing, it makes total sense. How often does that happen in a splatter movie? Secondly, the third act is riveting, with unpredictable twists. Finally, there is a kill towards the end which the special effects company said was completely original, as in, never before seen in any splatter movie, despite it being one of the most notorious murder techniques ever reported on real life crime pages. It's disgusting in a way which ought to clue a viewer into the fact the the producers and writers are in complete control of the material.

As one of the creative principals, I have seen Back Lot many times. Over repeated viewings of any project, one can become numb to its charms and virtues. But, that night last fall in Beverly Hills, (which, incidentally raised over $100,000 for Animals Anonymous) when the 1,000 plus attendees cheered wildly at its conclusion, we all knew that something good had happened. Something certainly worth 4 dollars.
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Pretty Okay....
FrightMeter27 May 2003
Warning: Spoilers
As you will come to discover from reading my reviews, I tend not to always agree with the reviews found on other horror sites, and this film is a perfect example of that. Trashed by nearly all other reviewers, I actually somewhat enjoyed this film. Sure, it's not particularly original in its execution and has its share of cheesy moments, but it certainly never claims to take itself too seriously and seems to know exactly what it is: a direct-to-video slasher film.

The plot involves a hard-rock group and their crew who are filming a rock video on the back lots of a film studio where many famous horror movie sets exist. Low and behold, a masked killer (in an Elvis mask, nonetheless) shows up and begins butchering the crew in gruesome ways. This film somewhat works for me on several levels. First, the production value is pretty decent and the sets are refreshing; we even get the "Psycho" house! Secondly, the performances for the most part, are decent for this type of film. Priscilla Barnes steals the movie and should definitely do more work in the genre. The gore level is sufficient and there are some really brutal scenes. The film also has a comedic aspect, that unlike some more popular slasher films, actually help this one a bit. Lastly, the ending is very unconventional and avoids the clichéd ending that many of these films employ.

However, I can see where some of the negative feelings towards this film come from. The dialogue, at times, is laughingly bad and there just something not scary about a killer in an Elvis mask. And despite its non-clichéd ending, most of the rest of the film is pretty predictable and lacks any intensity or scares. But I have seen worse---much worse---and this film was able to keep me interested. I'd recommend it, but remember, I never claimed it was the next Halloween, just a pretty entertaining direct-to-video flick.
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Predictable rip-off
rosscinema14 April 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I knew when I watched this that it was going to be a low budget slasher film but this one was so predictable that the only surprise was that their is no ending! Film crew is making a rock video on a studio lot at night by the house where "Psycho" was filmed. Priscilla Barnes plays the bands agent and Charles Fleischer is the gay director. And of course there is a bunch of very large breasted chicks that get naked at various times during the film. Some of the women are Playboy models. During the course of the night a psycho wearing an Elvis mask starts knocking off everyone. Corey Haim plays one of the band members and he's continuing his great(!) career. Fleischer is actually not to bad. The guys been around for quite some time and I remember his appearances on "Welcome Back Kotter" in the 70's and he seems to do the best job of acting here. Barnes is a good actress and at the start of the film she did a credible job as the bitchy agent but then............****SPOILER ALERT****...At the end of the film she goes completely over the top. And the reason her character did what she did really makes no sense and is totally contrived. Yeah, I know its poking fun at the slasher film genre but "Scream" does it in a more coherent fashion. Then the film just ends! Ambiguous endings are one thing, but this just comes to a screeching halt! I guess it could be interpreted as a send up for a sequel but it doesn't even do that right. No surprises, lots of jaw dropping big breasts and no ending. If you really want to see this, your on your own!
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* out of 4.
brandonsites19813 September 2002
The cast and crew of a movie are being killed off by a masked killer. It directly lifts it's plot from Scream 2 & 3, but this time around it seems to be playing up to it's cliched artifical elements. They have gotten the girls with the biggest breasts possible and stripped them as much as possible and forced them to run around in their underwear as much as possible. The have also gotten some rather hunky cast members who are as dumb and stupid as possible. And then there is the veteran cast members who chew as much scenery as possible. As a result of this, the film certainly does entertain, but that doesn't make it any good!

Rated R; Nudity, Sexual Situations, Profanity and Violence.
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Passable time killer.
Hey_Sweden20 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
"The Backlot Murders" tells the story of a rock band shooting a video on the back lot of a studio, and after the shoot, crew, band members, and girlfriends alike fall victim to a psychotic killer. As has been pointed out, this is more dark comedy than real horror, and it has a very self aware quality to it, dropping names of classic horror films and quite conscious of the clichés that mark the screenplay. Its kills are never as gory as some fans will like but there is a decent amusement factor to them just the same, especially the "Colombian necktie" business. One stabbing sequence occurs, appropriately enough, outside of the iconic Bates house from "Psycho". And those familiar with "Friday the 13th Part 2" and "A Bay of Blood" will experience deja vu when they see another kill. Everything about this is trite, and the movie is sometimes tiresome; it's nothing that experienced genre fans haven't seen before. The identity of the perpetrator is not hard to guess. That said, it's not as if it doesn't have its moments along the way - such as demonstrating an obvious generation gap when a record label executive waxes nostalgic about "Psycho" and his daughter quips, "Is that the one with Anne Heche?". There is some entertainment to be had in seeing various murder set pieces staged amid movie sets, and there are some rather witty lines sprinkled throughout. The biggest treat is in seeing veterans Priscilla Barnes (looking as foxy as ever), as the bitchy band manager, and Charles Fleischer (who's very funny, especially when he gives direction) as the director of the music video. Be warned that if you're a Corey Haim fan and are watching this for him, that he's basically here for name value and his role truly is a (small) supporting one, as the band guitarist. Brian Gaskill gets a good showcase as the egocentric singer, and it's fun to see actress Jaime Anstead, as Janey, on the run; you'll know what I mean there if you see the movie. Ken Sagoes, whom you may recognize as Kincaid from the 3rd and 4th "Nightmare on Elm Street" entries, has a small role as well. The movie in general is reasonably amusing, although it could have used a much better ending. In any event, the body count is fairly high and the sex and violence make this enjoyable. Stay tuned through the closing credits for outtakes and other behind-the-scenes footage. Six out of 10.
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lifehousefan131 November 2002
it was really good and the killers mask was pretty cool and the boobs were nice i hope they make another one that doesnt tell you who it is and make a series like halloween and Friday the 13th good luck Back Lot Murders all in all the movie was really good pretty good acting and cool killings check out this movie
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Who cares?
BUbeauty200513 November 2002
The movie was really just laughable. The only good part of it was the adorable Brian Gaskill, playing a bad boy (Dez), which is something he never does. If you like cheesy horror flicks with a lot of T&A, though, watch it. You'll enjoy it.
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Priscilla Barnes deserves so much better!
JohnnyOldSoul31 October 2003
I found this film in a DVD bargain bin at a Walgreens of all places. Seeing that Priscilla Barnes was in it, I decided to give it a was to be a decision I would regret for some time to come.

First, the good points. Barnes is EXCELLENT in an over-the-top performance. What made her characterization of Stephanie so appealing is that she was the only performer in the film to not take this mess seriously. It's obvious she's having fun, and that she knows what a stinker this film really is. I can't go into much detail on her role without giving the, uh, plot away so I'll move on.

This film plays out like a nightmare version of Baywatch. Big-breasted women and only moderately attractive fellows run around and scream. Okay, we've seen that before.

The funniest part, however, is in the doco included on the DVD where the director calls this a "thinking man's slasher film." Actually, the direction is just fine, he's just let down by his actors. I've enjoyed the director's other work and will not hesitate to see more of it...providing he is given a bigger budget for better talent. The idea was great, the sets amazing, but something just misses in the execution.

Good job Priscilla Barnes, shame on you everyone else.
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Goofy but enjoyable, just don't expect to be scared.
Ratknot19 February 2004
What can I say about this film? I got it in a bin at Albertson's with a previously viewed tag on it marking it for $3.99. I didn't expect anything good from this film at all, but yeah I laughed a lot. There was this one part where one of the big breasted females is shocked when she sees the murderer and tries to run away but finds a wall to be blocking her from running away. Good thing she has the strength to knock the wall down with her palms. This movie was entertaining and I enjoyed it. Just don't have any high expectations while watching this film.
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A really entertaining and quite enjoyable slasher
kannibalcorpsegrinder2 October 2023
Months after a meltdown, members in a fledgling rock act meet up with a director to shoot a new music video, but as time goes on and nothing is accomplished, they start to realize that a maniacal killer is loose and killing everyone they come across forcing them to stop the killer before it's too late.

This here is a pretty good slasher entry. One of the biggest assets is the rather impressive nature of this one providing the kind of solid setup for a simple-minded slasher it's trying to be. Focusing on the behind-the-scenes nature of the crew trying to keep the band happy while trying to work within the bounds of the tyrannical agent trying to micro-manage everything to the point of breaking everyone past their tolerance is a great idea to get this one going. Not only does this allow the film to get their personalities together with the inside nature of shooting a video in this kind of condition but there's also a lot to like about the setting itself. The use of actual sets from previous movies, which are actually used in the film, are mined to great effect, and there's some really great moves inside. This allows the film to generate some really great stalking scenes, as anything in the backlot shown is solid. The initial attack on the carpenters is quite chilling in places, while the constant attempts by the stoner-happy couple to find the perfect spot to get to business takes them through numerous locations drenched in plenty of fog. Even individual scenes, as the killer appearing and disappearing before a couple who are high on drugs and forcing them to think about what's going on, or the chasing of the model in their underwear or of the killer strolling down a fog-lined street in all its glory give this one some much needed suspense. There's even a great sense of humor from this, as it tries to provide jokes in with the slaughter. They work wonderfully, as this manages to include some really hysterical work at times. Coupled with a really frantic, never dull pace, fine nudity and a real sense of fun, this is a top-notch slasher as there isn't a whole lot really wrong with this one. The biggest issue with this one is that there's really no blood in this one. None of the deaths in here get really graphic or showcase a ton of blood in them, which is a pretty big disappointment. The kills would require some pretty bloody thrills, yet this one doesn't have a whole lot of that involved. Had there been some more involved, it would've helped this one out considerably. The only other flaw with the film is that the killer is way too obvious and easy to guess so it's not too surprising of a reveal when it occurs to know it's been right from the start. As there's also way too cheesy an atmosphere here, with the fact that the choice of costume to the location to the mild sleaze found inside, these are the film's real problems.

Rated R: Graphic Language, Nudity, Graphic Violence and drug use.
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not even B-movie horror
cobra_0111 August 2003
I love horror movies. View some of my comments and you'll see that. HOWEVER, this movie stunk. A constantly revamp of an old plot line that doesn't work any longer. You think writers would learn huh? The movie's "Actors" and "Actresses" seem more like people out a porno movie. As a matter of fact one of the tells them that on screen Really retarded. There's a guy who is gay but also seems to be very attatched to his dog (that was the only scary thing about this movie) A psycho killer who is... well psycho and stupid because he's being manipulated by a cold and very poorly acted older woman. (and the actress was in a few movies I like. Tremors 2 for one) Corey Haim who was once the pinnacle of teenage actors everywhere has a minor part as a band member who can't play guitar. that's about it. Ladies and Gentlemen this movie makes 80's slasher movies like Slumber Party Massacre and Sleep Away camp three into the A list of horror films.

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Great film, if you like this sort of thing...
polysicsarebest4 February 2005
...and I LOVE this sort of thing.

Once again, the IMDb page is filled with people who reviewed this, not even being a fan of this type of film. Personally, I am absolutely ecstatic that films like this still exists at all. This movie is more like the horror films of the 80's, never taking itself too seriously. Yes, this still has the self-referential bug that has bitten almost every horror film since Scream. I cringe whenever I hear a character go, "FREDDY KREUGER! WHAT A GREAT DRESSER!" Even though, in this case, that line was mutterred by a gay guy. So, it was all good.

This is a movie about a rock band going to Hollywood and filming their music video. At the beginning of the film, they have a fight and kick out their old drummer. During the night of the video shoot, the production crew and band mates and their girlfriends get killed in exceedingly bloody ways.

Really, what's not to like here? You have an extremely attractive female cast, a fast pace, a high body count, actual interesting (though two-dimensional) characters, good humor, good lighting, good writing, good directing, etc. If you're into B-Movies, this is gold. This movie is noteworthy in my mind for two major reasons: It's the first Colombian necktie I've ever seen performed in a film. Also, the killer's mask is of a Satanic Elvis. Great great great.

Deifnitely worth checking out.
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Brought to you by the makers of little brown cigarettes and a certain movie studio "Back Lot"
Dr. Gore25 September 2003
Warning: Spoilers

A rock band is filming their video on the "Back Lot" of a certain famous movie studio. I see the "Psycho" House and the set from the "Lost World", (mentioned twice), hmmm...I wonder which studio it could be? It turns out that someone is stalking this "Back Lot" and is looking to commit "Murders". Hence the title "The Back Lot Murders". This is all sponsored by the makers of little brown cigarettes which are smoked constantly throughout the flick.

First, let me say how disappointed I was that the hottest girl in the cast was the first to get killed. We are introduced to a redhead in the first 15 minutes and then she is promptly killed in the next ten minutes. This made me very sad. While the other women had larger breasts and got naked, I felt the redhead was the most interesting (and hottest). I think her name was LoriDawn Messuri although I can't be certain. She's listed as "Wendy" on the IMDb but she'll always be the Redheaded Fog Girl to me. Sorry to see her go. Oh well.

I enjoyed "The Back Lot Murders" but not because I thought it was a well made movie. Let me point out two obvious goofs. When one of the dancing girls gets strangled by the killer with her own bra, you can clearly see she is wearing some sort of white emergency strap underneath. We had already seen a two second glimpse of her naked breasts in one shot and in the next her breasts are reined in by this evil white strap. The other goof has the killer using an ax and hitting a victim in the stomach. The next scene has the ax in the killer's hands again but it's supposed to still be wedged in the victim's stomach! That ax is all over the place. These goofs can probably be overlooked though.

"The Back Lot Murders" was a fun movie. As a horror movie, it's pretty weak. But I did enjoy watching the rock star manager and the director of the video. They were amusing, especially the director. The manager was kind of a turn-on too, (Priscilla Barnes). The blue streak in her hair was working for me. I'm not sure why. Also, there were two short topless scenes with the dancing girls. These scenes never fail to bring a smile to my face. "The Back Lot Murders" works a lot better as a comedic take on Hollywood egos than as a horror flick.

One last thing, speaking of egos, check out the documentary at the end of the movie. The director has the nerve to say this is an intellectual movie (!!!). Now that's comedy. I laughed. He also says that if you look really hard at his flick, you'll see what they were trying to do. Of course, he doesn't bother to tell you what they were trying to do. You'll just have to look hard. Real hard.
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A bad script, bad acting, bad directing, great looking people
horrorflicks2229 April 2002
I just recently saw this movie. I love straight to video horror movies.

This one should be a cult classic. It had all the elements... A bad script, bad acting, bad directing, bad killer mask, great looking people... The dialogue must have felt like peanut butter in the actors mouths... Priscilla Barnes was completely over the top, Charles Fleischer was terrible as a gay director, and the fat girl in her underwear (Nikki I think) running was a bit of a joke. Don't watch on a full stomach. Almost as nauseating was the bad acting of pretty Carrie Stevens. The points of notice? Nice twist on the ending, the rockin body of hottie lead (Jaime Anstead I think), and the feeling of a cheesy Low Budget horror you can curl up with your girlfriend to watch as you get scared and make fun of it while eating popcorn. I recommend to the connoisseur of Horror..
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