Darkhunters (2004) Poster


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Yes, it's true
torturechamberlain10 June 2008
This movie really is that bad, and I'm normally a sucker for bad movies, but this was too much. Seeing this is like OD'ing on pure SUCK. Now, you may think you've seen the bottom of the barrel. You may have waded through every title from Full Moon and Troma, all the movies of Edward D. Wood Jr, Uwe Boll, Albert Pyun and direct to DVD-flicks from faded men-of-action. You may even have seen Death Tunnel, Ghost Lake and a vast array of the movies that MST3K covered, but in their original form. But you do not know truly awful film-making until you have seen Darkhunters. And if you haven't, you shouldn't. Don't bother. Not only is this movie amazingly poorly written, directed, shot, edited, acted and splattered in crude, cheap aftereffects. First of all, it's a pretentious mess. But not good, Greenaway or Lynch-style pretentious or hilariously messy in an Ittenbach or early Waters sort of fashion. It's the kind of pretentiousness that comes when someone incredibly stupid thinks they've come up with something incredibly smart. Sort of like M. Night Shaymalan (sp?), only that man seems like a freakin' messiah when compared to this trainwreck (and this coming from a rampant Shaymalan hater). It's also boring. Not heavy going-type boring, which is okay, if the movie awards your patience. Darkhunters does no such thing. It's boring in a "Oh my fu(king God, if I see another shot of a cat set to an obnoxious audio cue I am going to fu(king kill myself!"-kind of way.

Btw. anyone who claims to like this film is a boldfaced liar and anyone who claims this film is complex or deep knows what their mother is like in bed.
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The worst film ever until today
ismaelavneves22 May 2008
It's hard and I didn't expect it... But it's really the worst film, me and my wife saw. Awful dialogs that extend incomprehensibly through time without any apparent reason except to fill time. The storytelling doesn't follow a comprehensive intelligibly way… everything is a mess. The action and the dialogs appear at jumps. The thing that disappointed me most was to see Dominique Pinon one of my French favorite actors involved in this… uh… I don't even know how to describe it without being polite… The rest of the actors where at the most poor. Susan Paterno made a terrible interpretation of her character, making a flat inexpressive performance. Poor special effects. I don't think that it was a complete waste of film but it's close to… If I'm to say I would advise everyone not to see this movie. I think it would be a complete waste of time. Sincerely I never though I would say something like that about a movie but… there's always a first time.
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Hunting for a plot
ghoulieguru9 November 2004
It's a shame. There's an interesting idea here, but it gets completely lost in a confusion of Commodore 64 style computer effects and bad storytelling. The plot, such as it is, concerns a bounty hunter of souls. It should be a fairly straightforward hunter/hunted kind of story, but the director and/or the writer seem like they forgot what the movie was supposed to be when they were about three days into shooting. Things aren't helped by the fact that the main baddie looks like he's wearing a cheap Darth Maul mask, which they tried to disguise with flowing CG colors. Not much to recommend here, even the title seems to propel it into obscurity.
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Darkhunter searches for movie
Dr. Gore14 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers

Sometimes, souls get missed. Sometimes, we have to send intergalactic bounty hunters to search for them. Sometimes, we must send them on very dangerous missions. "Darkhunters" sends these men of action into the thick of battle to search for the movie. The mission was too perilous. The Darkhunter failed.

"Darkhunters" starts off with an interesting concept and then refuses to do anything with it. So souls get lost on the way to heaven. A hot chick is the only one who can identify them. An alien Darkhunter stops by to harass her. He speaks in an alien tongue but the filmmakers were kind enough to subtitle his gibberish. Then the movie drags on and on until it somehow mercifully ends.

There was an interesting movie here somewhere but the Darkhunter couldn't find it. Next time, leave it in the hands of the hot chick. They always know what to do.
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A complete waste of resources, actors and my time
andradesamuel14 July 2005
First of all, I really can't understand how some people "enjoyed" this movie. It's the worst thing I have ever seen. Even the actors seem to be bored...and I think that says it all!

However, I have to give my applause to the opening credits creators - that team seems to have a really good future. That's why I recommend the big studios to watch ONLY the opening credits, and one or two special effects sequences (if they're watched outside this movie, it almost looks like a good movie).

Better luck (or judgment) next time for the producers of this, this... this "thing!".
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Nominee for worst film of all time?
maxbeeken12 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is truly one of the most awful movies of all time. It's dull, ponderous, badly acted, and teeth crawlingly pretentious.

I watched for about an hour waiting for some kind of drama to unfold, before realising there wasn't any. The shot on a shoe string budget was particularly painful. These have to be the worst day for night shots since Plan Nine from Outer Space.

The only barely redeeming feature is the ludicrous 'demons' wandering around the countryside with a plastic cat basket. How scary is that? And I did like the moggys used as extras, I suppose they are least cheap. Though it did seem a bit obvious that they had been enticed into camera by the careful placement of some tuna.

This film is so dreadful, it should have a public health warning. There was a queue at my local video store when I took it back, of people demanding their money back. I kid you not!
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Darkhunter - a real munter!
kuhl_khal8 August 2007
At what point does a film become so bad it's good? Compelling in it's awfulness, Darkhunters stands out as a shining example of c**p cinematography and for that alone, probably deserves some kind of award.

The plot revolves around the age old battle of Heaven and Hell for the unclaimed souls of the recently dead. In the case of Darkhunters, the representatives of good and evil manifest themselves variously as a herd of cats, a hooded Grim Reaper figure with a face of flickering flames similar to a coal effect electric fire, a Philip Marlowe-a-like with a seriously bad manicure and a female psychologist who appears to be on day-release from Kwik-Save.

The protagonists are competing for the soul of a newly dead teacher who spends most of the film running around a foggy field and bizarrely, a boarding kennels in an attempt to evade his pursuers.

The plot is spread thinner than a dieter's sandwich with no character development or attempt to build suspense. The acting is laughable, comparable to a school play - although that would be an insult to many educational establishments. And the dialogue .......... oh, how my sides ached! With the unclaimed souls of the dead being described as "life's unwanted gherkins" by the flame-glow demon, you wonder whether Hell really is a McDonalds.

But is is bizarrely compelling, you find yourself watching just to see how bad it can get - at just over 80 minutes, it's worth the time spent for the unintentional giggles.
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When even the punctuation in the opening credits sucks, you know it's going to be "so bad it's good".
MBunge28 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This film is a case of being able to perfectly judge a book by its cover. The opening credits say this film is "Johannes Roberts's Darkhunters". Yes. Roberts's, not Roberts'. That no one involved with this movie, including writer/director Johannes Roberts, was smart or just attentive enough to catch that punctuation mistake says it all. Darkhunters is delightfully bad.

The suckitude begins almost at once as the story lapses into a flashback after the opening scene, but then goes into a flashback within that flashback. I t doesn't stop there, however, as there are repeated flashbacks within the flashback within the flashback. After briefly introducing us to the main character, the story then focuses on a completely different and seemingly unrelated person for the next 15 minutes. I thought there'd been some sort of editing problem and another film got spliced into this one by mistake. The plot is also dominated by three of the longest and worst conversations you'll ever see in any motion picture. One is so confusing you'd need a Venn Diagram to understand what's being said, another feels like a maze where writer/director Roberts got lost inside his own script and couldn't find a way out. As for the third…well, you know those scenes where two people are face to face while the camera spins around them? That's how the third conversation is filmed, except the camera keeps spinning around them for two and a half minutes. I'm not sarcastically exaggerating. I actually timed it out.

But, wait! It gets worse. About a third of this movie is nothing more that slo-mo images of feline frolicking, like a complimentary DVD you get for subscribing to Cat Fancy magazine. Then there's a scene in a dog pound that resembles a TV commercial from the Humane Society. Lead actress Susan Paterno is so awful, they would have been better off casting college football coach Joe Paterno in drag. Lead actor Dominique Pinon looks like a little person somehow blown up to regular size. In one of the most inexplicable career decisions of all time, legitimate Hollywood actor Jeff Fahey shows up as a demon in dire need of lip balm and a manicure. Another demon shows up that speaks in an unintelligible garble, but is given subtitles that make him sound like a slightly peeved accountant.

I could go on and on about all the absurdly terrible things in this motion picture. What amplifies the crap factor into "so bad it's good" territory is that so many of those absurdly terrible things are repeated over and over again, making it crystal clear that no one involved with this production knew their ass from their elbow. If you and your friends tried to turn Darkhunters into a drinking game, they'd find you all dead the next day from alcohol poisoning.

The story itself is basically the secret origin of Carol Miller (Susan Paterno), a woman chosen by God to kill ghosts by shooting them in the chest with bullets. They are ghosts who have been forgotten about through some sort of divine administrative mistake, ghosts who are invisible to the naked eye yet have enough physical substance to do things like drive cars. Miller has to track down these ghosts and shoot them before demons show up to claim their souls for some sort of supernatural black market. And yes, when the ghosts are shot, they bleed and fall to the floor like corpses.

Johannes Roberts's Darkhunters is one of the most awesomely, hilariously bad things I've ever seen. If that's what you're in the mood for, there isn't a much better example of it than this movie.
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Oh man,,,
Snowfirewolf21 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Hm. Where do I start? I usually ignore whatever rating IMDb has when looking up a movie because I think I might like it anyway or whatever and I should at least give it a chance, but this time I wish I'd paid attention.

I know some people liked it, and I'm not trying to say that they shouldn't. It was semi-amusing at some parts. But if you're like me and you don't like watching cats prancing around in the undergrowth for 20 minutes, random fast motion cloud scenes, dogs barking in cages for another 20 minutes set to 'thrilling' music, and close-ups of faces while people are speaking, then you might want to avoid this movie. The actors were either positively wooden or way over the top, and the film quality was awful, fuzzy and grainy and bland and not in an artistic way at all. And I know that we were supposed to think that Carol was not just a crazy maniac with a gun shooting innocent people with this weird religious psychosis going on, but... well, she doesn't really convince me otherwise. In fact, I ended up really disliking her crazy character. And what was up with the souls in space? I understand this is a fantasy movie, but come on.

I will say, the angel at the end was freaking creepy. It was the creepiest thing in the whole movie, WAY more creepy than the Darth Maul lava-face demon. I give them props for that scene, it was good. But not good enough to actually see the movie. And the opening credits were great, but don't be fooled! I would've rather they used whatever money went into those credits to make the movie better.

Bah. I wish I hadn't bought this for even the $2 that I paid for it, I could have bought a candy bar instead. :/
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Sorry, but again the worst film I have ever seen
charlyboy_9820 March 2005
From the dire special effects onwards I was absolutely gob smacked at how bad anyone can make a film. Lets put it this way, I have absolutely no directing experience whatsoever and for the first time ever when watching a film I thought 'I can do better than that! whilst sat watching this pap. The acting in this film was terrible, I suppose the best actor was the guy from Lawnmower Man but the French guy from Aliens3 was so wooden I wondered how he got the former job in the first place. The storyline was mediocre and I suppose, like most films, If the rest had been done well it would have stood up. I don't usually write reviews here but after seeing a couple of people gave this film a good rating (must be cast/crew) I felt I had to say my piece to save anyone from accidentally hiring it or wasting their money on buying this cack.
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One of the worst movies I have ever seen.
catoholm20 January 2005
OK, it was a "risky" move to rent this flick, but I thought I had nothing to lose.Well, I was wrong. This is, next to "Bloodsurf", the worst "horrormovie" I have ever seen. Crappy actors, crappy technical output, crappy story and so on. The soundtrack though, isn't to bad. That is why I give it a 2 on the vote and not just a 1. And of course the cats are a positive surprise. By far the superior actors in this movie..... Do not rent or buy it. Stay away from it and hope that this horrible, horrible film will vanish to some obscure existence and not become a "cult classic". It most definitely do not deserve any recognition.
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When its good it's actually very good
thegoldenchild39 March 2005
It's interesting seeing how the film seems to have split people down the middle - I guess never a bad thing for a film even when some people hate it as much as some people evidently do here. I myself would fall into the former category - I wouldn't say this is the best film I have ever seen but I really did enjoy it. When it works - The angel at the end of the film and the car crash amongst a couple of moments - the film is actually very very good. However this is offset against some weak and padded and just very (God very!!!)slow moments. Jeff Fahey is probably the best thing about the cast which is not something you can often say about Mr Fahey - and he is evidently enjoying the role as monster / pi. Dominique Pinon however has seen better days! Overall though it is an enjoyable watch - better than the director's last film Hellbreeder although equally strange in it's own way.
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Interesting concept, poorly executed. Still I enjoyed it.
stormruston6 January 2006
Sure its been done before and better, but I still like the concept of the souls that get left behind, a bureaucratic bungle at a supreme being level.

The effects are pretty good considering the budget,not a lot of gore, but what there is ...is well done.

Both the demon and angel concepts were well done, and looked cool on the screen.

The acting was at best average, sometimes overblown, many times under blown.

The story idea was very good, but there were a lot of loose ends that did not get tied up at the conclusion...the sub stories just sort of fad away.

Still I enjoyed this movie a lot more then most it seems, and if you like solid B movies, you might like this one too.
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I would have rated this film 0 out of 10 if that had been possible.
gleong-127 May 2005
This has got to be one of the worst films I have ever seen! The cast is an international one - Australian-pretending-to-be-British, stage American and a character with an English name sporting an unrecognizable "European" accent. What passable efforts in acting from this motley crew are totally undermined by a plot and script of especial inanity. So short were the shoestrings of this film's budget and the overall production values are so low that it would have no trouble winning a cinematic limbo competition. In the last twenty or so years we have seen horror films and stalk'n slash thrillers of extraordinary (though not necessarily "high") quality which have been made on no budget at all. Recent examples include the poorly made but totally scary "Blair Witch Project" and of course - the most recent - that low-budget winner, SAW, featuring practically unknown leads (Gary Elwes is just someone you don't remember even if you have seen him before). In DARKHUNTERS, it is shocking to find a known character actor, Dominique Pinon and Hollywood has-been Jeff Fahey struggling valiantly to save the film. It is embarrassing to see the once handsome leading man (Fahey) in corny makeup uttering bizarrely bad lines. I would have rated this film 0 out of 10 had that been possible!
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Intriguing Premise
moviemanic0712 December 2004
Apparently the boundary between life and death isn't as cut and dried as I thought. Sometimes death makes a mistake and the soul of the ghost is fair game for demonic bounty hunters. Fortunately, Carol Miller, whose near-death experience as a child has given her insight into the next life, is there to help people caught between life and death. I wasn't expecting much when I took this film down from the video shelf, but I was pleasantly surprised. While flawed in many ways, I found the premise intriguing and execution professional enough to keep me interested throughout. It also didn't hurt to have Dominique Pinon in the film. He's always watchable as an actor, even if this script certainly wasn't up to the level of 'Delicatessen' or 'Amelie.' The script was a little convoluted, and the audience would have been better served if the back story had been introduced more coherently. Still, to me, the main problem was the special effects. Most of them were somewhat cheesy – although I did like the title animation.

I think some of the other reviewers here on the IMDb are a little too hard on this film. I have been going on a mind-numbing expedition through the straight-to-DVD fare at my local Blockbuster and this film is better than most!
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where to begin
phj-222 February 2005
Well, I'll begin with this: I love horror-movies, not even the worst plot or the most insanely terrible acting will ruin the experience as long as there is a certain amount of gore and suspense present. Second; this is the worst movie of all times. It even beats Mean Guns, and the attack of the killer tomatoes. And for that I pay it homage.

However, the involuntary humor was only funny until half the movie had passed, after which point everything was so so sad. To my great surprise, the reviews where somewhat divided; and you guys who rated this piece of C-movie-crap from 7 and up; I KNOW YOU'RE JOKING! GOOD ONE!! HAHAHA! Because if there is any reason in the world, and we have just an tiny bit of the same notion of what quality is; you can't be for real.

Everything worth to be mentioned about the contents has already been summed pretty good up, so I'll leave it.


But the scene where the cloaked rubber mask guy drags the woman back and forth through the dog-kennel for ten minutes, with o so terrible music score and the mind blowing dialog between the two, really does it for me.
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The most god awful film in history
BaronWincott12 February 2004
This film is truly pathetic in every conceivable department. awful, awful, awful. It's only around eighty minutes long, but believe me you'll feel like you're watching an Andy Warhol film (then again twenty hours in the life of the empire state building would surely be far more interesting).

Where to start... the putrid script, the disgusting cinematography, the so bad its bad acting, the spectacularly dismal effects, dreadful music, or just the wafer thin plot that thouroughly resembles a sieve. This film is an incoherent shambles

A particularly noteworthy scene takes place outside a cafe when Dominic Pinon decides to shoot a cat, cue the waitress watching through the cafe window who comments with an average English accent "God damn". To right that woman. God damn this horrendous monstrosity.

Everyone involved should be thouroughly ashamed of themselves. Let us hope that the director never finds the funding to work again.
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This review is sugar coated so as not to cause offence
oldskoolsi2 May 2004
Warning: Spoilers

I'm going to be as kind as I can about this film (some people, including directors!, can get quite upset when reviewers speak their mind) so...

There is a nice car accident and the opening credits look good and... that's it; everything else bites the big one. All the acting is appalling, the script is embarrassing, the special effects look like they were done by school children on cheap computers. All in all this film has serious bowling shoe tendencies.

As a horror film it's not very scary and if it supposed to a "thinking man's" horror film well it succeeded on some level, I kept thinking that the end of this film is an awfully long way away. It may actually be an ironic look at bad horror films and I'm missing the point but I somehow doubt it.

This is a complete car phone warehouse of a film and I could not recommend it to anyone, and it does pain me to say this as I eagerly await the resurrection of British Horror.

If you don't agree with this review, that fine, it's just my own opinion, and I'm sure someone out there will love it (the director's Mum for instance).
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Top 5 of the worst movies ever seen in any genre
mysterym_n5 April 2005
Hey guys and girls! Don't ever rent, or may God forbid, buy this piece of garbage. I have rarely seen a film in any genre as bad as this one. The acting is actually worse than me and my friends did when we were 7 and in the 1.grade had to act in front of all parents and siblings. In fact, we would have been taken up to evaluation for the Oscars, if we were to be compared to the actors in Darkhunters. The story is terrible, the makeup is terrible, the filming is terrible, the set is terrible, the directing is terrible, etc. I can't actually find ANYTHING worth the money spent to see this film.. Maybe except all the cats, which my girlfriend thought were kind of cute. Please, use your money on other things than on this film.... I couldn't even see the last 15-20 minutes of the film, it was that terrible.. If anyone really liked this film, I would REALLY like to hear from you, and I will try to see if I can get you some counseling at a psychiatrist's office near you..

0 out of 10, actually below if possible.. Not worth the DVD or tape it is on..
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How could that actually been release for public?
destroyerwod25 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
OK the box look interesting, the opening have great music and its kinda original, to that its all OK. But when the movie start...well its not my first videoville movie, i watched Ghost Lake, and its very similar of this movie except its ever worse here. The story at first sounded interesting but the whole movie look like a movie shot by a bunch of university student, with specials effect that me laugh, the blood look like a mix of red and white paint, the fire effect on the demon face look like it was done with a program i could buy at my local computer shop. All the movie is shot in day(very great for a movie supposed to be horror) and there like no gore(1 scene only and it look so home-made and not credible) and near no blood(it can be considered a great thing considering the look of the blood show) and 1 demon for the whole movie. The story is going nowhere , it give you the impression that it never start, there so much useless scene done only to give the movie the average duration time(when the demon search the guy in the dogs thing for about 4 minutes...) Way too much slow-mo things. Well lets just say this movie is a Z-series one and a very poor one. All cool idea lost themselves and you get a cheesy movie. It bored my all long and I'm not the guy who get bored very easily with horror movie, man i even like house of the dead and alone in the dark from Uwe Boll and you probably know the name for being one of the worst director but here it look too much like some guys wanting to make a movie for fun. Plus for us french speaker(tough i understand English i prefer to watch movie in my native language) there the usual videoville bad translation. In normal movie you can barely see its not the actor speaking(you have to check on lips etc) here you just have to listen to it and you know it. Very cheesy
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one of the five worst films I have ever seen *spoilers*
joepublic6 February 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Where on earth do I start with the mess that is Darkhunters? Firstly the script is one of the worst to ever find its way onto a cinema or TV screen and can only be described as a poorly judged Stephen King rip-off. At one point the supposedly fearsome darkhunter Jack claims that Carol, the girl who is helping the man he is pursuing, is as annoying as "a gherkin in a burger". I would be laughing if I was making it up-BUT I'M NOT! Just as ludicrous is how Carol originally came to have the power to see how people die. A cat gave it to her when she was holding it during an auto accident she had as a kid. WHAT????????

Secondly, for a horror movie, it has no sense of tension or threat whatsoever. This may not be helped by the fact that all the action happens during stark, broad daylight. Not very atmospheric at all.

Thirdly the acting is truly awful, Pinion proves again that he needs to be speaking in his native tongue to be even remotely believable. Jeff Fahey is obviously on auto-pilot but how can blame him as he runs through a woe-ful Humphry Bogart impersonation as Barlow (Marlowe-Barlow? We get the joke it just isn't funny). Credit should go to Susan Paterno, an actress I was not aware of, she does her best with the awful part she has and puts the other, more experienced actors to shame.

At no point is it even explained how the HUMAN character can understand what Van Husen's character is saying to her. She obviously has some sort of degree in screwy alien languages.

On the plus side one moment is well done, the car crash involving Susan. The sfx are throughly believable and if it weren't for the hilarious storyline reason for this to occur it would have been applauded.

All I can say about darkhunters is that British horror will never recover from its interminable slump if movies like this continue to be made and shown. Avoid this movie like the plague, although the plague would be a lot more scary.

Darkhunters 0/5

p.s. the insinuations in other reviews that the film remains too intelligent for some are honestly hilarious. It is a weak defence when some claim "you didn't like it because you didn't understand it". The letters after my name make a fool of you not me.
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100% Complete waste of celluloid
pequaboy23 October 2004
Horrible acting with the worst special f/x I've ever bore witness too. It's bad enough I wasted $3 to watch this crummy pile of crap, but it's the hour and a half time I lost that I could've been doing anything else like getting a root canal or volunteering for jury duty. Getting drunk couldn't even help this video.

To put it bluntly, I sincerely believe I actually lost a few IQ points during the course of watching this idiotic piece of mind-numbing "work"! Perhaps I should have followed my own advice this time. Never expect a decent film if it's written, directed and produced by the same person, and never EVER expect anything of value from Jeff Fahey.
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Out of all the films by Johannes Roberts..
adam-byrne114 January 2006
Out of all the films by Johannes Roberts, The moment I saw the intro, I know this would be great! and My god was it. This was completely shot on 35mm, for a low budget..this is a good thing. I love the whole film, it is beautifully composed and shot, its soo crisp! The story is solid too. The effects are great! This is one of the best things I watched for long time. I watched all of the Johannes Roberts films, and this one really stands out, I think its because of aesthetics, this is by far one of the most beautiful films I have seen in a long while. I watched them all: Sanitarum, Alice (aka hellbreeder), this ( dark hunters) and forest of the damned. And I still love this, Acting is good too. You must watch it if your not impressed by the into then, you wont like the rest of the film possibly. The effects are all really good. I cant get over how much I like this. Check it out!
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Acting & editing could have been better; plot & concept great!
booknookoc6 September 2004
I give it a 7 out of 10. Charles Jackson's role seemed a bit overacted at times, as when emoting at the cats; Carol Miller seems underacted at times, as when she is calmly arguing with the fire-faced demon. Both roles have their jarring moments. Jeff Fahey as Barlow was a sheer delight. Hey, if I was a demon and trying to "pass" as a human detective, I also might use old "B" detective thrillers as my role model. I would like to see more of Barlow! Also a nice touch: the constraints that demons operate under when operating in the material world, as in the fire-faced demon having to lug around cat carriers! All in all, the film lacked something in acting and editing (ex: Carol's hands are bloody in the confessional, then suddenly she is wearing gloves), but the plot was satisfactory complex and the overall concept was fantastically original and daring. I would love to see this as a TV series!
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TheInevitableHulk16 April 2020
This is a terrible movie on every possible level. Stephen King's shredder has been pilfered for this bottom rung genre pap. John Carpenter would be rolling in his grave if he were dead, seeing this might kill him. Bogart gets a super-natural cameo through the hilarious Jeff Fahey. Pinion screams at cats I have seen some utter flaps in my time but this is the lowest hangings.
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