Shark Zone (Video 2003) Poster

(2003 Video)

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shark zone
kairingler10 July 2013
first off I don't care if they made numerous mistakes on the movie,, the people on here that constantly nit pick a movie to death really get on my nerves.. I wanted sharks, killing, blood, and breasts. well I got all four,, . the most irritating part of the whole movie I thought was our lead female actress. she looks like a porn star and not a mom. other than that I liked the movie.. just for the over the top violence blood guts, and killings, and of course the graititous nudity when presented. there are way many worse movies out there people.. this isn't one of em,, sure the acting ain't' great , I give you that one,, but the action if fair enough.. decent shark footage,, and I really don't care if people think it came from national geographic either,,
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A Load or Laughs of Shark Toothed Messes? You Decide!
jspitzl-914-6794304 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Let me just say...THIS MOVIE ISN'T EVEN A MOVIE!!! It's pretty much just a bunch of stock footage of sharks and clips from other shark movies! It even gets worse, they roar! Plus, in the beginning, the divers can talk underwater. It's like another Cruel Jaws! In my opinion, it's pretty much a shark toothed mess! On the other hand,the good things in this movie are, that the whole storyline is awesome, and it's a fast paced movie. But, why did they call this movie "Shark Zone"? It isn't even about any kind of zone in any part of this movie. The mayor is really dumb in this movie, for not closing the beaches. So, if I were you, I would buy it off EBay, and watch it for the fun of it. I gave this movie 4 stars.
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Choppy Shark Tale
wes-connors24 August 2013
In 1712, the "Santa Cruz" is sidetracked by a storm while sailing for the Americas. The ship sinks. Hundreds of yeas later, handsome young Dean Cochran (as Jimmy Wagner) joins his father and an expedition diving for diamonds rumored to have gone down with the ship. A tragic shark attack occurs, but Mr. Cochran survives. Ten years later, Cochran is head man in a San Francisco beach community. He has a beautifully-proportioned wife, Brandi Sherwood (as Carrie). They have a cute son, Luke Leavitt (as Danny). Due to his traumatic experience, Cochran has bad dreams about sharks...

After a swarm of killer sharks massacres a bunch of swimmers, Cochran wants to close the beach. Because there is a lucrative fiesta planned, business-minded mayor Alan Austin (as John Cortell) wants the beach open. Velizar Binev (as Volkoff ), a persuasive Russian, wants Cochran to help him find the "Santa Cruz" treasure. Since the diamonds went down in the "Shark Zone", it could be dangerous. This unexciting re-hash of "Jaws" (1975) looks like it was cobbled together from various sources. Appearing very choppy; it might have been the best they could do, under the circumstances.

*** Shark Zone (10/14/03) Danny Lerner ~ Dean Cochran, Alan Austin, Brandi Sherwood, Velizar Binev
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Moonbeam198024 March 2004
This is easily the worst movie I've ever seen, but it is the kind of awful that makes it oh so worth the price of admission. I have never witnessed worse acting all around as real-life couple Brandi Sherwood and Dean Cochran (how are those for porn names?) scrape the very bottom of the acting barrel to great comedic effect.

A summary of the plot is quite unnecessary, as it is really a horrible Jaws pastiche- think greedy mayor, disgruntled but ever-hopeful hero guy trying to protect his family and add a goofy subplot involving predictably nefarious Russian diamond-hunters and you get the idea. The film is basically a composite of pre-recorded shark footage from the Discovery Channel (in fact, most of these scenes are played SEVERAL times within a few minutes) meshed with fake looking death scenes. And oh, are there a lot of death scenes. I've never seen a higher body count in a shark movie, and I have made an effort to see as many as possible. Definitely a case of quantity reigning victorious over any semblance of quality, but I digress.

A more warranted review of this movie would detail the numerously ridiculous and consequently wonderful mistakes:

Wagner, a so-called shark expert, informs the mayor that these pesky sharks are related to the Jurassic sharks of 50 million years ago. News flash: The Jurassic period ended 145 million years ago.

Sharks do not growl.

It is rare to see Great Whites together, but I'll be damned if they aren't chilling with their bros all up in this Shark Zone in about every sequence.

During several of the attack scenes, you can see the flesh of some animal used as bait tied to a fishing line. Well, gee, no wonder Wagner is only batting about .010 in terms of saving the many hapless victims. I guess all of the budget was spent on erasing the Discovery Channel logo from the footage.

The final shark scene in the pool features a SURFBOARD with a shark painted on the bottom.

How could a Spanish ship crossing the Atlantic ocean sink in the Pacific outside of San Francisco? Must have been one hell of a storm.

During Wagner's dream, his wife is dragged out of the boat by a shark that has crashed through the bottom. She is dragged into the water but somehow manages to splash and drip water from her submerged hands and arms.

Overall, my feelings about this movie are mixed. While it offers countless thrills in terms of sheer laughable entertainment, the truly scrate-awful acting and egregious errors render it nothing short of the worst movie ever made.
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Gluttonous sharks chow down
Dr. Gore27 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers

So there's a bunch of sharks in a zone. A Shark Zone. The mayor sends out the world's worst shark hunter to clean up the Shark Zone. His modus operandi is to look into his binoculars and make pained expressions as every living soul he knows gets chewed on by sharks.

There were a lot of shark attacks in this flick. The sharks were gluttonous pigs. They couldn't eat enough bathers at their beach buffet. Most of the shark attacks were film clips of real sharks swimming and then a lot of thrashing and yelling and red water to simulate the kill.

"Shark Zone" has its B-movie points. I always enjoy a good, bloody shark attack. Just don't expect much in the way of logic or originality. Expect shark munching and a clueless shark hunter.
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Instant Classic!
moviefreakazoid22 October 2004
The small town of San Francisco relies upon the beach for all of its business. A school of sharks roam near a ship containing diamonds which sunk many years ago. The mayor wants to keep the beaches open, the hero disagrees with him. Token Russian guy wants the diamonds and he wants the hero to help him find them. etc etc etc

Sounds familiar? Welcome to Shark Zone. A movie so terrible that thousands of people watching this may be sworn off movies. Cliché after cliché. Remember Jaw? Well its part jaws, part every other bad(and by bad I mean really really bad) movie you've ever seen.

This movie is a comedy of errors. There's lots of National Geographic and Discovery Channel footage, which if you've watch for just 10 mins, you will instantaneously recognise all the shark clips.The deaths are messy, lots of really really bad fake blood. There's plenty of errors in the movie to pick from. In one scene when they're throwing in chum for the sharks, you see jelly (jello) mixture. The sharks grunt for some reason (don't ask). The sharks devour everyone in sight, oo and my favourite - corny dialogue. Lots of lines to pick out from. My fav though-Dean Cochran saying 'Class dismissed!' (Doesn't sound funny out of context, but when watching the movie, it is definitely amusing)

If you notice carefully, you see the main character's father returns as the mayor, without a beard and no apparent dress sense.

Looking at the movie from another perspective, it is hilarious. Brandi Sherwood's acting is terrible, but funny nevertheless. As a former Miss Teen USA its obvious why she got the part. The whole screenplay is so bad, you'll be on the floor in riotous laughter. I mean sure, shark attacks are nothing to laugh about, but this movie, makes the attacks look so fake, you have no choice but to laugh.

This is definitely the Holy Grail of bad movies. This should be shown in film school as not what to do when making a movie.

The movie has so many faults, its unbelievable. Not really worth renting at all. Unless you have some friends around and you want to laugh, watch this!

The writer/director has another shark movie out next year,beware!

A generous 1 out of 10 Laugh factor- 8/9 out of 10
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One word: disaster
johnny-086 July 2007
To begin with the plot. But hey what plot? Lots of sharks somehow gone completely crazy so they kill everyone on their way. "Great" script. Only man who can stop them all is Jimmy Wagner (Dean Cochran). Excellent so we've got some sort of Bruce Willis type of character against sharks. Only difference is that Bruce Willis is great actor and he doesn't act in this type of movies (read:"z" type of movies). This movie is category for its self and I don't know how people who worked on this one call themselves professionals. From director to actors completely disaster. Disaster of epic proportions. Please avoid this "movie" if you can by all means. 1/10
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raterus17 November 2003
This movie was awful, and totally unrealistic! The worst part is they depicted sharks as terrible man-eating monsters, eating any person they got close too. Even worse, the sharks growled! I don't know for sure, but I don't think sharks can do that!

The acting was terrible, just terrible especially the mother of the main family. You can tell that she got the part for her looks and not her acting ability! If you want to appreciate good acting, you have to see movies like this to see bad acting.

The nudity was unneeded. There was nothing about the nudity that makes sense, on beach shots, ever so often they would insert women's breasts, I don't get it, what was the director thinking that day, it added nothing to the film!

I'm surprised this movie even made it. This was definitely NOT worth the few bucks I spent renting it. Don't get this movie, watching mold grow would be a better investment of your 1 1/2 hour time.
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Stupid JAWS pappy-show!
smiley-326 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this film yesterday.. I gotta hand it to you.. It was one of the worst shark films I've seen. OK! I saw JAWS a few times.. But the film itself left me with a scar.. This one didn't..

While I was watching this film.. It had the same storyline as JAWS as well as PIRATES OF THE Caribbean.. But for some reason, the plot began to change course.. So, I was thinking to myself.. what was director Danny Learner trying to do..? Is he telling us a story about sharks attacking people on the beach, or is about a ruthless guy going after sunken treasure?

Well, somehow I managed to figure out it was both..

Anyway, it was a total waste of money doing something like this.. I didn't enjoy it.

I don't see why filmmakers struggle so hard to come with the next big thing, with sharks in it?

Well, I guess for director Danny Learner.. He should go back to the drawing board.

0 out of 10!
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Super terrible
SanteeFats12 June 2012
I gave it a 1 because I couldn't give it a 0. The Syfy channel seems to lean a lot more to fantasy with their "original" movies than the realm of science fiction.Great Whites are solitary hunters.There is no natural way they would hunt in packs. Yes several might show up for investigative purposes or to feed on something big like a whale carcass but never as a school. The growling, especially underwater, is more fantasy. Great Whites do not growl. Even though the gestation period is unknown, the growth rate of Great Whites are extremely slow. They eat mostly fish until about 10-12 feet in length. So even though the main sharker mentions it a couple of times it has no bearing on the attacks. I may seem like I am too exacting about these matters but they are so well known where I live that I think it could have been written closer to real life since they were using known locations and sharks.
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Jaws Zone!
russofdenver24 July 2008
So a few porn writers, filmmakers and stars decided to go legit and write, direct and act in what I'm sure they thought would be a major movie. They got some financial backing from some Russian mobsters who not only wanted to be executive producers of the movie, but they also wanted to have a part in the movie along side their mistresses who appear in cameo / extra rolls (even in scenes after their character has been killed). Oh and one more thing... the Russians want the premise to be identical to "Jaws" but also include a sinister plot involving Russian Mobsters. Like all pseudo sequels, this one has way more sharks than "Jaws" way more blood (blood effects are awesome!) and way more attacks. This shark movie is infested with bad shots, bad acting, bad dialog, and bad Russian men who want the diamonds!
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Sh*t Zone
MoMan98719 September 2004
I would like to simply leave a two word review: Sh* Zone, but I am not allowed so I will discuss this masterpiece in greater detail. Basically, the movie is about how one man must fight both a school of super POed sharks and a bunch of crazy Russians. If your wondering what Russians have to do with sharks, you will find out. This movie, written by the genius who gave us all three Delta Force movies, never ceases to amaze with its total sweetness. The dialogue: sweet, the plot: awesome, the special effects: unparalleled. The lead actor has played impossible roles in the past to great critical acclaim - for instance biker gang member in Batman & Robin - and lives up to expectation in this film. Watch this movie with friends and you will not be disappointed.
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Wonderfully awful!
eileenmchenry4 January 2004
A rare treasure for the seeker after endearingly bad movies. Full of logical gaps, thudding dialogue, no-goodnik Russians and, of course, KILLER SHARKS! Features a plot stitched together from leftover scraps of 'Jaws' and 'Austen Powers' and shark-attack scenes edited with a woodchipper. You will watch and enjoy this one over and over, but probably not for the reasons the filmmakers hoped.
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Cheesy acting.Poor storyline.Roaring sharks
ayboday13 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Just when I thought I already watched the worst movie I ever will long ago,Shark Zone comes along on my TV screen.It had that B-movie feel from the start.The plot has to do with evil Russians and diamonds and somehow sharks get thrown into the mix.The heros son gets kidnapped and he is forced to help the Russian mob get diamonds from a wreck which is in a place infested with sharks.Give me a break.That sounds like the plot for a TV series episode rather than a movie.Crap like that shouldn't be an hour and a half long. The acting was horrible.Once you see the acting in this movie you start to appreciate good acting.In the crunch scene he kills the mob leader and the boat catches fire,he and his unscathed son magically appear on the speed boat speeding away from the burning wreck,hows that for action. I am glad I didn't pay money to watch this movie.
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Dumb, Gory, Violent and Oh So Fun
Michael_Elliott30 June 2012
Shark Zone (2003)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

Ten years after seeing his father eaten by a Great White shark, a man (Dean Cochran) is forced to save his small Costal town when the people come under attack from a pack of sharks. Also, there's a legend that there's a sunken ship with a trunk full of diamonds but it's being protected by the sharks. Soon our hero must not only defeat the sharks but he's forced to take some mobsters out on a treasure search. This here was the fourth film in the SHARK ATTACK series and I must admit that I'm rather confused by all the negative reviews. Sure, this isn't JAWS but I think it's a lot better than many of the imitations out there. Plus, I think this one benefits from not having all CGI sharks and thankfully we get to see the real creatures and the director wisely puts them in countless attack sequences. The film certainly earns its R-rating because there's quite a bit of violence from start to finish. The attack use real shark so of course there's going to be a lot of editing to pull off the dead people but for the most part it works. There's all sorts of the red stuff for gore fans to enjoy and I think the adventure also works quite well. Some of the negative stuff includes some pretty bad performances. Cochran isn't too bad in his part but the Brandi Sherwood, who plays his wife, is quite awful and each of her lines sound like they're coming from a stripper and not a wife and mother. The producers not only give us the violence and blood but there's also some nudity, which means all three of these just add up to some good exploitation. Again, if you're wanting a masterpiece or some well-made picture then this isn't going to be for you. If you enjoy these nature attack movies then I think this is one of the better ones out there.
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Shark zone is a complete waste of time...
redhead98986 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, the beginning is stupid because great whites don't hunt in packs, and the woman with blonde hair is never shown being eaten but the story says she was... when he has a dream with his wife getting eaten, it's like slow mochine, and at the beach the sharks roar above and below the surface, and sharks din;t roar. The director must be completely idiotic, and i mean in the beginning while they swim they talk to each other but their no device with them allowing them to communicate with each other. I mean come on, i would have sat through shark attack which is one of the most boringest shark attack films I ever saw. So don't waste your time on this garbage. The director and crew wasted their time working on this junk. I give the rating a : F- because the movie is one of the worst cheesiest b-movies I ever saw. So don't waste your time watching this.
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Shark Zone is a Dead Zone
Chase_Witherspoon29 April 2011
Combine yards of shark stock footage with TV production values and a cast of toothpaste models, and you're in the Shark Zone. A territorial school of Great White Sharks collaborate to upset the local seaside economy, while protecting a sunken treasure from ruthless Russian interests. Abysmally poor acting and the incessant overuse of shark footage ground this attempt shortly after take-off.

While diving in a sunken ship rumoured to be coveting a treasure trove of jewels, the motley crew are promptly dispatched by a school of ferocious white pointers. Before you can mumble "look out!", sharks are darting in every direction, a symphony of carnage punctuated by the sounds of body chomping, gory visuals of dismembered limbs and the obligatory crimson stained water. So frantic is the bedlam, that it seems like dozens of hapless victims are devoured, when in fact there's only about four fatalities.

As the soul survivor, Jimmy ends up becoming a marine biologist (was there ever any other alternative?) for the local council, and despite the occasional nightmare involving loved ones being torn to pieces by marauding sharks, he's an otherwise well-adjusted, doting father and husband to a absolute babe of a wife. Things gets spicy when a Russian businessman arrives, eager to discover the whereabouts of the hidden treasure, which leads to blackmail, corruption and ultimately, more human chum for the ravenous sharks.

Initially, the prospect of witnessing real shark footage interspersed with artificial beasts seemed novel and potentially convincing. Dismiss that thought in an instant, as the reliance on using loops of identical shark footage becomes so hackneyed, that even the real deal starts to look less menacing than the props. Overall, it's tripe and laboured, with stilted acting and an over-abundance of sub themes and plot diversions. Recommendation - watch it once for posterity, and exit the Shark Zone post haste.
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I've seen SO much worse...
AndyVanScoyoc28 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
And obviously, the people giving this film 1 & 2 star ratings, haven't.

Anyone who watches any amount of horror/shock/scary movies at all, would know that the list of films worse than this one, is infinite.

In fact, I just turned off one that bored me half to death, with pathetic shark/kill scenes and the acting in it...I've seen better High School plays.

Someone pointed out the "mom" as being the worst actress in this film. Out of place... definitely and more befitting a brainless schlock movie featuring naked hotties.

The rest of the nitpicking is just that...nitpicking.

Watch more movies, nitpickers, and in particular some of the absolute rotting stench fests I've watched to review for various magazines and YouTube channels ...then come back and tell me this is the worst film.

Not even close. Not worth paying more than $1 or two, to see, but definitely worth a watch if you can catch it for free.

I can't say that about all free movies I've seen.
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Growling sharks make for a cheesy and stupid shark movie...
paul_haakonsen6 July 2018
Right, well I found this movie in a discount bin and decided to give it a go, since it is a shark movie. I must admit that I had absolutely no expectations to the movie, because the vast majority of available shark movies turn out to be questionable attempts at best.

Right, well with no expectations I couldn't get disappointed. Which was a good thing, because this movie had so many things wrong with it.

The sharks in "Shark Zone" were growling. Seriously? Growling?! That was just fundamentally stupid on so many levels. Clearly it was done to make the sharks more scary, but that is not how it worked out. Instead, it just made it seem cheesy and downright ridiculous. Sharks are silent hunters and killers.

I must admit that I was more than perplexed at how the scuba divers were able to talk underwater. Especially so when their breathing mouthpieces were clearly not designed to allow the divers to speak. That was just idiotic.

It was hilarious to watch the divers in the helicopter wearing air tanks on their backs, but then when they jumped out of the helicopter these air tanks were magically gone. Could it be because they were using stock footage from somewhere and didn't even bother to take these missing aspects into consideration. Which happened a lot throughout the movie. There were so many continuity errors throughout "Shark Zone", mostly thanks to stock footage from documentaries being used in abundance here.

Most of the shark sequences were also just stock footage from shark documentaries, and it was painstakingly clear that it was. Which just further hammered in the nail in this sinking debris of a movie. And get this, they were allegedly Jurassic sharks. Jurassic sharks? Seriously?!

The scene with the divers in shark cages was just horrible to witness. The divers had red and blue markings on their head pieces of their diving suits. But whenever they opted to shy away from their stock footage and use actual filmed footage of the actors, guess what? Yep, there was no red or blue markings on the head pieces. Another glorious fail right there.

And for some reason they kept using the same clips of the sharks over and over throughout the entire movie.

All in all, "Shark Zone" is a sinker and a stinkers. There is no reason for why you should suffer through this ordeal of a movie. Some of us took a bullet for you by watching this abysmal shark movie, so you don't have to suffer like we did.
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Kinda watchable,but also kinda pointless.
kirk-24612 July 2009
I'm not going to call this movie terrible or a downright ripoff of much better monster movies.But I will say that this movie is the kind of movie that needs to stop recycling footage from other movies(Shark Attack 1,2,3).This movie even took some of the music from 'Shark Attack 1'.Recycling footage and music is just plain lazy.But the director decided to do it anyway.That's probably one of the reasons why I returned this movie to Movie Stop the next day.There's also some lame acting,but I've seen it in a bunch of movies so I'm not surprised.Save yourself the time and money and watch 'Jaws', 'Deep Blue Sea', or the very underrated 'Shark Attack'.

Not bad but nothing special
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3 is being nice
JCinHB22 July 2022
Well, I have been binge watching a bunch of cheap shark movies the last few days and sad to say, this one is almost one of the better ones out of the group of them. There is an actual plot, the wife is pretty and there is some actual action.

What is funny and as you have already read, they STEAL scenes from another movie... I mean really, they couldn't use some footage they didn't use from the other movie?? But if you want to get your fix of cheap shark movies, what the heck, this is far from being the worst of the group! But to give you an idea, this movie i almost 20 years old and has less than 35 reviews...... that should be warning enough... buyer beware.
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Rate 2, only for the beautiful sharks that appear on the scene.
jabandrade13 May 2021
This film is so bad that it is impossible for you not to take a personal parody. Lower the volume and create your own ridiculous dialogues. That's what I did with my son and wife. I don't know how someone managed to convince a producer to give money to make this garbage. Unbelievable dialogues, really pathetic, amateur effects, hilarious performances and a script that must have been written while the screenwriter was sitting on the toilet trying to relieve himself.
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Great popcorn fun!
chief888818 December 2003
Shark Zone is one of the better Shark flicks outside of Jaws that you are going to see.

It's fun, there is a lot of action. The character's are well developed and the acting is good. Wagner played by Dean Cochran of Phone Booth and Air Marshal is great. He has great reactions and comes up with a funny scene in a bar when he's talking to the bad guy.

It's great to see when people come up with a decent, fun action movie without spending millions and millions on it. I'm glad I bought it.

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Tonight on Fox: When stock footage attacks!
HaemovoreRex5 June 2007
Well one thing is immediately blatantly obvious from watching was filmed on the cheap with a capital 'C'. However, as the saying goes, cheap and cheerful which incidentally is entirely applicable to the film in question.

There's simply no point in trying to judge this film on it's technical merits, nor it's logic, nor the story, nor the acting performances. Nor is there any point bemoaning the fact that our Great White shark friends in this have suffered some almost libellous character defamation, whereby here they growl(!), pack hunt(!) and love nothing better than hanging around sunken galleons snacking on unsuspecting divers.

No, the best way to judge this flick is on its pure entertainment value and in this respect it scores highly.

Just marvel at some of the most obviously studio filmed scenes set on boats (my God! - you can even see the seams in the canvas 'sky'!), laugh your pants off at the franticly edited shark attack sequences (in reality stock Great White footage spliced into newly filmed scenes with flaying divers in reddened water whilst the camera is violently shaken around like crazy and exaggerated chomping noises are overdubbed on the soundtrack!) and finally spot the multiple instances of stolen footage from the Shark Attack series(!!!)

Yes, this is undeniably a mightily bad movie......and an immensely satisfying one at that!
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Shark attack movie - apparently the last in the storied franchise...
Roseypeetz19 October 2003
This movie is better than one might imagine at first glance... A breezy, gory romp... Lots of shark attacks and mayhem... Good, clean fun for those of us who love these kinds of movies... Unfortunately, the lovely Jenny McShane isn't in this one, but one Brandi Sherwood supplants her quite nicely...

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