Silent Warnings (TV Movie 2003) Poster

(2003 TV Movie)

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Interesting start, let-down finish
sarastro714 August 2004
Of course, it was obvious that it was a rip-off of Signs, but I didn't quite know what to make of Signs, so I thought this might provide a more wholesome movie experience. It started out well. After the main character's cousin mysteriously dies in a car crash, this guy and five college friends of his go to the cousin's house in a corn field near a small rural village. It's a good set-up, and there is a very nice and natural dynamic between all the characters, leading one to think that there might actually be a good story in here somewhere.

Unfortunately, there isn't. The interesting character interactions, which you want to see developed, get cut short by some silly nonsense about anonymous grey aliens. The end is a meaningless fizzle, where you can't tell if the alien invasion is retreating or advancing.

The movie starts out having a point, but ends up having none. 4 out of 10.
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"This is the country, people have a lot of spare time up here." I thought it was OK.
poolandrews26 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Silent Warnings starts at 'Brightwood College' where Layne Vossimer (A.J. Buckley) meets with with his girlfriend Macy (Callie De Fabry) & their friends Stephen (David O'Donell) his girlfriend Katrina (Michelle Borth) along with Maurice (Randford Doherty) & Iris (Kim Onasch) who are all going to drive out to the farm Layne has inherited after his cousin Joe (Stephen Baldwin) was killed in an accident. They intend to 'do' the place up & Layne plans to sell it off, simple eh? Well not really because the six friends hadn't counted on the alien beings who are using crop circles in the corns fields surrounding the farm as a means of teleportation...

Co-written & directed by Christian McIntire while I didn't think Silent Warnings was brilliant or even approaching it I thought it was an OK watch. The script by McIntire & Bill Lundy is all build up & scene setting for the first hour & then it changes direction completely & turns into an all out alien invasion film which is a shift in direction that felt like it came out of nowhere. The first hour tries to keep you in the dark a much as possible as nothing for definite is revealed but the presence of alien life-forms is obviously hinted at, it has a go at trying to explain the significance of the strange phenomena of crop circles which it does reasonably enough but when all said & done you just can't help but feel that Silent Warnings is a cheap Signs (2002) rip-off & considering the two were made & released so close together it's hard to put up a defence against it. There are just so many similarities for it to be a coincidence, however I suppose the good new is if you liked Signs & are after something very similar then Silent Warnings is definitely the film for you. It moves along at a reasonable pace although the first hour mainly relies on suggestion & careful build up, the character's are OK & not as annoying as many all teen cast films, the dialogue is alright & I actually found it quite watchable for what it was but then again why should you listen to me?

Director McIntire does OK, this looks like a proper film & not the usual low grade stuff that goes straight-to-video & because of the cast that makes me believe this was maybe intended for a theatrical release. There are one or two half decent 'jump' scare moments although in the end they're cheap scares, there's a certain mysterious feel to the film during the first hour & it has it's moments. Now the bad news, the alien CGI computer effects are absolutely terrible, no question they are awful & the aliens inspire fits of laughter rather than screams. Oh well, nothings perfect I suppose.

Techncially the films pretty good terrible CGI effects apart, it's well made throughout with decent enough production values. Apparently Silent Warnings was shot in Sofia in Bulgaria. The acting was alright & Billy Zane is still paying the price for appearing in The Phantom (1996) as all he can get is acting jobs in films like this shot in Bulgaria.

Silent Warnings isn't the best film ever but I found it a harmless enough way to pass 80 odd minutes, you could do a lot better for sure but you could do a lot worse as well.
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Good Storyline, But...
peelerfor36 May 2003
I saw this movie on the sci-fi channel, and I was suprised how good the story line was. I was enjoying the movie until the pitiful cartoon computer generated looking aliens showed up. They should have had men dress up as the creatures, at least they would have looked more realistic than the cartoon looking creatures. The storyline gets a 8 out of 10, but the effects get a very lousy 1 out of 10! Overall the movie I would give it about 4 1/2 out of 10!
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My God, Save Your Money!
svlehtinen28 August 2003
I was recently at the local video store and saw Silent Warnings on the shelf. I figured how bad can it really be? I rented it, took it home and the second everyone saw what I had rented they were scrutinizing it. I ignored thinking that a movie about aliens and crop circles really can't be completely disappointing. I popped it in the DVD player and proceeded to watch the film.

At first glance, it looks just like Signs. A farm, crop circles and the appearance of aliens in only slight amounts at first, but more prominent nearer the end.

Basically, a young man inherits his crazy cousin's farm after his death and goes there with some friends to fix the place up and sell it. After only being there for a few days they start noticing crop circles, someone disappears and they realize that, for some reason, aliens are attacking them on the farm. They do whatever they can to stay alive and figure out how to get rid of the aliens.

Silent Warnings feels like a made-for-TV budgeted film, but somehow worse. None of the main characters had any acting ability, unless you count Billy Zane as a main character, but he doesn't really have many lines so I wouldn't label him as one.

Now I guess I should be fair in respect to the acting and small budget effects. These are always expected with the typical straight-to-video, "never-heard-of-it" movies. But...Silent Warnings left one small thing out of the plot. An ending. I've never been so disappointed by the end of a movie in my life. Signs was bad, Jeepers Creepers was bad...This was awful.

All in all, I knew it wouldn't be good, but I had no idea.

Overall Rating: 2 / 10
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When Cousin Joe Buys Mel Gibson's Farm – A Shameful Ripoff of "Signs"
claudio_carvalho7 June 2005
After the accidental death of his cousin Joe Vossimer (Stephen Baldwin), the just-graduated electronic engineer Layne Vossimer (A.J. Buckley) joins his girlfriend and four friends of them to visit and clean the inherited farm in the country. The local Sheriff Bill Willingham (Billy Zane) is an old friend of Layne, and also grieves the death of Joe. When the group arrives in the farm, some weird and mysterious signs appear in the cornfield, but they believe the other locals are joking with them. When Iris Doyle (Kim Onasch) vanishes, the rest of the group realizes that there is a serious menace jeopardizing that place.

"Warnings" is a ridiculous horror-sci-fi movie, a shameful ripoff of "Signs", inclusive using a location identical to Mel Gibson's farm. What else can I write about a movie where the participation of "the great actor" (of course I am being ironical…) Stephen Baldwin is less than five minutes, only to give his name to the credits? I have just glanced some IMDb reviews, and their titles are enough to describe and comment this crap:

a) "Stupid";

b) "Awful";

c) "WHAT A JOKE...,";

d) "My God, Save Your Money!";

e) "Garbage";

f) "What a complete waste of time";

g) "What a rip-off";

h) "Total 'Signs' Rip-Off".

My vote is three.

Title (Brazil): "Aviso Mortal" ("Mortal Warning")
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finman8118 January 2004
I understand scifi channel could not afford big CGI effects,but COME ON!

This movie was horrible in every way possible.the acting was pathetic,the plot was just stupid, and worse off,the aliens didn't even look real. this movie is about a guys cousin,who has seen these weird crop circles on his farm before finding out WHAT is really going on, disappears.this guy, some friends of his, and the sheriff(played by billy zane)all set out to find out what these crop circles are all about.they soon uncover these findings in his cousins attic that there are aliens involved somehow.this movie is a total signs rip off(which is a great movie itself.)and the scifi channel could have done a much better job with it.if you want a good laugh then feel free to watch silent warnings otherwise stay away from this movie if you can.
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ethylene_oxide4 May 2003
More made-for-tv Scifi channel garbage.. Acting was sub par, predictable and overused plotline, poor animation, and typical gray bug-eyed aliens.. They should never have invested in any of these movies. Probably would have been less of a waste to simply burn the money spent on this in a large pit..
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What a complete waste of time
tsmithjr22 February 2004
Save yourself a complete waste of 2 hours. "Silent Warnings" is a complete waste of time. How Billy Zane could involve himself with this pretense of a film, I don't know. I can only assume he owed a friend or something like that. He's too good an actor to be involved with this piece of trash.
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They say do not judge a book by its cover.....They are so right
apilon15 September 2003
Went to my local video store. My wife show mew this film silent warning. The

description in the back looks promising and there are some praise like , will keep you to the edge of your seat and stuff like that that are made by some film critics.

all right rental cost me $1.15 with taxes. The film started with Baldwin that seems to be turning nuts and die while trying to kill something in his corn field. A prelude to what looked like a promising little suspense and spooky film. But

things fell down from that point on.....I did not saw the movie signs but i thought to myself that it must be looking very similar.....Anyhow......Baldwin cousin inherits its house and he decide to go there with his girlfriend and 3 of his friends to put back the house into shape ....during the week they spend

there..They will hear noise , see circle appearing in the corn field, see strange creature shadow and then 2 of them would get kill by the aliens....althought the script was probably very good and so the book if there is one, This movie failed to provide viewer with a good plot and building suspense and scares.
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A good genre picture
doctorgonzo237 May 2006
I feel that the other comments made about this movie do not exactly do it justice. I just rented and watched a copy of it last night, and I feel a little more generous than some of the other posters. Firstly, one has to address the fact that this movie is highly derivative of "Signs". Basicaly, the premise is the same. Crop circles mysteriously appear in a farmer's field and trouble ensues.

The acting is about what you would expect. Baldwin is far too over the top to really appreciate, but Billy Zane does a great job, as do most of the actors that portray the college kids trying to fix up the old farm house.

The CGI aliens are not done very well and look really fake. The build up of tension throughout the movie, however, is well done. There are some scenes where I couldn't help but jump and, in general, I think that this movie actually did a better job of interpreting the possible uses of crop circles better than signs. In this movie, the circles are used as a type of portal system for the aliens to get from place to place. In terms of a further comparison with signs, the ending is a lot more bleak.

I felt that signs included a cheesy supernatural element that, thankfully, was mostly absent from this film. Don't rent it expecting to see something on the same scale of Signs, but if you liked it and the ideas it presented, you should get some enjoyment out of this as well.
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Starts off reasonably good apart from the terrible effects, but fizzles out
TheLittleSongbird29 August 2012
I wasn't sure what to expect from Silent Warnings. After seeing it, I found it not a great movie but it was an okay one. It actually looks good, the photography is not choppy and the scenery has a certain eeriness. The first fifty minutes or so were decent, not great due to how derivative it was, but there are admirable attempts at evoking suspense and tension and there are some creepy moments and it didn't make the mistake of boring me. The acting is also better than average, though Stephen Baldwin in a rather "bit" role is rather over-the-top. Billy Zane is also in a small role but does a good job with it. AJ Buckley is the one who carries Silent Warnings and he does very well with it being charismatic and likable. However, it is the ending really where everything just fizzles out, the explanations are just nonsensical and it all feels melodramatic. The script is uneven, thankfully it is not that cheesy and stilted like I was expecting and builds up the characters(who thankfully didn't infuriate me) nicely. Sadly it does change tone and that shift feels like a completely different and inferior work and it just didn't work. But the worst asset of Silent Warnings was by far the special effects, which are terribly fake. All in all, has terrible effects and an uneven script but until it fizzles out at the end Silent Warnings was reasonably good. 5/10 Bethany Cox
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Great film. Wholly underrated. Go check it out.
sldub16 April 2004
I don't understand why everyone keeps p***ing on this film. Not only is it not that bad, it was pretty good. Who is that lead guy, AJ Buckley? It's a wonder, we don't see him more often cuz he completely carries the flick. The action sequences (especially hottie AJ with the shotgun) were completely gripping and made the film that much more enjoyable. At first I thought this might be a cheesy C- rip-off of SIGNS, but in reality, the film goes in its own, interesting direction and should not be dismissed before making your own opinion. Check it out if you can find it!
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Warning Signs
sol121821 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Decent and straightforward clone of the previous years,2002, Mel Gibson movie "Signs" without the heavy religious overtones of the original.

We see right away that things aren't going too good at the old Vossimer farm. Crazy Joe Vossimer, Stephen Bladwin, has been under attack by these unseen, by everyone but Joe, aliens from other space that made his 40 acer cornfield their home. Even though Joe had somehow found how to battle the aliens it seems that it was still too late for the rest of humanity, as well as Crazy Joe, in that he drunkenly got himself killed by his own hand as he was partying, all by himself, the night away.

It was now up to crazy Joe's close relative the just graduated electronic major Layne, A.J Buckley, and his fellow graduating student friends to be the one's to save the world together with the help of the town sheriff Bill Willingham, Billy Zane. It's not that Layne & Co. were out to save the world all they wanted to do was have a good time refurbishing the Old Vossimer home & Farm and have put it, by Layne, on sale. It was that's how things just turned out in that they were designated by fate, or a power beyond their control, to battle an alien invasion of the earth that they accidentally came upon.

Not expecting to find what they eventually did the young people were just having a good time doing their thing, besides cleaning up the place, in the wilds of rural Oregon until things started to get a bit weird! Like these strange crop circles popping up all over the cornfield like weeds in your backyard. At first thinking that the crop circles were the work of a few local sh*t kicking farmhands it soon became obvious, in them being both overly drunk and utterly brainless, that it was the work of some higher form of intelligence possibly from another planet.

It was Layne who at first suspected something wasn't kosher when he found in the attic a number of video tapes made by Crazy Joe explaining his paranoia of aliens from outer space. It's later when one of Layne's friends Maurice, Ransford Doherty, while peeping through the keyhole of sexy Iris Doyle's, Kim Onasch, room as she was undressing that he saw, besides Iris undressed, a alien shape in her window! Blowing his cover Maurice ended up barreling into Iris' room exposing himself as a peeping Tom, or Maurice, but at the same time alerting his fellow students and friends that there are aliens out there and their up to no good.

It still took a while for Layne and his friends to finally get the picture that they and the earth was under attack, from aliens from outer space, but when they did it was almost too late in that the aliens had already gotten the upper hand as well as done in a number of them. It's when Sheriff Willingham, who finally got off his a**, came on the scene that the battle for the Vossimer Farm took a sudden and dramatic turn for the better.

****SPOILERS**** It became obvious, from what Crazy Joe left behind on the farm, that the aliens were somehow unable to fend off anything made of pure iron as well as it being electrified by connected to an electric current. It's that secret that Sheriff Willingham found out, through Crazy Joe's video's and writings, that in the end turned the tide against the invisible and materializing, from out of thin air, aliens.

Making the ultimate sacrifice in preventing the aliens from taking over the Vossimer Farm as well as zapping Layne and his friends, or what was left of them, Sheriff Willingham stopped them dead, or hot, in their tracks. It was just too bad that the rest of the world, or the United State's West Coast, didn't have other men of sheriff Willingham's insight courage conviction and determination as well. As we soon find out in the movie's shocking and disturbing final moments.
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Very Familiar Horror/SF Story
Theo Robertson14 May 2008
One reason horror movies aren't well regarded amongst critics is down to the fact that in order for the plot to work the characters have to do stupid things like wander around a dark woodland knowing fine well that people have disappeared in that location . In other words logic flies out the window . One other reason for the low regard of this genre is that plots have been done to death and the horror film has lost its lustre down to really rank repetition . SILENT WARNINGS is a case in point

As soon as the characters are introduced I let out a very audible sigh . We're introduced to the staple diet of American horror movies - horny teenagers . This a diet that's been dished out to audiences for over 30 years and anyone who once had an appetite for this type of movie must now surely be suffering from a cinematic eating disorder . However at least the story does have some originality in that it doesn't rip off HALLOWEEN . Instead it rips off a couple of other horror/sci-fi classics . Can you guess what they are ? I'll give you a clue . One of them also featured crop circles in a cornfield and starred Mel Gibson while the other is a 1967 Hammer horror movie based on a 1957 BBC play by Nigel Kneale . Even the the title of conjures up images of the Gibson movie and I guess that's why this movie isn't called WARNING SIGNS

I will be somewhat merciful in this review and take into account that this is a very cheap direct to DVD film shot in Bulgaria . At least the director has picked a location that resembles the American Mid West . Strange to think that both Stephen Baldwin and Billy Zane were once relatively well known prolific actors but I can't recall the last time either appeared in a fairly successful movie and I doubt if SILENT WARNINGS made any casting directors sit up and take notice . The rest of the cast are alright in rather clichéd roles and if you're in to horror or SF movies then you may find this movie a harmless enough time waster
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ianef11 May 2003
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was...okay. It got pretty scary at some moments, but at other times, it was just plain bad. The acting was good overall, and any fans of Billy Zane would probably want to see this. *SPOILER* The ending made almost no sense whatsoever, and nothing was really resolved. The visual effects were bad. It looked like something straight out of a video game.

My Rating: 1 and 1/2 stars out of 5
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scherr2 January 2005
If I hadn't seen SIGNS i might have been impressed by the whole cornfield/alien angle. But its been done before and I was hoping this film would take a whole new angle. It doesn't. Billy Zane looks like he's on drugs. Some time is spent revealing who the characters are and how they relate to each other, there's an obligatory semi nude scene but its pointless - all the characters are shallow and uninteresting IMHO. Considering the technology these aliens must have there are holes in the plot large enough to drive a monster truck through. NEVER have I seen such woefully depicted monsters/aliens. I know this thing was made on a budget but if they couldn't use CGI properly then stick to rubber suits. Forget the comparisons to SIGNS - this one STINKS!
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Met My Expectations....
angelarose4 May 2003
Didn't have high expectations of this one in the first place so I wasn't disappointed since they gave me the same junk I had expected. I was disappointed that the stars, Zane and Baldwin weren't in the film more than just cameo's. Would of have been much better with Billy portraying all roles, just to suffice my delight of seeing him in something new. Script was hideous. Maybe the money they offered Billy for this was too good to refuse. How knows? Billy should be offered so much better scripts than he is obviously receiving. Wonder If us 'Zane Fans' can locate or even write some scripts and send him? Anything would help.
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A Fitting Title
chow9139 September 2015
Just to clarify, the open title clearly reads 'Warnings' NOT 'Silent Warnings' because IMDb can't get basic facts right.

I was bored last night. I went into this not knowing anything about 'Warnings.' But it becomes obvious by the opening credits that this is merely a 'Signs' rip off.

It honestly isn't that bad, it has likable... alright, not dislikable characters played by decent actors, and decent FX. Decent as in no horrible CGI. When something blows up the film makers actually... brace yourself, blow up a model rather than using fake CGI flames! It's truly sad that this has better FX than any Hollywood film I've seen in a long time.

The film opens with dangerous loner corn farmer Stephen Baldwin shooting at grey aliens in his corn fields. Stephen Baldwin has replaced Chris Mitchum in being the king of low low low budget films.

Baldwin dies within 120 seconds of screen time, not by the aliens but because he was shooting at the aliens while his truck was leaking gas. So the aliens aren't dangerous? Baldwin just dies by his own stupidity? Baldwin of course gets top billing with his name above the opening credits despite the fact that we just saw him die! Does he come back? Nope, that's the last we see of him.

Cut to six college friends going to fix up the late Baldwin's house so it can be sold. Just as guess but aren't corn farms usually valued by their farming land? Isn't the most likely buyer going to be another farmer looking to expand? He isn't going to care about fresh paint on the shack Baldwin was living in!

How are six college kids going to fix up a house? They don't have any experience! In fact we don't even see them buying supplies! Also unrealistic is that fact that a dangerous loner's hideout has six nice bedrooms with six beds for them to all sleep in. Why would a dangerous loner have five guest bedrooms?

Anyway, we go through most of the same build up as 'Signs' except with college kids. The characters honestly aren't that annoying. The weakest is by far the token black guy. He listens to rap because... he's black. That's his character.

Crops circles appear, there are nightly intruders in the corn fields, and local yokel sheriff Billy Zane says he'll investigate.

The kids also find video tapes Baldwin made warning of the aliens. Interesting, since we clearly saw him using a digital camcorder in the opening! How'd they end up on VHS?

Finally one of the girls goes missing in the fields. All they find is her bracelet and surgical hip pins. Talk about finding a needle in a hay stack.

This leads the teen to the startling conclusion that... the aliens' one weakness is... iron. No kidding, iron. Why? Because, they state, surgical hip pins are made of steel which comes from iron. So iron is the only way to protect from the aliens. So the aluminum foil hats really do work? After all, aluminum is also made from... iron.

In the climax Sheriff Zane and the kids are hold up in the house with aliens right outside. They're actually smarter than Mel Gibson's family as they realize the best way to defeat the aliens is... guns. Yeah, shoot the bastards! It worked in 'Aliens' than those things were a lot scarier.

They can't call for help because cell phones don't work out in the... wait. It was just then I realized that for 90 minutes NONE OF THE KIDS had used a cell phone. No horror movie trope about cell phones not working out in the country, they just don't have them. Seriously, this issue is never brought up! No one calls for help.

Zane sacrifices himself by setting the stove gas line on fire so the surviving three kids can escape. I hadn't seen an actual model house blow up in so long that I'd forgotten what it looked like. As I said, better FX than all recent Hollywood films which have yet to create a believable CGI explosion.

As the kids drive away they hear on the radio that alien invasions have been occurring all over the country.

At least the alien invasion was a surprise which explains the kids' being unprepared. Mel Gibson's family had major warnings from the news and they still failed to prepare by, stocking food and water, getting weapons, getting the asthmatic son's inhaler, or even bringing in the dog from outside, or simply leaving town!

As I said, fun for some laughs and not annoying. Just don't expect too much.
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Poor man's Signs
Leofwine_draca8 December 2013
SILENT WARNINGS is a pretty bad alien abduction style movie about a bunch of characters in a deserted farmhouse finding themselves at the mercy of crop circles and extraterrestrial critters lurking about outside. Yes, it's a cheesy rip off of Mel Gibson's SIGNS and just as ridiculous as you'd expect from that lacklustre premise.

This is a film that has all of the usual requirements of a B-movie and it's just a shame it takes so long to get going, because it could have been more fun had they got on with the cheapo thrills. Instead, we get a good hour of characters sitting around and twiddling their thumbs before the alien invasion starts for real. In that time, the writers usually find ways for the female cast members to strip naked while the males remain clothed; exploitation at its best.

The cast members are nothing to write home about, and there are exactly two familiar faces here. The first is Stephen Baldwin, who delivers a rambling, incoherent cameo at the outset. Better served is Billy Zane in the sheriff role; he gets more to do, particularly towards the climax, where he gets into the right cheesy spirit. Wait until you see the special effects for the aliens - there's cheesy CGI and then there's the CGI in this movie, which beggars belief. Good explosion, though.
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Terrible Sci-Fi movie
guilfisher-116 May 2006
Why the likes of Billy Zane and Stephen Baldwin would do this silly 2003 film beats me. I have great respect for their body of work and to see them romp through this nonsense was hard to take. Finally gave up watching it on TV. Directed by Christian McIntire from a screenplay by Bill Lundy adapted from a book by Kevin Gendreau, it has every aspect of a very good film. The camera work was excellent and some of the shots set the mood beautifully. So why did I find this so bad? Seeing the actual aliens was a big let down. A bad choice. Like that famous classic CAT PEOPLE, not seeing them would have made it more frightening. Then there was the supporting cast; The three girls played by Callie De Fabry, Michelle Borth and Kim Onosch were just plain awful. Screaming was just about the stretch of their acting. Borth being the worst of the lot. I couldn't wait for them to be taken by the aliens just to shut them up. The boys were not that good either, although had some finer moments than their mates. Layne Vassimer, Stephen Fox and Maurice Hall all played their roles and were on their marks but lacked a lot of believability. What I found the most objectionable was when we are reaching the climax with aliens popping out from everywhere, two couples decide to take the time to do their kissing scenes. Come on. In face of danger, they begin to neck? Not really. I give this loser a one in respect to the presence of Baldwin and Zane and a director I feel could do better work.
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A simple B-movie, but...
NewDivide170124 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Grant you, this movie is a technical rip-off of Signs, but it still has some charm to it. Signs is about faith and despair, while this movie is more into the classical alien invasion scenario.

Silent Warnings gets more involved into the skepticism about the origins of the crop circles than what Signs did, and leading our protagonists to an uncertain future. Which is a plus.

This is further reinforced when a couple of rednecks, as they are described in the movie, acts like a couple of jerks to what first appears to be the creation of a crop circle.

However all in all, Signs is still a better movie than Silent Warnings by a substantial margin, but Silent Warnings is still worth watching.
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Watch it for A.J. Buckley only!
ishtar-moon29 August 2005
OK, this film isn't anything special, but I was motivated to watch it because of A.J. Buckley, who plays Layne. He did the best that he could with his character, I totally enjoyed his performance. He can say everything just with his beautiful blue eyes. Whoever appreciates this actor and his work, should definitely watch this film. He's the best! The characters could have been developed a lot more, especially Layne's. He had issues with his girlfriend, but the script seemed to forget about it quite quickly. The ending felt rushed, and it sort of ruined the premise. Overall, it could have been much, much better. A.J.'s performance made it OK to watch, but the rest of the cast was weak, with the exception of Billy Zane, who wasn't given enough room to shine, though.
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A Great Alien Movie
charlesskywalk3 May 2003
I do like this movie because it had Alien and crop circles the story is

about On a farm outside Porterville, Ore., paramilitary paranoiac Joe

Vossimer (Stephen Baldwin, Born on the Fourth of July, TV's The Young Riders)isn't imagining things, at least not this time - there really are strange, hostile visitors in the cornfield. And given what happens to him, who could really call all his security precautions and video journals over-the-top? After Joe's violent death, his farm is bequeathed to his cousin Layne (Irish-born actor A.J. Buckley, Disturbing Behavior, Sean S. Cunningham's XCU: Extreme Close Up), newly graduated from college. The grieving Layne gathers his friends to help him renovate the farmhouse and put it up for sale. Setting out with girlfriend Macy (Callie De Fabry, Gabby on Birds of Prey), best bud Maurice (Ransford Doherty, What Matters Most)and three other friends, Layne returns to his hometown. After reacquainting himself with Sheriff Bill Willingham (Billy Zane, Titanic, The Phantom), a family friend who's watched over the property since Joe died, Layne heads to the farm - and the crop circle where Joe died. Soon the unexpected begins to happen - between Maurice and the troubled Iris (Kim Onasch, a 1998 Elite Look of the Year nationalist) ... between the Goth-influenced Katrina (Michelle Borth, Wonderland) and her boyfriend Stephen (David O'Donnell, Made Men, MTV's Undressed) ... and between aliens and humans. Before the dawn comes, all will deal with the horror of death, the reality of monsters, and the devastating confirmation that crop circles may not be merely innocent signs, but silent warnings. I say it great good cast also I hope the movie will come out on VHS and DVD 8.9 of 10
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Decent 'something is out there' movie
chrisrk-111 September 2004
The writer of this movie is obviously one of the people who liked the premise for M. Night Shyamalan's Signs, but didn't think it lived up to its potential. Warnings takes some of the ideas from Signs and carries them in a different direction, adding a few teens in place of the preacher and his family. There are all the stereotypes you're used to -- the hostile muscle-brained jock, the hip black kid, the witchy girl who has the situation pegged but can't get anyone to listen to her. The writing and acting are better than you'd expect from this kind of movie, and manage to make the characters interesting. There's some very rudimentary eye candy and Stephen Baldwin's performance as the crazy farmer is worth seeing all by itself.
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bekayess4 May 2003
Is Billy Zane so hard-up for work that he has to spend his time shooting aliens in this stupid mess of a film? Likewise Stephen Baldwin. . .at least his entire role consists of him alone, and was likely shot in one day. Yet another teens-in-trouble movie with the requisite quasi-sex. Why did sci-fi waste my time with this f'ing waste of film stock?
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