Scarecrow Slayer (Video 2003) Poster

(2003 Video)

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Well this movie was atrocious
horrorwood9021017 May 2005
I'm sorry if any of you liked it (I hope none of you can admit to that), but this was by far THE WORST horror film I've seen in a long time. It looks very convincing on a shelf and even the pictures on the back make the movie look quite menacing, but after the first 5 minutes into it its like you can't believe you threw about 3 or 4 bucks down the drain. In no way do you ever care about these characters in the least bit. The effects do not help advance the plot but rather make you wonder why they even used effects. And this movie is a lot like a teenager exploitation slasher film aside from the fact they decided to make it on the farm. How original. What got me the most was that I couldn't even laugh at any of it it was so bad. There is a line between funny and extremely awful and this movie has surpassed that line. If you are a veteran horror fan I do not suggest you add this to your collection or attempt to watch it. You will feel violated and sick after wards. The acting is appalling, the effects are worthless and the "monster" isn't even believable as far as costume goes. You feel like its some random snuff film compiled by some rich kids that don't know anything about film or cinema in general. Like someone just had money to waste. This movie was terrible and I hope you never get the pleasure of seeing it.
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Worse then bad
DUKE121 February 2006
This might be the worse film I have ever seen. Hard to believe something like this can be made. Has Tony Todd fallen on that bad of times he needs to do things like this? I could not put this with the bad its good or I laughed the whole time bad films was just bad!

The whole movie was full of stuff that made no sense that just made you think what the hell is going on now. I expect that from low budget strait to video but this was real bad. No point to most of it.

I did think that the scarecrow looked OK and could have been somewhat scary just in the wrong film with this.

Seems like the filmmaker has done or been involved in lots of stuff, none i have seen, I might not want to now. God bless much luck for doing something we all love.

I would avoid this at all cost free or for $1.00 not worth it.
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If you enjoyed this movie there may be something wrong with you.
agent_squirrel23 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Let me just start of by saying that the original Scarecrow may indeed be considered a gem in harsh comparison to this movie. How they managed to get a hold of a semi-well known actor like Tony Todd is beyond me. Basically, this movie manages to lose any magic that the first one had. And believe me, some how making a movie WORSE than the first one is a feat. A great and marvelous feat. For those who have watched the first movie, remember lovable Lester Dwervick? OK well he's dead, but for some reason the same exact scarecrow is in this movie. With the death of Lester also went all those crazy one-liners and kung fu flips. That was the only redeeming factor of the first movie. Now, we come to Slayer which is just a half-assed attempt at trying to blah blah...rocket launcher to the face. God this movie sucks.
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Funny Trash-Slash Movie
claudio_carvalho6 May 2005
The friends Dave (Brett Erickson) and Karl (David Castro) are trying to join a fraternity in their college and they are assigned to bring a scarecrow from an isolated field. Meanwhile, Caleb Kilgore (Tony Todd), a deranged man who wrote several books about evil scarecrows, is being interviewed by a reporter nearby. Caleb sees the scarecrow falling over Dave and shoots with his gun, killing the student and somehow transferring his soul to the scarecrow. The scarecrow chases Dave's girlfriend, killing everybody around her, trying to bring her to the field to stay with him. "Scarecrow Slayer" has a horrible story, terrible screenplay, ham actors and actresses and dreadful direction. It is so ridiculous, that becomes a funny trash-slash movie. I laughed a lot with the story and the performance of the cast, highlight a certain David Castro, performing Karl. The guy is one of the worst actors I have ever seen, and his character is very suitable for the quality of his performance. The heroin, wearing shorts in the middle of a cold night, at least has beautiful legs. If you like very trash movies, do not miss this one. Otherwise, do not rent, buy or get close to this crap. My vote is five.

Title (Brazil): "O Espantalho" ("The Scarecrow")
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Good idea but sadly misses the mark completely
krsph3 April 2005
Seeing the cover art and the fact Tony Todd was involved you would expect a better movie. The story is fairly good but combine bad acting and "terrible effects" and the movie loses all its steam. Die hard horror fans such as myself will be very disappointed with this movie. Very little blood, no real gore to speak of and a general lack of special effects leave the movie flat. Tony Todd gives a good performance but he alone can't save this movie. Nicole Kingston is a beauty to help dull the pain of watching this movie. This is another movie where the lack of a good budget hurts the movie to the point its almost a waste of time to have filmed it. If your looking for a hidden gem or a good scare pass on this one.
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Enjoyable Trash
vinylsoul3123 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed it. It was choppy, didn't make much sense and was in no way scary. But it was definitely entertaining. Not nearly as good as the first Scarecrow movie.(which is excellent by the way,because of Tiffany Shepis and Richard Elfman) This one is almost equal to Scarecrow Gone Wild. Though Scarecrow Gone Wild makes more sense, except for the cornfield on the beach issue. Scarecrow slayer has some good characters in it. Some very attractive women and funny guys. I think it could have been a lot better, maybe with a different director. They should have kept the same one from the first film.(Itier) All in all it's a trashy movie, but enjoyable none the less.
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Just like a Disney Sequel?
Luciphyre27 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Well, they got Tony Todd (Candyman) to appear in this movie, to bad it wasn't as good as the first Scarecrow. Yeah he runs around Kung-Fuing his way about killing people, but this time the Scarecrow seems more Serious. I guess if you see this before the first one you might think different about it, hard call though; Scarecrow was more laughs, one liners and just straight low budget horror movie. Scarecrow Slayer is less talk more CG killing and a more serious additude. Again like the first "Scarecrow," yep the girls all look good but no nudity, might have helped the first one, but even nudity in this movie wouldn't have gone over at all. The just of it is a fraternity prank gone bad with revenge upon people he knows, even the girl he loves(Since the Spirit came from her ex-boyfriend: cause he was shot by Tony Todd). The only part worth laughing at is their use of Marines. Ha those idiots couldn't have even been marines if god put them there. They try to shoot the Scarecrow with a Rocket Launcher..... Oops it don't work, ya like that would make sense in a movie. Wait the Marines are running away, ya in what world was this. Oh and to top it off they make a electrical sheet by plugging a power cord into a light socket attached to chicken wire on the floor trying to Electrify the Scarecrow, Uh I don't see that happening, even in another low budget movie. To bad...... well they always say "Sequals usually are no good, unless your Jason!"
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I would sum up, if there was anything to sum up.
boltupright3212 May 2006
Let it be known, that I enjoy bad movies. I really do. I am an actor, and screenwriter, and have many talented film-making friends. A few of us truly enjoy watching bad movies due to their skill in teaching us how not to make bad movies. But I am afraid I must speak candidly about this "Motion Picture" (for lack of a better term). This is the single worst picture that has ever been projectile vomited onto the silver screen. Within the course of my good friend and I watching this film, we were stunned at the sheer "Badness" of the picture. Keep in mind this is not "Bad" as in Michael Jackson's "Bad", but "Bad" as in: maggots eating a delicious decaying corpse would actually stop gorging themselves, stare in unbelief at the television screen and instantly learn the English language just to be able to say "Please someone kill me now". My friend and I actually lost all of our talents & abilities for a short time watching this movie. We were actually so sapped of strength, that we forgot how to make movies, or how to act or how to create anything because the "Black Hole" of all bad movies had risen in our midst and we began to be stretched out into pencil thin rails as we were slowly and systematically obliterated from existence. The only thing that saved us was the shared experience of seeing the pinnacle of bad movies. Even wading through the immense landfill of "Hammer" films we realized that they could never compare to what was happening to us at that moment in time. At the very least Hammer films are entertaining. They at least gave us something to laugh at until we couldn't keep food down. Please do not get me wrong. This movie must be applauded for its sheer Ability to destroy anyone who watches it. They have succeeded in making a film that realistically could kill you in 7 days if you watch it too long. I gave it a rating of 1 only because -1 was not an option that was given to me.
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This COULD have been a good movie.
nightbreed19 August 2003
This could have been a good movie and a potential new franchise,if it had a bigger budget and a different production company.The costume and make-up of the scarecrow was pretty well done.The acting was really bad,the actors didn't know how to act scared. The visual effects and murders looked like video game graphics.We need a good new horror franchise,but this isn't it.
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zacangel0823 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
this movie isn't that bad but it isn't that good either. the acting wasn't great. neither was the camera work. if your afraid of scarecrows this movie will maybe scare you if you are easily scared but if you love cheap cheesy horrors you will love this. the actors and actresses aren't well known but some of them should be because the acting from 1 or 2 people was fantastic. and the blood and guts they used in this movie looked really fake i didn't watch the whole movie about half way through i turned it off because this one girls voice was annoying me so much. but like i said earlier if you hate scarecrows and are easily scared watch it. also if you have nothing to do on a Sunday afternoon watch it if you are really bored . :)
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Best Movie Ever Made
benwilkens41119 January 2007
The movie was so unbelievably bad that it was good. This is assuming that you are watching the movie with friends who will not just make fun of it, but rip it to pieces as you watch. This means that you shouldn't watch the movie with any of the stiffs who declared it the worst movie ever because of the terrible effects, acting, lingo, customs, lack of plot, and so on. They cannot truly appreciate a movie that was purposefully made so bad that people would not have a good time watching it, but instead would have an amazingly fulfilling experience making fun of it. If you like movies that make you feel like you could easily create a better movie in your backyard without even having a video camera then this is the movie for you. If you one of those people who limit the qualities of a good movie to having good plot, acting, effects, lingo, and so on; then you aren't worthy of the Scarecrow Slayer experience and should rethink everything about your movie watching life before it's too late. SCRARECROW SLAYER + FRIENDS = BEST MOVIE EVER!!!
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not a high dollar movie
JDthegameboy9 July 2007
listen this movie is no million dollar movie and it clearly shows but the thing is for me i don't need a million dollar budget to get me interested if they had a better budget it would be better but they didn't i like it cause its a classic no one watches old black and white Dracula films for the effects so why judge this movie by its budget if you pick it up you will have a fun time cause the movie is kinda fun to watch and it will let you remember how movie use to be made and i enjoy how the scarecrow was like a ninja its funny its classic everything i want in a movie if you pick this up with a bad feeling about it don't waste your time its a cheap classic thats all.
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Pretty boring scarecrow film
slayrrr66621 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
"Scarecrow Slayer" is a pretty banal scarecrow slasher film.


Fraternity pledges Dave, (Brett Erickson) Karl, (David Castro) Mary Anderson, (Nicole Kingston) and Judy, (Elizabeth Perry) sneak onto Caleb Kilgore's, (Tony Todd) cornfield to rob a scarecrow to join. Mistaking them stealing it to be a prophesied legend come true, Dave is accidentally killed. When they awake the next morning to live with their situation, Mary comes to realize what happen, that her boyfriend has died and could quite possibly be a murderous scarecrow. When their fraternity members start dying in gruesome ways, they suspect that the scarecrow is the culprit and is setting off on getting revenge for his death. Only Mary figures she can stop him before it's too late.

The Good News: The second in a trilogy that no one knew existed means that it isn't all that spectacular when really looked at. The scarecrow costume this time isn't changed around so it can still give off some cheap thrills. The only design change is a slight redesign of the stitches over his eyes, but it's not a fairly noticeable one and really isn't that noteworthy, except for some shots that really make it look a little spookier, but this happens rarely. The big thing to recommend here, though, is the deaths. It's a little more inventive than the one before, though not by much. Here we get a couple decapitations, an impaling on a pitchfork, a rather splatter-filled crushing behind a door and being scythed in half, which is the best scene in the film. Cornering a car, one character attempts to take it when we get a close-up view of it's stomach, and after a couple of seconds, his upper body slides off and lands on the ground. Really interesting scene. Other than these few things, though, not much to compliment.

The Bad News: Oh, boy, where do I start? I honestly don't know where to start with on here, it's all pretty bad. The obvious ones, dialog, acting, direction, and mostly anything technical are included in this list as being bad, but that's just the beginning. The opening makes no sense whatsoever. It takes fifteen minutes before the plot kicks in and the scarecrow comes out, yet there is so much back-story going on, it makes the whole incredibly confusing. Add to that, nothing is seen clearly as there is a strange hue around the film, it's harder than normal and makes it impossible to see the action. That is a compounding problem for most of the movie actually and it doesn't make the movie all the more stylish because of it. The hue is distracting, and makes the scene hard to view as you're centered on the huing instead of what's going on, ruining the film of what little action there is. That's the next thing: there's hardly anything in here that will keep your attention for more than twenty minutes or so, as the film is so devoid of anything resembling action, making an already strained picture all the more harder to sit through. When there's nothing there, you have to rely on a story to get through the dull spots, but the one here is so inept and dull, it doesn't really matter all that much. The plot here is so identical to the first one that a full review could be written just based on the similarities between the two films. Besides the one cool scene earlier, the gore is pretty bad. Not at all realistically done or convincing, and considering that there is a high body count is a shame. The ending is a total non-event, draws no action and makes it go by pretty slowly. There is just so much I could go on about, it's really a shame. Even the characters are very annoying, and that is a huge one right there.

The Final Verdict: This is pretty bad on most accounts, and not really features much to recommend it. Even a couple nice deaths can't really make it exciting, and it invariably leads to boredom. See it only if you are a hardcore fan of the scarecrow films or the cheapest of the cheap films.

Rated R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language
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One of the worst movies ever!!!!
mattyl7723 June 2005
I gave this movie a 1 because you were not able to give it a zero, the dialogue is terrible and the acting is worse, The kill scenes were pathetic and I feel sorry for anyone who actually had to sit through this movie. The plot line made no sense and the movie didn't really come together very well at the end. There were only like 7 characters in the whole movie and they don't even really introduce them at all. Usually I like these cheap, cheesy horror movies but this is a big exception for that. Just a horrible movie and only watch it if you have to.

p.s Terrible
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A rip-off of Candyman and Dark Night Of The Scarecrow!!
chaplins_charlie10 August 2003
How do movies like this get made?? Tony Todd was good, but the rest of the cast was sooooo boring!! A total rip-off of Dark night of the scarecrow w/ Larry Drake!! Looks good, but don't waste your time!!! Unless you're into boring, straight-to-video movies!! *Yawn*
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mastokes_usc2 September 2003
Warning: Spoilers
***Spoilers below***

I found this movie to be extremely entertaining. The first 5 minutes before the opening credits are worth the movie rental fees. I don't believe I have seen effects this bad ever. I thought when I saw it that a couple of college students had made this for their project in some movie special effects class or something. With that thought in mind, I didn't think the movie was that bad. But now seeing that this director has directed and written movies previously put a damper on the memories of the movie. With my new knowledge, I can say in full confidence that this movie is crap and it could only have been intended to be this way. It did have its moments though. My friend and I about died when they "stars" were climbing down a rope from a window at the frat house and one fell for what seemed like 10 minutes when you noticed in the shot before that the roof was about one story off of the ground. Another good attribute of the movie is that it makes you really respect and admire good actors. Thank you Scarecrow Slayer.

Awesome movie quote, "Don't knock the Glock"

3 out of 10
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Even gives the word crap a bad name
TheLittleSongbird4 November 2012
Not since Vampegeddon a couple of weeks back, have I seen a movie with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Scarecrow Slayer is a truly abysmal movie that makes a waste of a decent idea. Even Nicole Kingston's sexiness can save it. It is very difficult to begin with a starting point, but I think I'll start with the acting. It is really atrocious, Tony Todd- who was brilliant in Candyman- is far too over-the-top but he still manages to be the best actor in the entire movie. Everybody else couldn't act if their life depended on it. In all fairness though, a lot of things hold them back. The characters are never developed and are little more than obnoxious stereotypes. They are also made to utter some of the most terrible dialogue I have ever heard in my life, every line is clichéd and has no believability to it. It also feels very cheesy and stilted. The story did have potential because of its idea but the result is completely unoriginal and the opening is overlong and too drawn out. The storytelling is really predictable with a lot of things that didn't make sense(how a bumblebee was suddenly able to work was just one of them). It also has no excitement or any kind of suspense or terror that rings true. True there are some really interesting ideas with the deaths, but it is wasted by the complete lack of any atmosphere. As well as some really hackneyed photography and editing that makes some of the action incomprehensible. And few movies I've seen recently have had special effects as awful as these, you are laughing at how stupid they look. And I am not just talking about the rival scarecrow. Overall, makes many other terrible movies look good, well and truly one of the worst movies I've ever seen. 0/10 Bethany Cox
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Horrible Filmmakers
Chainsaw Slasher15 July 2004
The passion for the art of Filmmaking comes before the money. And too often do we see horror films that are made by those without the love of the horror. And what does that result in? A horrible piece of garbage such as this. These people are only out there for the cash. Nothing more nothing less. A true fan of horror doesn't use digital deaths. Another sorry part about this film is the Candyman actor. He must do anything for a couple of pennies. They mustve paid him like 50 bucks to play the role. When people do their job, they have to do it with pride and dignity. Not to make an extra fifty. Horrible. Oh, and by the way, the killer scarecrow idea is getting old, find a new idea.
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Poor production values ruined sequel's potential.
DarthPaul8518 February 2004
I have seen both Scarecrow movies, and this one has different strengths and weaknesses than the first scarecrow film. This film's greatest weakness is its poor cinematography: poor use of computer effects, too many chroma-key shots, and sub-par lighting. The acting is next on the felt like there was no director at all. Even recognizable actor Tony Todd fell flat in this movie. It felt like half the cast didn't even try to act.

It's kind of a shame, since this film takes itself a lot more seriously than the first scarecrow movie, and had a somewhat more interesting plot.
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DO NOT WATCH AT ALL COSTS...........May contain spoilers
m_jordan_jones14 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Please god if you see this movie at any store then just turn around. This movie was god awful. The acting by Tony Todd I think that's his name was OK. But god that is the only thing that I can think of that was actually OK about the film. Let's start on the bad. The acting was bad from everyone else there was no action at all. The Scarecrow unlike the original film was actually serious this time. The effects were horrid and overall the film was completely unwatchable. I ended up hitting the fast forward button a couple of times. Please to me this is unwatchable stuff here. If you saw the original and thought that it was OK then you will hate this one. The original film was bad but at least it had some cool deaths and the scarecrow talks. I rate this film a 1 out of 10. AVOID AT ALL COSTS.
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I can't think of one single, even remotely positive thing to say about this.
Finfrosk8614 June 2015
I am very open when it comes to movies, especially horror movies. There was a time I would watch anything, thinking it _might_ be good. The ratings might be wrong. But this movie right here is absolutely not worth watching.

It is incredibly bad. It is not entertaining at all. Shoestring budget? More like, pebble caught in the sole of your shoe-budget. I don't mind low budgets, as long as the result is good. Here the result is not good.

There is nothing about this movie making it worth watching. There are some effects, and they might be the worst I have ever seen. They are so, very very bad. And no, I don't think the movie is made to be bad, it's just made to hopefully earn a couple bucks off people willing to give it a chance. Which you shouldn't.

It is so bad, so boring. Never watch it. It has no good qualities.
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TheEmulator2327 December 2003
Please god do not rent this! I like cruddy movies mostly, but not like this. Just plain boring and a wanna be movie. Very funny, and not in a good way. I just know that if i was involved with this i would hide my face until i did something good! I just can't laugh enough, tony todd what happened to candyman, man!
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Pretty entertaining piece of cheap horror trash
Woodyanders20 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A college freshman gets killed when a fraternity prank goes awry. He returns to life as a lethal demonic scarecrow (the extremely agile and athletic Todd Rex) so he can kill all of the people responsible for his death and acquire exclusive dibs on his girlfriend Mary (an appealingly perky portrayal by the mega cute Nicole Kingston).

Director/co-writer David Michael Latt treats the laughably ludicrous premise ridiculously straight, thereby ensuring that this hopelessly asinine movie plays like a complete unintentional comedy. The hilariously horrendous CGI (far from) special effects, the silly love story subplot, the goofy murder set pieces, some uproariously atrocious acting (David Kastro cops the top thespic dishonors with his gloriously wretched histrionic turn as the scarecrow dude's loyal buddy Carl), a few nice bits of cheesy gore, and a dopey climatic fight between two scarecrows all add up to one really inane excuse for a horror film. Tony Todd brings his trademark hushed intensity and provides a touch of class as superstitious farmer Caleb Kilgore while Jessica Mattson contributes an amusing performance as the ditsy Sheila. While this flick suffers a bit from sluggish pacing and an occasionally meandering narrative, it overall sizes up as a good deal of loveably dumb fun.
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What a Flop!!
huggy_bear25 December 2003
What a tremendous waste of time this was. I would rather sit by myself and watch paint dry than watch this mess. It is unreal how bad a movie can be, but watch this one and you'll see a complete and total piece of sh*t!! I would have hated to have me name associated with this piece of work. I won't go on and tell anything about this nightmare, 'cause it really doesn't matter. I will end by saying, "IT SUCKS"!!
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Decent "straight to video" Horror Trash
Crap_Connoisseur21 May 2006
Scarecrow Slayer is the sequel to Emmanuel Itier's cult horror movie "Scarecrow". This time around Itier has given the reigns to a new director and the result is not too bad at all. Forget the low IMDb rating, if you liked the first film or low budget horror movies in general, then Scarecrow Slayer is worth hiring.

Fans of the original film may be somewhat disappointed that this is a sequel in name only. Scarecrow Slayer does not follow the events of the first movie, so there is a new scarecrow victim and most upsettingly, no return appearance from scream queen, Tiffany Shepis. In fact, the only real link to the original is Todd Rex, who reprises his role as the scarecrow. Despite the new cast and storyline, this is not an awful sequel. Scarecrow Slayer definitely lacks the tastelessness and grim humour that made Itier's film a video favourite but it is 90 minutes of stupid, gory fun.

This time around a college student, Dave, is accidentally shot while trying to steal the scarecrow during a hazing dare. This results in Dave's soul entering the scarecrow with the intention of avenging his death and being reunited with his girlfriend, Mary. Dave even builds Mary a female scarecrow, so they can be possessed together after he kills her. Who says romance is dead. The plot of the movie basically involves the scarecrow chasing Mary around town, killing anyone who comes between them. The murders begin rather tamely but as the film progresses the gore factor increases significantly. I particularly liked the head squashing, which was very reminiscent of early Troma. The special effects are the work of Anthony C. Ferrante, who recently directed the atrocious ghost movie "Boo". Thankfully, his special effects are far better than his directing skills.

In addition to some decent low budget gore, the film also boasts a cameo appearance from Tony Todd - the "Candyman" himself! Tony gives a great performance as Caleb, the scarecrow's keeper. The other standout performance is given by Jessica Mattson, who plays the requisite big breasted bimbo with style. I'm surprised that her career has stalled, she definitely has the assets to be a scream queen. The rest of the cast is pretty ordinary but good enough for this kind of material.

Scarecrow Slayer is definitely only for fans of low budget gore. This is not high art, but you should know that from the DVD cover. I can't believe that people hire a movie about a killer bundle of hay and have the nerve to go online and write reviews lamenting the poor production values as if it were some kind of surprise.
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