Dark Walker (Video 2003) Poster

(2003 Video)

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Straight-to-video indie horror
Leofwine_draca5 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
DARKWALKER is a straight-to-video indie horror flick made back in 2003. The plot has the usual bunch of generic teenagers heading off to a Halloween house in the woods, only to find themselves stalked and slashed by a woods-dwelling monster that looks like Swamp Thing's rotten cousin. Cheap photography and sloppy gore is the order of the day here, but it's all very bland and predictable, with little reason to tune in.
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An Average Slasher
NIXFLIX-DOT-COM16 September 2003
DARKWALKER is an average Teen Slasher film. Unfortunately being "average" as it relates to direct-to-video Teen Slashers does not make it "average" in quality. The film is somewhat entertaining in a dull, mindless, repetitive way. Even for someone like myself, who indulges in these type of movies, and gives every break imaginable, there's not enough meat (much less sense) here to justify 90 minutes of running time.

As a mindless type of film, I suppose it's good enough. It's certainly nothing extraordinary (meaning the two perfect "10" grade for this film is not to be believed), but it is not entirely bad.

Fun at places, but ultimately too generic, even for a genre of films built on a foundation of being generic.

4 out of 10

(go to www.nixflix.com for a more detailed review of the film)
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Pretty Damn Painful... Bad... REALLY bad...
lathe-of-heaven14 July 2012
The ONLY reason why I even watched this is because I was mislead by Joe Bob's review (MAN, I do not know WHAT the hell he was smoke'n, but I WANT SOME!!!) Wow... Shoulda followed what SLASHERPOOL said in his review, because I normally agree WAY more with him than anyone else, which is why I have been so sad since his site is gone... :(

Anyway, this is pretty simple. The acting and script REALLY kill this baby right out of the gate. And, if that is not bad enough, wait until you see the, uh... DARKWALKER. GEEZ... I'm sorry, but at about the 17 minute mark or so when that really 'Great' looking hand comes up outta the ground, I think my eyes permanently rolled up so far that now I can see my own @ss.

And like SLASHERPOOL said (Anthro Fred), What the HELL kind of Aliens were these young people anyway...???!! Every scene where somebody got munched the blood splashing up on the walls was SLIMY! HUH...??! Anyway, probably enough said. Like I mentioned, I would pay GOOD money for whatever Joe Bob was smoke'n!
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"Take not of this earth."
Backlash00726 October 2003
Don't buy a movie because it has a cool looking monster on the cover. My friend learned that lesson a little too late. Darkwalker reminds me quite a bit of Scarecrow (another low-budget flick) in that it had a very cool creature design and that's where the good news ends. The Darkwalker looks like the Creeper and Swamp Thing's love child. The film is more funny than horrific. The killings also get repetitive. The creature stalks his victims and rushes them in POV mode, cut to wall, and splat with a gallon of blood. This happens a couple of times. It does feature the biggest damn sheriff I've ever seen though who whips the creature in hand-to-hand combat. That was worth my friend's twelve dollars just to see that.
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galensaysyes2 October 2003
Think the title is "Darkwalker" (one word), and was "Hobbs Grove: the Movie." It's not worth seeing under any title. Non-acting actors (but the male romantic lead and the woman who plays one of the owners aren't bad); silly demon suit (you can see the head of the guy inside through his mask); boring, nitwit script (including a training speech for the employees at the park); no sense to it anywhere (why is the demon killing people, and why only people who work at the park?); funny commentary by the producer and the director, as if they had made "The Godfather" ("we were so lucky to get this cast"; "this is a beautiful-looking film").

Only reason for this review is to plug Hobbs Grove, the setting of the movie, which has the best haunted house (and the best haunted wood) I've ever been to, and I've been to a few. It looks tacky in the film, as those things always do, but seen in person it's scary and imaginative and atmospheric. Skip "HG: the Movie," but if you're in California around Halloween, check out "HG: the Cool Spook House."
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Dumb... Yes. Fun... Absolutely!
terrible227 November 2007
I purchased the DVD from the $1.99 bin at my local video store. I certainly wasn't expecting much, but for $1.99 who cares... I was surprised by the cinematography quality of the film right off the bat, as I've seen much worse from bigger budgets. Director Danny Draven seems to have an eye for details, although the story lacks any real originality. I found the DVD packaged well, with plenty of bonus options and behind the scenes footage. The acting was harsh, but given the script that they had to work with, they did the best they could. I watched it with my daughter, we both had fun and laughed a lot. I'd like to see what Draven could do with a real screenplay, until then, just relax and have fun with it.
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Ah the horror
kosmasp10 June 2019
So the location this was shot might be famous (or worth a look) according to another reviewer, I'll take his word for it. Especially because he/she doesn't hold back when it comes to critisizing the movie. So there might be the neat backdrop, but we can all agree this really isn't worth your time.

Not many things to remedy, unless you are really into low budget horror movies and can lower your expectations to a degree that is not on any scala/board anymore. Some might say movies like this give horror a bad name, but that would not be fair. The intent is always a good one (at least that is what I assume), but different things have to work out and sometimes they just don't ... so better skip this one and try something else instead
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Wasted set up.
jerseyjwb10 August 2003
I rented this movie because I love low-budget horror films. They are usually scarier and more honest than the teen-angst goof fests (Final Destination, I Know What...) Watching this 80 minute film, I was ready to forgive many flaws but what I got was the bad acting, non-stop handheld video, boring crap that is dooming most new horror flicks. Why make this film if you have no intention of being scary? A decent set-up finds a seasonal hanuted house built on a "haunted" track of land -- okay, I'm in. I should have known better when I saw rubber suited creature on the cover box but I gambled...

Slow, boring and less scary than an episode of 'Will and Grace.' Ugh.
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Not too bad for a b-movie
asylumproductions14 September 2004
First of all I would like to praise the production value of the film. Sure it was shot on video, but it looked far superior to a lot of SOV movies I have seen in the past. The creature looked good, and most of the killings(although they were off screen, or used a blood spray)looked good. I think the characters were a little too cliché, but hey this is not Schindler's List, this is a b-movie. I'm not sure what the budget of this film was, but I'm sure it was like twenty bucks, I think they did a pretty damn good job with it. The soundtrack was good, as well as the sound effects. The DVD was not overloaded, but I liked the behind the scenes reel, and the out takes. This is for sure worth a rent.
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It is a "B" movie people, it is supposed to be what it is - Fun
symwiremonkey15 May 2006
I thought for the money invested it was a great little film. The plot was clever, without being overdone, and the cinematography was really good considering the budget. The effects were well done also, without looking too cheap (remember - "B" movie). If you want a fun movie for a dark night with a loved one this will do the job. No ... it's not an Oscar contender, but it is far better than most of the big budget horror garbage H-Wood throws our way currently. I love good horror movies and this title delivers - silly, fun, dark and entertaining. I thought the acting was also better than that in several of the most recent H-Wood releases, and a big BOO' shout out to Chuckie Williams - one of the nicest guys in the industry, and not a bad actor as the Dark Walker monster himself. A job well done.
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Not a bad attempt at all.
FrightMeter16 August 2003
I enjoyed this film. For some reason, it has a unique appeal and style that I haven't seen in quite some time in a direct-to-video slasher film. In all honesty, the direct-to-video horror flicks are my favorites because they can set their own rules and do not need to be bogged down with high budgets and the hottest young teenage casts. They also accomplish something else; they stay true to their roots in 80's slasher flicks where plot wasn't as important as the kill scenes. With all that said, I loved the setting of this film. I have always thought about writing a horror film where a killer stalks a haunted house attraction, but I guess I was beat to it. There is really nothing original here, yet that isn't the point of this kind of film.

To sum it up, an ancient evil demon is arisen on the land where a haunted house attraction called Hobb's Grove is set to open. Soon, the workers begin falling prey to this ruthless killer. The death scenes are above average, and we get an interesting killer. However, what made this film for me was the setting. We are treated to all sorts of visually disturbing images that make up the haunted attraction. I do have a few complaints though. First, the title of the film. Where did it come from?? Not once in the entire film is the killer referred to as Dark Walker and nobody seems to know that the legend even exists. Additionally, we really don't get a good understanding at all of Dark Walker's history--just that he killed an old guy and his family at the beginning of the film. The ending made no sense either as I found it totally unbelievable that the killer would just let the final girl walk away. Still, I found it entertaining enough and I hope that its rental success is enough to get a sequel or two made. True 80's slasher fans should enjoy. 6.5 out of 10
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Something's gotta give here!
jamesbourke5029 December 2003
Remember the glory days of B Cinema, the artwork for the movie was outrageous and colourful, fantastic ad campaigns pre sold the movie, and ofcourse it didn't hurt at all at the time, if your name was Andy Milligan, Al Adamson or even the grandfather of gore himself H.G Lewis, Alas however names such as these have long gone, either onto pastures new(i.e H.G Lewis)or past beyond.

Such flights of fancy are still maintained today, as when first viewed when you look at the cover for the latest slice of straight to video terror not only directed By Danny Draven, but upon looking through the list of credits, to note, but he also co-edited, was also the Dp and he also worked on the sound.

May one suggest that if he ever decides to forsake the art of Film-Making, perhaps he could pick up a trade more meaningful in life, say perhaps, maybe an optometrist, as yet again, i believe, he has found himself involved in another assault on the human senses with such a boring excuse for a horror movie.

I don't think it helps as the movie was shot on Digital video, but for the love of all that's unholy, i'm not to bothered if the characters paraded on the screen encompase the A to Z of Blonde bimbo's, Bill & Ted Stoners or hell even a Marilyn Manson Groupie Wannabe, but please allow the poor viewer some crumb of comfort, with something enjoyable to watch.

Anyway as it stands. It's Halloween at Hobbs Grove, a dying town is about to get the kick start it needs, with the arrival of haunted fairground amusement park, Several Jobs are up for Grabs, so we see the various auditions for the girl school screamers required, and once assembled they are given the low down, except that is for the little known fact the Haunted House Of Horrors was built on Sacred Ground.

An Intriguing idea indeed, Ably handled yes, even the gusto shown by the producer Chuck Williams hiding under the DarkWalker Costume should be applauded, however as this was a Chuck Williams production, that theory is always there, that he donned the costume to keep a close eye on the production, too bad it wasn't close enough, that even he couldn't smell that this turkey was looking slightly undercooked.

As ever with these films, if you thought you'd seen anything, apart from the non-existing ending, stick around just after the film finishes, just before the credits, we are threatened with the notion that DarkWalker 2 is just around the corner.

Just the mere thought, sends a shiver down my spine and that's all the horror i can take...

Ps. Some fools have all the luck, as ever the sucker, i bought the movie based upon the cover alone, i had high hopes, as i'm sure the producers did too, and as long as we are, for we i mean me is fool enough to buy into such disappointments, they will always be made.

Pps. Lets here it for the glory days! Because Something's gotta give!
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Loved it
HorrorweenComposerTony3 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This movie makes no bones about what it is and wants to be. A return to the 80s slasher flicks. A plot that movies things forward without being pretentious or deep. Plenty of eye candy. A horrific monster that does what he is supposed to do, kill up everything in sight for disturbing the lands. All the good things a slasher movie needs to be.

Most of all, it was FUN. I get the sense that the case and crew had an absolute blast in making this movie.

I won't say which but there is this one other movie which purports to goes back to those days, but with a super high budget pretending to be low budget. It fails because it feels like a carefully researched numbers crunched cheese substitute. It didn't have the heart of classic low budget.

Dark Walker is the real thing, a FUN low budget popcorn movie. Hang out with your date and friends at a drive in for this one.

I got this one based on the name of a great actor and acquaintance, Chuck Williams. Took 2 years to finally watch it but darned glad I did. Chuck, you got a fun movie here!

And awaiting the sequel with baited (no anchovy) breath!
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ooh not so scary monsters
Brumactor14 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen worse acting, hell I've been in worse films. It's a small cheap budget horror film that doesn't have the insidious cgi nonsense monster that is slightly less scary than being shouted at by your mom. No it's not a great film, no it isn't going to change the world but I think that's kind of the point. There are directors and actors who can pull off horror and make it sit in your bones - this isn't one of them. The actors are a cross between charmingly bad and charmingly silly. Do you know what I find more annoying than bad horror? People who think that sneering at heartfelt, try-hard horror is the same as being a master of horror. You think it's so easy? make one of your own. Roger Corman, Sam Raimi and even John Carpenter were sneered at for years. This film is a perfect popcorn film. It doesn't ask you to suspend belief, it doesn't want you to except that the main character was dead all along or that the people living in the village had really turned their back on the 20th century, all it ask is buy some beers, buy some popcorn and laugh all the way through with your best mates. Sometimes that's all we want or can ask from some types of films.
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Good fun
pig_7116 August 2003
This was a very entertaining flick. Danny Draven simply is one of the most talented directors in the low budget scene. The Darkwalker make-up is outstanding and the kills were cool too. Pretty bloody, but not really too gory. Check it out if you like good stalk and slash flicks.
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A dumb low budget horror movie...
Shady66625 July 2003
I'm sure the budget was very low, but this was a waste of film. The photography is awful and the actors are worse. The story is very weak and it lacks rhythm. The sex scenes which are necessary in a "good" low budget horror movie are completely missing. It could have been much MUCH better made...
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So pathetic that it's funny
bsdoll28 August 2003
Horror? NO! Funny? OH YES!

This movie is horrible. Bad actors (especially the main guy - he was so unbelievably sweet that it made you throw up) and actresses (the only believable actress was killed in the beginning of the movie). Acting was horrible. So horrible that it made you laugh. If you watch this movie, you'll feel like you're Anthony Hopkins! And I thought that I was untalented!!

The movie itself - it feels like the movie was made as a home video! The crew should really start learning how to make movies!!! Well, I don't even want to think about the special effects.... There was no blood - only red water.

The plot - there was none!!! Kids come to work in a place where Halloween party takes place.... And this stupid, unreal monster starts killing them. Yeah, but why?? Good question, because you'll never find out the answer.
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Seen A Lot Worse
mauchline200828 August 2004
I read your other reviews and bought this film with a little trepidation. The film concerns 8 teens being stalked and killed by a creature because the have opened a horror house on some sacred ground (Ithink the plot really does not make that clear). The killing are a little lack lustre and could have used a little bit more atmosphere but all in all it gets the job done. For those who care there is no nudity in this film at all (Male or Female)and the gore is very minimal so if either of these is your thing Avoid. If like me you are just looking for a fun/creepy way to pass 90 mins then you could do a lot worse. The ending is a little strange though and I felt it let the film down a little.
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"Is This Going To Keep The Park From Opening?!"...
azathothpwiggins3 May 2021
DARK WALKER begins in Hobbs Grove (1878), where a man steals a pumpkin from the wrong patch, resulting in demonic doom. We're whisked away to the present, and Hobbs Grove is now a Halloween haunted house attraction.

When it comes to unoriginality, this movie hits the jackpot! There's a "creepy old caretaker" who scowls at everyone, as well as the obligatory group of annoying young people, including: The "goth chick", the "stoner dude", the "snobby rich girl", and the "psychic". As soon as any of them open their mouths we start wondering what's taking the killer so long to do his job!

When the moon rises, so does the title creature.

Meanwhile, a tour of the haunted house is nearly as interesting as a trip through a local thrift store, and takes far longer.

Finally, the deaths occur, bringing out the canned-ham-with-hair sheriff, and his idiot deputy. All while the caretaker lumbers around like bigfoot in bib overalls. When the haunted house opens to the public, the true non-terror ensues.

PROS: No low-budget CGI! Therefore, the monster isn't a total embarrassment.

CONS: Everything else.

THE BURNING QUESTION: Is the goth chick's lipstick black, or very, very, very, very dark blue?...
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i enjoyed this movie..
apparatchik10 October 2003
but then i like low budget horror.

when a movie opens with a scene that looks like it's set in a school's "fall festival" display (give us back halloween, geeze) you know you are in for a treat.

the plot is not very well explained, the monster looks like a cross between swamp thing and the toxic avenger and the acting is mediocre to poor but i still managed to not only stick with it, but enjoy it right up to the end.

what is it with movies these days and endings? is it a totally lost art?

oh, and another thing, the death loving "goth" girl who drips bile and morbid one-liners? she needs to be a horror standby returned to the props closet, it is so old.
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