JFK II: The Bush Connection (Video 2003) Poster

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JFK II: The Bush Connection
GavinWhelehan25 September 2007
Even taken with a healthy dose of skepticism, this documentary proves to be a truly engaging, provocative, and well executed film. After watching the movie, I was wondering about the validity of the many assertions made without citation by the filmmaker, so I decided to do some research. It definitely didn't simplify anything, but it sure got me thinking.

Some of the things I have read about George H.W. Bush (see: Wikipedia article "pardons" section, and "Confessions of an Economic Hit-man" by John Perkins for a taste.) have blown my mind. It's also staggering to read further about the lasting connections between the Bush Family and Skull and Bones, The Harriman Family, Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., and the Nazis, to name a few.

I bet one day in the future, students will study the history of the rise and fall of the "American Empire" in much the same way we read about the waxing and waning of the Roman or Greek Empires. People will be amazed at the audacity, corruption, and the greed of our era's American ruling classes. They will make movies about the avaricious, murderous warlords who ran the world...and then they'll go and do it all over again.

My only question is: When will we as humans ever learn to consistently lead each other with EACH OTHER in mind, and not ourselves? OK...I think I ranted there a bit.
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Chilly_Philly9 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
A brilliant documentary that details all of George Herbert Walker Bush's (father of former President Bush), involvement and connections to the Kennedy assassination through the CIA, Bay Of Pigs and J. Edgar Hoover. It also details the involvement of E. Howard Hunt, who trained some anti-Castro Cubans for the Bay Of Pigs invasion. Another topic is the involvement of Richard Nixon in the assassination. This documentary is full of surprises and twists and turns and continues to amaze people about how vast the conspiracy was to assassinate John F. Kennedy. This documentary also details the faked autopsy photos and the case of Kennedy's body. A must watch.
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Take This Movie Into STRONG Concideration!
doonebug12 September 2014
People have to realize that what is stated in the beginning of the film, "THE WINNERS WRITE HISTORY" is the only thing that is the absolute truth. Unfortunately, conspiracies are labeled as such because facts are difficult to verify.

The powerful people that do high profile crimes burn their trails or kill witnesses. That's why Oswald was killed; that's why Ruby was killed; that's why the railroad tower operator who witnessed the person on the grassy knoll was killed.

Anyone that knows guns and ballistics, knows that there was at least a second gunman that hit JFK from the grassy knoll. The frontal shot from the grassy knoll was the immediate lethal shot in which the impact of the high powered bullet went through the President's forehead violently throwing him backward towards Jackie.

Now, let us count the bullet holes. The windshield had a bullet hole. The roof frame had a bullet hole. JFK had 3 bullet holes: a hole to his back, a hole through his neck, and a bullet through his head that blew his brains out. Governor Conley had numerous wounds: a bullet hit his right armpit shattering Conley's 5th rib and exited, a bullet shattered Conley's right wrist and exited, a bullet hit Conley's left thigh and exited. A bullet wounded Secret Serviceman James Taig standing near the underpass bridge in advance of the motorcade. Additionally reported, police counted 11 bullet holes in the street, 12 bullet holes in the sidewalk, and 13 bullet holes in the grass. No wonder the onlookers were diving for the grass with all those projectiles flying! But, the press and media coverage -- which is controlled -- state that Lee H.Oswald was the LONE gunman cranking off three shots. Oswald cannot be a lone gunman since there are more than 3 shots to be counted. Yet, today's media pounds the message over and over that Oswald acted alone. It is important for media to reiterate this because the players involved are still alive. Let it be known that by the time The President received the throat wound, about 12 shots had rung out. Some ballistic experts have voiced that there was a gunman on the overhead bridge to make the throat wound the entrance, and the back wound the exit of a bullet trajectory.

With all those gun shots going off, why did the driver not speed away when the first few shots rang out? JFK's vehicle driver keeps looking toward the back seat, and he doesn't step on the gas until the head shot is received. I'm sorry, but Secret Service Men and military are just about brain washed to react to gunfire situations. The driver was definitely a key part of this murder.

Why wasn't JFK's vehicle forensically inspected for the post investigation? Because the CIA had confiscated it and made repairs to the vehicle immediately.

Let us move onto what would have been NORMAL protection for The President. A military guard unit was canceled. Secret Servicemen were told to get away from The President's car. Motor bikes were told to fall back. Who has the POWER to do all this and leave The President open to attack? The CIA might be one organization to ponder.

Why would the CIA be at odds with The President? Because they were having a rocky and abrasive existence. As a result of the U.S. failure at Bay of Pigs and the diplomatic embarrassment that ensued, JFK fired long-time CIA director Allen Dulles, CIA Deputy Director Charles Cabell, and the CIA Deputy Director Richard Bissel. Publicly, Kennedy assumed full responsibility for the failure, but he secretly blamed the CIA and ordered a full investigation of the operation.

JFK also had bad relations with big banks that backed the Federal Reserve. On June 4, 1963, JFK signed Executive Order No. 11110 that returned to the U.S. Government the power to issue currency. This was made to strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the government at interest. Wasn't Prescott Bush a Wall Street executive banker (head of National Bank)?

Prescott Bush made his fortune in the 1930s to 1942 supporting the Nazi war machine build-up utilizing free camp labor. His Father-In-Law, George Walker, also had a hand in German profits through I.G. Farben a chemical company that produced Zyklon B gas and conducted medical experiments with camp prisoners. Prescott hired Allen Dulles to hide the funds they were making from Nazi investments and the funds they were sending to Nazi Germany.

After the war, Prescott purchased a Senate seat upon the death of the incumbent. He became very predominate in the Republican Party. He had his attorneys, the Dulles Brothers appointed to the positions of Director of the CIA (Allen W.Dulles), and Secretary of State (John F.Dulles).

You see from above that the tennis-ball-court is starting to be divided by a net at midway point, with JFK's enemies are on one side, and the Kennedy brothers on the opposing side.

GHW Bush was connected to the CIA as J.E.Hoover uncovered, and GHWB clearly pushed his views of the New World Order depicting his roll in the "changes" happening in the USA. GW Bush is clearly a liar. If you ever watched his pre-election battles with Al Gore, Little George changes to Mr.Hyde in the Presidency; his position on diplomacy goes 180 degrees. He maneuvered the United States into Iraq -- were we had no conflict, and the inspectors found no weapons of mass destruction. We had NO business being in Iraq other than to make a fighting platform to access Iran.
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A Pile Of Trash
earlytalkie26 August 2013
This documentary is without doubt the most poorly constructed and presented thing I have ever seen. The theories are presented in such a god-awful, tabloid style as to render them completely meaningless. Ridiculous pop-up cartoons of the "villans" of the piece will have you rolling on the floor with laughter. My favorite one was of George H.W. Bush as a child in a Little Lord Fauntleroy outfit, holding a balloon with a Nazi Swastika on it. A key witness's name is misread by the narrator so it comes out like Sophia Loren! There are long, lingering autopsy photos of Kennedy's blown-apart head, in faux-color and black-and-white, put there to satisfy the half-wit's need to see blood. A half-wit would be the only type to take this piece of garbage seriously. I saw this under it's reissue title Dark Legacy on Netflix. The sad part is that this film does have it's defenders. A sad commentary on the gullible nature of today's viewer.
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a bit of a hash really
sean8992824 December 2007
pretty poor effort to cobble together a story that was told much better in the Costner movie. The narrator actually relies on a lot of that film as backup testimony for his statements, as well as using a simpsons episode to back up his statement that 'everyone knows nixon played a part in it'.

there was only one little clip that was new and interesting (where the security guys are told to stop running beside the car) but this could be from another completely different motorcade parade.

given that we can all now use video editing tools and are aware of the fun we can have with them, then there are some fairly big possible holes in this film that could have been taken out of context.

a pretty big hash of a movie, just watch jfk with costner in it again.
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