I Know How Many Runs You Scored Last Summer (2008) Poster

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So bad it's kinda good
kosmasp29 September 2008
This is a B-movie or even a C-movie if you will. I watched it at the Frightfest in London, were the "stars" of the movie, who also produced/edited/directed and what not the movie, held a Q&A after the movie. They were more than likable and at least as crazy as they were portrayed in the movie ... just kidding, of course.

If you look for some nice "killings" in movies (as I believe anyone is who watches Jason movies for example) and don't mind the low production value of the movie, than you might have a fun time with this film. Acting wise you shouldn't expect anything either. But the movie knows what it is and it never tries to fool you into thinking it is something fancy or convince you that the actors actually can act. It's low-to-no budget with some nice (make-up)effects. If you're "down with that", than go ahead and watch (but don't say, I didn't warn you!)
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I'm "stumped" by its current 3.5/10 average score
Stevieboy6664 September 2022
A British female police detective inspector goes to Australia to help solve a series of grisly cricket related murders. The title is an obvious play on the famous "Summer" slasher franchise but I can't decide whether Runs was intended to be a horror comedy or not. The film features some eccentric characters and there is no shortage of Aussie humour in the script, despite its limitations Runs is a pretty entertaining 78 minutes. The killer is always dressed in cricketing gear and his choice of weapons include very sharp stumps, bats and cricket balls with nails sticking out of them. The kills themselves are gory and use mainly physical effects though though the low budget often shows. The acting is rather amateur though far from atrocious. Slasher movies often come with female nudity, Runs has what must be the most gratuitous female shower scene ever filmed for a horror film. Miss Arianna Starr, aka Miss Nude Australia, is used as a body double and leaves very little to the imagination (the UK DVD has the extended scene in the extras). The end credits state "No cricketers were harmed in any way during the making of this film", this offering won't harm any viewer looking for a bit of stalk and slash fun, just take the 9 and 10 out of 10 reviews with a pinch of salt!
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Pretty lousy theme slasher with a few fun kills
Bloodwank5 February 2012
I can only guess that in the case of this film the name came first, the kills contrived a soon second ad everything else a distant third. So distant in fact that I had the impression of something hastily pasted together in a desperate race to beat a deadline, to bring everything to the quickest possible solution in order to have a releasable product against time. I hate to be so harsh but I can't think of much else that could be an excuse behind a film so terribly thin when it comes to connective tissue between kill scenes. The basic set up is solid, those who were once members of school cricket team who bullied a teammate to the point that he was hospitalised and another expelled find themselves victims of a cricket themed slayer and are taken to a safehouse, only to find themselves not so safe. But there's almost nothing beyond this description. You might be thinking hey, some flashback build-up, bullying scenes leading to a terrible mistake? Not so, all there is are victim point of view shots of jeering bullies and towel whips. Well then you might think, a premise ripe for interesting characters and interaction, drawing of interpersonal tension? Not so, none of the characters are interesting or likable, in fact for the most part they tend towards outright obnoxious, even the nominal hero? A twist perhaps, some kind of mad turnaround straw for the avid slasher fan? Well there is a twist, but a lame one. Oh, and the score is completely forgettable as well. Basically this is a mostly inane and charmless film but owing to a swift runtime and reasonably decent flow of kills, plus the fact that most of said kills are either bloody, amusing or both, it manages in the end to be a fairly painless watch and not too much of a waste of time, especially if, like me you tend to be used to your bad slashers not being particularly bloody at all. A fair 4/10 from me though, film for the completists.
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Make it stop
craighepworth6 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I have been watching slasher films since I was a kid, to say I've seen some rubbish in my time is putting it mildly, but this film has achieved something great in my eyes....it's the WORST film I have EVER SEEN and that's including all of the straight to video junk of the 80s which is rated 1 star on here.

To say this film is terrible is like saying Hitler was a bit nasty. I'm a playwright and if I ever wrote anything this bad I would want everyone around me to tell me I should quit....and fast.

Nothing in this movie makes sense, nothing is good, the Lighting, the Direction, the Sound, the Cinematography, the Acting, the story, the Suspense, the Humour ....hell even the costumes were bad.

As a slasher it fails at every turn, not one of the kills are well thought out, shot well or acted well. The lead guy (the Detective) is the most unlikeable hero (I was rooting for him to die) and the 'Twist' at the end was so naff I wanted to rip my own eyes out.

The shower scene had one of the worst body doubles I've ever seen and as far as shower scenes go it would seem more in place in a slasher (a bad one) from 30 years ago.

Most of the victims (grown men) pretty much sat there whilst the killer murdered them, not really fighting back and it looked ridiculous. The man who was getting his hair cut was a big muscle guy and instead of fighting back the oh so scary guy in cricket gear he just sat there.....so much for butch Aussie men.

It had the typical 'let's insult the brits' as most Aussie films do (get over it all ready) and the hairdresser characters sexuality was questioned (yawn).

The 'visual effects' shots were so bad, I've seen better in short film that were made for £10 and the gore was beyond stupid (and fake looking) The cast ranged from bad to bloody awful and the Director and writers should be ashamed for coming up with such garbage. Don't get me wrong I love slasher/comedy genre pics, I even like the tacky ones like Prom Night, Graduation Day, Silent Night Deadly Night etc but they all look like Oscar winners compared to this, this one does not just scrape the bottom of the barrel, it digs down deeper.

The biggest sin of all though is one thing a slasher film should NEVER be no matter how bad or good it is is boring......this one is coma inducing.

The name of this film is what will get people to rent it but PLEASE PLEASE Don't, you would have more fun staring at a blank wall.

It did have one good thing going for it.....it was short AVOID AT ALL COSTS
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I don't care how many run you score last summer. This movie sucks.
ironhorse_iv20 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, I didn't care for any of the characters in this film. So when they were soon killed off by the killer. I spent most of the time yawning where suspense was supposed to be. How can I take this movie seriously when one of the victims was killed by choking on a jock strap and another one running nearly nude in bondage gear? The violence is very over the top even the gore can't be taken serious, when how one the guy's "intestines" were obviously just 10 strands of sausage links? The FX shots are bad, as the splattered blood in the bathroom always disappears, making it look faker than it already did. The movie has the nerves to tease the audiences. In one scene, somebody picks up a chainsaw and look at it. I was thinking "Oh, this will be used later on. That's why we're being shown it now." But then nothing. Then another scene had a guy about to set another guy on fire that went nowhere. This movie is full of teases and not follow thru plots. It's said the DVD, it's a horror comedy, but the movie is not funny nor does it seem like a horror comedy. Everybody plays it the roles too straight that I didn't figure out it supposed to be funny. Let me state out about the title of the film. This film has nothing to do with any of the America 'I know what you did last summer' horror series. So I don't know why they had this title. It's no way parodying those films. It seems to sucker up viewers into seeing their film, mistaking it for the far more popular 'I know what you did Last Summer'. Film by an Australian-British crew, this low budget horror satire flick is about a cricket team being killed off by a killer known as Phil Phillips (Otto Heutling) because as a kid, Phil suffered a life-scarring memories of being bullied. He kills his victim in cricket relation ways, such as putting nails in an athletic cup supporter. It's a bit hard to take the killer seriously when he dresses like the Fifth Doctor from Doctor Who. Director Stacey Edmonds stars in the film as a cop who must team up with another arrogant detective (Jai Koutrae) to set out to find the killer before it's too late. In my opinion, it's already too late. It took two years to film so they had plenty of time to fix it up and yet the movie when finish, sucks. The film tries too hard on color grading as the film footage looks like it melt in the sun. There was also some a pointless camera shake to the film giving the movie a look like it's filming during an earthquake. The acting is poor, as I hear them reading out their lines. The sound was pretty appalling as it get loud in some scenes and soft spoken in others. Then there is awful cursing that would make a sailor says what was the point of that. There is an overt homage to the 1986's James Cameron's film Aliens ending that really out there. At less, Mortal Sin as the film soundtrack is a nice touch. It mixed poorly with the film itself. The movie suffers from really bad editing. Some scenes last way beyond their natural length to the point that it become awkward. There is a lot of pointless fillings such as driving intercut with people doing nothing. There is a worthless woman nudity shower scene that would jump kick the perverts out there. Don't worry women, there are plenty of stupid male masturbation and crotch shots scenes that you can kick your rocks off. All of them pretty dumb. I do like the split-screen suspense, but it felt lost. When use correctly split-screen extensively to depict the many simultaneous events, enhancing the movie's real-time element as well as connecting its multiple story lines. It can show actions occurring simultaneously, but in the split-screen in this film. It's all the same shot. I know they were going for Director Brian De Palma's style, but it didn't work. Then there is the twist that comes out of nowhere. It was alright, but gees, this is a bad tribute to B-movie Ozploitation filmmaking. For 75 minutes, it's a short film, but in my opinion, it's still a waste of time, like watching real cricket. The DVD has some extras, like behind-the-scenes of the low budget gory effects and full uncut version of the shower scene. It's really really worth the price, if you find this movie in the dollar bin at Wal-Mart. I wouldn't pay any more. I wouldn't bother buying it if I even wanted to see it. I would just borrow it from somebody. Well it was certainly a lot better than the follow up "I know how many assists you had this season". Whatever its intentions 'I Know How Many Runs You Scored Last Summer" doesn't deliver.
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Ozploitation is alive and well...
rambozo19711 October 2008
If your idea of a good time is sitting down with a couple of beers, a pizza and old scratchy VHS copies of Razorback and Turkey Shoot, then you'll enjoy IKHMRYSLS.

If you like slick US tween horror, then you probably won't - unless you're a fan of the Australian accent or cricket :) IKHM is your archetypal slasher flick - everything's there... flashbacks to the killer being bullied as a kid, shower scene, killings using various weapons, a group of people stuck in the middle of nowhere like lambs to the slaughter etc...

Sound was dodgy when I saw it at Frightfest, but doesn't seem to be a problem on the screener I viewed since.

I love my 70s and 80s slashers, and like this for what it is... a homage to those films, made with heart, plenty of fake blood and a minuscule budget. Bring on IKHMRYSLS 2!!
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Any Cricket Nutter with a Sense of Humor will Enjoy Watching This
leelacade16 August 2016
...as long as you know it's a "B" slasher movie. If you don't know anything about cricket, I doubt you'll like it. But if you know as much as the average Aussie- and that's why the Ozploitation works- then it's pretty funny. Every piece of cricket kit is exploited to great effect. Lots of cricket jargon; it doesn't come off as pedantic or elitist, it just uses all those odd images to do something very cricket. In a B slasher movie. Isn't that worth the price of admission? If you're a cricket nutter it is!

It never gets above its station. And if you want a scary B-movie for your date, well, you might just bowl a maiden over! And if you didn't get that last joke, you probably won't like the movie. A solid 6/10 in my book. As to the negative reviews, I can see how if you knew little or nothing about cricket how it would be a real yawn.
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Does what it says on the tin
badboyarcade22 August 2008
Caught this at Frightfest last night after the harrowing Eden Lake! We needed a bit of light relief, and this delivered in that respect.

Been reading a fair bit about it online, seems like it's taken a while for them to complete it. But for a low budget film, it delivered the T&A and gore we needed after the previous film.

Was quite impressed with the couple of fight scenes - something you don't normally get in slasher films. The cricket element was there, but as a definite non-cricket fan, it didn't put me off - just made it more eccentric.

Oh yep, and the shower scene was TOTALLY gratuitous... and great!
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Serial cricket slasher.
HumanoidOfFlesh26 February 2011
Short synopsis of "I Know How Many Runs You Scored Last Summer" goes like that:a cricket team are dismissed by a mustachioed serial killer with a razor sharp cricket glove and an arsenal of sharpened stumps.One by one the killer exacts revenge for the torment he endured 20 years earlier.I never had a chance to play cricket,but I must say that I sort of enjoyed trashy satirical slasher "I Know How Many Runs You Scored Last Summer".The killer has lovely murder kit including balls and stumps,the killings are gory and the behavior of victims/former bullies of our cricket player is stunningly idiotic.The acting is awful and the shower scene is extremely gratuitous with the use of body double.6 crickets out of 10.Cricket-oriented slasher?Why not?
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My favorite film at Freakshow Horror Film Fest
david-thekrug-hess28 October 2008
Firstly, what a weekend. Freakshow programmers did themselves proud - Alien Raiders, Battle of the Bone, Vlog, Shadowland and I Know How Many Runs etc. A real diverse bunch of movies.

"I Know How Many..." is a micro-budget movie from Australia, made from start to finish it seems by 2 folks; Doug Turner and Stacey Edmonds. Kudos to them for getting this film over the line and finished to such a high standard.

"An evil, imposing cricketer returns 20 years after being bullied to kill his ex-teammates" - can't really go wrong with that premise! Although I admit the cricket theme went over my head, the film stuck to the slasher norms. Was more horror than comedy - the splashy gore was fun, and the nudity mandatory. The comedy was more of a giggle/chuckle rather than laugh-out-loud - I would have preferred a more "Shaun of the Dead" style comedy, but hey, you can't have everything.

For a low budget film, it looked and sounded great - as an aspiring filmmaker, I'm hoping they do a similar making-of as the "Broken" short film (google "What is Broken?").

As definite must-see for fans of slasher movies, horror/comedies and aspiring filmmakers! Here's hoping they get distribution in the US - I can't get enough of this Ozzie horror.
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Thoroughly Enjoyable
mark-payne5 September 2012
I really enjoyed this movie. Yes, it's low budget. Yes, the shower scene is gratuitous, & totally unconnected to the theme. Yes, the acting leaves a little to be desired. But it was a really enjoyable 75 minutes. If you are looking for low budget horror flicks, this is up there with the best, with a fantastic shower scene, just to put it in the great useless nudity, great horror category.

The members of a cricket team meet grisly ends, & the actual ending is unexpected.

The DVD has some extras, which are really worth the price too.

I give it a 7. Not a Hollywood production, but I'll look out for the director in future should they do something else.
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Good fun with your mates and a few beers
aussiedexter4 June 2009
Is it a comedy horror? No. It's not Scary Movie spoofy fun or Shaun of the Dead laugh-out-loud, and it's not Exorcist scary, but is it a satirical slasher? You bet...

Rented it last night (in the new releases section, next to Queen Sized, chubby girl-spolitation film!), and sat through it with a couple of mates, some ice cold beers and a suitably cheesy pizza.

To anyone who can't work out what a satirical slasher is, then think of it as a low budget illegitimate child of Starship Troopers and Friday the 13th. Starship's played-straight satirical edge with Friday's fun deaths(?!).

Production values are OK for a low budget film, but the sound design and score/soundtrack were top notch. Don't want to spoil any of it, but how can you spoil a slasher film which plays by the rules? there's always going to be plenty of deaths and a twist you can see coming from half-way through... albeit slightly more twisting than I'd thought.

Didn't have time to check out the directors commentary, but the DVD extras are pretty cool. Some behind-the-scenes of the low budget gory effects, THE FULL UNCUT SHOWER SCENE!!!!!, a making-of EPK-style thing. The filmmakers don't come across egotistical nonces who think they've made a blockbuster, which is nice to see.

In the end, I was very happy I went tracked it down and rented it. The more of these original little gems we get, hopefully the less Hollywood remakes will happen! can but wish...
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Howzat? - OK, but funny slasher
ninjaalexs11 February 2022
The title sums the film up; a comedy slasher film with a cricket theme. In the production stages one title suggested for the film was "Runs".

A group of men are being bumped off by a killer using a menagerie of modified cricket equipment (sharpened stumps, a cricket ball with nails through it etc). The police start investigating and find a connection to a school cricket team.

The film is low budget and it does show. It has to be said the film is very well made and doesn't in anyway look as cheap of those straight to VHS slashers put out in the 90s. The deaths are inventive and there is a high amount of gore on offer. Horror fans and gore hounds won't feel ripped off. With it being Australian expect some laugh out loud moments if you like vulgar humour.

The film is letdown by dragging on, despite a short runtime. It also got left behind in the shadow of bigger slasher films around at the time, like the Saw sequels. It's a shame it is difficult to get hold. I bought the UK DVD rated 18, which was difficult to find.

I Know .. is a fun slasher that doesn't take itself too seriously. It's a great night in with a few tinnies and your best mates, just don't expect a Halloween beater.
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Great film!!!!!!!!
clements12314 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I Know How Many Runs You Scored Last Summer was one of the best films at this years fright-fest, From the outset this film was great the story kept you hooked trying to figure out how the killer would kill some one with in geniuses use of cricket equipment and a awesome twists and comedy scenes (eye poke scene) awesome and witty!! and the twist at the end was just great around this film rules a truly great film a must watch if you love comedy horror. i think Stacey Edmonds and Doug Turner have made a awesome film with awesome effects great story and a around terrific film, these two Ozzy director have a lot of potential to become great horror/ comedy horror directors and they really got to make a sequel to I Know How Many Runs You Scored Last Summer!.

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Aussie blood fest!
pgallacher28 January 2013
This is a riot from start to finish and shouldn't be missed. Yes it is low budget and it is obvious that the ambition of the film makers is sometimes sacrificed, but if you take this into account then you can really appreciate the qualities this feature has to offer. It is hilarious with some good performances, particularly from the leads. There is a proud history of off kilter horror gems from the land down under and IKHMRYSLS continues this trend and deserves to be considered in the same league as Bad Taste or Black Sheep. The film makers, Doug Turner and Stacy Edmonds show real promise in their debut and I hope they make another film soon. Maybe a sequel but I suspect their interest would be in another story judging by the conclusion.
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A Smashing 6!!!!!
Ryanmartin699 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Saw this film at FF08 and have been meaning to get around to writing a review for ages so here it goes. I'll try not to give too much away.

Don't go in to this film thinking your going to be watching a big budget Hollywood blockbuster because your not. What you will see is a film made by two people who instead of sitting around saying I really want to make a film got up off their asses and did it and it turned out great.

If you like cricket and blood and guts your in for a treat because this film has both. I've never bothered watching cricket on TV because it comes over as a bit boring but using cricket equipment as torturing devices and murdering weapons makes it a lot more fun.

If your a short film maker thinking of making your first feature length then watch this film (I can't wait for the DVD extras). Its a real inspiration on what can be done with a little money and a lot of love for film. If your film ends up anywhere near as good as this then good for you.

Anyone who plays cricket should watch this as a warning that a ball, bat and stumps can be used in horrible ways after the game has finished, if you cheat I would stop now.

Just watch this film now. Its tongue and cheek in your face horror comedy that deserves at least one run in your DVD player.
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A highly-entertaining innings
Rooksy27 March 2009
This small gem of a film goes to show what can be achieved with a lot of talent, imagination and determination and without any major backing.

It is blatantly a B-movie and without of the post-modern cleverness of some current horrors, it goes back to basics in terms of T&A and violence. The story is a standard revenge plot but bombs along with some neat twists and turns backed by some neat editing, great gore and SFX and a killer sound-track of metal and rawk! The shower scene is so totally gratuitous it will have you laughing and the kills come frequently enough that you'll be entertained, but varied enough that you are never bored.

The cricket theme is really just an excuse to use every cricketing implement as a murder weapon, so don't worry if you're not a sports fan, as long as you are a horror fan you won't be disappointed.

I'd love to see what the husband and wife director/producer team can do with a real budget next time out, but kudos to them for getting up off their backsides, working for years and producing something this good and this fun.

I saw this at the 'night of horror' festival in Sydney, but I hear that it has got DVD distribution in UK, Oz and US so support low-budget film making and buy/rent it!
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Absolute shite!!!!
petefumberger11 September 2011
Movies like this are why I don't pay to watch any Australian content, unless it is free and I can tape it. The only redeeming thing about this movie is the wee bonnie lass in the shower, with her lovely perky breasts and very nicely trimmed pubis. Truly bloody awful!!!!! The movie that is, not the lovely wee bonnie lassie. And I can't get this posted until I do at least 10 lines of text. I am a bit of a wordsmith but this might be beyond me, but I shall try. Let me see what words I can come up with. Woeful. Abysmal. Tedious. Bloody awful. Oops, already used that one. Abominable. Appalling. Typical Australia rubbish sadly to say. Hope that's enough. Pity I couldn't give it a zero rating.
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