Transylmania (2009) Poster


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I'm pretty sure that I'm now a bad person....
innocuous6 May 2010
I don't really care for many comedies. "American Pie," "There's Something About Mary," and similar films simply don't appeal to me. I just don't find them funny.

Now, this is not to say that "Transylmania" was funny. It never made me laugh. But it WAS more entertaining and less frustrating than most comedies. The Hillenbrand brothers at least managed to keep the pace up through most of the movie. And they cheerfully steal from ( homage to, I guess) numerous other films.

The sets and locations are decent, the animated title sequence is a bit more imaginative than following one of the characters around campus (as most films do), and you can actually see and hear what's going on.

The major puzzle is why it's as tame as it is. I watched the "unrated' version, which is basically a mild R-rating. The little violence and nudity is pretty comical, though the language can be a bit strong. The relative lack of nudity was also surprising. None of the extra-busty (or buff, take your pick) leads ever peeled down. And only a few of the extraneous characters ever got nekkid. Now, this isn't essential to a film like this, but it's pretty much the norm. Plus, if you're shooting in Romania, you're going to find lots of attractive actors there who are anxious to make a splash. I'm just surprised, is all.

OK for people with nothing better to do.
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Doesn't know what it wants to be
Heislegend27 April 2010
Yeah, sure...horror comedies are nothing new but usually they tend to have at least some elements from both genres. Transylmania is obviously not trying to be a horror movie, but it's not really a comedy, either. Sure, it tries, but it probably won't get more than a few chuckles out of you. That's what I don't get here. If you're making a horror themed comedy then you've got a ton of things to work with. This film just kind of falls on it's face at almost every opportunity. It feels like a bad mash up of all the worst aspects of a National Lampoon movie mixed with the eye-rolling stupidity of some of the more unsuccessful modern teen sex comedies. Simply put, it's just stupid...and not in a good way.
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Stupidly Outrageous, But Not Outrageously Stupid
RichardSRussell-14 December 2009
Transylmania (1:35, R) — Other: Comedy, 3rd string, original, OSIT chauvinists

When you're shooting for stupidly outrageous, it's really, really easy to slip off the tracks and end up as outrageously stupid. That's what happened to the parody Stan Helsing, for example. And that was a movie that featured at least a few actors that you'd heard of before and a character who was supposed to be a descendant of Dracula's Abraham Van Helsing. Transylmania features nobody you've ever heard of before, and one of its characters is a descendant of vampire hunter Victor Van Sloan, equally unknown to history prior to today.

Nonetheless, Transylmania works on its own terms. It follows 10 American college students, every one of them a flaming stereotype, as they arrive for a semester abroad in Romania, specifically Transylvania (where the movie was actually shot), explicitly at Razvan University, whose campus is in historic Castle Razvan, which 500 years ago was the home of famed vampire Count Radu. Rumor has it that the count is immortal, a hypothesis quickly confirmed as we find him roaming the corridors. Rusty, the student who opens the film as our narrator, is a dead ringer for the count, made more so when (by sheer coincidence) he dresses up for the freshman welcome ball in exactly the same outfit that Radu habitually wears.

Also among the American students are a couple of stoner lads who discover their blue jeans are a local gold mine; twin sisters, Lia the goody-goody and Danni the try-anything good- time gal; Newmar, the inept football player; Lynne, the nymphomaniac airhead cheerleader who has the hots for him; and Cliff, the oaf who figures the way to impress women is by claiming to be a vampire hunter. He uses this line on Prof. Teodora Van Sloan (the aforementioned descendant of Victor), and she takes him with the same deadly seriousness with which she approaches vampire hunting in general. With lips, vocal tone, and swordplay, she evokes Catherine Zeta-Jones in Zorro.* (In the only college class we actually see on screen, she demos self-defense techniques involving decapitation and a stake thru the heart. In response to a question she says "Vampires? Don't be silly. Now let's talk about what to do if someone jumps at you from out of a coffin." The rest of the movie is much like this.)

The mcguffin is a music box containing the soul of Radu's true love, the sorceress Stephanie, entrapped there by Victor. It was lost half a millennium ago but has recently been rediscovered. It falls into Lynne's hands. Every time she opens it, she's possessed by Stephanie; then, when it's closed, she reverts, wondering what happened.

There's much more. Dean Floca, the dwarf with a dungeon. His dotter Draguta, totally babeulicious chatting with Rusty via videocam but sporting a hideous hunchback in real life. Better than the Kama Sutra, the Codex Eroticon, which "can blow a chick's mind". The machine that keeps disembodied heads alive. The tall, gawky student who once kissed another guy while drunk and can't live it down. The horses with the odd reaction to the word "Razvan". Much of this is throwaway stuff, but a lot of it actually advances the plot.

Really, the story is way more complex that you'd ever expect for something played as broadly as this — and it's played VERY broadly — but it all hangs together. Not a millisecond of it can be taken even remotely seriously, of course, but the audience is all in on the joke, and the writers (Patrick Casey and Joshua "Worm" Miller) and directors (David and Scott Hillenbrand) make it work.

Objectively, this is a terrible movie. But subjectively, I got a real bang out of it. Of course, I happen to be partial to breasts the size of canteloupes, of which there's an abundance, and that helped. And I kept laffing out loud because I kept thinking "Wow, are they really trying to be THAT outrageous? Yeah, I guess they are."

So I give it a 5. This is higher than where I've pegged Fantastic Mr. Fox (3) and 2012 (4) and a coin-flip with that other vampire movie in town. Does that mean that I'd rather see Transylmania than those others? Yes. Yes, I would. Heaven help me, yes, I would. YMMV. No guarantees.


*I don't recall that Catherine ever went in for the tight-black-leather look, but from now on I'm not going to be able to get that image out of my head.
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They Should Have Entitled it: Translylamia!
zardoz-136 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Those "National Lampoon Dorm Daze 2" dudes--co-directors David and Scott Hillenbrand--are at it again with this shallow, super-sucky supernatural spoof of bloodsucker sagas called "Transylmania" based on an abysmal script by Patrick Casey and Worm Miller. Unless you have been sniffing glue or inhaling lead-based paint, you may find it challenging to laugh at most of their ridiculous routines. Everything here qualifies as lowest common denominator humor with loads of bouncing breasts and butts to ogle in what amounts to high school skits on a big budget. Yes, you guessed it the regurgitated gags take swipes at women, repetitive puking, drugs, homosexuals, transsexuals, masturbation, bodily fluids, sheep testicles and severed heads. One really bottom of the barrel scraper gag includes a prank about Siegfried, Roy and a tiger puppet.

Basically, ten concupiscent American college students take the ultimate road trip by plane and train to spend a semester abroad at Razvan University in the heart of vampire country in Romania. The best--if best is an appropriate adjective here--gag is a homage to the Mel Brooks' classic Young Frankenstein". On the way to Castle Razvan, the kids ride in a horse-drawn cart. Every time that anybody mentions the word Razvan, the horses fart, and Razvan is mentioned more than enough times for the horses to fart more than enough times. Of course, what comedy would be a comedy were it not for mistaken identities? Our loopy protagonist Rusty (Oren Skoog) has been carrying on an Internet romance with Razvan honey Draguta Floca (Irena H. Hoffman) and sees this as the perfect excuse to make it with her in person. Later, he discovers to his chagrin that Draguta has a hump on her back that he cannot see while on-line with her. Cue the bad jokes: his pals accuse him of wanting to 'hump her.' One slightly amusing gag occurs when Rusty moons Draguta on his web-cam and then gives her a glimpse of his manhood. Simultaneously, when he regales her with his member, two people surprise him and walk into his dorm room. The anxious Rusty slams his laptop shut on his penis.

Accompanying Rusty to Romania are a couple of pot-smoking pals, Pete (Patrick Cavanaugh) and Wang (Paul H. Kim,) and they endure incredible agony greasing up their rectums to stash bags of marijuana and bongs so they smuggle them past customs. Two girls, party babe Danni (Nicole Garza) and her square twin sister Lia (Natalie Garza) as well as another couple Newmar (Tony Denman) and Lynne (Jennifier Lyons), join them Rusty, Pete, and Wang. Meanwhile, an ultra-sexy vampire huntress Teodora van Sloan (Musetta Vander) and a demented Frankenstein-style doctor Dean Floca (the dwarfish David Steinberg) are two of the more prominent members of the faculty, and they are both loony tunes.

Naturally, no sooner does Rusty arrive than we learn that a vampire-on-the-loose, Count Rabu (Oren Skoog), is a dead ringer for him. Sure, if you can rip off "Young Frankenstein," then you can rip-off the Marx Brothers, so Rusty and Rabu do the famous mirror gag from "Duck Soup" before Rabu realizes that there is not only no mirror but also he would not be able to see himself if there was one! Of course, the black Spandex-clad Teodora wants to nail the Count to death with her cross-bow. The main plot has something to do with Count Rabu and three fangster femmes who are trying to resurrect his former lover whose soul has long been trapped in a music box. It seems that Teodora's ancestor was responsible for this turn of events. Poor Lynne has the misfortune to open the music box and have the spirit of the dead vampire enter her body. Another faintly amusing routine has Wang cavorting around with the severed head of a beauty queen and masquerading as the rest of her body. It seems the Dean Floca carved her up so he could transplant a smooth, shapely back on his deformed daughter. In other words, Cliff balances his head in front of his face and wears a cloak around the rest of his body. Things get complicated when his pal tries to feel her up and Cliff loses her head and it lands in a waste basket.

Truly, this tasteless, brainless comedy deserved its R-rating.
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Not funny
JoeB1311 August 2010
This is supposed to be a comedy, but they telegraph the "jokes" a mile off...

A group of college students are lured to a university in Transylvania, where they tangle with a cult of vampires, a sexy vampire hunter, a mad doctor (who happens to be a little person) who is trying to find a new body for his hunchback daughter.

We get a bunch of tired gags, monsters that aren't very scary, and characters (way too many of them) we just don't give a flip about. Was there a point here?

There are a lot of gratuitous nude scenes with a lot of the actresses. That's a plus. Not much of one, and maybe it was the excuse as to why the movie was made.
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I liked it
jennaj-18 December 2009
Even though the reviews may have been not so good. I thought this movie was really funny and I enjoyed it. There was actually a plot which a lot of comedy spoof movies don't have. Although you haven't seen the actors in much, i thought they all did a really good job. I think the story was cute and i most surely did laugh!! I recommend it to all. It is a shame to see reviewers writing bad reviews. Who believes them anyway. I know that more then half the time I read what they say I don't agree. Its not fair for them to spoil a movie for others, especially a funny one. I think that if people would just give some things a chance, or an independent production company, they would not be mad they spent their money on the movie. Just because there isn't a huge distributors name attached doesn't mean the movie isn't good for what it is. I heard that it isn't going to be in theaters much after the first week and thats really sad because if people would see it they would really enjoy it I think.
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This movie will make you stupider.
adamcdalton11 June 2010
I won't waste your time with a play by play, this was not worth the $1 at the Red Box. I enjoy horror movies that aim to scare but fall short and are in turn funny. Spoof movies try too hard to be funny and truly exploit the lowest common denominator much like a Big & Rich song! Either be a good horror movie or let us laugh at you trying, there truly is no humor in trying to spoof horror; have you ever seen a Freddy Kruger movie?

This was one of the first movies I stopped watching after few minutes in. This movie was not worth the waining hours of my Friday night. From the opening lines I knew I was duped by the cover's graphic design. Ever met someone who tries too hard to be funny? If not, check out any self- proclaimed spoof movie! Spinal Tap is truly the only one to get it right.
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ghastly attempt at horror parody
Buddy-517 September 2010
If studios could do product recalls, the witless and inept "Transylmania" would be high on the list of returnable merchandise. This truly pathetic stab at horror movie comedy involves a group of brainless college students from America who enroll in a summer school session held in a vampire-infested castle in Romania.

The incoherent storyline is matched by the amateurish acting and low-grade humor, which frequently reaches back - badly - to old Marx Brothers and "I Love Lucy" routines for laughs.

Actually, the movie has seemingly saved all its clever and funny parts for an epilogue that runs all of six minutes. If the other ninety had been half as good, we might have had something here. But, any way you slice it, "True Blood" this ain't.
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Tried, couldn't finish it.
nlk8723 February 2023
I gave this movie a chance because I read some of the other viewers reviews & some people gave this movie positive reviews, even though it's rated 3.8/10. & for the 1st I don't know, let's say 5-10 minutes, I laughed at some funny scenes. & was hopeful & inclined to agree. 1 shouldn't judge before watching. I was just like that, but now after enjoying a few low rated B movies, my opinion has changed. See at 1st this film from what I noticed was making fun of, Twilight, American Pie, EuroTrip, & another movie but at the moment I'm totally spacing... But then the movie started to stir into a different direction & it no longer made me laugh. So I thought well maybe it'll start getting funny again, so I continued to watch it. Well I got to 45 minutes into the movie & stopped watching it.. Got boring..
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Funny Parody
claudio_carvalho11 October 2011
The moron American student Rusty (Oren Skoog) arranges a student exchange program for his closest friend and him to study in Romania for six months and meet his Internet girlfriend Draguta (Irena A. Hoffman) to have sex with her. He travels with the potheads Pete (Patrick Cavanaugh) and Wang (Paul H. Kim); Pete's girlfriend Lia (Natalie Garza) and his twin sister Danni (Nicole Garza); the naive and romantic Newmar (Tony Denman) and his easy and stupid girlfriend Lynne (Jennifer Lyons); the nerd Brady (Joshua 'Worm' Miller) and the crook Cliff (James DeBello). His friends actually intend to party and score the Romanians.

While traveling by train to Razvan, they learn that five hundred years ago, the vampire Radu lost his beloved Stephania, whose spirit was trapped in a music box. Radu has kept Stephania's body and has been seeking the music box to bring Stephania back. Meanwhile, a Radu's minion retrieves the music box but is deadly wounded by the vampire slayer Teodora Van Sloan (Musetta Vander) and he drops the object in a gypsy's basket. Newmar buys the music box and gives it to Lynne.

When they arrive at the university, they are welcomed by the Dean Floca (David Steinberg) that is a dwarf. Meanwhile Rusty meets Draguta and finds that she has a horrible hunchback and the dean is her father. Further, Dean Floca is a psychopath that keeps a torture chamber in the dungeon of his house. When Lynne opens the music box, she is possessed by Stephania and Radu is identical to Rusty, and the brainless American students get into a messy situation.

I have already written that parody movies are always of the type "love or hate" it, and "Transylmania" is no exception. I am not intellectual, I love cinema as culture, but also as entertainment, so I like them. Further, when I see this type of spoof, I know exactly what I am going to see: scatological jokes, funny and surrealistic situations and definitely a movie that will never be indicated for an Oscar. This is the type of movie that you must shut down your brain and start laughing.

What I do not understand is some comments of persons that should never watch this type of movie. What do they expect to see when they go to the movie theaters or buy / rent a DVD or Blu-Ray entitled "Transylmania"? An art movie, with hidden messages, an epic, a classic or a film with politically correct jokes? Honestly, if I did not like this genre, I would never spend my time watching it and writing bad reviews. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Transylmania – Uma Universidade de Arrepiar" ("Transylmania – A Shivering University")
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Another embarrassing horror spoof.
Coventry16 January 2011
All through my viewing of "Transylmania", I kept picking my brain where I knew the names of David and Scott Hillenbrand from. I knew it had to be horror-related, but seriously couldn't place them. Afterwards, upon checking here on this website, it finally made sense! They are the genius minds behind "King Cobra" and "Demon Island". Now, both those movies really sucked but at least they were serious intended horror attempts, whereas "Transylmania" is a spoof of the genre. Not only have we been saying way too many horror spoofs coming out in the last couple years, but there also aren't any valid excuses in case a spoof is embarrassingly bad. The good news is that "Transylmania" definitely isn't any worse than "Stan Helsing" or "Scary Movie 4". The bad news is that it sucks nevertheless and hardly contains any juvenile and sexist gags you haven't seen approximately three dozen of times before. As part of a student exchange program, a bunch of idiotic college kids travel to Romania for one semester. One of them is anxious to finally meet his sexy Romanian internet girlfriend while the other just intend to party hard and score with the easy local beauties. Rusty's romantic plans backfire as it turns out the lovely Draguta has a hideous hunchback and a psychopathic midget father and the rest of group runs into trouble with ancient vampire curses and bodily possessions. I chuckled perhaps a total of four or five times throughout, but the rest of the film was derivative and infantile. The acting performances are all neutral, with the exception of the late David Steinberg as the crazy dean with a dungeon full of torture devices, and the Hillendbrand clearly know as little about comical horror as they do about cheesy horror.
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A Good Laugh
semiwizardsavan6 December 2009
This film was put together very well for what it was. It delivers all that it promises. Nothing more, and nothing less. This is not a movie to be analyze in order to try to find meaning. It is purely to allow you to forget that reality exists for an hour and a half.

If you know your vampire lore, or at least your vampires movies, you will LOL. Some of the references are rather obvious, but there are a few that are harder to spot. There are also a homage to a past horror parody. :P This is probably one of the funnier comedies I've seen lately. The nice thing with this film is that it is a pure comedy, as opposed to the ever popular romantic comedy. The plot is executed very well. The effort put into the background and stunts is apparent. There is a seriousness in some of the characters and events that enhances the comedic aspect of the movie, which makes for a good laugh fest.

By the way, I do not work in the film industry, nor am I a professional critic or know a professional critic. Just in case anyone was wondering.
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I'm still smiling
ApolloBoy10914 February 2011
Yea. Yea. Yea. This is not everyone's cup of Joe but there is redeeming quality here. The actors are committed to the far-out gags, characters and the well laid out storyline. No one is winning awards and I don't care.

I wanted to laugh at some silliness in the vampire genre and that's what this is -- that's all. A splash of ta-tas, nice sword fighting, babe in leather (who should have her own TV show) and the look-a-like mistaken identify angle which is always worth a laugh or two.

The mad scientist/Dean sub-plot fit perfectly into a main story that went balls-out for comic bits, some worked, some didn't. So what? Pop some corn, kick back and laugh at the broad but consistent spoof before you.

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Bad movie
SmellyLeopard27 August 2014
Both Peter and Olivier also found the movie worth a zero. Olivier: This script is probably written by a retarded child. How is it even possible that anyone would invest money to create such a ridiculous movie. The only situation I would find myself watching this again would be either drugged up or boozed out or FUBAR. If there is any positive note to this movie... It ended. SmellyLeopard: I don't like the dwarf in this movie. No offense you little people. I liked the blonde with just the head. But she can't carry the entire movie. If there is any positive thing about this movie. It is a bearded baby with a tittie on his back. Also shortly after the titted baby is shown... The movie ends. It ends on its peak. Peter: Not worth watching. There is no story to tell. Propostress and ridiculous.
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Nothing Is Good Except Musseta Vander
FilmMan4727 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
When i look for a fun film to watch i want some elements that keep me hooked for long for that the James Bond franchise did it very well that is another story i wont go into i am a huge bond fan seen all films.

This is not even a horror film it is an insult to it honestly when it comes to spoof/parody genre there are plenty of films made better then this all you have to do is use search engine online besides that IMDb is full of it.

Since late 90s a lot of comedy films came put that not only feature comedy the makers used to include some sex on purpose so everyone can have some good time even perverts and porn lovers and i do like some of them they created a balance that hardly any film brings nowadays.

This 2009 release is a mess of a film that fails on all levels mainly providing entertainment to audience this was a sequel to some national lampoon series films that franchise sucks to be honest first of all there was no script for this film you can tell all those dialogs and nonsense these people were doing it was all on their own.

The film was shot in Romania in a large castle that is the only best thing about this film a haunting location and some nice sets as for the cast the guys are forgettable but the ladies are hot specially Jennifer Lyons,Nicole Garza,Natalie Garza these two are twin sisters but what was Musseta Vander doing her she is a great actress she should never have sinned this film contract Musseta looks amazing in black costume doing stunts pretending to be batman.

So when i payed money for the disc it was not my choice the DVD store guy was a friend of mine he gave that to me saying it is a good film the DVD comes with useless special features with boring trailers,the making,deleted scenes and outtakes it made me laugh that so much money was wasted by these producers on marketing instead of creating a good original story i keep wondering if all these deleted scenes were put back in the film it will still make it not worthy of time.

The Plot:few students from America go to Romania these guys also make plans of having fun while studying but things go wrong as they stay in a large castle the horror begins when vampires starts to lurk everywhere.

This film is not funny a bit there is no hot scenes either i am not asking for a soft core film but make me laugh please just like Chris tucker do that is comedy slap stick used to be fun but only legends like Charlie Chaplin or Rowan Atkinson do that these young idiots are nowhere close to them they redefined comedy,the people hated this film even so called critics who love bad movies will not give this a chance.

I keep waiting when this will be over so i could do other things but not it goes from bad to worse the characters are awful and this small guy keeps popping up from nowhere and disappearing for no reason why the team of this film tried so hard to make it so serious when they knew they are making a spoof film each scene is extended to make you cringe if anyone remembers scary movie series the first 2 installments are the most hilarious ever those films are a fine example of how a comedy film should be.

Overall Transylmania 2009 is one of the worst comedy film ever everyone should avoid it made my rating is 1/10.Skipp It
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childish jokes
trashgang11 May 2011
I still remember Airplane which was a comedy or other American features who were called comedy but still I couldn't laugh with it. Otherwise their are UK productions like Doghouse or Lesbian Vampire Killers were I died laughing. What I'm trying to say is that UK humour is my thing because it doesn't have that cheap college jokes in it. Sadly transylmania do have them too. I watched it and didn't use my fast forward but when the end credits came on I asked myself, hey man, did you laughed. Scary movie did had some laughable bits but that was a spoof, here I just couldn't laugh. The idea is of course okay and there is gratuitous nudity in it but still the jokes are so cheap that they really are for 12 year old youth like it was rated over here. Next time I skip my US comedy and wait for another entry of th UK. Sorry.
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15 year olds will like it
jakerchief5 March 2023
Not the worst thing I've seen, it has some good set design and the production quality is there. The color grading is fine but they did the cardinal sin of day-to-night, but it's fine. The dialogue and jokes are straight out of a bad American Pie or National Lampoon franchise. They definitely don't understand that less is more, but they're trying to rapid fire jokes so when twenty don't land, one just might. This could have been a fun 80s comedy horror throw back if it wasn't filled with awful 2000s jokes. I really enjoy late night comedies, I just feel this one falls flat, or in the case of nearly every joke in the movie, falls flatulent. 10/10 Perfect movie.
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Radu who?
paul_haakonsen18 May 2010
Funny, but something was missing in the movie. Sure, "Transylmania" was a funny movie, but there was just something missing from the movie, something that would have made it excellent. It is a good runner-up to the movie "Lesbian Vampire Killers", though not nearly as cool.

The story of "Transylmania" is alright and have moments that will have you laughing or smiling at least. What works best for the movie is the mistaken identity thing going on throughout the movie, that was what kept the movie afloat.

The cast was alright, and most did a good job with whatever means they had been given for their characters. The traditional stupid attempts of recreating a Transylvanian accent was in place - you just gotta love it when Hollywood movies do that stuff to try to make some accent.

One of the better things about the movie was the scenery and stages, they worked very well and had lots of details to them, which was quite nice.

Sure "Transylmania" is a comedy, but there are better and funnier comedies out there. But if you like spoof movies, you should check out this movie.
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You can rip on me for this, but I think this is one of the funniest comedies thus far this year
Jackpollins5 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The only reason I was even slightly expecting to like Transylmania is because it was supposed to be like the Dorm Daze films according to some people who got an advanced screening that I had a conversation with. I have read increasingly negative reviews online and I am not surprised. These are professional critics doing the talking, and while I aspire to become a professional film critic as well, I would see film critics of a professional nature admitting that they like this film. The film is essentially a spoof on vampire films, a film genre I was long getting tired of. The thing that is really going to bake your noodle is that unlike most spoofs these days, this one has a plot and follows it and is constantly funny. After watching this, I saw another direct-to-DVD spoof called Stan Helsing. Stan Helsing is also a spoof on horror films, not the vampire films, but horror films. Stan Helsing also has a plot and is consistently funny. I am not shocked that both these films have been getting overwhelmingly appalled reviews online. Both these films are of a genre that is known to have bad film written all over it. Transylmania is one of those films where the idea was dead when it was written, but somehow the execution is more than funny enough to make the movie worth seeing. Transylmania is a film people should see when they want to let their brain take an hour and a half off and just laugh continuously.
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A Castle in the Shy
StevePulaski4 July 2010
Transylmania can be considered the third movie in the National Lampoon's Dorm Daze series. Though it's loosely based off of them, it can be pretty much defined as a third sequel, and doesn't need much knowledge of the first two movies for this one to be seen. Seems like no one in this movie has any knowledge at all. I was lucky enough to speak to directors David and Scott Hillenbrand via the Transylmania fan-page on Facebook. As well as seeing exclusive interviews from the cast.

The movie seems like another goofy spin off of the neverending American Pie Presents franchise. Though this accomplishes more than any of those movies have. But when compared to the original three American Pies, it doesn't stand much of a chance. It attempts to be an 80s throwback, which it does feel like a little bit, but not a perfect one.

Rusty (Oren Skoog) has been dating an online overseas girl for a while and feels he needs to see her in person. When asked to fly over to Romania to get in touch. He feels that maybe he could get accepted to The Razvan University where she goes to school. They embark on a cross country journey to see her. The Razvan University has a bad history to it. A music box, when opened, posses your soul into a demon vampire. When open, the demon takes over your body. When ceased, or closed, your normal.

Little does the gang know, duplicates of themselves, usually with deeper voices, are being produced as well. So the gang must find the fake impersonators, and banish them. Sounds like an uncut episode of Scooby Doo.

Though the thing that caught me surprised me was that this is intended to be a spoof movie. And it's actually decent. This one doesn't have random pop culture references popping here and there and at random times. It doesn't have convoluted performances and bad acting. This didn't try to fit every God-forsaking blockbuster into their movie. I thought this might be the "new age" parody film that would start a revolution of the same kind of parody flicks in the style of The Naked Gun, and Airplane, or the absolute classic 70s and 80s style parodies we were waiting for for years.

We would finally cease from all the mindless crap Hollywood puts out. No more Jason Friedberg or Aaron Seltzer. No more brain dead first timers forcing us to laugh at corny one liners. The world will finally be at rest from the likes of pointless parodies. That is...until I saw the trailer for The 41-Year-Old Virgin who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall and Felt Superbad About It.
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Overall, I Found It Amusing
EvylOverLord29 September 2023
The wrap up at the end could have been way better, and I hate vomit scenes. There were some errors with arrows. As someone else mentioned, the mistaken identity part seemed to be the main part to keep the movie moving. So, yeah, it wasn't the best comedy vampire flick I've seen, but I liked it overall.

The main characters were mostly entertaining, although some of the pot jokes got boring. I was especially impressed with Jennifer Lyons performance. It was also funny that the different characters including hers had different reasons for her characters behaviors.

Some of the characters were a bit unnecessary or even confusing though, and it may have been better to edit them out. I don't think you needed a whole character for 2 unnecessary gay jokes, as an example. Despite these couple little things, it was an entertaining experience.
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Is Indeed Funny
bgregory09811 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
OK, I loved this movie, no question about it. I don't understand why there is so much hate comments on it. The jokes and humor in the movie were very clever and very well done. You gotta love Worm Miller's work, its hilarious especially on:"Hey... Stop Stabbing Me!" "Dorm Daze" Dorm Daze 2" etc... Also, Patrick Casey is really funny! His whole attitude and character is just funny, even though he didn't have the biggest part in the movie. It was hilarious how He mistakes guys for women.

With the movie, the settings were actually very descent. the background had a fair share of detail. The actors/acting are pretty good as well. Once again, the comedy/humor, very funny. especially the scene where Rusty(Oren Skoog) was all excited about finally getting a chance to bang his (hot) online girlfriend, Draguta(Irena Hoffman). Then it turns out that she has that growth on her back and just completely kills it for him. Really good lesson in that scene, "send a full body photo always"!

Just don't be so hard on this movie, especially on a film like this, we all know this wasn't made to be a big movie with Oscar performance qualities in it. Don't be so hard on it. It was actually a VERY funny film. It is personally one of my favorites in my collection. so I recommend it to anyone who wants to watch a really good movie and have some funny, smart, stupid, and fun laughs with some friends!
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Dorm Daze 3
burnzyburns27 September 2020
What we have here is basically Dorm Daze 3 but they call it Transylmania, but in all seriousness if you've seen Dorm Daze 1&2 then you've got a head start.

The reoccurring characters are Rusty, Newmar, Lynn, Pete, Wang, Brady, Mike and Cliff. They are all just as dumb as they always have been portrayed to be, so the familiarity shouldn't be anything new to you.

The plot strikes me as some terrible Bram Strokers Dracula rip off where the students go to Romania to this castle which is a college and they're suppose to learn about....I have no idea. Keeping with the mysterious theme from Dorm Daze, Transylmania tries to create a original plot where the audience has to put the pieces together. Unfortunately the story is so convoluted, disorganized and boring that everything happens so fast, it's impossible to talk about.

After you don't care about what's going on; is this movie funny? Not really. Cliff is hilarious but he's not on screen much. Pete and Wang, funny as hell in Dorm Daze 2, are underwhelming here. Rusty and his lady crush are just ok.

There is a lot of cleavage, the women are smoke shows which is something I've come to expect in this series, especially the vampire slaying lady, wow is she hot!

Transylmania doesn't have enough of the joy and chemistry that seemed to work well in Dorm Daze despite mostly a reoccurring cast. There are few laughs, the plot is madly disorganized, and the movie just doesn't click despite some potential flashes.

I give it an okay 6. You might wanna check it out if you're a fan of the Dorm Daze cast.
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Funny movie .........just what I expected
vmaxerr7 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I saw a late evening showing of this movie, I was the ONLY one in the show. All the teenage girls were down watching the New Moon flick. I was entertained, the movie was actually BETTER than I expected, it really was like someone else said: Animal house goes to Romania(spelling) For those of you who HAVE actually seen the movie, I give it a 10 for eye candy. I'm amazed no one has mentioned this, maybe some of you teenagers need to quit playing with your cell phone long enough to actually watch the flick.

I go to the movies nearly every week, sometimes I take a chance on an unknown movie. This was such a flick, I laughed several times during the movie....I'd even pay to see it again.
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I will admit I liked it. And I know why no one else does.
johnbayer767 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I had never been in an empty theater before until Saturday, when my girlfriend and I went to see this and we were the only ones there. It was very weird and very creepy. I figured we were in trouble but we stuck it out and watched the whole thing. And I liked it a lot. I've spent the last two days reading how much everyone hates this movie and since I didn't, I have to post here for the first time with my theory on what the studio did wrong. Here goes. I'm a film student so I try to see everything. I watch 4-5 movies on DVD a week and 1-2 in the theaters. And they are completely different experiences. I saw Vincent Gallo's Buffalo 66 on DVD two weeks ago and I loved it. I saw a movie I never knew existed called Little Noises with Tatum Oneal and Crispen Glover on DVD that had the worst sound in the world and it was still great. But I think if I had seen those things in the theaters I would have hated them. I saw Transformers 1 in the theater and I liked it. Then I saw it on DVD and realized it sucks. In the theater you want it to be big and know they spent money. You can't always follow the story because so much is coming at you with sound and sight so you don't even notice when the plot sucks. This thing was cheap and looks it. But I still liked it. It was complicated as hell but was funny and somehow very interesting. I think being in the theater pretty much alone it felt like I was watching a DVD on my couch. But the studio made a HUGE mistake putting this in theaters. They also made trailers that made you think it was a spoof which it isn't.

I want to hear what people say about this when they see it at home. Date Movie and Epic movie suck on DVD. I bet this won't. That is my theory.
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