Road to Victory (2007) Poster

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The darker (and more honest) side of "romance"
Cinematic-Romantic2 October 2007
I love chick flicks, and I don't apologize. So, I thought this would be a great way to break in my new boyfriend at the Sac Film and Music festival. However, this time, I didn't have to listen to him complain about the fact that I'd made him sit through a "chick flick." Instead, the contents of the movie lead to a rather honest discussion about our past relationships. In particular, some of the things that we'd said to someone we cared about that we wished we hadn't, and some of the things that had been said to us that we wish someone else hadn't.

I think what this movie really captured was the level of honesty so many "real-life" couples claim that they want. But the movie really did a good job of showing how damaging it can actually be to someone you care about if you just speak your mind, because the fact is that no-one is perfect, and if you decide to hammer on someone for their flaws, it's only a matter of time before they throw yours right back in your face.

This movie was different, in that the couple was drawn together by pain, and not some stupid Hollywood cute moment or childhood dream of Mr. or Ms. Perfect. It was something I could relate to, and it made me empathize with these messed up characters in messed up circumstances much more than the most of the chick flicks I usually love so much. I constantly wanted to believe that if i was in these characters circumstances that I would do a better job of handling it, but when my boyfriend and I started talking about the film afterward, we both started defending the other character's actions, him the male lead, and me the female lead, and I really had to wonder if I really would have reacted differently than these characters.

I dunno...I enjoyed this movie, but even more so, it really made me think. It's one of the few chick flicks that's for both girls and guys.
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Sex, Steroids, and subtlety
dcfilmmaker13 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I think that most people will generally like this film, as the ultimate message is universal. But, I think it really speaks on a much more profound level to those of us who have shared some of the character's experiences.

When I was in college, I found out my boyfriend of 3 years was using steroids, and that he'd been using the entire time we'd been together, and before. He was buff but he wasn't a freak, and his job was as a personal trainer since he'd been an athlete when he was in college, so I never really suspected.

To make a long story short, he started having health problems (like we see in the film), and the effects on the relationship were really bad. I won't betray that relationship now by giving details, but I stuck by him through all of it. When I finally found out about the steroid use, I confronted him, but he refused to talk about it. I told him to make a choice and he told me would stop.

Two months later, I found out he'd lied; he chose the drugs over me. I left and never looked back, and this movie brought back a lot of emotions I thought I'd left behind. I really wanted the main character to confess, but he never did. But, I realize, because of my experience, that someone who uses steroids never does, (unless they're a retired pro athlete with a book to sell...Jose Canseco...Bill Romanowski)

But what really got to me was how much the female lead (Anna) came to care about the main character (Elliot) and how much he wanted to let her in but couldn't. For me, it was the other side of the argument that I had never wanted to understand.

It wasn't until the main character was confronted with the big picture, and given the ultimatum of choosing between a family and pro sport, (those he loved vs. the drugs) that he finally realized what he was doing. True to form, he never admits it, in fact he has to spend the rest of his life hiding from it, but he does accept responsibility.

The movie really boils down to asking these two characters to examine the choices they are making with their lives, and the effect was that it made me, the audience do the same. Elliot says at the end of the movie that he "chose right."

It really made me think about the number of times that I could say that I chose right about something so important.
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A brilliant debut and a must-see film
lizhobbs16 April 2008
Road to Victory is a wonderful debut from the multi- talented Mike Reilly. As sensitive as it is compelling, Reilly bravely tackles the subject of Erectile Dysfunction. Viewers everywhere will relate to this moving and human tale, and couples will find themselves squirming with recognition at some of the uglier scenes that take place between the protagonist and his girlfriend.

E.D. seems to be one of the last taboos amongst men, and seldom tackled on celluloid. To find such a young sufferer who exists within such a traditionally macho environment (he's a football player) adds a really compelling element to this story. Beautifully shot and acted, the film contains some of the most believable characters that I have seen on screen for a long time.
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Something Different
thekarebear4 November 2007
Saw this film at ReelHeart Film Fest with my boyfriend. We both liked this film, but for totally different reasons. He liked because he was an athlete in high school, and a little bit in college, so he completely identified with the main character. I thought it was more of a relationship film, which showed some of the realistic difficulties couples go through.

Given what the film is about (sexual dysfunction), some of the scenes were really tough to watch, but at the end of the film, we ended up walking out of the theatre hand in hand, not really saying much, but just thinking about the film.

I think this film would be good for couples to watch, especially young couples, or even old couples who find themselves going through a tough time. We talk about the film sometimes, and how what we saw relates to us (not that my boyfriend has ED!), but more how sometimes we fight because we're too proud to say that we're hurt. I don't consider myself a movie critic, but I liked this film for its message, and how I felt after I saw it.
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Interesting Timing
albertaproud23 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Well, it's interesting to me that this movie is coming amidst the Mitchell Report, Barry Bonds, Floyd Landis, Marion Jones, etc... I mean, no-one is going to believe in their heroes anymore...Unless, of course, after seeing this movie, we put ourselves in the athletes shoes for a minute. And even then, we may not agree, but we might understand a little bit more.

I think what this movie shows, and this is a point uniquely made that I haven't seen in any other film (correct me if I'm wrong), is that long before our professional athletes are making millions of dollars, they are average, flawed human beings, just like us. Furthermore, I think the point that this movie makes, is that motivations for these athletes to succeed, and consequently use steroids to succeed, is far more than simply the desire to be a "sports star."

I think that is the part that really struck me, which is the message. I really enjoyed the relationship dynamic, but not nearly as much as the end of the film, which really hit me, and made me wonder what kind of choices I've made in my life, or will make in my life, that put my desires to succeed ahead of what's really important in life (which could be different for anyone).
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True.... Real life....Honest to the core...A winner
jeremydaly-120 November 2007
Finally a movie that looks at the true driving force that propels us on our crooked paths. The real life problems and realizations made by the lead character seem so obvious to us as we struggle with why he can not see the wall coming, that is until we reflect on the decisions and actions in our own pasts. How many walls and how much ignored advice along the way. This road is a road we have all taken, with the same mistakes made and with the same results. The story is honest to the core, it evolves with the character; as his view of what is of importance changes the story also changes to encompass these new ideas, in a tragic but true portrayal.

The use of football as the backdrop for this allegory adds to the importance of the characters future but takes nothing from the imagery of the whole. A sound concept to appeal to a larger audience that works to move the emotions and struggles of life at a frenetic pace. I think we have a winner here!
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Very Real
muchstephanie4 January 2008
This is such a good movie! OK, this has got to be the most realistic relationship movie I have ever seen. I kept changing my mind about the couple the entire way through the movie. Sometimes I liked them, and then I thought they were horrible, and I wanted them to break up, and then I wanted them to stay together but thought they would break up, and then the ending was so sad, but it had this note of hope to it. I did not like the strip club stuff. I hate the way women degrade themselves for money or power over men, but I know they do it, and in this case, it totally fit the main character, Anna, who I just wanted to shake some sense into!

The other main character, Elliot, made me cry a couple of times. I just wanted to be there for him, but in real life I probably would have been too scared because he was so strong, and even when he was quiet, you could tell how angry he was.

I hope I never have a relationship like this, where we're mean to each other because we too insecure to know what to say.

I think that a lot of young couples should see this movie.
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Denial In Sports
filming-34 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Sometimes movies capture something that is so real, it's uncomfortable to watch. Watching the relationship between the two main characters, Anna and Elliot, made me feel this way. It was really hard to watch two people be both so simultaneously loving and mean to each other. It reminded my of my parents, and made me think about what they must have been like when they were young.

But underneath this all, the main character is driven by a need so strong, that he cannot even admit the truth to himself. Given the portions of the interview I have heard with Roger Clemens on 60 minutes that will show this Sunday, I wonder how many athletes who use steroids can even admit the truth to themselves. They are so used to lying that they can't even admit it when they get caught.

I really saw a strong correlation between this and Elliot's character, but the part we get to see in the movie, is the character living with the ramifications of these choices. It's an inside look at something we would never otherwise get because all we'd ever see of these athletes after they lie to the public is them smiling at a photo-shoot. In this film, we get to see what happens not only after the fact, but also what happens to what must be thousands of athletes who don't make it. And this raises the big question of whether or not it is really worth a pro career to use steroids?
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A very beautiful film
headless-productions21 April 2008
Road to Victory is a truly moving film, shot beautifully! It's a shame more films don't address such personal issues, like Road To Victory. When I watched this film, I was taken into a story of young man's struggle with himself and new relationships. What I learned was more about myself than I expected. I was unprepared for the raw, emotional and honest performances given by Julia Anderson, Michael Reilly and Peter Abrams. I wish RTV Film Productions all the best for this film and that it may reach the greater public and the world. I think we could all learn something from this story.

Kudos to you and your crew for taking a risk so great and making a beautiful film. I look forward to what they have in store.
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brilliantly constructed modern drama
matthewdlingo21 April 2008
Never has the story of high-pressure, big dollar athletic programs and the lives of it's troubled stars been told quite like this. A prophetic storyline that tugs at your heart until the end. Cinematic shots and skillful use of light make it a visually stunning film. At times, you catch yourself imagining if the story tells the actual lives of several modern athletes. Witty script with some prickly twists. Expertly tackles a difficult subject matter by devoting plenty of time to developing characters. Mike Reilly has really understood how to communicate to the audience in the direction of this film. He carefully constructs the moods and moments. He develops a truly modern drama with teeth. In short, no matter how many jock-sports flicks you may have think you've seen. . .you haven't seen one like this.
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very thought provoking movie
sistermr21 April 2008
I think this movie is excellent in so many ways I had to give it a 10, which is something I rarely do when evaluating anything. I really liked the creative and realistic manner in which the subject matter comes to light and is subsequently dealt with. Both main characters, Julia and Elliot, display the required range of emotion for a couple in this situation with a conviction that draws one in. I could not help but feel empathy for both of them. I was sorry to see it end. I hope that the success this film has had so far on the festival circuit will be followed by equal success in a release that will reach a wider audience. This is a movie that must be seen. Think The Longest Yard meets Disclosure. Why? There is plenty of football coverage for all you football fans. Disclosure was groundbreaking for its time, just as Road to Victory is for our time.
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One film and so many messages.
SilverFox0717 November 2007
Just viewed this at the Silver Wave Film Festival in Fredericton, N.B. within the past week ! Man, this film has layer after layer of plot ... it is precisely the kind of film that one can undoubtedly view again and again and take something different away following each viewing. And, I know from others who attended the screening that empathy with the leading characters may vary by gender of the viewer with each being completely moved by the shear honesty of the film , albeit form differing perspectives. Road To Victory tells it like it is ... and it is the very kind of current and relative story that Needs to be told in an honest an exposed manner. It honors the Healing Power of Vulnerability !
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It's about time someone made a movie like this
Fest_Buff26 July 2007
Seriously, I've been going to festivals for years, and more times than not what I have been subjected to lately is complete crap.

Road To Victory however, has true substance. Really, it's everything that we used to think of when it came to independent film: smart script, good acting, and aptly shot. And the subject matter of drug use in sport, along with the social commentary on medicine could not be more timely. We used to rely on independent film to tackle these subjects, so it is great to see that some filmmakers are still trying to do some good with their work.

The trend of film festivals lately seems to be a name actor, or a gimmick, attached to a laurel leaf. Many festivals are starting to become the exact thing they started out not to be.

I predict this film will be a hit on DVD once it is done playing at the festival circuits.
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Better than most
Burnout074 November 2007
Well, I can't really say I wanted to see a movie about ED, but the story was pretty good. The female actresses were pretty hot. In fact, movie would have been better if we could have seen some more female skin.

I played football in high school, and i have never seen more tears in my life than in the football locker room, and I think this movie captured that with the main character pretty well. I also thought that the football scenes were pretty much right on. Most football movies have terrible football sequences that are only believable to 12 year olds, but these were pretty solid.

It's kind of tough to watch this if you're a guy because no man wants to think about what it would be like to be impotent. Some of the statistics in the movie about how many men have to deal with this were pretty frightening. But, I think girls would really dig the relationship aspect, especially since the main character's problem potentially involve having kids.
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A rare indie treasure
SDSurfer28 July 2007
Wow, what can I say - having seen countless numbers of indie films where the filmmakers seem to have no idea of what to do with their camera, or how to direct the actors, or when to cut, and when to let a beat hang, I can truly say that Road to Victory was a breath of fresh air. The story of this film is as original as I have seen in a LONG time, and doesn't rely on name talent to sell a poorly conceived storyline and performances.

The subject matter of the film IS mature, and will cause giggles especially among audiences under 20, but after a few disarming scenes, the seriousness of Elliot's (Reilly) problem sinks in, and an emotional bond is created between viewer and protagonist which lasts the duration of the film. Anna (Anderson) is played both ruthlessly and tenderly and will evoke a broad range of emotion.

Definitely a film worth catching in a theater or festival if you can, or you can just wait it out and pick it up on DVD once it's formally released.
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Great, thought provoking film. Fine performances, Twists, Very well written.
mortso15 August 2007
Being somewhat of a "Guy film" buff, this movie brought me to a new understanding of Atheletes, Men and just life in general for the young and in love, and did it without one car chase, violence, or raw, unmoving act of tasteless sex. This is a thinker, you will leave pondering the plot for days, and not altogether sure you wanted to in the first place! It is an eye opener and an art piece in one package.

This is also a film for Couples embarking on life together, to see first hand what commitment really means. My only criticism at all is based on the lack of a few drops of water and my limited attention span, (I'm fully ADD) and I'd recommend this to anyone with a heart and a brain.

Kudos to the Fine Artists whose performances were truly convincing and moving. Mygod... I even shed a tear or two! Julia is Stunning, warm and very "screen savvy"! Gimme MORE!

Mike, this being his first acting role, has set a new archetype for macho and will very likely be seen more and more on the big screen. Can he Kung Fu? We all wanna find that one out!

Regardless as Director he has assured himself a place in the "city of lights" should he choose to pursue that occupation! He has promised us another film soon, and it sounds stunning.

Worth the see, worth the resulting ponder and for sure a very moving piece of film. AAA+++
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A truly original film.
user-2016221 July 2007
I saw this film at the San Fernando Valley Film Festival based upon a rec from one of the festival programmers, and I have to admit, that I was a little hesitant given the subject matter of the movie.

I promised myself that I would give the film 10 minutes, and if I didn't like it, I would walk (hey, it was a free screening).

From the outset, I found myself intrigued by the tone of the film. It was immediately clear that the film, at the very least, had integrity.

As the film progressed, i kept finding myself more and more sucked in, until by the end of the movie, I was really emotionally involved. So much so, that I found myself thinking about the film even a few days later.

I don't really want to say anything about what the film is about because that was one of the things that I enjoyed the most about my viewing experience; that I didn't know what it was really about, and given the film's originality, it made my viewing experience that much better.

Having given the film so much thought, I would be really interested to see it again, as I think that it might be an even richer experience on a second viewing.

If you like intelligent, well-written movies with compelling performances, then I highly recommend giving Road To Victory a try.
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A date movie for guys as well as girls
Movie-Afficianado27 July 2007
So many times I force my husband to sit through a "chick" flick, and he just rolls his eyes. Sometimes, if it's funny, he'll laugh a little.

But I think this is the only relationship film that he and I have ever watched together that we both enjoyed. And that is why I'm giving the film 10 out of 10, because it has appeal to both men and woman equally.

Nearly every dynamic in the film is affected by gender, and the movie manages to do this without being sexist.

I empathized with Anna's character because I could understand that she wasn't mean, but just insecure.

My husband on the other hand, felt a deep bond with Elliot's character, because he could empathize with his vulnerability.

This is a fantastic date movie. You will walk out of this movie with your date, and talk about it afterwards, and the subject matter is such, that those talks will definitely tell you something about the person your dating.
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Different Kind of American Movie
quinceman4 January 2008
I saw this film with my entire family at the Village D-Cinema in Lisbon. Some scenes are tough to watch sitting next to parents. I liked how the movie didn't try to make the main character seem like Superman. He was just trying to be good at being a football player but it screwed up his life. I expected him to win the Superbowl in the end, but the movie had a very serious feel to it.

Given how important family was to the film, the end made the other scenes that were uncomfortable to watch because of sexual stuff worth it. The football scenes were also good, and the strip club scenes were cool too, but it would have been better to see more naked girls.

I talked about this film to my friends a lot afterward, and I think I liked the film even better once I'd had a chance to think about it some more. I am looking forward to seeing it again, and hopefully showing other people so I can hear their opinions.
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Seek out this film!
travelbrad_200015 August 2007
This film is SO timely it should not be ignored. The subject matter has been discussed a lot lately, and the factual information involved in this film is in line with discussions of the day. Likely it will be the cornerstone of films in this discussion.

It is deep in subject matter and a truly remarkable piece of work for young filmmakers.

Go out of your way to find it at a festival or on DVD. Then look further into the subject and you will find out insightful this film really is.

It is a daring and aggressive film that these young filmmakers have pursued. From the digital format to the editing, to the subject matter. To have taken on such a large project for the first effort is to be highly commended.
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This is a MUST SEE!!
buttercup200714 August 2007
My husband and I had the opportunity to catch this truly remarkable independent film at the Sacramento Film and Music Festival this past weekend.

We haven't stopped talking about it since then. I'm going to go first and then he gets his turn but we both agree this is film is quite special. From a female perspective I found it erotic, fascinating, and the subject matter so well handled that when the end credits rolled and the audience thumped their hands together I felt as if I had personally been on a journey with the main characters. Their acting was sheer brilliance and the story line is probably one Hollywood won't touch unless Allan Ball's name is attached to it but it's about time somebody got around to tackling this subject matter. The story is so thought provoking and so gently handled that I can't imagine this film staying simply on the festival circuit much longer, it should be given a broader audience. Looking around at other females in the audience I was stunned to see that their reactions seemed to mirror mine. I absolutely refuse to give away the ending, but from the middle of the movie until the credits roll this film just builds and builds. Furthermore, my husband and I are still arguing over a few questions the film deliberately doesn't answer! You will however, walk out of the theatre waiting for this film to hit the big screen so you can see this special treat again.

Now to my hubby's turn...

The storyline was extremely thought provoking and actually brings the viewer into the film to the point where I felt I was actually a part of it and experiencing the same things as the lead actor. We've all had tough decisions to make in life but maybe few of us men have had to experience the decisions presented in this film. First timers Mike Reilly and Julia Anderson are superb in their roles. Cinematically the use of voice over narrative, black and white and what appears to be some home video all complement a very professionally filmed piece. I'm eager to see some more of this new film maker's work in the future. I would encourage every father to see this film, especially if their son, regardless of age, participates in a contact sport.
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Excellent... what more can I say?
sunshine_347625 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Road to Victory is one of the best films I've seen lately. It was an extremely heartfelt and genuine film. The actors were very believable and excellent at conveying the message of the movie. I had empathy towards Elliot and Anna because I could relate to their situation. This type of situation is often seen in reality, which made the movie even more touching.

The film really demonstrated the reality of relationships. I liked how the couple didn't have a perfect beginning, but stayed together and worked through their problems. The movie made me contemplate about life and what it means to be with someone. Road to Victory is a film that I will always remember.
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Everyone Must Face It
betsymalone24722 January 2011
Everyone must face it, but at what point in time is the question? Some find it in the darkest corners of their mind… or in the most unlikely places.

What are the circumstances that lead to real love? Road To Victory is a love story about a Pre-med football player, Elliot, (Mike Reilly) destined for bigger and better things as a professional player. However, he suffers a head injury during a match that leaves him impotent and searching for his manhood. Anna, (Julia Anderson) a stripper who enjoys the pleasures of life meets Elliott at college in a pre-med class and the tumultuous relationship begins.

This independent film goes beyond the Hollywood version of a relationship and delves in to the many layers of life that confront a man and a woman seeking real love. Perfect for couples to glimpse at the depths of commitment, the challenges of ego, and the obstacles faced in the everyday world. Through their tumultuous love affair they discover love through the beginnings of lust. Lust is wanting and love is giving.

The cinematography, score, and acting are superb in this professional presentation. Writer, director and actor, Mike Reilly, delivers a provocative film with vivid realism.

Intelligent, thoughtful, and a well-written movie with compelling performances by everyone involved. Timely… a chic flick… and a guys movie! This rates a 10 out of 10 for a truly independent film.

A 3rd Dog Script favorite, Road To Victory is a brilliantly crafted story that touches hearts and minds! 3rd Dog Script aka Betsy Banfield-Malone
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What do you want, remember... Beautiful lines, very strong characters and amazing, amazing story.
q-anniee31 August 2013
I was conflicted whether or not to give this movie 9/10 because if I did, it would look as if I don't know the first thing about a 9/10 movie, but if I didn't, I would do injustice to such a beautiful piece, that touched me so deeply, and even made my eyes moist. Oh yeah, that doesn't happen to me very often! Okay happens sometimes. ALRIGHT! It happens, so what? But the movie was so honest and unpredictable, totally my type, and yet so much satisfying, as if I could truly relate to all the emotions. It is one of few truly mature movies, and I was so surprised by the end that people could actually degrade such a beautiful piece to 5/10. What are they? Disciples of Joker, out there to bring better class of criminals, who don't want money. Only fear and despair and hopelessness. This movie is like a batman, man! Show some respect, this world needs a better class of citizens who could identify a 9/10 movie when they see one. What makes a good movie is not DiCaprio, or Matt Damon, or Heath Ledger himself. What makes a good movie is a good script, that holds the viewer's attention, that keeps the suspense, that has amazing acting, that is emotionally satisfying and displays such wide variety of emotions in just 99 minutes that my body feels the need to cry these valuable tears.

What is more amazing is that Mike Reilly is the director, the writer and the lead actor. And his co-star Julia Benson looks so compatible to his gentle side, his harsh and confused side, and his highly mature and self-assured side. But basically this movie could be seen as giving a wrong message, of things that actually really are wrong such as stripping (although it actually is discouraged in the movie, but people tend to see it otherwise, I guess) and use of drugs (that's also discarded to another level or something, but their abuse is definitely not promoted). My point is, I do not need to advocate all the minor imperfections (I am not a perfectionist anyways, I only believe in persistence), all the vaguely conveyed messages, or perhaps anything else. All I do need to, or want to say is that I have enjoyed this movie and wish to see it again, but only after I have digested the concept that amazing guys like Eliot are not in an equal quantity as their beef- brained-prototype opposites are, but then again, value of goodness had to be kept very high. And in my opinion, balance has to restored, but always the good must be more than the evil, and 9/10 for this movie must be more than vaguely-defended 5/10.
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