White Lightnin' (2009) Poster

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black & white, almost gore but not actually, music and picture made a complete piece which is definitiely worth seeing
ilona-stachura16 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
technically , let's say it was pretty different, black and white picture, quick cuts, very dynamic and engaging. lots of violence at first but then you realize it was not that obvious and direct. study of state of mind of a man who is definitely sick and out of control. i had no idea who jesco white was. i read afterwards about his talent and being an artist.i didn't catch it at the first and i have an impression it wasn't that important, however the film forced me to dig deeper in his story. you may either love the movie or hate it. nothing between is possible. the music is worth listening. it perfectly matched the picture and i can't imagine it could be different.
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"Moonshiners Unite"
CentralStateProductions29 December 2010
"I happen to have friends in the "deep south" and their neighbors are moonshiners. Would wake in the morning hearing shotgun blasts, killing wild turkeys? "White Lightnin' puts all the myths of the modern day hillbilly to rest." Hogg is amazing and outrageous at the same time and the cast is strong but the story as cut is just too fragmented for myself to give a slightly better than average review. The film is also too short and I think it needed more narrative to tell the story-line better. Well shot and designed with decent euphoric imagery works like a bad acid trip. Haunting and stays with you equals success for these Filmmakers. Soundtrack is very creative and original, but my only major downer was the too fast, quick cuts editorial. I look forward to this Directors future work for sure! -CSPS-Media
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Loose, Wild And Given To Extremes - Just Like Jesco
trentreid-17 June 2010
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Completely dissimilar from the original documentaries, but clearly inspired by them in terms of theme and incident. This most well captures the sense of desperate obsession, crazed addiction, (to 'Cilla, lighter fluid, his father's passing, or his own performance) and self-aggrandizing persecution. I found the depiction of Appalachia through b&w pans, bible radio and such terribly cliché, but at least in service to the film itself. Edward Hogg does a fantastic job of capturing not only Jesco's particular accent, but the rhythmic repetition and shifting emphasis in his speech patterns as he switches between extremes.

Carrie Fisher is no less captivating, although her 'Cilla is less showy and not as directly inspired by Norma Jean. The particulars of their meeting, violent and romantic encounters, her singing voice, and facility for cooking up sloppy, slimy eggs are all explored well. And Fisher is inspiring as neither nag nor victim, but as interesting a character who is well defined with less apparent effort.

But the direction this fiction takes is highly dramatized and loose, with Hasil Adkins' wild hoots accompanying Jesco's trip through self-destruction and vengeance. The cinematography becomes showy to an extent I found more intrusive than interesting, although at the same time Hogg's performance was increasingly good. It is not a case of difference from the angles taken in the documentaries, because this film makes its intent clear from the outset and maintains that difficult tone fairly well. But in the end, it felt like less a matter of character insight and more of sensationalized melodrama using exploitation technique.
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"A demented slice of Genius"
kosmasp9 June 2009
There is no better summary line than the quote I used from the Guardian! The quote is on the poster of the movie too, along with "rollicking terrifying trip" and "white-trash psychobilly nightmare" both by Vanity Fair, and they fit perfectly. This movie is definitely a trip.

A trip that's worth taking. A movie that you might think is more violent than it actually is. On screen violence is pretty rare, or better put not explicitly. Apart from that, the story of a man (white-trash) is almost linear, but nevertheless confusing and appalling at once.

Bottom line: You'll either love this movie (because it's not only out there, but beyond) or you will hate it, because of it's craziness! I'm not going into story details, just be warned that this isn't for the faint hearted or overly religious. You could say it offends almost everyone it can!
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My brother shot D Ray
ww125014 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was awful, nothing in it was real, Jesco White was a thief and a coward, he never won a fight in his life much less shoot anyone, oh... one thing was real, he did sniff glue , lighter fluid, and gas, and Ole man McCoy beat the crap out of him for stealing lighter fluid from his store, and my brother never dragged D Ray he shot him,also Jesco and Dorsey with a 12 gage shot gun, after Dorcey shot at him with a pistol, my brother spent 10 yrs in jail till Jesco made the first documentary and the parole board seen it and let Steve out of prison, these people are scum of the earth, everyone from Boone county are ashamed of Jesco, we were raised and went to school with em, my Mother and Donald Rays Mother ( Oni ) are first cousins, who ever made this show screwed up,,,wish they would have asked me to write the script, I would have made it real, the actors were good in this show, but the story line was 98% false
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A visionary work presenting backwoods madness!
danjuscar11 May 2010
White lightnin' is a work which exudes originality. That first and foremost must be said from this reviewer who is personally tired of the vapid humdrum which is usually churned out by Hollywood on a regular basis. Watching this film, I felt contented that there are still filmmakers out there who display boundary pushing ingenuity in there craft and who are not afraid to disturb the living hell out of you. Dominic Murphy has showed that he is one such director capable of telling you gut wrenching stories without descending into the usual path of incoherence in which so many of these types of films do. White Lightnin' is a film in which the plot never once lost focus of telling the story of the mountain dancing, gas huffing Jesco White. And while the violence, as my previous reviewer noted, is gratuitous and revolting, I never once felt it was incongruous or irrelevant with the story trying to be told. It is also of importance to note that viewing WL is like peering through a window into the destitute "white trash" culture of the poverty-stricken Appalachia. A way of life not assiduously examined through the medium of film. This in part presents the film with a particular boldness that was exhilarating to view.
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How BAD can you get
petar-mitric28 July 2009
This is my 2009. favorite without any reconsideration. Dominic Murphy's debut is extremely powerful and complex work of Art. I got lucky to see it twice, at Berlinale and European Film Festival Palic, and both times i needed an hour to get sober after watching it. Storyline leads you trough the life of Jesco White, Appalachian step dancer, from the early childhood till the "imaginary" ritual death. Brilliant music and breathtaking performance of young Eduard Hogg makes this film unique experience. Usually i don't like watching violence on film and if someone tells you this is a slasher movie don't take him seriously. This is a story of Sins and Redemption. Evil and Divinity. Watch it!
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Well made
amarsh184 January 2011
I was very surprised by this film's quality. The directing was very well done. The aesthetic reminded me of a 90's music video, maybe Nirvana.

The edit was expertly put together. There was never a dull moment in this film. The music was layered in nicely and heightened the tension in a good way.

The acting from Edward Hogg left a lot to be desired in my opinion. It's not that he performed badly, it was a good performance of some character, but that character wasn't the embodiment of Jesco White. A Brit shouldn't have been selected for this role. They don't get the inherent hopeful humor even the darkest of us in the USA have. Brits are typically too cynical.

Jesco was way too serious in this film, even as a child. A big part of what makes Jesco cool is his nonchalant attitude. Sure, I think there is part of him that was like Hogg's rendition. I just think the character that Hogg portrayed was two dimensional. There was probably something within him that was frightened by Jesco White to fully embrace his character. In that fear he acted out what scared him of Jesco. His violence, his intensity...but where was his humor? Where was his softer side? Even when he's talking about Cilla he seems more like Charlie Manson than Jesco.

I thought Carrie Fisher did a great job as Cilla. The rest of the cast was excellent too. Even Hogg brought something meaningful to life, but there's a difference between meaning and truth. Meaning is the treatment of a symptom, truth is when many meanings come together leading to pure health.
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Great Flick!
deaftoreason9 April 2010
Absolutely amazing film making and a great first effort from both the director and writers! I was sucked into this film from the get go and from its somewhat light hearted, troubling start it takes you on a wild ride of torment and madness. This is not a biopic, rather loosely based on the life of Jesco White (the "Dancing Outlaw", see documentaries) and combines some aspects of his life with a murder/revenge story. Pretty awesome and fitting soundtrack too. The music combined with the style of editing and overall theme gives this film that pop-culture, coolness type of feel, despite its sometimes graphic violence. See Hollywood, there is still plenty of good ideas out there, stop making all the crappy remakes and take some chances and Really worth checking this movie out, go do it now!
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Visual but a bore
Nagi42 November 2010
This film felt at the same time genius, but at the same like a piece of crap. I think the acting and the mood in the film was one of the best since I've seen after Malick, Kubrick or Tarkovsky, but at the same time it just felt like a irritating overdose of film-cocaine.

It's always difficult to watch stupid people do stupid things in film. So was the case with this films main character.

I understand that the background with the father is somehow supposed to justify it all, but it was still hard for me.

We can see that the director is strong visually and a guy we will here from, but the script could have had a few more looks and a comment round from someone before they started shooting it.
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come on, guys
timkern0077 July 2011
What was the point of using Jes as a reference? There's nothing biographical here. You took his life and made a silly ode to excess? The whole movie looks like a commercial (since the director is a commercial director), and it feels hollow and empty... must be the Croatian setting.

I'd expect nothing more than *cough* "writers" at Vice. Trash. It's like a Ministry or Marilyn Manson album. "Look at me, I'm shocking." Carrie Fisher is ridiculously bad. Why would you blow any of your budget on that troll? I just don't get anything about this film. It's exploitive of the South, of Jesco, of addiction and Christianity. It just feels more like a parody than any real honest sentiment.
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The Underbelly of Appalachia
FridayTN1 April 2014
I'm not familiar with the true story of Jesco White. (But I will be soon.) On viewing the film, I was happy with the portrayal of the dark side of life in the backwoods of Appalachia. Not knowing the true story didn't ruin things for me, and I truly enjoyed the film.


If you're going to do a lot of research about Southern Appalachia and try to make the film as true to life as possible, it's unforgivable that Jesse repeatedly refers to one person as "y'all." Y'all is ALWAYS plural, and is only used when talking to more than one person.

For instance:

When Jesse talks to the fat man about his tattoos, he calls the man "y'all." No matter how fat a guy is, he's still one person. Jesse should call him "you."

When Jesse is talking to his dead father in heaven, he actually calls his father "y'all!" Best I can recollect, the man has/had ONE father.

This issue probably does not bother non-natives much, but it made me disrespectful of this director's work. Too bad the chosen film location was in Croatia. There was nobody around to correct this glaring error.

Hope y'all enjoy this here review.
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young's doc, UK fiction style
roostersideburn1 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This movie seems to just be arriving in the colonies. I liked it. But I predict a lot of people infatuated -- and rightly so -- with Jacob Young's early 90s West Virginia public TV cult sensation documentary "Dancing Outlaw" may not. Here's why. As someone who can get in his truck (yes, truck) and drive north (yes, I live farther south than Jesco)four hours and be at Jesco's doorstep (OK, put the gun down, hoss)I know there will be gripes about the Southern accents. Didn't bother me. There will be bitchin' and moanin' about the fictionalizationment (I just made that up) of some scenes. Again, didn't bother me. It's an interpretation of the doc, in my opinion. The inclusion of another Boone County legend, Hasil Adkins and his original, maniacal tunes, on the soundtrack is a huge plus. Jesco's real. Some of this was not. Just like the Young's documentary. In the end, it's a colorful story well told.
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Biopic of a LIVING Legend
HopeInMovies8 July 2011
Don't do a biopic of a LIVING legend who already has two documentaries and tons of you tube videos featuring his antics and do this poor of a job of casting! Nick Cage's southern accent in Con Air sounds like General Robert E Lee himself compared to this BRIT trying to sound Southern! Are you kidding me??? After the first few lines of narration I looked up the cast and was shocked to see that ridiculousness! I watched twenty minutes of it and then I just couldn't stomach it anymore. Did Jesco actually allow you to butcher the telling of his life like this? I really cannot believe he would have done that. If you want to see a good film on Jesco White, rent The Dancing Outlaw and forget about this garbage!
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shocking in part, partly revolting and appalling
frank-boester17 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Seen this one at the Berlin Filmfestival 2009 and did not know what I was up for. Felt quite a bit sorry for the friends I brought with me cause it turned out to be a tour de force in part.

The style, the editing, the acting - all that is pretty impressive and engaging. But mind you: the depicted life story is most of the time not a pretty sight and not for the faint of heart. The depictions of substance abuse (lighter and gas fumes) by the young Jesco White, his violent outbursts, self mutilation, up to the murders in the end of the movie... I don't know a better way to stage this in a feature film and it is supposed to be true to the life of Jesco White. Still, beware what you might be up for: could be your first walk-out in a long time.

I don't regret watching this movie, though I don't know if I had gone had I known what I was up for. Besides, I was glad I could end the film festival with another movie after that... sort of to clear my mind.
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Magnificent, but not for young people
slich-124 January 2011
White Lightnin' is a dark revelation, so filled with poignant and archetypal scenes, great writing and acting, and music that takes ones breath away. I don't know why Edward Hogg and Carrie Fisher haven't gotten many major awards for this gem of a film, including Oscars and Golden Globes. The violence makes this a film not suitable for young people or the "feint of heart." The main character reminded me of many great, damaged geniuses, a Hillbilly Antonin Artaud. The casting of the young and older version of the main character worked so well, and seamlessly, as we go on the spellbinding journey of his life. Carrie Fisher offered a brave and inspired performance. This film is a classic, that deserves to be included on many "great" lists: biography, music, dance, Americana, religion. It is "Songcatcher" in total eclipse.
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yespat19 April 2020
Some people have said in their reviews that this movie, based on a true story, got some details wrong. Even so, the film version is just WOW! And the lead actor, Edward Hogg, is amazing. Carrie Fisher melts in to her role so much that I never even knew she was in the film until it was over and looked at the cast list.

And the music! Another WOW! Not always an easy film to watch but a great journey. I just wished they would have gone just another scene or two to show more of the outcome.

Well done! Why has this director not done any more movies? He did a masterful job, both in writing and direction.
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The movie is dissimilar to others of the like.....
hodivr6 February 2017
and remains an original. That being said, the cut style filming makes it difficult to get engrossed in the film. It is less than factual as well, but that is to be expected when movies are made about real people. You ask anyone from or around Boone county and they'll tell you true. While the main character is fun to watch as he descends into madness, the real life of Jesco White is not near as dramatic, nor as entertaining. There is no saving grace for this movie, nor for the main character. There could be an interesting story here only if the real Jesco lived like in the movie. This movie lacks imagination and lack a believable plot.
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Recommended by a West Virginian
punkerella_74 January 2011
I was born, raised and still live in West Virginia, so the lore of Jesco White was always within earshot. Knowing the stories, whether true or tall tale, I was hesitant to watch this film. Once it began, I knew I would enjoy the film, I just didn't realize how much.

Most of the stories I have heard about Jesco are from his later years, so it was refreshing and new to see a story about his childhood. I learned a lot about a person I thought I knew everything about.

The reason this film is amazing is Edward Hogg. For a British actor to take on the roll of a southern West Virginian AND to do it so convincingly, is proof of Edward's talents.

I was mesmerized by his portrayal of a man that is the personification of a terrible stereotype of West Virginians. Edward had the ability to make me feel something other than disgust for Jesco.

Besides the acting, the cinematography was excellent. I loved the desaturation of the film, where everything was almost completely black and white, but had a hint of color.

I would recommend this to anyone that wants to explore the human condition and to see deeper inside the life of a "white trash" man.
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Not Accurate At All
marek-joann23 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The story of the White family is enthralling with it's history, drama, tragedy and loss. I was hoping that this would be a good theatrical version to the documentary that was done on the family back in 2009. Some of the story was good and pretty close to what was said by the true main character in the actual documentary. The acting wasn't too terribly bad but the death of his father is completely fictional. Jesse was with his father when they where fired upon. Both received gunshot wounds, his father passed from a gunshot wound to the chest. The fact that it is supposed to be based on Jesse White's life story and such an important part of his life was changed. A major event such as the death of a father is usually life altering, so the details of such should be maintained in a "loosely based true story". For what reason it was altered I have no clue, except for the shock factor of a dragging death. Personally it ruined it for me.
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Vice. Sigh.
coex2313 November 2020
If you're on board with Vice and their crap, than you'll dig this. Yeah, Vice is trying to be more of a "legit news service" lately, but in 2009 they were still a crappy and sleazy tabloid rag run by jerks that loved pranking people for money. Rather shallow group of idiots back then.

That all said, the film stays well enough away from the truth to be mildly entertaining. But, the desaturated film effect gets dull superfast and the accents are laughable. I suppose that if you've never ever heard of Jesco and live nowhere near West Virginia, you might take this all in as true. Sadly, it's a notch above a Hallmark film in quality and made me long for the documentaries.
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