It Came from Below (2021) Poster

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Bargain basement Descent
polarbear-2883913 September 2021
Like a JV version of the Descent. Without the skilled actors, credible story, effects and pretty much everything else.
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Low budget, low quality, low effort.
lord-blade2 November 2021
Overall It Came From Below is a very disappointing movie. Even for a low budget film... it's pretty bad. The acting is unimpressive... the plot is nonsensical... the characters are idiotic... and the creature and its abilities are unexplained and erratic.

You have characters making truly idiotic choices, which even for a horror movie make absolutely no sense. You have a creature that has mind control abilities... sometimes... when it's convenient... and not others... which feeds on people... sometimes... and other times ignores them completely... None of it makes any real sense.

Most of the movie takes place in a dark cave, with little light, and little idea what's actually happening. The insane amount of shaky cam doesn't help at all.

The creature looks decent. Honestly it could have been a decent movie if not so horrifically written, as it had an okay concept. But it's just a horrible mess that's not worth watching.
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Not very thrilling for a thriller.
ruble-huff24 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The ending of this film left me scratching my head. Four twenty-somethings enter a cave (extremely ill-prepared) looking for proof of a creature. None of them have any training in spelunking and have no real grasp of the potential dangers.

Most of the cave is remarkably level. They make no descents (which is lucky because the only cordage they bring along is a ball of yarn). I could swear they were using the slow flow of water at their feet to indicate the way 'down'.

The box art reads: 'miles below the earth'. If they're referring to the creature awakening it must have done most of the walking. The story's two park rangers aren't very ranger-like, one of whom looks like she hasn't slept for a week. If they have any official protocols to follow they do a rather poor job of it.

The story is rather disjointed, the character development is very poor and I couldn't bring myself to emotionally invest in any of them. It isn't proven that the creature comes from another world. My head is still spinning from trying to sort out the plot.

Wounds barely bleed, lost fingers barely slow people down and people trapped in the cave are subsisting on who-knows-what.

Unless you are very bored and have absolutely nothing better to do, give this film a hard pass.
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Whoever is in charge of sound sucks.
davegould-045781 January 2022
Don't know what I just watched. Couldn't hear any of it as the music score was WAY too loud. So loud you can't hear any dialog. If you feel the need to watch this use subtitles.
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My first review
cskellington-4025526 December 2021
This honestly had the chance to be a good movie. But it fell flat. The worst part was the music. No matter what I did I could not hear the majority of the dialogue because of the music. It was frustrating and because of this I had a hard time actually figuring out what was going on. I actually created an account because I wanted to review this movie it was so poorly edited. Seriously people, it is called background music for a reason.
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Who cares where it came from... ?
tmccull528 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
To be succinct, this movie sucked on a galactic scale. Four idiots go into a subterranean cave system to look for an ostensibly dangerous, man-eating creature. They arm themselves with their cell phones, hard-hats, head lamps, and a ball of yarn. Apparently, the plan was to knit a scarf or something to strangle the monster with.

Those are the better facets of the movie.

Not only is there some sort of creature in the caves, there are nutsy-cuckoo people that will attack the unwary adventurers, too. Did you ever roll a snowball down a snowy slope and watch it grow as it descends? This movie does that, too. It develops into an avalanche nonsensical excrement. People turn on one another and attack each other for no apparent reason. The main characters make the stupidest, most inane decisions. The only character that I wanted to see survive was the monster, by the end of this turd of a film.

From the producer(s) to the director to the screen writer to the editor to the actors, anyone who had anything whatsoever to do with the production and distribution of this movie should be barred from ever making another movie. The end of the movie is supposed to be reminiscent of "The Descent" movies, but falls far, far short of those films.

Do yourself a favor and pass on this one. I wish to God Almighty that I had.
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My favorite part is when I turned it off
orionhi4 January 2022
This movie is missing a few key components for making a good movie. Good acting, plausible story, special effects, etc. This movie lacks every single thing required. The acting, especially when being attacked, is awful, absolutely awful. The story is just plain dumb. I've seen other cave movies and there's enough ambient lights to know what's going on but this is total darkness aside from seeing up their nose. I'm sure that saved a lot on production cost filming in total darkness but it made for one very crappy movie. Definitely skip this one.
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Generous rating
mibradygrl25 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Sweet Jesus, this was a terrible mess. Too dark during the few action scenes. The main characters, hell all the characters except the monster, were just complete morons. Who in the world goes monster hunting in a cave with any supplies other than a headlamp??!! The story is a disjointed incoherent mess. Nothing is explained beyond "dad died. I felt bad I never believed the cave monster story, so I'm gonna get proof!" The monster is the only likeable character. Can't blame it for protecting itself from a bunch of idiots. They had lots of opportunities to just walk out the cave.
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I must have watched the wrong movie
va_wulf27 December 2021
Stopped watching 30 mins in. Awful is not even a strong enough adjective. Prime will add anything to their catalog...

There's some films that are so bad I wonder how they were even made. Someone had to have the idea. Then somebody had to give it a green light and actually finance this crap. And finally there was a crew involved. My goodness. I have it a shot because of the half decent score by that was a mistake. I could have taken a 30 minute nap and had a dream more eventful than this mess.
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I'll be fine
nogodnomasters4 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Jesse (Megan Purvis) is headed into a cave where a monster lives with three others to prove her father right, We get an early explanation that it could be an ancient alien that went underground to live when they could not return.

The cave scenes were pretty dark and the characters were a pain to watch. The ending didn't make sense.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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An enjoyable if slightly flawed British creature feature
kannibalcorpsegrinder16 September 2021
After her father's death, a woman's friends decide to take her on a trip to a local cave system to check out a rumored discovery he made in the area, but after getting lost in the vast underground caverns they learn his warnings about mysterious beings living in the caves are real and try to get out alive.

There was a lot to like about this one. One of the stronger features here is the film's rather enjoyable setup that brings the couples together and sends them into the caves system. Starting off with the group getting together under her father's death and try to lift her spirits despite the obsession with the journal detailing the monsters in the pages, everything here starts off well enough with the inadvertent tension between everyone and how it all plays out. The early adventures hiking into the woods on their way to get there is quite fun as well, featuring enough general eeriness with the unearthly growls and whispers in the wind that none of them can hear or the fumbling of the directions that finally provides a way into the underground tunnels that serve the film quite well. This early set up out in the forest works well at setting the stage for the claustrophobic and genuinely unnerving experience in the caves where this one really gets a lot to like. With the team venturing through mostly unknown and unexplored terrain save for the cryptic clues left behind in the notebook, the scenes of them wandering around lost trying to find their way in the darkness which is truly creepy and chilling when added together with the freak-outs and hysteria that carries throughout the group. With the eerieness punctuated with the lack of noise and trickling water from nearby streams, the moments when it's punctuated by the grotesque growling and slurping sounds of the creatures give the film an immensely creepy experience. That leads into the stellar final half where they discover the race of creatures living there and are then picked off one-by-one. The film has a lot to like with these scenes playing off the darkness of the setting and the confusion of everything rather nicely by having the creatures perform unearthly actions on the group while they're separated from each other. The first attack on the deserter who's trying to leave or the confrontation in the pit where they store victims has a lot to like, while the finale involving her and the rescue squad coming into contact with the creatures has their own fun as the series of brawls and encounters in the darkness comes off pretty well and exciting. As well as the great creature design, these here are what hold this up while this one doesn't have much wrong with it. Among the main drawbacks on display is the low-budget limitations that end up affecting the film, mostly in the use of shaking-camera effects or near-total lack of light to see what's happening. Far too much of this one is spend with the action scenes shot by a camera rattling around the frame, making it quite easy to lose track of what's happening as people go out-of-focus frequently, while the darkness of the caves hides the gore so well it's hard to see any of it. The other factor here is a rather confusing attachment to the killer creatures at the end, where it offers some unexplained details involving how they psychically control prisoners to do their bidding which is never explained how or why it happens leading to some confusing scenes. These are what hold this one back.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.
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Claustrophobic, low-key thriller
parry_na6 October 2023
This is a kind of 'Descent'- inspired horror featuring a group of youngsters - not the best of friends by any means, which creates some interesting dynamics - tramping through some splendidly creepy woodlands to explore an equally creepy cave system.

The incidental music is very effective, but often too loud so that it drowns out some of the dialogue, and the acting is fine, if never spectacular. All in all, this is a very decent independent production. It even has elements of found footage, when the characters chart their progress with a webcam, although not much is made of this approach.

Jessie's (Megan Purvis) not having much fun. Her family and past have some connections with these caves, which is her reason for being in this production. We see little of the reptilian cave-dwellers, and perhaps wisely for a low-budget venture such as this, they are shrouded in darkness. Sometimes there is so much shadow it's difficult to know what's going on - another regular challenge with independent films. This is played with gusto and makes the most of its location. My score is 6 out of 10.
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Lacking In All Departments Of Horror, Thrills And Character Interest!
silicontourist25 August 2021
"Not very thrilling for a thriller" is what this film was described as in the review of one viewer by the name of, ruble-huff the 24th/August/2021.

I would advise you to read it, as the person perfectly describes the sheer, and utter, drivel of this totally lackluster thriller-less rubbish!

Caving/potholing are at the top of the most dangerous hobbies a person could have. Yet the four characters (who already know of the existence of a creature in the cave system by the way; the father of one of them told his daughter and son but, just like most youth of these times they are complete stupid numb-nuts!) go looking for it with no safety equipment, no food & water supplies, no ropes and most importantly, no weapons to protect themselves should they just happen to run into said creature.

The director, one Dan Allen, made a clueless drunken stagger at creating a psychological horror thriller that just failed. The creature is the best thing about the film, as it looks very convincing, but there is no background proof, of anything, that pertains to it coming from another planetary distant world. So I give the creature 2 stars and the film gets a thumbs down.
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Missed the mark
crimsontc25 December 2021
This film had potential and there were moments when it appeared that it may bounce back. However, it never rebounded into anything other then a waste of a good afternoon.

I can deal with poor acting and poor lighting. A lack of a consistent plot, character development and story is too much. Wanted to buy into the mythos, but I feel even the writer lost their footing as the film developed.
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Should have been left below...
RagingBeast3129 April 2022
Honestly... this was horrid.

Poor sound, acting, concept... just everything was s***!

Seems almost anything can be chucked onto a streaming service these days!
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That was bad.....
trevinom-5796929 December 2021
I came to the reviews about 3/4th of the way through the movie because I just couldn't make sense of what was going on. I was willing to read some of the spoilers if it meant I could make sense of the rest of the movie.

That's when I found out I should have read the reviews before seeing the movie. I still don't understand what the end of the movie meant. Pretty much all the negative reviews are spot on.
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Terrible Mess
valen226310 February 2022
This is a terrible non-sensical mess. It tries to be a low budget alternative to The Descent but fails miserably. It seems this girl, maybe her brother and some friends go to a cave to try and prove the existence of a dangerous creature that her Dad believed existed. Knowing they were looking for a dangerous creature, they go completely unprepared. Lot of confusing disjoined, unexplained filler happens, the creature shows up and people die. Suddenly we see another group of people that seem to live in this cave with the creature, but they are all crazy? Don't know. There was a basic concept, but there is no story. The writing is terrible. The filming is terrible - it tries to use cheap methods to give the feeling of fear, like the scene being so dark you can't see anything, or a scene like the camera was being tossed around in a dryer. Hint...those never work, they're almost as irritating as found footage garbage. Whatever the heck the creature is...which is never explained, it is more likeable than any of the other characters. It made no sense, and the ending even less sense...if that is possible.
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Utterly disappointed
rivecs12 January 2022
Aside from the storyline and characters being being absolutely awful, even for a low-budget production, this film is unwatchable without having subtitles turned on. Whoever was in charge of audio levels severely FAILED at their job.
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And there it went
BandSAboutMovies7 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Jessis's father died in a spelunking trip gone wrong when alien creatures attacked everyone. No one believes that to be what actually happened and, as usually happens, everyone pays the price. And by price, I mean some truly gruesome sound design that really is the star of this movie.

Either I'm getting old or people are making movies way too dark these days. Probably both. Either way, the end of this movie just got less claustrophobic and more confusing, which can't have been the intent.

This was directed by Dan Allen (Unhinged), who co-wrote the film with Sam Ashurst, who has also directed a few motion pictures of his own like A Little More Flesh and Needle Drop. I wanted to like this more than I did, but when the brave explorers showed up to a cave with absolutely no real equipment knowing that a people-eating monster could be inside, I kind of stepped back.
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First half showed promise, last half fell to pieces
SciFiandScary30 September 2021
Disclaimer: I received a screening link of this movie from the publicist. This in no way influences my review.

I was surprised when I first started watching It Came From Below. I was expecting, well, all the negatives that can come along with a low-budget film. However, the sister and brother won me over fairly quick and I found myself actually interested in the film. As it went on, even though the elements were all too familiar from various caving movies out there, I was still fairly invested in the film. This, I thought, might turn out to be a hidden gem (a low-quality gem, but still a gem.)

And then we hit the last half of the movie and things went to pieces. Thing after thing happened that didn't make sense. Some of the logic of reality gaps were atrocious. And the end had me absolutely scratching my head and wondering if they'd really went there. (They had.)

The dialogue was decent. I've seen far, far worse camera work and lighting. The creature was delightfully gooey. But overall, I just can't recommend this.
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Great movie
dangahigh28 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Poor little sam. He didn't deserve that. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. I took a chance on this movie, and boy am I glad I did.
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yhiboy-9329915 February 2022
It's a skeleton monster. A mummy-like monster? I like the Mummy series, but I got a little bit of that kind of movie feeling. It would be nice if the film was a little more finished, but it's a pity.
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Lots of black screen, overdone sounds
casey-4271216 January 2022
EH. Wouldn't watch it again. Took three tries to finish it. Too much jostling, "what am I seeing" , monster revealed too early, ridiculously overdone stabby-stabby bitey clawing flesh ripping bone-crunchy sounds (all the same noise).

Pass. No loss.
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Very slow, music/sound track is just bad
conniewaldo9 January 2022
It has potentials, but the execution is below average. OMG, it can not get slower, very boring and music is god dammed annoying! Tried way too hard! Characters are annoying too. Waste of time, stay away! Creatures look stupid as well.
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Too dark and shaky
DennisAlexis24 February 2024
I'm generally quite generous when it comes to rating movies, at least compared to some. However, when it comes to this one, I agree with most reviewers: it's terrible.

I enjoy a lot of B horror flicks, as long as they're entertaining. But the worst thing a movie can do is be boring, like this one is. It had an interesting premise, so I was disappointed by how badly it was executed.

The biggest problem is that the scenes in the cave, where most of the movie takes place, are way too dark and the camera is too shaky, so you can't make out what's going on. Sure, less is sometimes more when it comes to horror, but this was just silly. It really annoyed me and I couldn't wait for the movie to be over.
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