"The Mandalorian" Chapter 18: The Mines of Mandalore (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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Fantastic exploration of the Mandalorian Lore
tristan_198 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was beautifully unique, creating a pitch perfect atmosphere for the planet Mandalore. Din and Grogu reach their destination, but the journey seems harder than they thought.

Mandalore had some truly unique creatures and was visually pleasing to look at, but it's the interactions and the dialogue that made the episode memorable. Grogu seems to be a quick learner, and the map reading payoff came early. We witness a lot of skills we didn't really see before, and Grogu is able to navigate the galaxy on his own.

Pedro Pascal is amazing as ever and Katee Sackhoff delivers such a powerhouse performance, in the subtleties she portrays. The back and forth between Din and Bo Katan is enthralling and well done. We get some of the mythology and talk about the Mythosaur and such. The living waters are there and the episode book ends stunningly.
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Grogu is starting to become more than just a cute tag along character
poseyfan9 March 2023
I enjoyed this episode more than the first.

Grogu had to become independent in this episode to rescue his dad. I am glad the writers are going this route, because we've already had 2 seasons of Mando and Grogu, where Grogu has just tagged along everywhere looking cute. This was a problem for me going into this season, because in the BOBF he reunited with Mando; I wanted to see some of Din by his lonesome.

This episode was a deep dive into Mandalore and it's history, and I am here for it. Mandalore, or what's left of it, is a shadow of what it used to be; and what we saw in Clone Wars.

Bo Katan makes a further appearance in this one, and her character gets more fleshed out.

Overall, a good episode.

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Getting somewhere!
and_mikkelsen8 March 2023
This episode was certainly a step up from the first episode! This one added a lot more lore, knowledge and we begin to see the potential of this season!

As someone who has watched The Clone wars and are a big fan of this show, i really apreciate the layers of information given and shown to us! Could not help but feel a bit nostalgic! Mandalore becomes a world you invest yourselves in, especially when the best arcs in Clone wars, occured on Mandalore! You are left wanting to know more!

The show looks as good as always with some intense and creative action sequences! It is clear they are warming up for something bigger, since we have ssen most of the trailer already!

The end left me excited to see the next episode! Something the previous one lacked!
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A weak Mando, a grimacing Grogu and Morlocks
ThatDoesntMatter10 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Disappointing, that is the word.

Mando talks too much (explaining every little thing to Grogu. What is this, Sesame Street?), accepts an old droid when I wanted to see Killer/Nanny droid again (or some new version of him) - and what happened to 'only THAT droid can help me on Mandalore'?? - , loses fights (against Morlocks-lookalikes), has to be rescued, and after all this artificial drama it's like, Oh, here's Bo-Katan the tour guide, Living Waters? Right there. Too easy, when before was too much artificial difficulty. When he drowned that was fun, but yet again he needs to be rescued. Getting old. The show's name is neither Grogu the Baby Jedi nor Bo-Katan the Princess of Mandalore.

Grogu making faces that look like a pouty child took me out of the story.

I'm watching because of Mando. Mando was a wuss in this, for no apparent reason.

The pacing was off, the bit on Tattooine fun but still unsatisfying.

Where is this going? What is the conflict, or the mission? I'm starting to not care.
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Grogu is the GOAT
eoinpgeary9 March 2023
This is such a pick up after last week's episode, it had good action, tense scenes and my man Grogu is the 🐐

Basically they need to go to Mandalore to gather stuff to prove it's hospitable so Jin can get his title back.

The visuals were really good, the soundtrack all of it, Grogu is developing, he isn't just a cute tag along partner he had a big role to play in this episode and I do hope we get more of that ! Mando was good, he is really set on his mission but also including Grogu and in his way trying to raise him.

Good adventure with some good turns, I really enjoyed the intense Grogu scenes they were the highlight and also the last 10 - 15 were unreal !
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A Tonal Change Compared to the First Episode
Adam-092658 March 2023
This one felt more like a Mandalorian episode again. With a deeper tone and wider cinematography, ambient music and an overall thrilling vibe. The story didn't branch off into unwanted subplots, we focused on Mando's task at hand.

Apart from a few moments of disposable enemy slaughtering the monsters in this episode actually had the art of terror. A subject not looked into enough when it comes to exoplanet exploration in film making. I mean i'm not expecting it to be like the movie Alien, but the vibe was still there.

A more enjoyable episode, although it would have been also enjoyable to have Mando do more, he seemed like dead weight in this one. Given said, the development still progressed and the story wasn't lost.

Not a kick ass episode, but better than the first one. Progression was there.
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Ever been disappointed by a good friend, and then the next time you see them you have the time of your life? That's what this episode was
jikboersma8 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Chapter 17 was mid-tier, at least for this show. After that and The Book of Boba Fett, I was really scared for the future of The Mandalorian. But then I watched this episode, and all my doubts were erased. I realized that even The Mandalorian could have off weeks, just like every other show, and I realized that it would come roaring back, unlike many other shows.


The first fight set an expectation that this would not be an easy episode for Mando, and that was perfectly fine by me. This episode features less of the title character than any other chapter of this show, but it wasn't BoBF level, so it worked. Grogu's solo adventures were ridiculously cute, and giving him more independence was a smart move by Filoni & Favreau.

This chapter featured several things that I assumed would happen much later in the season; Mando going to Mandalore was the main one, but the Mythosaur reveal was something I didn't think would happen until the finale. Even though it was obvious what was coming as soon as Mando went under, it was chill-inducing and absolutely wonderful.

I only have two minor nitpicks:

1. Why did they break their chapter title trend? This could have easily been called 'Chapter 18: The Mines'.

2. The decepticon-bug thing defeated Mando in combat, and Bo-Katan beat the decepticon-bug thing in combat (with the darksaber no less), so shouldn't the darksaber go to her now? I was shocked that she gave it back.

So, yeah, this was a thoroughly enjoyable forty minutes and a welcome return to form for The Mandalorian.
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Now we're back on track!
Tastentier8 March 2023
I was rather disappointed with the fan service-laden first episode of this season. In hindsight I understand how it served to set the stage for this masterpiece by reintroducing a certain familiar character.

We're once again treated to a lot of fan service and easter eggs, but this time it all feels very plot-relevant and had me on the edge of my seat for the better part of 40 minutes. Which felt a lot longer to me, almost as if a feature film plot had been condensed into this brief runtime.

PS: I loved the new addition to Din's party who goes all the way back to A New Hope. Here's to hoping he'll be a permanent addition from here on in.
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Top 3 Episodes!!
aleximmerath8 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was simply outstanding. To be honest, I had rather fewer expectations for this episode...but it was outstanding. Mandalore's story, the exploration of the mines and especially Grogus alone action. Finally you see how Grogu acts at least partly alone and it was very well implemented, finally the little man gets more character. Then of course Bo Katan's rescue mission for Mando, it showed Bo Katan from another side, wonderful! And then of course the mythosaur...my highlight of the episode. I'm really looking forward to the next episodes, especially since almost everything from the trailers has already been shown.
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Ah, much better
willknudsen8 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
While the first episode felt a little too focused on fan service to me and at times felt like it lacked direction -- often just bouncing around different places in search of reviving a very clearly dead character -- this episode was all meat and no fluff. Makes me think (or rather hope) that the first episode was just meant to check off all the boxes for fan service in order to set the scene for the rest of the season -- which will carry all of the weight. If the season can keep up this pace, it ought to be a huge success.

Of course a big draw of this episode is that it expands on the lore of the Mandalorians, but the way it goes about doing so is what makes it great. It's not just a giant exposition dump, but instead we're learning it through the eyes of Din as we follow him in his struggles to reach his goal. In this perspective the information almost feels earned.

Pedro Pascal and Katee Sackhoff both do great jobs as always, and their conversations are well done.
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Lazy writing, great visuals
Randofando12 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Better than the last episode. But disappointed by the extremely lazy writing. The visuals and potential of a great story on destroyed Mandalore are just wasted. It was interesting when Mando first got there- then they repeated step by step visuals and beats with Bo-Katan?? And with what little dialogue there was, it was so simple and useless. The clone wars cartoon has way more depth than this. Everything just feels so stretched out just to fill the time slot. The character design for the cyborg was really good- as was the mythosaur. Destroyed Mandalore looked great- But let's get some real writers on this show.
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Mandalorian team makes an average first episode just to blow you away with the second
dietrichkist8 March 2023
I agree that the first episode of season 3 was not a blockbuster, but I enjoyed it. It was okay... Not good but not too bad either. But hey, it was the first episode... I just hoped that the second episode would be a little better. Let's admit, warming up the motor of your Ferrari is a good idea before you hit the gas pedal to max, isn't it?

Apparently, the team decided that one episode was sufficient because this episode is a different thing. It is well written and with a lot of love for the detail.

My casual Wednesday evening with a bucket of popcorn turned into a 40 minutes staring contest with my TV. With my mouth wide open, I must have looked like a ret**ded fish.

Already after the first fife minutes you get the feeling that this episode will be better than the first episode of season 3 and is on par with the later episodes of the previous seasons.

I hope the season keeps this quality. This is the Mandalorian we want.
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This is not the way
dannton13 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
C'mon ... Really?

"I need this specific droid to get to Mandalor ... Can't get one? Ok then, I'll settle for this piece of junk."

"Have to send a droid out to make sure the air is breathable ... He's gone from the radar? Ok then, I'll step out of the ship and measure the air myself. I can pressurize my helmet anyway, so no problem."

Then Mando gets caught by this crustacean-like droid that wants to suck his blood. Still there's plenty of time for Grogu to fly to Bo-Katan for help and back as if she was just around the corner. Maybe the Star Wars Galaxy is much smaller.

So, there really is a Mythosaur living in the Living Waters? Then why does Bo-Katan think it's just a myth? How come no one has seen this giant monster before?

Mando is shown naive, weak and helpless without the super heroin who saves him twice. Oh, and she defeats the ogre-like creatures way easier than Mando.

I don't like the direction this series is headed. Hopefully this will change.
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The writing gets weaker and weaker
Hastilywritten20 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Why does the writing have so many holes?

Mando is desperately looking to repair the one droid he trusts, just so he can forget about it and use a different droid in a heartbeat.

The droid is supposed to scan the atmosphere of his home planet so Mando can leave his ship in case the air is not toxic. But when the droid doesn't return he just steps out and 'seals' his helmet and walks around as normal. If that s an option why did he need the droid to begin with?

And really NO mandalorian EVER checked if their home planet is indeed toxic?

Bo Katan says 'let s get rid of him once and for all' when she expects Din to land at her palace, but will risk her life to save him the next second.

It s all just so weak, it s tiring.
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Just ok
fullblood-585168 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was definitely an improvement from last week but still dragged out. The expectations are definitely high coming in but I need more. 2 episodes in a row now I've found myself saying , " Thats it?".

This episode could of easily been condensed into 20-25 minutes worth of run time and I will be very disappointed if there is only 8 episodes worth of this. I will still hold onto hope as I believe this series can make a turnaround and get exciting at any point. The coolest part about this episode is we finally see Grogu go off on his own and put Mandos teachings into action. Overall this epeidoe was not bad in any way, but definitely need more .
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What a Treat one of the best Episodes
ingra888 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This Episode is more of a Bo-Katan action Episode!

From Season 2 the Heiress, Bo Katan has actually saved Din Djarin life three times. And twice he's asked for her help.

Watching this episode she feels tired of his presence but yet again comes to help him out.

She's a really good fighter, in this episode very, fast with her gun.

She talks of the Mandalorian culture where once Jedi and her kind got along, but mentions of the squabbles of Mandalorian infighting where she feels she's had enough, which makes me feel that she will not fight him for the Dark Sabre as she's accepted her future.

She also talks of her father but not of her older sister Duchess Satine who came to rule Mandalor before she was murdered by Darth Maul in front of her love interest Jedi ObiWan Kenobi.

In this Episode we see Bo-Katan for the first time in her 'gauntlet' Mando star ship, we see it in flight for the first time and we see how it lands, since Star Wars Clone Wars!

We see for the first time Bo-Katan wield the Dark Sabre again, the last time she had it was in Star Wars Rebels!

For the first time ever we actually what should be a Mythosaur, Bo-Katan spots it when she saves Din Djarin again from the Waters of Mandalor!

No that she has seen it, if she gets to ride it she will be redeemed and rightly rule Mandalor which they find is now not cursed!

One great episode where the enemy is the unknown and like Din she has contradicted herself by not taking the Dark Saber through custom which is the same as Din not taking his helmet off!
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Much better than last weeks creme filler of an episode
cwwesthoff018 March 2023
This week goes straight into Mando + Grogu heading to Mandalore to explore the mines and attempt to bath on the "living waters." After last weeks misstep of an opening I was concerned how much they were going to drag this out. However this episode made last weeks look like child's play. I feel like if the Book of Boba Fett wasnt a giant mistake than this probably would've opened the season with a 20 minute prologue to establish everything episode one did. However it wasn't perfect, the need for nostalgia still creeps around and feels a little forced given the circumstances of things. Like how "R5-D4" the same exact one from a New Hope that blew a fuse before the Lars were able to buy them is now Mandos new astromech. It was cute seeing him in previous seasons as a subtle nod. However having him be directly apart of the story just feels too much of a coincidence, as well as serving essentially no real purpose. Besides that, seeing Mandalore in live action and destroyed was a sight to behold. The landscapes are beautiful and the translation between what we've seen in the animated series of Clone Wars and Rebels goes perfectly into this series. As you can easily imagine the flashbacks of the Siege of Mandalore in the now desolate underground city. I still am a little shaky on where exactly this story aims to go, especially since I know that there's a heavy chance this is going to work in Ahsokas TV show into it somehow. On top of the fact that every trailer released has a scene with Jedi from Order 66 presumably, which I hope doesn't feel forced. For a second episode it was great, and definitely left me wanting more for next week.
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Best writing
ksmgdbrrf8 March 2023
This episode is some of the best writing and the show has seen. I can't wait to see what is yet to come! From the great quality of dialogue to the suspense of what's to come. I personally believe the creators are on to something and there is going to be great episodes yet to come. The only negative of this episode was that it ended with leaving us into suspense what is next to come. My one request is that the episodes are longer like this episode. 40-45 minutes plus are a great time frame to tell this story and leave us in the right state of mind. Overall I like to say this is a must watch episode!
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Brilliant episode definitely better than the previous one
leifscully8 March 2023
Perfect episode after the opening of the season. It hit all cylinders and and now feels like this is what is so perfect about the series to begin with. We all get a little of everything and the suspense builds up big time! Everything feels right in it and every character has their turn to make it feel very captivating. Grogu is so awesome in this one as well. Absolutely perfect. 10 out of 10 for me. Super happy they made a better one than last week's episode. Which wasn't bad but not what I think the fan base wanted to see and feel. There is a lot to take in on this one and really makes you want to see what happens next.
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This is the way, Mr.Favreau
przemeke8 March 2023
This is how Star Wars should be. First of all the story Has sensie, plot, reasons and are logic. Second, the scenerio is well written, dynamic but not top fast, never boring, always intresting, good pace. Third, effects. This is not pop music video but hard, raw and brutal world of Star Wars. Some are clumsy, some are funny, but most of this is serious. Dialogues, characters, design everything is in a right place. You don't waste your time on thinking why this, why that, you focus on the story. You enjoy the lore, the world, this is how the original Star Wars was, buckle up and this is the way.
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This was a great episode
I don't know what the other reviewers saw, but this episode his, without no doubt one of the best episodes, i had so much fun watching it and i like the contrast with Andor or even with Kenobi because that kind of diversity makes everything more interesting. I don't know is the music score was made from somebody else, but probably is one of the thes from a Star Wars production and the visuals are flawless. I just can't wait to show this episodes to my nephews, because the greatest thing about the Mandalorian and Star Wars, in general, it is the fact that it is a joy which can be shared with anybody, even with the young ones, the pupils and only for this this deserves more than 7 or 8 or even 9 stars,this is a thing where another franchise like Game of thrones will never be capable to succeed whitout loosing some standards.
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Favreau's writing will kill this show
elljawa12 March 2023
Sorry for being dramatic, but this show is incredibly frustrating. It's well cast. Well directed. Good VFX and design...

But favreau's writing and show running is bringing the whole show down. Not only does this broadly negate the entire plot of episode one of this season (which is bad when you only have 8 episodes total) but it also fails at actually telling a good cohesive story on its own.

Much like the last episode, none of the events here build on each other. One thing, then another, then another...but none of it happens because of what has just happened. The resulting story feels unmotivated, lacking tension despite there being action

The characters are very dry as well

Better than episode 1 but not nearly as good as season 1.
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Return to Mandalore since The Clone Wars!!!
saadurrehman7010 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Finally season 3 episode 2, we see Mandalore and it's advanced architecture tesseract like Civic Centre in real-life especially from Star Wars: The Clone Wars last seen in Final Season 7, May 2020 Siege of Mandalore!! It used to be soo shiny, grand and amazing with those green crystal wall material... But it was also sad to see it so ruined... Bo-Katan/Katee Sackhoff was very hot just as she was in The Clone Wars!! Loved hearing her talking to Baby Yoda about "quite a few jedi she knew" we all know who they are!! (even though she defected, Ahsoka, her elegant older sister Satine's lover ObiWan...) its so tragic what happened on Mandalore with Maul and Ahsoka...😢💔 the eye cyborg also reminded of General Grievous, impressive inspired design, and it was soo hot how Bo-Katan fought it with her shield and darksaber!!! The shots of Din ship entering the atmosphere, seeing the city dome ruined and civic centre were amazing! Great episode!!

P.s. Baby Yoda's "Patu!"s and baby noises were Soo cute and amazing how he reached the ship, pointed at planet on map radar like Din taught him and brought Bo-Katan!!! 10.3.2023.
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Such lazy writing it's almost insulting
RomanXO9 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Here we go again.

Mando travels to the only other person he knows in the universe to ask for random droid parts for this incredibly important droid - just to get his mind changed within 5 minutes.

He needed a droid for spelunking, to test if the air is breathable? Are you serious??? They couldn't have come up with a more silly reason. And alas, the droid doesn't matter one bit. And why exactly did Mando have to send him around the corner, like the atmosphere 20 meters behind the rocks would be any different.

Mando acting like one of the Three Stooges again, getting bum rushed by three grunts, barely surviving. Then getting captured, then relying on Grogu and badass Bo-Katan to save the day. Bo-Katan is actually what we think a Mandalorian should be.

Then he gets dragged down to the bottom of this lake, just to be left on the ground? What was the purpose of that? Wouldn't that thing want to eat him or something? And of course Bo-Katan saves him again.

It's a damn shame. You can see the quality of the production, but the writing is so atrocious.
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barberp-1352314 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm struggling pretty hard to stay interested with season 3, so far. The story just isn't that interesting. They had a great opportunity to explore what Luke Skywalker is doing and go through Grogu's jedi training and they just totally abandoned that idea for the sake of.... A mandalorian ritual or something. That was a bad decision.

The thinness of the characters is really starting to hurt the show now that the primary story arc has pretty much resolved. A series of fetch quests isn't good writing and unfortunately that seems to be half the episodes in this show: Go get this thing to do that thing. That's not good writing.
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