"Fear the Walking Dead" Amina (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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What has happened?
ramey111831 May 2022
I never leave a review but after reading the other reviews, I haD to. My husband and I have struggled this whole season to even continue to watch and this episode was like it purposely was trying to run viewers off. At one time, I rated the writing of this series higher than TWD but TWD redeemed itself the past season or so and FTWD appears to just be trying to run people off. Why? Why??
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I keep thinking It will get better...
matp-4760022 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was wrong. Even though it was the 100th episode they still bungled it. It was like episode 9 which was atrocious because of the dream sequences and Alycia acting like a complete idiot the whole episode and constantly passing out and waking up in the next scene which was already getting old back in ep 9.

There were a few solid moments but nothing to redeem this dumptster fire episode. We literally see Alycia realise after a whole episode of following a little girl around that the girl is just herself and not real. Great. Massive facepalm moment.

Strand's goodbye to Alycia was emotional and well-acted but it would have actually been better if we didn't see so much back-and-forth and impulsive and bi-polar behaviour from them already this season. I think it was a good moment in an otherwise terrible season.

Also the ending gave us essentially what we wanted for Alycia but in the completely wrong context. THEY FINALLLY brought ALycia back to normal with no more sickness and fever dreams but of course, that was her last scene. I really hope she comes back to see Madison eventually.

BEST PART of the episode: the promo that came AFTER the episode where he see Madison FINALLY. But the salt in the wound is that Alycia might never actually see her mom again. What a cop-out that was.

I can confidently say however that the finale WILL BE THE BEST THIS SEASON. They are finally out of the radiated zone (thank god) and Madison is interacting with Morgan. The show just can't get any worse, can it?
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stojanhd29 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The only good thing about this episode is Alycia Debnam Carey's acting, everything else was disappointing, and insulting to Alycia, especially because it's her final episode.
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A long, detailed analysis and/or rant of the biggest disservice to the fans and cast imaginable.
frankiesilver-9183618 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode starts with the group having already escaped the tower. We don't get any explanation on how they evacuated and got around the horde. Instead, they're all about to leave the area on rafts.

We focus on Alicia, who continues to not listen to her friends despite her worsening physical condition. Instead, she leaves the group to follow the child she saw previously.

And so this episode is ultimately Alicia following around a girl that doesn't even exist to try to help her. It's painfully stupid and even more stupid that no one noticed Alicia leave.

THIS is the 100th episode. Mostly dialogue between a character they write off anyway and her imaginary friend who's from Padre. I thought we had already watched enough of Alicia going literally bat**** over her want to find Padre in 7x08, but instead, we re-hash the former worst episode of the season here.

Throughout the grueling experience, we watch Alicia pass out SIX times as she teleports back and forth between three different locations while unconscious.

The fact that when the group finds Alicia passed out they all agree to help her find the kid was child-level writing and out of character for them. They were all confident the kid didn't even exist!

They use a tunnel that magically appeared to get into the tower... where did this come from? If it was always there, then why didn't they use it to get inside previously???

Well anyway... the reveal the kid was Alicia as a child had been predictable since her introduction in 7x09. Not surprising, not entertaining, just painfully dumb and a waste of time.

They also keep bringing up Amina: a bird Nick and Alicia helped as kids I had completely forgotten about till now. Having Alicia hallucinate the bird is also dumb and a waste of time. The bird is all a part of forcefully making the episode about Madison so as to remind the general audience she exists before her return.

I must admit Alycia acts her heart out, as does Colman. You can see Alicia's pain when she's considering suicide. Despite how stupid the story that got her to this point is and how stupid it is that the bird, of all things, is what prevented her from killing herself, this scene is really sad.

It almost feels like Alycia put all her anger over how the writer's butchered her character into this performance.

Alicia and Strand's goodbye to each other is just more dialogue and cringe.

The episode ends with Alicia magically healed and of course, they will never answer how she is okay. But it doesn't matter as we will probably never see her again anyway!

This is how they write off a fan favorite. The singular character that has been around since the pilot. It's outrageous. Alycia wanted to leave the show, but this isn't an excuse. She wanted to leave for the same reason Frank (Nick's actor) and Garret (John's actor) did before her - the writing. And thus, the writers are to blame.

Now for a bonus round of unanswered blaring plot-hole questions!!!

How did Alicia get an injured Strand back to the rafts in her condition?

How come they all didn't just leave the area at the beginning of the season?

Why does Alicia refuse to join them when Strand could just put her down if she turns?

I could go on.

This episode is sickening. Maybe the worst writing I've ever seen on television and one of the biggest disservices to the franchise, cast, and crew.

Not to mention they left it so ambiguous and hid that this was Alicia's last episode for so long that I wasn't even aware of this fact till after seeing the episode.

These writers aren't just bad, they're literally scum for how they play their fans. I do not know a single individual in show business that has upset me more with their content alone than Andrew Chambliss and Ian Goldberg.

Happy 100th episode! Madison and Alicia will never reunite and the show is beyond saving.
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Awful plot and writing
ethanjjacobs25 May 2022
Even the great performances from the actors couldn't save this episode. Alicias acting was so good this episode and so was strands. But the plot was so awful and predictable. Alicias character was falling on the floor every minute. Probably the worst episode of the show and is by far the worst season of the show. Only reason I'm watching it now is because I've been watching it for years and because madison is returning. They really need to bring the s1 -3 writers.
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calebamorgan23 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Why have they treated Alycia like this for YEARS NOW??? After they killed off Madison. Alycia should've been the center of the show and the MAIN character. They shouldn't have added sooo many new characters and not give the main stars barely any screentime.

This was sloppy and poorly done. What's the point of Madison even returning now???? ALYCIA IS GONE. We don't care. They wasted her talent and potential. Anyone who watched the 100 and saw how amazing Alycia was on there knows she deserved better.
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Emptying the room
Rob-O-Cop24 May 2022
What a way to flush out the remaining viewers. Talk about death wish, this show really seems to want to be cancelled, yet, no one seems capable of seeing the writing on the wall, the audience screaming the message isn't enough apparently.

Congratulations Alycia Debnam-Carey for being next in line to escaping this waterlogged garbage boat of a show. Wish you'd got out earlier and used your considerable talent to make something more worthy of you.

When there are so many good stories waiting to be told it's incredibly frustrating to see budget and talent wasted on this incomprehensible rubbish. Many of us are thinking "I could come up with better story lines in that universe", and the evidence proves we're overwhelmingly right.

Cancel this show and let the talent get on with making quality material worthy of them, and put this money to better use.

You've emptied the room now. Was that the aim all along?
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leviparker-5854024 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The only way this show can potentially be saved is if you fire the god awful showrunners. Season 7 has been awful. This send off episode was horrible. It's not fair to the actors or the fans.
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See all these 1 reviews?
jAPHEY430 May 2022
I guarantee most of them would be 0 stars if the option was available.

This episode is truly a low point for this garbage show. My patience has reached its limit in waiting for FTWD to become watchable again. After next weeks season finale, I'm done. From the looks of it, I'm nowhere close to being the only one.

How, oh how, did this awful show get renewed for another season? I'm starting to think it's an elaborate practical joke, or social experiment, to see just how bad they can intentionally make it and still keep people around to watch it.

Thank you for your service, Alycia Debnam-Carey. Now you can go forward with your career and accept roles that are more befitting of your talent and excellence.
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Bad writing but good acting
justdan202324 May 2022
Fr, Alicyia's acting saved this episode. It tears me up a bit. But I kinda yawned for the whole episode. Everything is so predictable. Well, can't wait for the finale ig.
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It's getting tiresome for me, watching this series.
ngkos24 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I cannot believe they are reusing the same trope over and over and over again in this show.

Static crackling on the talkie just when the conversation is getting interesting.

Alicia fainting and waking up repeatedly. I rolled my eyes every time it happened.

The kid's acting leaves a lot to be desired. Her dialogue delivery is... monotone.

Ofelia died before reuniting with her dad.

John Dorie died just before his dad came into the show.

And now the same thing with Madison and Alicia.


It's really getting tiresome and this is the first time that I have actually considered quitting this show. But I have invested too much already and I really want to stick to this show until the end. So episodes after this one will definitely be tortuous for me if things keep going on like this.

If the writers are reading this... guys, what are you doing?
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I loved it!
sidovlanters24 May 2022
I don't get all the hate. I think this season may be the worst of the series, but this episode may be my all-time favorite. I don't know what people were expecting after the previous episode. Before episode 14 I thought and hoped there was gonna be an epic finale to this season, especially considering the rest of the season (and especially the second half) has been subpar, but then I saw it and I managed my expectations.

Anyway, without spoiling anything, I think this episode was a beautiful, emotional, poignant episode with a great all-around look and feel and a beautiful score. And, personally, I loved it.

I don't know where the series is going from this. I have to say, I've grown pretty fatigued and impatient with the show, like so many others. But I think the show can still be salvaged. I still think it has potential for another season. But I rather have one great last season (a season like season 6), than several flawed ones (like this season and season 4 and 5). Psyched to see the return of Madison tho.
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Just what every superfan wants
stoners-224 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
48 minutes of dream sequences and hallucinations. Awesome. From bottle episodes to half of the episode wasn't real! I will watch the last episode, but it is highly unlikely I will be back for season 8. Oh yeah, the best thing they ever did was kill Madison, now she is back in the last episode.... What kind of tax break did they get for hiring these writers/showrunner?
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I'm simply shocked
rmmil22 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I thought it couldn't possibly get any worse, but FTWD writers took things up a notch. They obviously hate Alycia Debnam-Carey and the fans of the show itself, this much is obvious after seeing the atrocious episode 15.

Make no mistake, whether she's dead at the end and her wandering off was symbolic, or she's still alive, this was Alycia Debnam-Carey's final episode of FTWD, the "making of" played after the episode confirms this. So we thankless fans and Alicia do not get the cathartic reunion with Madison. Nope, screw you fans! It's Ofelia 2.0, the long lost loved one will show up right AFTER the character they most want to see is gone. Why did the actress who played Madison agree to come back under these circumstances??

Regardless of any of that, Alicia gets to spend her final episode much as she spent the past 2 seasons: chasing a ghost. The "chasing a phantom" troupe has been so relentlessly overdone between TWD and FTWD I'm honestly shocked they are still doing this nonsense.

"It's her childlike innocence, leading her to Padre, which was inside her, all along." Ugh. Barf. I'll stick it out for the finale, then I'm done with this series.

I don't even care about the "Madison returns" plot line anymore, it's already been ruined by these writers before it's even here.
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critic-97-41765725 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'll start by saying, I hate dream sequence episodes. I feel like such a waste of time. Get to the point already! This was like a crossover between a dream sequence and reality. Except reality sucks, because they skipped right past the entire battle they'd been building up to, not that that was something I was looking forward to particularly. Convenient, because they didn't have to explain anything regarding how they ended up where they did. Nothing in the series is particularly interesting or exciting.

As for the young girl, it was such a predictable reveal. Pretty much knew all along it would be a hallucination of a young version of herself.

As for Victor, he did nothing the entire season to make himself potentially redeemable and yet, for some reason, he was redeemed... All because Alicia realize she loved him too, as if that fixes everything.

This show is just absolutely ridiculous and uninteresting. If it weren't for being part of the Walking Dead universe, I don't know if anyone would care to continue watching it.
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It's a bird, it's a plane... it's a bird (7x15)
Sam_Ash_7623 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In the last few reviews I've gone on long tangents and provided in depth thoughts as to why the episodes of Fear's seventh season haven't been hitting the mark for me... and episode 15 is no different. Not only is this perhaps my least favorite episode of the season so far (and that's saying a lot), it's also the first time in the show's history that I've seriously considered to stop watching. The hallucinations are so stupid, the overall story of the episode is disjointed and unfocused, everything from the cinematography to the dialogue is bad in what should be a celebration of everything good about this show. Well, everything that USED to be good about this show back in its original run of seasons.

You'd think that Madison, whose driving force and entire character purpose was to protect her children would come back in this episode for a super emotional reunion with her daughter? You'd be wrong. Not only is she NOT in this episode (aside from those weird ass cutaways to the tape from season 4's mid season finale), she's not going to meet Alicia for quite some time (if ever), as its been announced by the show runner's that this is the final episode of her character. What was the point of getting Madison back? To retain viewers who'd leave after Alicia left? I'd assume so, from a business point, but from an universe and story telling objective view point, Madison's entire purpose is gone. Nick is dead and Alicia has disappeared. The show's gone so far off the rails that its shocking that it was even renewed for an eighth season. Just let it all go at this point.

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Andrew Chambliss, the Ed Wood of tv shows
hoops-8507424 May 2022
What were AMC thinking of letting this guy loose on any of their shows?

World Beyond was horrendous and this is the same.

I can't believe how terrible this show is.
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Going downhill fast
Elv_M23 May 2022
Enjoy this compilation of Alicia fainting, bird noises, hallucinations, and soap opera dialogue!

I mean, judging by the writing lately, I'm starting to think this nonsense is written by a walker.
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How Embarassing
jsmot2 June 2022
The writing on this show has reached a new low, an impressive feat as it was already incredibly bad. Do yourself a favor and don't think too hard about how something this bad somehow managed to be written, accepted, filmed and released. It is not something that can be rationalized or made sense of.
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lapd_200030 May 2022
The writers for FTWD should be fired. The scripts are awful. This whole Padre/Strand's tower plot line is horrible. Pathetic. A few years back, it took a good turn with some cool characters. Now, the decisions these characters make are down right stupid. Show is not watchable now.
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Not as bad as reviews say
Lefthandblack1172530 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
By this point, you would think fans would want some creative character development; slow on action, but necessary and a good fair well...for now.. to Alicia.
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Come on
johnvette30 May 2022
What has happened to this show it had two or three years of great writing, just slowly gotten worse , this year being the worst of the worst ...this episode poorly written, The actors and the characters are great ,it could've been so good.. Who wrote this?... was the little bird supposed to be artsy fartsy?..real deep, I don't think so.. for God sake just end It...
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donkey_nobble3 June 2022
I actually quite enjoyed the episode as it had a lot of emotional teary moments between the OGs and Alycia's performance was fantastic. But that being said, I hate that Alicia and Madison didn't reunite and that we're left hanging wondering whether or not they ever will. I'm hoping they're playing the long game and have an eventual reunion planned.
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Am I missing something?
patriots56730 May 2022
I was aware of the hate this episode got going in, so my expectations were pretty low. After watching I had one question. Why the hate? Sure, the writing wasn't Emmy worthy, but it also wasn't the worst episode ever like many have claimed. I would even go as far to call it decent. It seems to me the show and specifically this season is way over hated. I must be missing something, because I don't get the hate.
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Disappointment is inevitable.
fountasalexander22 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Before watching:

Reading reviews with the entire fanbase hating on this episode is not a surprise, Ian & Andrew destroyed this series from the start but this is the final straw, They need to be fired. Season 8 cannot be saved with just Kim Dickens carrying, and we don't even know if the writing will be good for her. Farewell ADC.

After watching:

I would say I have no words, but I do have a few.

The 100th episode of FearTWD was of massive disappointment, season 7 continues to do the same thing over and over again, and was far from a good episode.

Here we have another dream sequence, Alicia looking for Padre AGAIN.

It's not worth going overboard for this show so I'm trying to handle myself.

But this episode was just terrible.

It is confirmed by Andrew & Ian in the episode insider that this was Alycias last episode and she is never coming back.

The fact she leaves the series right before Kim Dickens returns is the dumbest thing to happen in TWDU.

Why would Kim agree to come back?

There is nothing left for this show, many fans will definitely be finished after this.

Thank you Alycia Debnam-Carey for being on FearTWD for so long, I'm sorry they ruined your character and dragged her through the mud, you did a fantastic performance. 💔

Will Kim Dickens save season 8?

The truth is many won't even be here to find out, as many fans will stop watching after this.
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