Monster Brawl (2011) Poster


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pure wrestling but not like Raw or Smackdown
trashgang21 May 2012
This is really a tough one to review because there isn't really any actual acting in it, it's all about wrestling. So if you are a horror geek and you come across this flick and see all those horror creatures fighting against each other then you expect to have a gory flick. But it's all done ringside which basically turns it back into a real wrestling flick because the monsters are in fact wrestlers.

But don't think that you will see some cage fight between Randy Orton or John Cena. There aren't any WWE icons here to see, some old school WWF faces are here to see, Jimmy Hart is just playing himself with his annoying voice and Kevin Nash just plays the rough guy.

This isn't Smackdown or Raw. This is just some basic wrestling, guess otherwise they had problems with the make-up. I've heard people who loved this flick but they have seen it at a convention with cheering crowds so there it is at it's place but at home it fails completely. Even as I watch WWE on a weekly basis this here doesn't deliver. Luckily they have added some gore here and there but having no script it looks rather cheap.

If you can't watch wrestling then forget this flick. For horror geeks just watch it with your friends and be p*ssed an proud while watching it. A strange flick.

Gore 2/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 3/5 Story 1/5 Comedy 0/5
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I hate turning off movies before they end
Sorpse20 August 2012
This movie is straight up garbage from the get go. I thought the idea of monsters battling WWE style would be pretty damn entertaining and although there are plenty reviewers out there warning people not to watch this, i still gave it a try. Normally i give movies a full chance if i feel they have potential but i got out of this one early and i don't regret it. The monster make it up is pretty terrible for a movie that looks like it had a decent enough budget to do something better. I'm talking mainly about the cyclops characters whose one and only eye never moves and you can see the slits where the actor looks through the mask. If this was done intentionally for laughs then im sure it would have been more obvious but it seems they tried to go for subtly and failed. When you go into a movie for the monster effects and they fail with the first monster then its probably not worth continuing. PS. there is no storyline to this movie so i think the only people who will get a kick out of it are big time wrestling fans.
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Pretty Bad, But Maybe Intentionally So
gavin694211 June 2012
Eight classic monsters fight to the death in an explosive wrestling tournament set inside an abandoned and cursed graveyard.

This movie is something of a mystery. It seems to be quite bad and has virtually no plot. Yet, being fully aware of that, it never takes itself very seriously and is therefore somewhat enjoyable. It certainly was not as bad as I expected and not nearly as bad as it could have been.

The real mystery is how they were able to sign on such a cast. Kevin Nash, Herb Dean and Jimmy Hart give it a sense of authentic wrestling or fighting. I did not even realize Hart was still alive. Then you have Dave Foley, horror veteran Art Hindle, and some voiceovers from Lance Henriksen that are a cross between him playing God and being the narrator from "Mortal Kombat". (The script is no stranger to video games -- a reference to King Hippo from "Punch Out" is thrown in.) Is the movie good? Heck no. But it is bad in a way where it appears almost intentional... and therefore more tolerable than other films being released these days. Certainly better than anything Charles Band has been associated with in a long time.
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1.. 2.. 3.. I just counted myself out of this excuse of a movie!
paul_haakonsen19 March 2012
Alright, well I figured this might actually prove to be a laugh, to see iconic movie monsters brawl it out against one another. Boy was I wrong!

This is without a doubt the most horrible "movie" I have had to suffer through in a long, long time. And I use the term "movie" here in quotation marks, because this was nothing more than just wrestling as you'd see on TV, except that the athletes were dressed up like monsters like it was some bizarre Halloween event.

There was absolutely no story to watch here, just senseless fights between the iconic monsters that most of us grew up with. And on top of that, the fights were not even great. And to top it off they had Lance Henriksen, which undoubtedly was the best part about the movie - having him narrate it with his characteristic voice, doing some really crappy Mortal Kombat rip-off comments at the fighting maneuvers.

The best parts about the movie, was as I just mentioned Lance Henriksen's narrating (minus the lame Mortal Kombat comments), because he does have a very unique voice. Plus, they actually managed to make the graveyard look rather cool.

No, oh God, please no, this was horrible beyond even my comprehension.

Just to throw more fuel to the fire, they had Jimmy Hart in this "movie" as well. Yeah, Jimmy Hart!

I am sure there is an audience out there somewhere for this kind of entertainment. I, however, was just not in that particular target audience. This was a waste of time and effort.
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Total waste of time...
njain160923 March 2012
Totally awful!

I do not understand why they even made this movie. It was even worse than the wresting we usually see on sport channels.

Just no story, nothing. Just a few characters dressed up like monsters and assigned some names and fighting in a ring in a graveyard.

The abrupt ending made it all seem a really unprofessional attempt. The ending would definitely make you think - hey, what happened to the rest of the monsters? I guess they had run out of time, so had to end abruptly.

Please do not waste your time seeing this. Avoid it completely!
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God awful...
kevin-127229 March 2012
Reminiscent of Ed Wood's Orgy of the Damned, except instead of naked strippers, you have wrestling monsters. Astonishingly bad. It was as if you had actors...I mean "actors," performing at different locations, but cut together to make it seem as if they were in the same place. Like a comedy written by someone without a sense of humor. Actual wrestling commentary is better than the dialog here. There is no plot. There is no story arc. There are no main characters. There is nothing to recommend it. It has no more depth than a SNL skit, but it goes on for an entire movie. The only detail worthy of any note is some of the set design work (though note all of it).
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Warning to unlucky souls
yeahrightman232 December 2012
I am a fan of old school wrestling, horror and splatter films, low rent makeup films and old school monster movies... This movie fails all of these genres. This could have been mildly entertaining as a 30-minute show. It was stretched out to feature length film and we are all the worse for it. How they got Dave Foley is perplexing, he must be hard up for work. I would suggest that anybody who rated this film higher than a 5 worked on the film, and anyone who rated it higher than a 3 is related to someone who worked on this film.

so many missed opportunities in this movie. that is the biggest shame.

Skip it and watch Bud Abbott Lou Costello Meet Frankenstein. the effects are better, the fear believable, and the laughs are legit.
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The Stupidest Fun You May Ever Have
sddavis6330 June 2017
Some people take movies so seriously. This movie gets trashed by a lot of people - but, come on. Take it for what it is. It's not intended to be a good movie; it's not intended to be a serious horror movie. It's basically a spoof. It's a spoof of the whole WWE (or whatever acronyms are out there right now) experience, with over excited commentators (played by Dave Foley and Art Hindle) and an over the top announcer (Jimmy Hart as himself) and pretty (and barely clothed) ring girls and lots of ridiculous action in the ring - and sometimes out of the ring. It's not really much different than you'd see watching pro "wrestling" on television, and as a spoof of all that it's OK.

It's a "tournament" featuring eight monsters divided into two Conferences (the Creatures and the Undead) going head to head against each other. Ninety minutes of it is a bit tiresome in all honesty, but I have to confess (and I'm a wee bit embarrassed about it) that when we finally got to the final match I was interested in seeing whether Frankenstein or Werewolf would come out on top!

As Canadian movies go it's certainly not the worst I've ever seen (and in its opening it even manages to pay homage to the classic opening of Hockey Night in Canada.) I don't remember the exact words that opened the "broadcast," but they were a take on Foster Hewitt's iconic "Hello Canada and hockey fans in the United States and Newfoundland."

It's not a good movie by any means, but it does have some humour in it, it doesn't take itself at all seriously and it is plain old stupid fun. You wouldn't want a steady diet of movies like this, but there's nothing wrong with it from time to time. (4/10)
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Crappy monsters, even worse brawls..
smellysocks127 July 2012
When i bought this movie on bluray i knew i was buying a bad movie. It is called monster brawl, so that cant be good.

What i did expect is entertainment value. It also does not have that. The movie plays like an episode of pro wrestling, with an introduction of each fighter and then followed by the actual fight.

The intros are of low entertainment value, but they are better acted than the fights itself. The movie is about the fights, but it is just plain silly. Bad wwf moves performed by zombies, with some use of special effects that are not spectacular or convincing.

If you like fights i suggest you watch any ufc tournament. If you like monsters, watch a monster movie. Braindead if you like zombies, blade if you like vampires or the mummy if you like mummies. Just don't be tricked into buying this movie, a waste of time and the plastic the bluray was made of.
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Great Crowd Pleaser That Has Audience Take Sides
gregsrants22 October 2011
Let's face facts – we love it when iconic badasses gang up for a cinematic experience. Jason vs. Freddy, Godzilla vs. King Kong, The Monster Squad…. Teaming up our favorite villains (theoretically) gives us the most bang for the buck and it has been used in everything from superhero films (X-Men: United) to comedies (Bud Abbot and Lou Costello meet Frankenstein).

This idea is not lost on writer/director Jesse T. Cook who has gathered together 8 favorite personalities in the new film, Monster Brawl. In this sure to be an instant cult classic, Frankenstein, The Wolfman, Witch Bitch, Swamp Gut, Cyclops, The Mummy, Lady Vampire and a Zombie square off against each other in a fight to the death wrestling tournament inside a cursed graveyard.

The brawl plays out like an HBO boxing special with the monsters being split into Dead and Undead categories then further classified based on their weight class. The bracket format tournament's play-by-play announcers Dave Foley (News Radio) and Art Hindle (Black Christmas) introduce each fighter after a background highlight reel narrated by Lance Henricksen gives us insight into each competitor. Then both fighters have their tale-of-the-tape stats revealed before entering the ring as announced by WWF icon Jimmy Hart.

It's a fight to the death and first round matches begin with Cyclops going against Witch Bitch in a match that split audience support down the middle and had the theatre shaking with crowd pleasing approval cheers.

Mixed Martial Arts referee Herb Dean has a cameo and got the second biggest ovation after Robert Maillet's (300) Frankenstein who was clearly the fan favorite going into his match against Zombie Man.

Putting a horror hungry audience ringside to experience their favorite dead and undead creatures fighting for the ultimate title belt was an experience we won't soon forget. Applause from an accepting audience had arms extended over their heads in pure genre basking glee and side bets were heard wagered by audience appreciators on both sides of the aisles.

Programmers could not have found a better opening film for the festival which brings the best of horror, science fiction, action and cult films to a group of accepting spectators. Jesse T. Cook took the drunken conversation of 'who would win against who in a death match' and choreographed it with exciting professional wrestling scenes that were as good or better than anything you will see in the WWE.

Make-up effects were top rate and the mix of comedy provided by Foley and Hindle was a welcome addition to an already winning formula.

It's rare that we get to screen a film and instantly believe what we are watching is a future cult classic, but that is exactly our sentiments after Monster Brawl's Toronto premiere.

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Surprisingly Entertaining
truly_wundaful24 July 2012
Now I will first start off by saying if your not into wrestling then you will not like this movie. I'm a big wrestling Buff, I watch both WWE and TNA and use to watch ECW and WCW. So I'm the perfect person to appreciate this. It's not meant to be taken seriously, it's not a true horror movie or maybe it's not even a movie at all. But what it is is 90 minutes of hilarious clichés and Wrestling PPV style showmanship. It would almost be better as a real show than a movie. But for what it's worth it is really funny. It has it's ha ha moments and it's WTF moments. But if your into cheesy old school wrestling then you'd appreciate this movie. If your not into wrestling then don't even waste your time. You'll hate it. I hope they continue to make sequels. It has the potential to really create some good story lines.
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Down for the count.
BA_Harrison20 April 2014
In Monster Brawl, eight legendary monsters (Frankenstein, Cyclops, Witch Bitch, The Wolfman, Swamp Gut, The Mummy, Lady Vampire, and a zombie) battle it out in the ring to see who is the greatest of them all; sounds all sorts of awesome, huh? Well, trust me when I say that this 'film' couldn't have been more tiresome had they intended it to be.

What we get are 8 very cheap looking monsters, a crappy graveyard set, boring back-stories for each monster to pad out the running time, several unexciting wrestling bouts, inane chat from commentators Buzz Chambers and Sasquatch Sid Tucker (Dave Foley and Art Hindle), former wrestling manager Jimmy Hart as the guest announcer, a pair of sexy ring girls (to keep the viewer from completely nodding off), and some risible bargain basement gore effects.

It's all so repetitive, poorly executed and lacking in atmosphere (a crowd of cheering monster fans might have helped, but I doubt the budget would have stretched that far) that I imagine even the most fervent of wrestling fans will find this a chore to sit through—and that's saying something!
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Seemed like a entertaining idea, but lacks the creativity and production value
KineticSeoul16 March 2013
You know those movies that are so bad it's good. Well this one isn't it. It's a cool idea to have well known monsters fight in a ring. And in this case 8 but the thing is, it looks more fake than wrestling. Which would still have been alright if this movie was so darn dull. The announcers and bikini babes tries to hype the fights up. But they are just so boring to watch. It's like watching a couple of drunks from a Halloween costume party wrestling with one another. And there is almost no trademark monster moves. Or using the monster weaknesses as an advantage in a fight much. It tries to have a story by having back-story for each monsters but that is the weakest part about this movie. It's so darn boring to watch and I personally didn't care. I just wanted to see monsters throw down. If it was crazy and over the top with the fights it would have at least been watchable. The director basically is a fan of monster movies and wrestling and decided to combine the two. Without any experience and far from having enough production value. It may sound cool but this is a pass.

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Perfect for Halloween!!!
Pumpkin_Man9 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I heard bad things about this movie, but I was still very curious to see it. I'm so glad I didn't listen to the negative reviews, but this movie is good ol' fashioned cheesy fun. You got eight classic monsters (Cyclops, Swamp Gut, Frankenstein's Monster, Lady Vampire, Werewolf, Mummy, Witch Bitch and Zombie Man) that battle each other to the death in a boxing ring in the middle of an abandoned and cursed graveyard. Buzz Chambers and Sasquatch Sid are the play-­by play announcers. Before each battle, we see the monster's backstory and how they got there. Like I said, this would be great to watch around Halloween. If you wanna see monsters rip each other apart, I highly recommend MONSTER BRAWL!!!
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Not even for children
colman0131 May 2012
"Monster Brawl" - 8 Classic monsters duking it out.

Sounds AWESOME, but plays Awful.

This movie caters to fans of wrestling more than monster fans - it's just as bad and fake as normal wrestling, but not in a cheesy good way. The humor is mostly devoid of humor and the same type of "joke" is used over and over. The movie looks good, the concept is solid - the script and execution is god awful.

This movie would have been fun as a 7 min short... As is, it's unfathomably boring - I don't even know any children that have the attention span to sit through this inane garbage as essentially the action is not really action and in between the action it's just a lot of gibberish from the commentators.

Do yourself a favor and watch a classic monster flick instead or "Elvira Mistress of the Dark" to get your cult monster flick fill.
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So horribly painful to watch
jmgscott-928-38759523 November 2012
Sorry, I'm not going to go into a lot of detail here, because I've already wasted too much of my life actually watching (some) of this film. Trust me, I'm a fan of B-movie horror, cheesy films and everything in between. But believe me when I say this movie horrible on so many levels, that I really feel bad having ever even watched it.

First off, it's not at all funny - I mean, at least cheesy movies you can expect a couple of chuckles, but I just sat there wondering how anyone could possibly enjoy this crap. Especially with someone like Dave Foley involved - you'd think they could write in a couple of funny lines - but not so much.

It really felt like a 3rd grader wrote and directed this film. I mean I really wanted to watch it and like it, but please save yourself the trouble and don't. Seriously, I *love* cheesy garbage movies - movies that are so "bad" that they're good - but this just isn't even close to something like that. I've never written a movie nor do I proclaim to be able to - but I'm confident I could spend a day thinking about it and come up with a much better script and story line for this movie than the people that wrote this.
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I use the term "mildly entertaining" very heavily
last_in_line4 January 2013
The premise is simple. Monsters battle wrestling style until one wins. There's no real story. The wrestling matches are pretty boring and the events in some of them seem quite random.

It plays out like a Pay-Per-View wrestling event. It also shows small segments about the characters before the fights begin.

The acting from Jimmy Hart is terrible, especially when interviewing the guy who organizes the event.

The makeup is pretty bad. It seems like the makeup from the history of the monsters and the wrestling matches are noticeably different. I found this pretty distracting.

There are a couple of good things that I found. Lance Henricksen's voice announcing is great. Super creepy. I also thought that the sound editing was very nicely done.

The thing about this movie is that by the time the final battle comes, you don't really care anymore. The feeling is so monotone and the fights are so dull that you really kind of want things to be finished just to move the movie along. Oddly enough, I did manage to not turn the movie off but I know I could have spent my time better.

Bottom line, if they cut some of the gore out, this would be an entertaining movie for kids 8-12 but for those who are serious fans of the horror genre, it's a pretty major disappointment.
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Pooh pooh
jacobjohntaylor119 May 2015
This is a Frankenstein Comedy. There a lot of Frankenstein Comedy. The first one was Abbott and Costello meet Frankenstein. That one was funny most Frankenstein comedy movies are funny. This one was not. It was to bloody to be funny. If a Frankenstein movie it not going to be funny it should at lest be scary. It is not scary. The story line is awful. The ending is awful. The acting was good as was the special effects. Good actors wasted there talent being in this awful movie. Do not wast your money. Do not wast your time. Do not see this movie. It is a very bad movie. It is total pooh pooh. Don't see this movie don't see this movie.
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Jeez, did I watch this movie all the way out ?
unclefil30 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I've never seen any real wrestling (not living in the US, and the whole 'wrestling' scene has low credibility amongst myself and my friends here in Europe). It seemed interesting, loving horror movies and such, however... At first, I was interested how this battle of the monsters would turn out, biggest let-down ever. Imagine the disappointment you get after opening a present, thinking it would be the one you were hoping for, but turning out to be THE thing you just did not want to get... The fights are like any wrestling shows I looked up, the one guy that gets the first beating wins (almost every time). The monsters have some back story, enough to keep you interested just long enough (that's why I watched the movie till the end). But in the end, the 'open' ending will not make you want to see a possible sequel(pray to God there will never be a second one), but instead wanting your money back for viewing it. Even if you ever can view it for a discount price (as I did), it sure isn't worth the money spent in producing it.
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Monsters meets Wrestling
bdsm132 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
OK, I saw Monster Brawl at TAD(Toronto After Dark) and the crowd ate up this movie which makes it even better.

The premise is simple a PPV featuring 8 of the most horrific movie monsters fighting to the death till the ultimate winner is decided. This movie is fun and entertaining. It features great performances by Art Hindle as colour commentator sasquatch Sid Tucker and Dave Foley as announcer Buzz Chambers and the play there roles with such straight candour that you believe we are watching an actual PPV.

The monsters are played for the most part by actual wrestlers and even features actual UFC referee Herb Dean as himself. This movie is well paced and moves with a nice fervour. The action is simple but effective and the special effects are well done and add to the movie.

The plot is simple with an "Monsters" division versus an "Undead" division finally crowning the ultimate monster. Highlights include swamp gut and some nice back stories on the monsters and creatures.

This movie is best viewed with a bunch of friends over some beers and would make an awesome lead in to an actual wrestling or UFC PPV.
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It's So Bad, It's Good, On Purpose!
rockproductions4 December 2012
3 1/2 Stars = Very Good

It's the Monstermania version of "Wrestlemania!" It's so cheesy, it had to be filmed in Wisconsin, but set in Michigan. I suppose they make cheese too, but I wouldn't want to eat it. It's so stupid, it's hilarious, at least at times. It's so bad, it's good!

Yes, it's "Monster Brawl!" The movie you've been waiting all your life to see! The movie that pits "Creature," against "Creature!" "The Undead," against "the Undead!" Even in two weight classes! Middle weight & heavy weight! But wait, there's more! The winners of their weight class & division are pitted against the winners of the other division, so we have get two world championship matches! "Creature" vs. "the Undead!" Heavy weight vs. heavy weight. Middle weight vs. middle weight. Oh the horror, the agony, the ecstasy! The gooey dripping cheese from my flat screen!

All jokes aside, this is a fairly clever monster bash. The makers of this film intended it to be so bad, it's good, & their good at doing it! No, this is no classic creature feature, but it's a great idea that I'm surprised has not been done before. It lampoons professional wrestling & movies like, "Godzilla vs. King Kong" & "Frankenstein meets the Wolfman, & current film series, like "Underworld" & "Twilight." Yes, the film makers have an agenda here, & it works a good part of the time, to induce a good belly laugh or two.

Their are basically four segments' of this film. You get a little biography on each monster before a match, but unfortunately, more than not, this is pretty weak, only inducing a smile or two. More because of it's total corniness, than any genuine laughs. You have the two wrestling commentators, a big wink at the WWF & WWE, this works better, but not by much, other than when the matches are happening, which works well. In a bigger wink, you get Jimmy Hart, "the Mouth of the South" with two hot vixens in bikinis. This is very corny too, but works in the context of things. Then you get the matches, which are frankly, hilarious! The monster's make up, suitably cheesy for this cheesiest of films. The cheese is running hot! I mean, you got to take this all in context as it was meant to be taken. The matches are down right funny in their lampooning silliness, along with the commentators yakking it up, makes for a lot of fun!

Of course, the makers could've went the straight route, but that in it's self could've been a real cheese fest (especially with their low budget), unintended & no fun. So take "Monster Brawl" in the context it is meant to be, pop a beer, eats some potato chips, & have some fun with it! I did!
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A monster movie that plays like A UFC pay-per-view. Not a horrible movie and kinda entertaining. But overall nothing to it
cosmo_tiger3 May 2012
"Tonight the most anticipated extreme sporting event ever." 8 monsters, including Frankenstein and Cyclops, square off in a UFC type movie to determine who is the toughest monster of them all. There really is nothing to review here. The movie is pretty much a back story of the two fighters and then the fight. Think "Celebrety Deathmatch" meets "Bubba Ho-tep". This is kind of entertaining and a little funny but really nothing more then watching "Wrestlemania" with horror monsters. Since that is all this is there is really nothing more to say and since there is no real substance it is hard to review. I won't give it a grade but I will say that if you are a fun of cheesy monster movies and UFC then this is made for you.
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A fun B - movie but with nothing to shout about
gesus19792 July 2012
Looked pretty interesting at the time of the beginning, and could actually seem quite entertaining BUT TBH KINDA ANNOYING

Great costume art (All credit)

Some actors made you cringe

The Hosts were dreadful, and just mita felt better if there was some one like Mike tyson and ben stiller as the judges, witnessing this dreadful prolong b movie, i can honestly say i pity the fool who made this film, and the result of the options that should of been, is i a better (primera película)

As for the best character in this Flick, Frankenstein was indeed the best,

and live long and prosperous Franky Boy.......

RENT (dont bother) . but indeed Don't BUY ! cheeky chops
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ilovehearses26 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It's a shame that I can't give it negative 10 stars, because that is what it deserves. This movie is horrible, and a wasted 90 minutes of my life. The acting wasn't even the worse part. What disappointed me more than anything was the ignored story line. It's like they decided to change it midway through. As anyone who is familiar with how a tournament works... fighters fight. Whoever wins, they come back later and fight other winners until we're left with two winners who end up fighting to determine the champion, Not in this movie. Two winners never came back. If I remember correctly, one of the commentators even said something about one of the winners fighting later. Anyway, two never came back. It's like they were just written out. It was just very unsatisfying. Boooooo!
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