The Maladjusted (2013) Poster

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Adult Teen Movie
blumdeluxe1 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"The Maladjusted" is what I would call "American Pie" in grown up. It tells the story of three friends, who more or less desperately try to be successful with the opposite sex and strand in a beach house with three very different young women.

Most of the time, the film manages to keep some plausibility and thereby separates itself from comparable titles, that often tend to slide into absurdity to cover weaknesses in the plot or fill time. There are, in fact, some scenes that are a bit over the top, but the amount is small enough not to affect the experience in a negative way.

Even though the plot seems tritely, I felt well entertained and the more sinister approach still leaves some space for mindsets that most young adults can probably relate to in one way ore another.

This movie won't change your life or teach you lessons, but it can make you smile and still does so with some seriousness, beauty and truth.
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Oh boy. Not good.
whitneyfwalker27 June 2018
First-look at the dates on the previous reviews, all in July 2013. That should be your first clue. Unfortunately the production value of this film is very low. For example the camera is too close in close ups, cutting off the actors' heads. Constantly. It is almost like it was shot using an iPhone. The apparent age discrepancy between the make/female actors makes this story feel "off". Besides that the movie is just boring. You can't follow who is who because they just sit around drinking talking about relationships, no one stands out. Because there isn't any character development you aren't invested. Which is a shame because I have such high hopes for films like these and really root for indies, but skip this one.
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michpixlondon10 November 2018
Not sure why I'm still watching this! Terrible acting, awful plot
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Very Very Good Indie Comedy
parisj1323 July 2013
I was so impressed with how this film turned out. Great work by the Director and DP. The acting was believable, and the crowd at the premiere was laughing genuinely throughout the entire film. This was not only a result of great writing, but also spot-on timing by the actors. Clayton Myers stood out to me by really nailing the role of Carl. I am also very impressed with the scoring. The music was among the best I have heard in an indie film. I will not be surprised to see the awards start piling up from the festivals. If you have the opportunity to see The Maladjusted on the schedule for one of the festivals you are attending I would make every effort to grab a seat. Just be careful not to get one next to Yan Zamolla.
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A fun movie for a late night!
stewardent23 July 2013
Remember when life was all about your friends and hanging out and experiencing life together? And when drinking and smoking were the highest priorities and to afford partying at night was why you worked during the day? Then this is your movie! A trio of friends hold on dearly to their hedonistic lifestyle as they approach their thirties when one of them wonders if there isn't more to life than just the next party. You'll laugh your ass off as these three stumble their way through a coming of age tale as they examine the meaning of life while chasing tail on a vacation at the beach.

'The Maladjusted' is a fun ride that is worth your time!
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Great Indie Summer Movie
damon47925 July 2013
I saw The Maladjusted at its premiere in Bethesda. While it was a departure from the zombie gore-fest I've come to love from the production team, it kept the appropriate level of camp to make this a very enjoyable summer/adult comedy.

The acting was very good and the production was excellent. Carl (Clayton Myers) was an excellent compilation of every guy you've known that sucks with women. He really nailed the part. And Yon Zamolla (John C. Bailey) created a lot of laughs. I can't wait to see it again! CHUG IN YOUR FACE!

Chris Kiros is a very talented writer and director. I look forward to seeing more films from this bright "young" talent.
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Genuinely Funny and Entertaining
mikezmaguire22 July 2013
I was lucky enough to work very briefly on this film. At the time, I got the impression that it would end up being a decent little indie with some good laughs, but I also assumed -- wrongly -- that it would be on the stereotypical side and suffer from the same production problems often seen in lower-budget films.

But what a great surprise the finished product was. I found it much funnier than the average big-budget comedy. The main characters are very likable, the acting is solid throughout, and the story moves at a great pace. What I was most impressed with was how consistent the quality was: There aren't the usual weak points or cringe-inducing clichés that you usually get in movies of any budget. I can't wait to see where The Maladjusted goes!
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Hysterical surprise from an independent film
garufint22 July 2013
I have not always been the biggest fan of independent films and often quickly lose interest as the plot wavers. However I was pleasantly surprised when The Maladjusted kept me laughing throughout the whole movie. Often very raunchy comedy, I found it to be of the humor that only I and some of my closest friends appreciate, but often would not repeat outside of our group. Rarely do you find that type of humor outside the closed circles of a group of guys. Equally surprising was the reaction of my date who laughed unwittingly at some of the more graphic scenes that I would have expected her to gag at. It is a rare form of quality to evoke laughter from a woman that would sooner slap me across the face for the same joke. Well Done!
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What You Wish Would Happen When You Rent a Beach House
scocub123021 July 2013
I was fortunate enough to see the premiere of The Maladjusted recently, a proper summer time comedy. I should probably qualify "proper" to mean, all the stuff you want to see in a raunchy comedy. This is a great summer time movie for adults. Leave the kids at home for this one, but as we all know, the best comedies are for the older audiences. There are some genuinely funny performances and quotable lines of dialogue. A personal favorite was the brief discussion about a good massage vs. a bad massage.

I do wish the three main characters would have been a little less two dimensional. I felt like the character of Nikki was the most developed but her appearances only bookend the movie. However, let's be real, do you go see this kind of comedy for deep character development? Probably not. This minor complaint did not diminish my enjoyment of the movie at all. The Maladjusted is definitely worth seeing again.
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Great Indie Summer Comedy
Great indie summer comedy and a cautionary tale to those who would look for love online. Really had some genuine belly laugh moments.

Some indie films, even if they have a great idea, are plagued by stilted dialog due to directors (and actors) with tin ears. Not the case here. Genuinely funny and natural interactions between the actors.

Strangely...much of the film reminded me of my circle of idiot friends from high school. That was kind of a bummer. Bunch of douches. Despite that,loved it. Plan to catch it again. And again. And again. And again.

Big things ahead for this director.

10 lines?

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Fun (late) coming of age movie
laniemartin16 July 2013
I had a great time with The Maladjusted. It's a raunchy comedy about a bunch of 30somethings that are coming of age - maybe way to late. But hey, better late than never, right? The characters are familiar enough that we quickly feel like we know them, but fresh enough that there is still more to discover and some surprises to be had. The movie strikes a nice balance between the light and the dark, though the gross-out humor might cross the line for some here and there (I had no problems with it). For the most part the cast does a really solid job, my favorite being Clayton Meyers whose endearing oddball (Carl) was always fun to watch. This almost felt like the sequel that should have been to the American Pie movies; where the guys that partied throughout their teens and twenties have hit the proverbial wall and need to man up or be doomed to the sad existence of desperately trying to be a twenty year old when you are so obviously not. In that sense I felt like John C. Bailey's character of Yon served as almost a Ghost of Christmas Future to the guys - showing them where they are likely to wind up if they don't change. Anyway, good cast, good laughs, lots of fun and gasps (and tons of music), check it out if you get a chance.
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Wow, Genuine Hilariousness/Necessary characters and Actions (Hard to find these days.)
You know how sometimes you watch a film (Could be an Indie or Hollywood film) and they have comedy/humor that almost in a way tries to tell You (the audience) what's "funny" and what's not...Well, this film doesn't have to tell you what's humorous. I genuinely cracked up tons of times. The character development is very good. The dialog, everything each character said was necessary to the story/relevant.

The Maladjusted was way better summer comedy that I've seen this year even compared to a couple recent Hollywood "comedies" that I felt just relied on big names/cheap humor that wasn't really humorous to get seats filled. This one has genuinely great actors and a story everyone can follow.

Def check it out.
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Thoroughly enjoyed this movie
DavidKilroy20 July 2013
Even though I am an Executive Producer on this film, I hadn't seen any cuts prior to the premiere. I had faith in Chris, Elias, Paul, and Josh. I didn't really expect it to be as good as it was. If you get a chance to see this - you must. it is well worth it. The laughs are almost non-stop. There is plenty of adult humor and I feel that this is one of those movies that you want to watch multiple times to catch things you may have missed on the first viewing. The main cast was fantastic and supporting cast - John C. Bailey's Yon Zamolla and Josh Davidson's Lester were both riots, and if this film ever went main-stream, would add a number of catch-phrases to the public vocabulary.
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Interesting, comedic, a different kind of summer at the beach indie film
DjfunkmasterG25 July 2013
Before I start off the review I will come clean and admit I did supply 3 music tracks to this film for Dance club and party scenes. I however, did not take part in the on-the-set filming process, nor did I see the completed film until my screener was sent to me in the mail.

The Maladjusted, is the new independent feature film from co-writer and director Chris Kiros.

The Maladjusted follows 3 close knit friends, Ian, the early 30's bartender ladies man, Carl, the nerd-ish, misaligned individual obsessed with sex, and Robbie, the semi-sensitive artist. Robbie, who is a writer is having some issues trying to finish his book, and decides to take on odd work to pay the bills, finds that his friends plan an all out weekend of relaxation and fun, or is it? Turns out Ian has a small trick up his sleeve and wants to bring some joy into his buddies lives so enter their weekend at the beach in a double booked rental with 3 ladies played by Katie Foster, Tiffany Shepis, and Alexandra Turshen.

Now to get this out of the way, Tiffany Shepis, mostly known for indie horror, really surprised me playing a non blood covered live, it on the wild side kind of gal. I actually was waiting at some point for Kiros to order up a 50 gallon drum of blood to soak her down at some point just to keep her reputation as a scream queen going, and to give her fans something to smile about. Well it never happens, and I was impressed with the work she turned in as the "Ice Cold B****" Carl keeps referring to her as throughout the film. However, Carl gets something from Tiffany I guarantee any of her male fans would give their left nut for... and that is all I am going to say on that.

Robbie, the writer, played by George Katz, has a sensitive side to him that works throughout the film. He isn't the typical alpha male that his friend Ian proudly displays like a merit badge. George turns out a great performance and I was glad he was part of the cast, but my one distraction though is that Robbie looks a bit like Johnny Galecki, and when he hooks up with Laura I started having Big Bang Theory withdrawal. Yes Laura, played by Katie Foster looks like Kaley Cucco from the show.

The Maladjusted is best described, in my opinion as a young adults American Pie, but with style and pizazz. The script by Chris Kiros and Elias Dancey has extremely well scripted dialog, the direction is good, and the editing is just about perfect.

This is an indie movie for late 20's early 30's adults who want to just say the hell with it, spend a weekend, and talk about the crap they pulled off throughout their lives and get a good laugh about it. With a running time of 100 minutes, you're never bored, the laughs are good, and you won't walk out or shut off the movie because of stupidity moments. This is one of those lower budget films that works as both a micro budget indie but if given the budget would have worked as a wide release indie comedy, sort of like Garden State.

All in all, having finally gotten to see it, I never looked at my watch, or stopped the film to find something else to use my time on. For an indie project I think it is well done, and executed and should be a must see for indie adult comedy film lovers.

8 out of 10
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I am so very proud of this film and everyone involved!
kchertu-736-40501025 July 2013
I produced this movie, I also was the cinematographer and editor and I had a cameo as Lester. I am incredibly proud to say that I worked on this film. I was asked by my friend, the director and co-writer, Chris Kiros to come on board and help produce. I read and loved the script and agreed. That was back in January of 2011.

Due to budget constraints as we drew closer to the beginning of filming we made the decision that I would film the movie with my Canon 5D Mark II DSLR camera and due to my controlling nature when filming is involved I ended up editing it as well. Much of the time I'd throw a whole scene together the same night we'd just done a 15 hour day. I have spent many sleepless days, weeks, months working on this movie for the past 2 years and I never ran out of energy because I love this movie so much. I have watched it at least 150 times from start to finish and I have never become tired of one single second of it. That is in large part due to the great talent of the actors who worked their butts off bringing these characters to life. We spent nearly 6 months casting the movie and we can't imagine anyone taking the place of any of our actors. It is also due to the great writing by Chris Kiros and Elias Dancey. I also really love the soundtrack, we spent the better part of a year finding all the right songs. There are 43 pieces of original music in this film and every song is great. I strongly encourage you to become fans of all of the bands!

Did I mention that we made this movie for under $50,000? That's the catering budget for a week on some Hollywood films. It was hard, a lot of people worked their butts off for next to nothing. More than I could possibly have time or room to name. We had a lot of support. Paul Busseti flew out from Kansas, where he had recently moved, and spent a month away from his wonderful wife to help us make this movie. Tiffany Shepis came from Arizona stepping off of her Horror Scream Queen throne to do our comedy (and she knocked it out of the park). A lot of our actors were from NYC. A friend of mine, Bill Lager, packed into his RV, took off 2 weeks of his great job and fed us like royalty. My girlfriend put up with 20 people sleeping in every spot available in my house, she delivered food hours away, she was an extra in more than one scene, she even let me write the credits all over a naked girl in our house. That's love and support.

This movie is an accomplishment for all involved and would have never turned out so well without everyone who worked on it. I hope that we get into many of the film festivals that we are now submitting to because I want as many people as possible to see what we've all worked so hard on for these past 2 years and I want everyone to get the recognition they deserve. This is what I live for, what I love. I don't care about being rich and famous, I just want to do this every day for the rest of my life. If they all can be as fun as this shoot was and as fulfilling as this end product is, well, then I will die a very very happy man. I hope you get the chance to watch this movie and enjoy it.
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Three post youth male friends capitalize on the opportunity to share a vacation house with three attractive chicks in an effort to keep a toe hold on their adolescent spirit
Buttrekup1 August 2013
I attended the Premiere of Maladjusted and it was a blast. I'm so glad I didn't miss this one.

Party, party, party. This is a film for the party set and the party set wannabes. Maladjusted is super fun, low budget, Summer time film. A bit on the raunchy side, this film includes drugs, alcohol and profanity. Some scenes may make you wince at bit. Therefore, Maladjusted is not a film for children or prudent adults. Having said that, in my opinion, Maladjusted will have great appeal to the college aged viewer. If you are a party animal, a party animal wannabe, and/or enjoy films like "Hang Over", this is definitely the movie for you to see. Very nice, upbeat soundtrack too. Be sure to notice the Jon Bailey Band.

I loved seeing all the unknown talent get nice, large roles. I would like to have seen a larger role of Lester worked into the script and his character developed more. What a great character. His character would have a great addition to the script but his appearance was all too brief. I rated this film a nine because it thought the story line got a little long towards the end of the move. That's not to say it was slow, as there was plenty of action. It just seemed that the ending could have wrapped up a little faster.

In all, I thought this was a terrific independent movie. Kudos for a job well done. I hope this movies gets good distribution.
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