Exemplum (2023) Poster


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The Gods visit the sins of the father upon the ex-father
RBIves-202-72535227 March 2023
I get it. At first glance this film looks like it's not you cup of tea... you've never heard of it, it's in black and white, it's a little out there, but then so was Pi (1998). So I'm telling you right now, give this one a shot.

We follow a catholic priest who has a nasty habit of recording the confessions of his parishioners and turning them into literary fables for his youtube channel. All is going well, so well in fact that his superiors get wind of his shocking success and shut him down. What happens next is a whirlwind of pride, greed, and an increasingly complex study of revenge and repentance.

The well written story, snappy editing, and inventive score tell you right away that this is more than a black and white student film. Everything here is intentional and if you pay close attention, you will find lots of subtle choices (non-linear storytelling, aspect ratio changes, etc) that propel this film forward. You will be squirming as the stakes creep ever higher and pressure is endlessly put on the main character until it feels like something is going to snap.
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Vices are the catalyst of Exemplum and it's storyline, and it will keep you in its grip until the end.
aaronreynolds-572834 November 2023
Exemplum is a gripping thriller, and a promising first feature for up-and-coming director Paul Roland. I first heard about the film when Roland was a guest on a podcast I follow. The idea of a modern noir thriller from the vantage point of a struggling Catholic priest intrigued me.

I watched the film on Tubi and was blown away. Just a few weeks before seeing Exemplum I had watched Christopher Nolan's first feature, Following, and was very much reminded of it when seeing Exemplum. Both films make important moral points, but the unique aspect of Exemplum's innate morality is its association with the Catholic Church (Roland himself is Catholic, and plays the film's lead role). What happens when a priest has had enough and begins to blackmail members of his parish? How far can a game of cat and mouse go when you have the power to ruin the reputation of people who entrusted themselves to you religiously? The film grapples with the responsibility of religious leaders (and everyone for that matter) in bearing the burdens of others, while also bearing our own load. During moments of faith crisis, whether that be theological, anthropological, or both, Exemplum is a reminder that desperate men are capable of desperate and detrimental things.

Though the film was shot on digital cameras, Roland made the decision creatively to edit the movie so that it looks like it was shot on 16 mm film. With a 4:3 ratio and the entire film in black & white, the look of Exemplum is timeless. And the fact that Roland and his small crew shot the film on weekends for under $10,000 is stunning considering the film's strong entertainment value.

But what sets Exemplum apart from most indie films is its masterful storytelling. Roland weaves a web of twisted characters, and much like the Godfather or Dark Knight films shows the destruction of its characters through their poor decisions. Morality tales don't always end happily, but witnessing such suffering can always be a positive motivator. Vices are the catalyst of Exemplum and it's storyline, and it will keep you in its grip until the end.

(Exemplum is out now and free to watch on Tubi and YouTube.)
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A Complex Thriller & Promising Directorial Debut
mrtomradovich9 March 2023
It's a miracle that a feature film made for less than $10K is as intriguing and unpredictable as Exemplum. It's an uncompromising thriller with believable acting, striking cinematography, and reminded me of other gifted directorial debuts, like Darren Aronofsky's "Pi" and Christopher Nolan's "Following."

Father Colin is a complex character; a young Catholic priest who sees an opportunity to share a faithful message in the modern social media era. But how he shares his message isn't exactly ethical. And is he doing it for fame or faith? Is there a gray area? The movie lets you decide instead of spoon-feeding you the answer. Then the movie takes a gripping turn when blackmail is introduced; I can honestly say it's no Pureflix movie and I couldn't tell how it was going to end.

I like the black and white, grainy look. I'm usually against B&W films, unless there's a really, really good reason for it, but the film stock gave it a foreboding feeling.

For its minuscule budget, it's very impressive that Exemplum is not boring. Catholics will get some inside baseball stuff, but anyone who likes a good modern thriller will also enjoy.
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A Powerful, Thought-Provoking Thriller
kjs114427 March 2023
Exemplum is an extremely impressive thriller that works not only as an entertaining story, but also as a movie that will be sure to leave you thinking about it long after you've finished watching it. A catholic priest becomes disillusioned and takes a long fall into a world of blackmail, and deception. The extensive use of cassette tapes was interesting since most of us don't really see them in our everyday lives anymore. I also liked the black and white cinematography. The thing that really stood out to me the most though, was the writing. This story really took me on a journey I did not expect. There are so many twists and turns, it is truly an unpredictable film. And beyond that, the filmmaker truly has something to say here. This film is worth your time. Check it out!
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Fascinating insight into faith power and corruption
andrewwalshfilms28 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Set in the United States in the aftermath of the Co Vid pandemic writer and director Paul Roland plays Father Colin a young ambitious Catholic priest taking advantage of the chaos and isolation using social media to create an educational web series called "Exemplum" spread the word of the lord illustrating that like everything in modern society- the inner workings of an organized religion is a dysfunctional business.

As Colins online activities begin to draw in more followers, the media takes notice and he quickly becomes a local celebrity.

However the church hierarchy has also taken notice of all the attention. They feel Colin is broadcasting the wrong message to the flock and is threatened with ex communication from the church he has given his life for.

When Colin hatches a plan to collaborate with a malevolent hacker to blackmail one of his parishioners Louie Costa (Joseph Griffin) who is in Colins own words "the worst human being on earth" it sends him on a path towards destruction.

Shot in crisp black and white Paul has constructed a dark corrupt and claustrophobic world filled with complex characters.

He captures the profound isolation frustration and loneliness that comes with choosing a vocation as a priest.

This is highlighted during a vulnerable moment Colin reaches out to his former fiancee he cast aside to join the seminary who is now happily married and had her first child.

They barely say anything but the silence moments in between speaks volumes.

Exemplum is filled with many compelling moments like this and stands as a perfect example of what one can achieve with a limited budget a great script and a solid cast.
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Impressive and thrilling indie
jedijimmy1017 April 2023
I loved the look of this film including the fact that the movie itself is in black and white I loved the choice to do that. The lead carries his role very well. The writing was fantastic. I was intrigued throughout the movie and never felt bored while watching it. I would recommend this to anyone looking for a brilliantly made thriller. It is always impressive to watch a well made indie film. It's a great modern thriller that was very well directed and shot. I loved the twists and turns throughout this modern thriller. I can't wait to see what comes next for this brilliant group of filmmakers.
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Exemplum is an incredibly unique story with tons of style.
julianvhampton29 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Exemplum is an incredibly unique story with tons of style. It's the story of a priest that faces numerous challenges when he records confessions that become stories in an effort to make a name through social media. The filmmaker captures the look of Nolan's The Following, while having both an artsy feel and a Twighlight Zone atmoshphere. The angle choices and grainy black and white footage create an unsettling mood, while the writer and director showcases his talents by also playing the lead character as Father Collin, a man full of turmoil and ethical dilemnas. The characters playing Father Liam and Louie were also intriguing. A job well done!
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Best Indie Film In Twenty Five Years!
pearlpoetmusic31 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Exemplum is a gripping religious tech thriller shot on stark black and white digital video, which is appropriate for the vibe of the piece. This picture shows true craftsmanship at the indie level and is extremely impressive for a debut feature by first time director Paul Roland. Think 'The Blairwitch Project' or 'PI', but framed and themed more like an early 1960s Bergman film. Exemplum has a wonderful homemade feel but never feels cheap, despite the mere 9.5k budget. And it's worth noting that the editing in this movie is as ingenious and meticulous as anything that's ever come out of Hollywood. Roland brilliantly escalates the guilt-laden intensity and thrills after masterfully establishing the priest protagonist and his flock of complex and sinful laypersons. The interwoven subtext of social media and technology keeps the movie fresh and relevant for modern audiences, but the real pay off is the shocking twist at the end that would make Memento-era Nolan jealous. 10/10. Highly recommended!
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catheraneskillen8 April 2023
Exemplum is Latin for example. "A short tale originally incorporated by a medieval preacher into his sermon to emphasize a moral or illustrate a point of doctrine." (Encyclopedia Britannica)

Father Colin is bereft by societal moral decay and corruption, reinforced by what his parishioners reveal in confession and has devised a way to impart moral lessons through social media for one. The surprising twists and turns this story takes are riveting, perhaps especially relevant today in our topsy-turvy world. This story will make you think and perhaps question your own beliefs.

An excellent film with a premium cast, not one bad note. Shot in grainy black and white, the editing, the atmospheric music were all right on. This indie should not be missed.
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