Gold Diggers (TV Series 2023– ) Poster

(2023– )

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Not meant to be taken seriously
michaelgbusiness11 August 2023
The reviewers who are offended by this series "authenticity" really crack me up. They probably watch Sky and Fox news and think everyrhing they say is factual.

This is such a funny romp in the Goldfields and behind the slapstick etc does touch on quite a few issues of colonial racism, misogyny etc. As I said in the title it's not meant to be taken seriously.

If you like shows like Plebs, Kath and Kim or Upper middle bogan then this should be right up your alley. Life is too full of serious stuff to worry about whether or not this series is factual or not. Take it as it is and just laugh at the satirical nature of the characters and the times.
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6 'n a half for these lovely Sheila's!
MikeHunt107510 August 2023
It's quite surprising to have read the negative reviews around here from the old fuddy duddies. I'm not even sure how that's spelled, but it's what they are. Perhaps they need to pull the stick out of where it doesn't shine, or insert another one next to it, because this show is an unexpected hit with me.

Which I can tell you, is suprising, as I'm not into gold rush era times, or much of Australian made shows at all any more, but finally one's come along that's actually just having some fun and not wreaking desperately of trying to do everything for a stinking Logi award.

Sure, it's not historical either, which I've seen too many complain about in reviews. To that I say "So what"? It's a comedy series, not a documentary. These people have no problems suspending belief for a house caught in a tornado and dropped in a non-existant place where murder is fine, or a Nanny who leaves the impression where kids try to jump off high places with an umbrella and find out the hard way that fairy tales are only magical on screen, but God forbid these ladies do a comedy set in the gold rush years with a more modern pop culture dialogue for fun rather than a done to death premise.

I haven't really caught the lead actresses names yet, so they nay not be household names yet, lol, but they're chemistry together as the Brewer sisters is great.

They've come to a small town secretly being on the run as wanted criminals in Sydney for a murder they may or may not have committed.

They settle down and turn the town upside down by being themselves that either offend the locals or they absolutly love them.

Each episode theh get into some sort of mischief or have some plan to find a lover, get someone back or achieve something or other. They are hilarious together and parody the time period as feminist women in their own DILLIGAF way.

Hopefully, the fuddy duddies don't ruin a second season happening, the shows great and that's coming from someone not really into these things at all.

Also, great to see Heather Mitchel (Ashka from Spellbinder) back on telly. Her brief appearances where great, hilarious, something I haven't seen her play before.
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Writer could do better but actors/set/costumes etc working their proverbials off
RastaVari23 July 2023
Gold Diggers is a bit of a disappointment TBH. Seemed like an interesting premise with a lot of potential and good casting (I was drawn in after seeing Danielle Walker on Taskmaster) Initially it seems as if a fair bit of money and talent has been thrown at the design, sets, effects etc., and the idea of C21st attitudes in an historical context, especially a chaotic Wild West-type one, can lend itself to hilarity and social commentary. The scripts however feel very much like a white fella is playing at being 'right on' and so the humour falls very flat and the characters don't feel right for then or now or as people really - in fact the only roles that so far has been somewhat funny and human is the creepy exploitative rich white guy and the dopey slightly less creepy copper - huuummmm interesting.

It looks like the creator/writer had other people (intersectional women) contribute to scripts but suspect he didn't really listen/learn/take lived experience on board/accept that talent - maybe a learning experience for all involved.

Think I will keep watching, it may improve, and its not baaaaddd just a little childish and cliched (reviewers here are a reflection of the triggered in the current weird culture wars and the odd obvious production plant so hopefully a less biased review will be useful to others)
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Witty humour, Great Characters
joclem-499685 July 2023
An easy to watch show that draws you in with its crazy and funny characters, each with distinct personalities. As the scene was set I was a little confused with what was happening but soon saw the spin Jack Yabsley had put on the gold rush story. The main characters soon have you laughing at their quick one liners and modern twist to the old times. The pub scenes were my favourite with the background characters really setting the scene making the sisters come to life. I can't wait to watch the next episodes to see what the sisters get up to and the trouble they stir up. The local cop is my favourite character so far. Such a refreshing light comedy.
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Bfehre5 July 2023
Don't waste your precious time watching this so-called comedy. II found no humour at all. It's crude, rude and undesirable. There is not anything positive I can say after watching the first episode, it's badly written, badly acted, woeful. Crude humour, stupid characters, the locations look completely fake. Why does the ABC constantly use the same people making the same stupid stuff instead of using someone with actual talent. Surely with all the money the ABC gets from the government they can produce something better than this, the absolutely worst show on Australian Television. I was so looking forward to this but it just crass.
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A great new Australian comedy
roseivymayparker6 July 2023
If you like other UK comedies like Plebs, or US shows like Miracle Workers, this feels like the closest we've come to a home grown Australian version of these modern period comedies. Episodes are short and sweet and easy to chew through. It's fantastic to see some brilliant up and coming female and indigenous talent getting the airtime they deserve. It's not a deep and heavy storyline, but it does exactly what it says on the tin. Gold Diggers jumps straight in from episode 1 and sets you up for what to expect throughout. There are some great under-the-radar quick lines which had us laughing enough to require a rewind to hear what we missed. Looking forward to the rest of the season and hopefully seasons to come.
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Insulting to viewers!
wendyfay-538295 December 2023
I gave this 1 star because I couldn't give it zero.

Setting:~ a plot of 'dirt', a few gum trees & a creek somewhere in western NSW.

Sets:~ My local little theatre group sets were of a far higher standard! My childhood 'cubby house' was of a far higher standard than these huts.

Script:~ Absolutely atrocious! At least the 'actors' seemed to remember their lines, unless they were all drunk before filming & the 'actors' were ad-libbing . Attempts at topical 'humour' were out of Christmas crackers.

Costumes:~ Low cut dresses that showed as much breast as possible without falling out of them. Once again, my local little theatre group has far better quality costumes than any of these, even considering they were set in the bush during the gold rush days. I've even seen better costumes at school plays when they were made by the parents!

Comedy:~ The 'bawdy' 'humour' relied on foul language and 'bawdy' schoolboy humour! The only 'comedy' that the joke that it makes of the Aussie taxpayers for funding this garbage as it makes a mockery of us! . Language:~ Appalling & unnecessary, unless they relied on it for laughs. If so, it didn't work!

Acting:~ The word 'acting' could only be used loosely where this series is concerned. I've seen end of year school pantomimes better than this! Did the 'actors' have the 'after-party' before filming, which could only explain the shocking 'acting'?

I found the whole show, of which I subjected myself to TWO, just in case it improved once what I'd generously considered to be the 'teething problems' in the first episode, had been rectified. It was no better than the first episode! Two hours of my life that I'll never get back!
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themerkinator8 July 2023
Who are these people who are finding this show funny? I'm 20 mins into the first ep and I'm so filled with rage that I've come here to have a rant about it. Is this the best that the next gen of comedy writers can come up with, after having their brains scrubbed of nuance? Surely there is better talent lurking out there somewhere?

The lead actresses have potential, but it's not realised in this show. They waddle through painful dialogue and a hodge-podge storyline that feels like it's been written by a corporate diversity and inclusion manager.

I'm glad I'll be dead soon, if this is the future of laugh-harvesting tele.
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johogan5 July 2023
Easy watching, entertaining, liked the contemporary references in a traditional setting.

Liked the music, cool contrast to the period setting, making it a little fun and interesting

Liked the quirky, witty feel and a little different from other series. I look forward to seeing where the story line goes and how characters are further developed.

Thought the pace was good, moved along nicely. Easy to watch and follow. Got straight into things. Enjoyed the Aussie landscape and setting.

Great to see new talent hit the screen, mixed with some familiar actors. Fresh, different

I'll be tuning in again.
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ABC comedy where have you gone???
amanda_lea_corcoran10 July 2023
Not often do I give 1 stars, but this show is absolute rubbish. Episode 1, benefit of the doubt. Episode 2, crass. Episode 3, I switched off as it descended into typical ABC production for the 2020's.

When did ABC 'comedy' become so unfunny? I routinely log onto ABC to see what comedy productions are being aired, hoping that something is a standout & will become my new favourite show. Sadly the ABC continually produces terrible comedy nowadays. ABC comedy used to be appointment television, not anymore. Only decent shows they produce are Fisk & Utopia.

I do not recommend this show whatsoever.
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Smart and Funny
jorubybell24 July 2023
Perplexed by some of these reviews. Maybe everyone reviewing is just old and likes their comedy traditional? I also enjoy Utopia and Fisk too. But they are not trying anything new. I love that Gold Diggers is such a smart contemporary conversation about feminism and race in an 1800's setting and best of all its so funny!. Series hits its stride in Ep 3 with the bushranger soft boi's. Danielle Walker and Claire Lovering are a hoot and have perfect chemistry. And some great secondary roles by Megan Wilding and Eddie Perfect. This is surprising, fresh comedy that is irreverent, unconventional and sometimes smutty but always funny!
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The comedy has already aged like milk
yogurt_and_cherry7 July 2023
It's dialogue heavy, bereft of heart and just tries too hard. The gold rush is a strange era to satirize (esp when the budget is this low) and the lack of plot + hit and miss performances make this a mess of a series.

I can see where there would have been promise for the concept and the leads try their best but ultimately come off as annoying and not entirely convinced at the lines they're pushing. Maybe if they were able to improvise the gags may have translated more authentically. I wonder if less chefs in the writing room could have made for more cohesive comedy? Will not watch the rest.....
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Fresh and funny
evjcrcxcw30 July 2023
I am "old" - and I love this! Awesome acting, story, script and diversity of Aussie characters and cultures with long overdue respect shown to indigenous peoples - very entertaining plus lovely settings/scenery. Took a minute to adjust to the modern language and points of reference BUT possibly more realistic than we think? I absolutely love ALL the characters! Fantastic to see women shown as more than victims or men's possessions in a period setting. Wish I could visit Dead Horse Gap for a weekend stay - maybe someone could set this up for real - like Old Sydney town?! 😆 Like a laugh? Watch it!
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Beyond Dire - Avoid at all costs
vrilseeker14 July 2023
Yet another example that much modern film and tv is a cargo cult - the makers saw something once that was entertaining and think that if they wander around saying things in front of a camera that they too have have made entertainment.

The writing is appalling, the direction non existent and the Days of Our Lives had more creative cinematography. The most jarring is the complete absence of atmospheric sound - the set is full of extras going about doing gold rush things but it's utterly silent.

Apart from a couple of older actors who valiantly attempt to something, anything, with the appalling material the acting is embarrassingly amateurish. In fact the whole thing is amateur hour.

I can't believe someone wrote this, someone made this and someone paid for this.
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Haven't laughed so much in a long time
Ilovegoodtv10 August 2023
It's refreshing to see a show not take itself so seriously! And despite some of these other reviews, I personally love that it's a bit childish, and super crass - I feel like it appeals to us who grew up loving stuff like The Simpsons, or Anchorman, or Austin Powers. Yes those are old references, but those are things that appealed to my humour when I was younger and so does this. It's just fun. Love it. Great job.

The two main characters rightfully steal the show, these are some seriously talented comediennes.

And love the ensemble cast, particularly Percy and Fran. So many great one-liners. Worth a watch.
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More history rewritten badly
rosebx-6036212 July 2023
I'm absolutely over script writers who try to rewrite history by putting 21st century language, swearing, lifestyle and mannerisms into shows set in bygone years, (the 19th century in this case). I believe the misconceived logic behind this concept is that by "modernising" the script, it appeals to a younger audience. If it does attract younger viewers, it tirnscoff okder viewers,so what is gained on the roundabout , you lose on the swing. If TV/Movie producers/writers want to attract a bigger audience, go back to basics, give us quality shows, be true to the era they are set in, don't "modernise" shows set in previous decades, or centuries and fill them with F bombs and 21st century language. Gold Diggers would have to be the worst comedy I've ever watched. Anyone who gave this show more than 5 stars would either have to be friends/relatives of the script writers or actors, or would find any old garbage they watch funny. ABC have stooped to an all time low by airing and promoting it, their standards of good comedy shows have dropped. And let's face it, they once set such a high standard with shows like Kath and Kim. Please give us more comedy like that!
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Aussie Comedy with huge laughs
thomasduncanwatt7 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Definitely check out this brilliant Aussie comedy. Perfect casting, big laughs and characters you can actually care about. Starring the wonderful Danielle Walker and Claire Lovering, the show follows the story of the vagabond Brewer Sisters who have just moved to Aussie gold rush town Dead Horse Gap hoping to snag rich (and preferably dumb/elderly) husbands. Given the dearth of available women in the gold fields they're sure it'll happen in no time. Still, nothing goes to plan. Not only does their newly married friend (and newly rich) friend from their days working 'the docks' in Sydney pretend not to recognise them, but they vastly overestimate their allure - even to a bunch of love-starved gold speculators. Still, the Brewer sisters are determined to get their man, and we get to enjoy every ridiculous, wonderful moment of it.
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15 minutes was enough.
margeauxcs31 July 2023
Well, that is another so called comedy from the ABC which has been added to my "waste of taxpayers money" list.

Is there such a dearth of writers in Australia that this show even made it to air?

It is hard to imagine the target audience at which this show is aimed. Fortunately, we had recorded it so we did not miss any entertaing offerings on other channels.

It does tend to imitate the majority of "comedians" that currently populate that genre on the ABC.

We did go back to my recording 2-3 days later and resume where we left off in case it got better. However, first impressions wre accurate enough. Please hide it on iView and replay old test patterns.
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Wonderful entertainment
suntan-7734626 August 2023
This is the most fantastic comedy ! Wonderful light entertainment .....yes entertainment.

The casting is great , the location great and throughout is a good belly laugh. I simply cannot understand why there so many critics.

It is designed to be a comedy and make you laugh and it certainly does that in every episode. It is also very clever in both the writing of the script and the acting, and my goodness the actors give their all in every episode. If you don't understand the comedy go back to episode 1 and look at the programme as a light comedy. It is not designed as an historical documentary or a serious piece .... it is a comedy and a very good one too !

It is fresh, new and what is expected of comedy in 2023.

Congratulations to all involved and may we see many more of the same .
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Another awful Australian production
imknight11 July 2023
Do they ever research their programs . Such strong Australian accents that just were not present in the 19th Century. Any accents in the Goldfields would of mainly been Irish , English , Dutch along with Chinese and others . Also using 20th Century euphemisms such as Threesomes , although existed, did not have sexual connotations. Their clothes looked like they were straight from a shop as did the parasols they used . Even the way they spoke sounded like today's way of speaking .Also looked like they showered every day . I just don't get Australian programs anymore . Its like everything is made on a budget . Australian programs are so poor nowadays 😢
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Challenges norms
justchillz24 September 2023
If you are traditional, conservative, upper-class, a male, you will hate this show. If you benefit from current societal arrangements, you will hate this show.

I found it entertaining. It is fantasy, entirely unrealistic in every way possible -- that is what makes it entertaining. Instead of reinforcing stereotypes, like every other show, it challenges them.

The women challenge social norms about femininity, patriarchal values and stereotypes, heteronormativity, drinking, sex before marriage etc.. The women are not "proper women."

The show includes interracial lesbian relations, heterosexual relations.

The show challenges hypermasculinity. Rich men can be gay. It is acceptable for heterosexual men to be sensitive, cry. The police officer is gentle, non-violent, non-hypermasculine. Women can be intelligent and exert power over men. The show challenges norms.

The acting is excellent, casting was well done.

Some parts of this show are inspiring and uplifting, if you were not born into wealth/prosperity or as a male, while some parts will make you pleasantly uncomfortable. Some parts are realistic for that time -- e.g., The officer had to be a man and a gay man had to be married to a woman -- others are not.
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Just not funny
Drat19646 June 2024
Certainly this is not meant to be taken seriously (as another reviewer stated) and that's fine, comedy has a long history of poking fun at history or overlaying modern values onto historical periods. Standouts at doing this are shows like Blackadder, Blazing saddles or some of the Carry On movies. Sadly Gold Diggers just isn't funny. Some reviews here stated it was cheap with poor sets, Blackadder could said to be the same each series had only a couple of small sets yet it is still fondly remembered and re-broadcast 30 years later. The ABC is a government funded network, known to not be that interested in ratings in the way commercial networks are, giving many shows that didn't rate that well 2-3 seasons, yet they dropped Gold Diggers after just 8 episodes.
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