Zombie Hunter (2013) Poster


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Wow, just wow...
paul_haakonsen27 September 2013
This movie was like watching a bad movie spawned from the "Borderlands" games mixed with elements blatantly stolen from the "Resident Evil" universe.

The storyline was fairly straight forward, and anyone who have seen just a single zombie movie should be familiar with the essentials of the storyline here as well. A lone stranger ends up with a small group of survivors in the midst of a zombie apocalypse.

The dialog in the movie was just horrible. It was so corny and bad, that there were times when you sit there curling your toes in disbelief.

Which leads us to the characters. Wow, are you kidding me? What a bunch of generic, stereotypical and totally irrelevant characters can you manage to put into one movie? Now, I am not saying that the people acting and portraying the characters were doing bad jobs, but the characters themselves were parodies on themselves and everything in the zombie genre. It was just an atrocity to witness.

The zombies, well they were your standard low budget movie zombies; shredded clothing and usually mangled faces. Yet somehow the necks, ears and hands were also spotless and never showed a sign of decay or damage. It is the classic low budget mistake to make. And sure enough, here it was. And what was going on with the hybrid mix of Nemesis and the licker creatures from "Resident Evil". I was ready to get up and find something else to watch when I saw these. It was just laughable.

For some reason, then the blood in this movie was purple, and it always had to spray directly on the camera. It was annoying and tiring to look at, and it got old really fast. Purple blood, sure, why not...

Without the risk of sounding sarcastic, wait, that is exactly what I am trying to do here, then the not-so-subtle advertising for their other movies put on display in the movie was really just fantastic. Watch the movie, and you will know it immediately when you get to that scene. Way to go Arrowstorm Entertainment...

If you are credited as 'Sexy Zombie' in a movie, then you know everything is not right here.

Yet, there is something to this movie that makes you stick around to the end, even though it is campy, cheesy and have low budget written all over it. However, I can honestly say that this movie is the type of movie that you watch once and never again. As much as I love everything zombie, then "Zombie Hunter" just didn't have that much to offer.
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Plenty of Camp Just Not Much Fun
Simon_Says_Movies14 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
One of the biggest divides that seems to exist between concept and approach in filmmaking is that of the B-movie – a lark simply meant to amplify camp, kitsch and fun to delirious levels. But what seems to be more often the case is the arrival of flicks which approach the genre superficially, revelling in lazy dialogue, dull slaughter and gore and boring characters rather than applying a grindhouse feel to well though out material. While there are some attempts to spoof the well worn tropes of this type of endeavour, too often does Zombie Hunter cheat the audience, revel in its laziness and fail even to live up to the gimmicky promises plastered on the DVD case.

Let me get the bluffs out of the way first, because these are not so much spoilers as they are an accurate description of events. In quick succession: Danny Trejo appears in little more than a cameo, the souped up muscle car exits the picture early on and the "clown with a chainsaw" represents little more than a blip. And in case you have no idea what this movie is about and why the heck I would bring this up, yes those were major selling points present in the advertising. What remain are inane and groan-worthy dialogue and timing and delivery that rival pre- school plays and repetition at all levels.

I hate to be too harsh on Zombie Hunter because when it's all said and done it's a rather innocent endeavour, never vying for much, featuring thesps who in some cases are experiencing their debut roles and, despite its many pitfalls, is never insulting. It's all just rather wrongheaded and draining. The weird highlight for me was in lead Martin "Hunter" Copping who's growling, monotonous delivery seemed to craft a character that was just as nonchalant concerning the apocalypse then about the junk in which he was starring. Don't get me wrong, it's all very bad and very one note but his attitude made the viewing more tolerable.

The rest of the cast is made of folks – truly no offense as I'm sure I would join their ranks if I attempted to act – who have little hope of securing steady jobs in Hollywood. The dialogue may be horrid but they make no effort to bring it to life. Even a hammy, hackneyed script can be given a weird sense of charm with the right performer delivering the lines. It's immensely clear across all fronts they are waiting on prompts and very likely gazing at cue cards. Their infuriating actions and their interactions displayed amongst one another do very little to right any wrongs.

But as I iterated early on, there are clear – and surprisingly successful – attempts to spoof the style of film in which Zombie Hunter eventually revels. Hunter has some amusing early scenes with the undead as does the prologue (which explains the outbreak) have some charm in its own way. Coupled later on with zoom-in shots of a girl's butt, substituted for her, you know, face when running away from a threat, or a puke-off that spoofs the "grizzly discover" cliché, there are scenes that show promise. But collectively their relative occupation of the running time leaves much to be desired.

In the end, Zombie Hunter is only something that could be recommend with the disclaimer it be played in the background while you and your friends shoot the *bleep* and sip some beers. The thorough distain for creativity and decision to wallow in camp rather than embrace or satirize it means this B-movie simply doesn't even get a similar grade to rival its intended stamp.
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A movie that isn't good at all but since Danny Trejo is in it people will watch. Not really anything good about this. I say D+
cosmo_tiger27 September 2013
"Most of them are brainless globs of walking matter with one objective, eat, but every once in a while you'll get one thats a little tricky." After the apocalypse there are two kinds of beings left...Zombies and humans. One man known as the hunter (Copping) who has nothing to lose drives around killing any flesh eater he can find. When he finds a small group of survivors he decides to help them out. When a group attacks them the hunter must now put his skills to the test. There isn't much I can say about this movie that will make you want to watch it. Danny Trejo is in it but only for about 10 minutes. The way I think the movie got made is this; Hey everyone likes zombies, should we make a movie about them. We only have $50 though who will be in it for that? I know Danny Trejo, he does anything and has a huge cult following...we can't lose. Much like Bruce Campbell in the 90's people will watch a movie based on if he is in it or not, no matter what the movie is. That's what the makers are hoping for. To prove my point...there is a scene where the group talks about how many zombies the hunter has killed that is interrupted by a woman stripping...using a pole that is conveniently located in the warehouse they are in, but since Danny Trejo is on the box people will watch. Overall, exactly what you would expect. I give it a D+
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Worst Zombie movie I have ever seen.
dennis-30225 August 2013
This movie is incredibly bad. Danny Trejo - which is probably the reason for most people to watch this flick - is only seen in three scenes and is just doing his usual job. Being the cool, archaic guy who is looking into the camera with a grim face. And this is the best part of the movie. All the other actors are just crap. Their roles are clichés as you would expect from a movie like this, but their acting is so bad, that you cannot even take those clichés seriously. The dialogs have been written by some computer software which tries to bring the most common lines of all scripts into some order. The main character plays like he had been undergoing a lobotomy. And still he needs crappy monologues with a cheesy voice to bring his point across. Then there is the very bad CGI of those special monsters, which just look like they had been animated in the 1990s. Even the Pixar table lamp looks more realistic than they do. It seems like the director/writer/producer has seen Planet Terror and thought "I can do this too!". Unfortunately they can't. And they should have never tried. I want those 90 minutes of my life back!
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I was hunting for my remote control
trashgang1 October 2013
There was a time not so long ago when the independent flicks ruled the horror business but that's over. Nowadays independents aren't delivering the goods, there's nothing to spot and most of them are utterly boring. For some reason, money I guess, famous names are but on the bills to attract the fans. Here we do have Danny Trejo as Jesus but he's in it for just a few moments.

This flick is full of stereotypes like the macho killer, the smart girl, the nerd, and of course the sexy chick. Here we have problem one. The so-called sexy chick do walk around scantily clad but when she's given her pole dancing she stays dressed. O sure, she shows them titties but off-camera. Big mistake. But not only that, the zombies faces are really well-done but that's it, it's only their faces that are zombie looking. The clothes they walk around aren't what they should be. And then we come to the effects used. I don't have any problem with blood flying against the lens of a camera but here we always have that effect and the blood has some purple colour. What the hell.

One of those flicks were you take your remote and wanted to push the fast forward or even the eject button. And for Danny, hey man, you're going for the money or what, Rise Of The Zombies (2012) was another disaster. And if you have a close look here at Zombie Hunter you can see posters for Ozombie and Orcs, do I need to say more. A bit too much of talking and the same action (read effects) used.

Gore 2/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 2/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
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Zombie Hunter
phubbs20 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
A curious blend of a few ideas and genres here, foremostly a clear cut grindhouse approach which appears to be all the rage these days. The film stars Danny Trejo which should give the game away as to what grindhouse type flicks this capitalises on. You only have to look on his filmography (and co stars) to see how many of these flicks are getting churned out!.

The plot is simple and highly unoriginal. An addictive drug has turned some people into flesh eating zombies which has in turn spread. America appears to be an apocalyptic wasteland where 'The Hunter' roams, he kills zombies. He comes across a small settlement with other survivors and together they plan an escape by air to islands in the Pacific. Its your basic flee the zombie plague fare.

What is interesting about this film is the combination of ideas. The main character of The Hunter is basically 'Max Rockatansky' with a classic Clint Eastwood 'man with no name' vibe just for good measure. I mean look at his name for a start...The Hunter/The Road Warrior, close huh. But mainly he drives an all black dirty modified Pontiac Trans Am (I think) which looks identical to the Interceptor in 'Mad Max'. But wait there's more, he even dresses like Max in all black with shades and handles a similar shotgun too, only thing missing is a pet dog. I might also mention the guy in the role (Martin Copping) is Australian too haha what are the odds?!.

So yes the main heroes look is a bit of a rip off but it works, he's cool, grizzled and dispatches zombies with aplomb. You have the main theme of a 70's/80's Mexican grindhouse approach with a Mad Max main lead fighting zombies in a Resident Evil setting with an actual Resident Evil monster too (not sure where they came from though). Trejo is playing 'Machete' again but with an axe, oh and there's a clear cut 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre' homage/rip off too...got all that?.

Being a low budget affair the effects are average, the blood n guts look fine but the CGI monster things aren't. That said the low budget does work for the film giving it that gritty-ish look, as what tends to happen with limited resources. The cast are a mixed bag with Copping coming across pretty hokey with his over macho posturing but he's a fun character. Of course there are a couple hot chicks in the survivor band too, one clearly being some ex-stripper/model/porn star type who is bad at acting but good at being slutty (I liked that). Hated the fact that our hero doesn't take her up on her offer of guilt free sex, dude are you mad?!.

The film is also amusing in places too, intentionally? I don't know, doubt it, but it is. The last three left alive find a locker chock full of machine guns/sub machine guns etc...the zombies are beating the door down, the last sexy chick remaining declares 'there's too many, they're too strong!'. You have just found Rambo's toy chest, are you serious right now? zombies aren't bullet proof.

I actually found myself liking this film mainly because of Copping's hero character, I'm not really a fan of the grindhouse genre/approach but the use of other styles and ideas worked well. Its not fresh and new, we've seen this type of thing a billion times before but I personally liked this films style, the cut of its jib. Gotta love that dialog and the end credits soundtrack has a pretty sweet electronic 80's style rhythm.

'Don't worry about me babe'

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Grade Z camp; awful, but minimally fun
m-a-elsewhere31 March 2014
There are two kinds of really, really bad zombie movies:

Those with NO Danny Trejo... And those with ¡SI, MUY! Danny Trejo.

Or as much Danny Trejo as the "producer/writer/director" could afford to hire, which seems to be roughly a half-day's worth in this case.

Too inadvertently cheesy to qualify as the worst ever in its sub-genre, this grind house wannabe also boasts: absolutely no acting or directorial values; an unedited, witlessly amateurish imitation Frank Miller tough guy script; lots of gore, black gore, maroon gore, fuchsia gore, lavender gore, green gore, ecru gore; a gratuitous chain-sawing wielding maniac clown; never-explained CGI mutant space monsters; a single set of all-purpose fake intestines which are repeatedly pulled from various dead extras; characters who keep forgetting they're in the zombie apocalypse; a running visual gag involving masturbation; a geezer who repeatedly declares "I'm getting too old for this sh*t"; and a second-lead actress whose IMDb biog notes that she used to model for Japanese girlie mags and now sells lingerie at strip clubs in Utah.

In sum: grade Z camp fare; awful, but minimally fun. Eh...sometimes you're in the mood for a really bad zombie movie. It may as well feature Danny Trejo.
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B Movie - Triple A
mark-de-graaf26 October 2013
This movie is not for everyone i gotta say. But for a B movie it is on the top of it's game. The corny characters,Catchphrases and bad effects are great in my point of view. If you are going in with the idea of watching a 'good' movie you're wrong. The first scene already tells you what kind of film you're watching and when you are spoiled with Hollywood blockbusters and aren't familiar with this style of movie i agree you wouldn't like it. But if you can look past the special effects etcetera and appreciate the film for what it really is your gonna have a blast.

(you gotta be at least 18 to get the greatness of it).

Signed, A Critic of Life
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William_Henry_Pratt27 October 2013
Never before has technology made filmmaking so easy to use just for a bunch of talentless nincompoops. This film has no plot, thus no story. It's highly derivative in a completely non creative or inventive way. I wish these 'filmmakers' would pick up a copy of 'The Poetics' or at least 'Save The Cat' so they could at least make an attempt at good story structure. There is a reason why movies affect us. It takes planning and the understanding of dramatic structure. You wouldn't build a table or a chair and say "Well I like chairs whose legs are different lengths, this way you can't sit on it. It's art." Same goes for motion pictures. Just as you need an understanding of basic carpentry and the comprehension of executing a well designed plan, you need to DO THE SAME THING WHEN MAKING A MOVIE!

I didn't care about any of these characters. The universe in which they live is constantly changing. It's like the director was making soup by throwing into a chicken broth, an apple, an onion, toothpaste, anti-freeze, and an old smelly sneaker. Come on guys! Think about what you're doing. You just can't take Mad Max, Terminator, Snatch, Star Wars, (Danny Trajo's lines are written as if he were some kind of Ninja Yoda) and Dawn of the Dead, jumble it all up and think you've got something remotely entertaining. This is a complete mess! It reeks of sneaker- toothpaste soup for crying out loud!

Why is the blood pink? The creatures look like really bad claymation. We have no idea what is anyone's goal. Most of all there is no theme.

All I have to say is YUCK!
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Where is -1 star?
seularts22 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a very failed attempt of some sort of Resident Evil kind of genre. Even from the trailer we are shown who is about to die and who is going to make this film an embarrassment to the world.

I have to write at least 10 rows for this comment and that is too much for this movie, yes it does not help the movie industry and I have no idea who makes this atrocities!? Every day a "wanna be" movie director comes out and puts a monkey in a wheelchair to write a failed script with zombies just because they can make a fast buck and that is a crime to the art of action horrors that keep zombies "alive" in our "brainz"! If you want to smoke something funny and laugh at something stupid this is the movie for you, but other than that you can dodge this fiasco like a train on fire!
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Cool Movie
firestorm_19991 October 2013
If you enjoy the classic "B" Horror Flicks and the cheesy actors and lines then this movie is a Hoot. I personally loved the movie. My whole family watched this and laughed. Danny Trejo did a great job at being (The Badass Priest Character) If you are a serious type person.. you wouldn't get it. The special effects was just classic "B" horror flick like the original Evil Dead Movies. Loved the Evil Clown with the chainsaw chasing the big breasted blonde. Great Stuff :) I personally look forward to seeing more of this kind of film in the future. It has been a long time since I really enjoyed a great "B" horror movie. I also loved the main actor Martin Copping He did a great job at portraying the hunter.
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Kind of like Planet Terror - better in some ways
stefanczar1 January 2014
Definitely a "B" movie, but pretty dang fun! Keep your expectations low (come on. Did you expect Shawshank?) and you'll have a good time with it. The main character is not played by Danny Trejo who is only in it in order to get people to watch it. The main guy does a good job as a hardened "Ash" ass-kicker kind of dude. Props to him. The action sequences are very stylized and different than most zombie flicks out there.

Plot? If you're looking for plot, pick a different movie. If you're looking for some laughs and gore, you're gonna like this hunk of crap.

Give it a shot. It does not take itself seriously and there's lots of zombie-killing fun! Sure, it rips off Resident Evil, but... I. don't. care.
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Praying for Danny
kosmasp27 April 2014
Don't rent this if you're expecting this to be a Danny Trejo (leading) movie. He's only playing second fiddle (maybe not even that, if you count all the beautiful women being portrayed in this) to our main lead. And our main lead is not nearly as charismatic as Danny is. It's a shame because with a better lead and some of the action set pieces this would have been a lot more fun to watch.

As it is, it's a nice try, but has too many clichés ruining the story and the very limited character definitions we get. While the group mentality thing is almost working for it, there are too many slacking and there might be a bit of frustration setting in with the viewer.
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As bad as it can get.
tomensslen23 March 2019
This movie wasn't entertaining at all. It was almost hurtfull to watch.
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Just don't
christopherlauer-3422219 March 2019
Plain and simple: This Movie is just Bad, even when you factor in that Zombie movies are a special genre.

That the Movie is marketed with Danny Trejo comes close to fraud. He is like in four or five scenes, one so bad lit, that you can barely see what happens.

So, should you see this movie? No.
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Poorly Edited and Scripted
summersdude7 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
When I was looking through Netflix trying to find a good zombie movie to watch, I came across this one and saw the story for it and the picture so I clicked on it and watched it. I first thought it was pretty good then it just seemed like it was made by a 9 year old, saying "retarded" and really poor editing. That's what I really noticed was the editing. It was terrible and it looked like someone went on Windows Movie Maker and pressed some buttons for 5 minutes and called it editing. It was also really unrealistic. I understand that a zombie movie wouldn't be too realistic because "zombies" but with the huge monster who looked like Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy and a clown zombie with a chainsaw. I am out of words. I wasted my time watching this. One more thing I forgot to add was the main character was trying too hard to be cool and it made him look terrible.
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Lazy camp movie to avoid
johages25 December 2014
If you are looking for a plot or good acting and writing, keep walking. If you are looking for gore, action and fun, again... keep walking. Zombie Hunter is aware of it's own campiness which it tries to ride off of the entire movie but yet feels too lazy to commit. The jokes are cheesy (as they should be for a campy movie) but it gets to the point of frustration when they begin to repeat the same lines 3 to 4 times. The repeating jokes, glaring continuity errors, 2D characters you don't give two craps for and flat (and I mean flat as a board) acting, makes the movie rather difficult to watch. There are a couple of good action scenes (and a lot of crap ones), which is why I gave it at least a 2 our of 10... and I'm being nice.
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Complete rubbish! 1/10
leonblackwood1 March 2014
Review: You know a movie must be bad if Danny Trejo is the best thing in it! Anyway, this movie is awful, but in some ways I think that it was deliberately made be be so bad, that you actually find it amusing. The acting is terrible, from a Z class cast, and the storyline was, just about, watchable. The Zombies looked like they were made of rubber and the splatters on the screen were dreadful. The narrating got on my nerves and the leading character was a joke. As for the ladies, they really need to go back to acting school. I just hope that there isn't a sequel. Terrible!

Round-Up: Poor Danny Trejo! For some unknown reason, I keep on hiring out his movies just to have a laugh. The thing is, in real life, the guy is quite a comedian so I don't know why they always make him look like a hard nut with mental issues. In this film he really does put the other actors to shame, but I'm not surprised after he has starred in millions of movies. As for the other actors, if you can call them that, they seem like they just wanted to say that they had starred in a movie because they really are bad. It's not surprising that I haven't seen them before, and hopefully won't see them again. In all, a total waste of time.

I recommend this movie to people who are I to there trashy zombie movies without much storyline, but loads of blood. 1/10
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Bad acting plus a bad script; zombies were uninteresting.
suite9212 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The film starts with a newscast about Natas, or sin, which is the new 'it' drug. The government is taking steps. The viewer watches the newscast being looked at by Natas users.

A year later, Hunter is out in the desert, killing the occasional zombie. His Camaro breaks down from the blood and guts blocking his air intake. Sigh. He stops for gas, and ends up killing 8 zombies. He has not seen another non-zombie ('survivor') for six months. Then someone shoots him while he's driving. He and the car look pretty bad, but the drag him back to camp.

The small group gets to know one another. Hunter and x go out to assess the damage on his Camaro; they encounter zombies. Soon the compound is attacked by zombies, including some sort of full-on mutant that looks like it was never a human. This was a disaster. Jesus dies taking out the lead monster.

Down the road, they run out of gas. They all get sick from looking into a non-operational freezer. Someone steals their truck, which sets up an ambush by a crazy with a chainsaw. What was the setup for this?

Hunter, Alison, Ricky, and Jerry make it to the airfield, which is supposed to help them out, somehow. Just where can they fly to that will be safe?

Do any of them get out alive?


Cinematography: 2/10 Endless, stupid, in-your-face filters. Pink was my least favourite filter, but others were bad as well. Otherwise, the picture was rather low in quality, say mid-range VHS.

Sound: 6/10 Not too bad, but with wretched incidental music.

Acting: 2/10 Much to my disappointment, Danny Trejo's role was rather small, but that's where the +2 comes from. The main character is played by Martin Copping, who is more than a little boring, irrelevant, out of tune with the other actors. Clare Niederpruem was not a plus. Jade Reiger was decorative, but not a great actress. Jarrod Phillips gave one of the worst performances I've seen. Terry Guthrie barely seemed present.

Screenplay: 1/10 Not much of a story, but it does have a beginning, middle, and an end. The dialog is horrible, as is the internal logic of the story. They stop because they are out of gas. Someone steals the truck (how?). Hunter recovers the truck; now it has gas. Right. Alison and Ricky are being chased by a fast guy with a chainsaw. Alison: we've got to get going! Ricky: I'm tired.

SFX: 2/10 Second/third rate. Bad zombie makeup, splatter effects, vomiting effects. Blood shows up as pink, purple, orange, dark, and occasionally red.
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Bag of Horse Cr*&
mcangryd2 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
OK I hardly ever write reviews but for this I have to, This has to be the WORST film i have ever seen for so many reasons Zombie film usually rock but this was just rotten so so so bad i feel ripped off because it actually has the ingredients to be a great film its like they wanted to make it bad. First it has 1 half big name in it Danny Trejo so you think it might be good, WRONG IT SUCKS, he gets wasted after a C%$p small part by a very very fake CGI monster. And then there are 2 very fit babes in it, 1 with big bangers who wants to bang everyone AND THEY KILL HER OFF, Man come on she was the only thing worth looking at. Plot stunk they obviously tried to make a cult film Tarantino type but ended up making a bag of Cr*p, don't waste your time in fact if you hate someone then buy them this as a present, Director K. King GIVE UP YOUR DAY JOB...
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Great Zombie Flick!
sportsbros80822 September 2013
Zombies are hot and Zombie Hunter is the latest entrant into the zombie genre. The movie is pretty good and there are some good action scenes in it. It's a small budget film but it does well with what it has to work with.

The gist of the story is this: there is a street drug called Natas (Satan spelled backwards?) that is turning its users into Flesh Eaters. The Flesh Eaters go about eating flesh and generally destroying everything in their path.

That is when Hunter comes in. He is a cross between Mad Max and every other zombie killer out there. Martin Copping as Hunter and keeps the film moving. Danny Trejo makes an appearance as a priest (a bad ass priest, of course) who has a group of followers who are looking to escape the zombies and find the Promised Land. Hunter and the priest hook up and that is when the real action starts.

Oh, did I mention there is a killer clown as well?

Without giving too much away just know that this movie packs a lot of action into the story. It's a small budget horror film but it has that DIY feel to it like some of the best horror films do. There are a couple of good laughs in the film but nothing gratuitous that takes away from the solid horror moments.

This is a solid horror/zombie flick that is perfect for watching with some friends on a Friday night.
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Fairly decent and very cheesy direct to video zombie movie
dworldeater29 October 2013
Zombie Hunter fullfills its obligations of a campy, low budget horror movie. There is a lot of gore,blood,a cheesy storyline where drugs turn people into zombies ( sometimes giant zombies),hot chicks,a musclecar and Danny Trejo. Danny Trejo unfortunately is not the lead,instead they got a guy who looks like Ripper Owens from Judas Priest to play a zombie hunting bad ass. Even still,he did okay. The film delivers a lot on zombies and gore. The blood flows freely and frequently splatters into the camera. Low budget zombie flicks are a dime a dozen nowadays,few are classic and more of them suck. Zombie Hunter is no classic,but should please most fans of the genre as passable entertainment.
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Bottom of the Barrel Zombie Flick
gennyt8411 December 2013
It wasn't a fun "bad" movie. I had Netflix playing on a secondary monitor and I honestly had to stop it, then continue another time(figured I might as well finish it). I could totally forgive the awful juvenile writing, terrible acting, and vfx if this movie didn't try to seem serious.

I really took note of the low end costume design, instead of zombies looking tattered, their clothing was riddled with very clear and precise scissor cuts, fail! The product placement of other horrid movies and the Kanye West(No Church in the Wild) rip off track made me chuckle though.
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Not quite as bad as I expected. But not good either.
Stevieboy66618 October 2023
"Nothing puts a smile on my face like a midday massacre. Tequila has also been known to put a smile on my face", so tells us Hunter in his opening narration. America has suffered another of those zombie apocalypses and Hunter says that he hasn't seen another human for 6 months and feels that he could be the sole survivor, that is until he is stopped in his Mad Max type car by a small group of survivors. Danny Trejo gets top billing as a priest called Father Jesus, he is great but sadly only in the movie for the first half. And speaking of first half this part of the movie was the best and was reasonably promising, unfortunately the more interesting characters get killed off first and I found the second half to be disappointing. There is plenty of zombie (or "Eaters" as they are called here, a name that I quite liked) violence but is let down by some very poor CGI blood sprays. The acting is decent and I liked the hot chick called Fast Lane Debbie, she treats us to a pole dance though there is no nudity in this movie. In addition to Eaters a giant alien/demon type creature appears out of nowhere, I have no idea what that was about and found it stupid. A poster for the movie "Ozombie" is seen several times but that film makes ZH look like it was made by George Romero in comparison! If you are hopelessly addicted to zombie flicks, including bad ones, then ZH is worth a look. I enjoyed some aspects of the movie but won't be watching it again.
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thewhomakesyoucrazy5 July 2020
Needed nudity and the brother should've died. Danny was ok
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