The Charnel House (2016) Poster

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Dark but un-creepy secrets
TheLittleSongbird20 May 2018
'The Charnel House' drew me into seeing it, with a cool poster, an intriguing idea and as someone with a general appreciation for horror. That it was low-budget, which from frequent personal experience is rarely a good sign due to that there are so many poor ones out there, made me though apprehensive.

Found the film to be pretty weak with a lot more wrong than right. 'The Charnel House' is not great, or good, has a fair share of problems (fairly big ones too) and doesn't do enough with its potential, which was hardly small. There are however a few decent, even good, qualities in 'The Charnel House', at least it wasn't intelligence insulting or inept (unlike some films seen recently) though the potential was never lived up to.

Lets start with the positives. The scenery is atmospheric, likewise with the very nice way it's shot. The music is suitably spooky and quirky and doesn't distract at all from the atmosphere, while not exactly enhancing it.

'The Charnel House' started off fairly spookily.

However, the story does feel over-stretched and some of it feels vague, under-explained. The more 'The Charnel House' progressed, the duller, more predictable, more senseless and less scary it got, and too many characters are too sketchy and with nowhere near enough to make one want to endear to them. Making the film feel bland and forgettable with not enough heart put into it.

Acting is never amateurish, there has been far worse acting before and since and at least they try with limited material and sketchy, dull and clichéd characters, but nobody is note-worthy.

Dialogue can be stilted and rambling while the pace is uneven, dragging in a lot of the second half and never is it exciting. Found the supposedly shocking moments not surprising or scary and the supposedly creepy atmosphere dreary, due to the excessive obviousness and the lack of tension and suspense, and the end felt not much of a climax.

In conclusion, pretty weak but not unwatchable. 3/10 Bethany Cox
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What the heck is up with all the fake reviews?
goodbyebluesky2710 February 2017
OK so this is my first movie review. I felt obligated to write it, and this is why....

This movie deserves MAYBE a 3 out of 10. After checking, all of the users who gave this movie rave reviews have only written one review ever, which was for this movie alone. Basically people that are probably associated with the creation of the movie that want to make it sound amazing, when it really just isn't.

To be honest, this movie just had no substance. No suspense, no actual scary moments (I say this because horror is listed as the genre), no decent or interesting characters that you end up caring about at any point. Don't get fooled by the fake reviews, I would highly suggest not bothering with this one.
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Not bad but not great
km_staple30 June 2018
It wasn't a complete waste of time on a Saturday morning.
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VOICE ACTIVATION: Turn this rubbish off
MeMyselfOnline2 August 2018
Absolute rubbish. Turned it off after half an hour. Don't give it your time.
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Ugh... save yourself some time, mooooove on
Rickard-606-5927168 May 2017
Okay, I would probably give this three stars except for the glaringly obvious fake reviews that bumped the rating points enough that I wasted time trying to watch this clunker. It's not good. It's really not.

I get how incredibly time-consuming, complicated, expensive, exhausting and exhilarating it must be to make and be part of the community that pulls any production together. Maybe by the time it's all over and the people involved get to watch what they've made, they can't help but love it.

I wasn't one of those people. I'm one of the people who watches films like this and wonders who on earth invested the time, money and talent and still ended up with something so dull and clichéd. It must be worth it at some point -- but it's surely frustrating for people like myself who wanted to invest a quiet weeknight in an enjoyable movie, and instead got suckered into a time-waster like this. It's not even that I'm particularly picky or jaded -- this is just a dull movie with slow-moving scenes, and the kind of plot you can predict the next scene or twist with nearly 100% accuracy.
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One huge flaw
ackdavis6 November 2018
The acting is great for this kind of movie. It's well done and watchable. It could have made an interesting short series or anthology show.

However the main problem here is that it's just not scary. Really like not at all.
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Has been done better
brunovanael18 August 2019
This story has been told many times, and a lot better to be frank. The new take on it by adding technology was not really a plus for me. Unfortunately everything about this movie was mediocre. I will probably have forgotten this next week. It also lacked a few real scares, wich is the reason to watch horror right? So I don't think you'll be missing out if you skip this one.
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Don't trust the 10/10 rating spam going on here.
tealmm23 May 2018
There's nothing sadder than seeing the film's creators and/or fans making obvious attempts to jack up the IMDB rating with 10/10 reviews. Talk about greedy, you couldn't give it a 7? This wasn't Silence of the Lambs for crying out loud.

As for the film itself, it's about as dull and generic as low-effort horror movies go. Not a scary film in the slightest. There are better horror flicks on Netflix; watch those instead.
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Awful awful awful.
sjsharp-054333 August 2018
This is a bad movie. Don't waste your time. Derivative, predictable, no suspense. Badly written, badly directed, badly acted. Unoriginal tosh. There is nothing to recommend this drivel. Any good reviews are fake.
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It does build tension
zeronordstorm8 November 2016
The Charnel House is indeed a different kind of horror movie. Especially when you compare it to most modern horror movies. It's a suspense/thriller that may seem to be a bit slow-paced but it actually just helps to build even a more thrilling outcome.

The cast works amazingly. The chemistry they share is great, sometimes you'd almost forget they're actors. The way the cast works as a clockwork might be what makes this movie even more dramatic, as you feel they are humans. It's really one of the best things about the movie.

I think it is a great movie, nicely made and put together so great it is scary. I recommend it if you're in for a experience that will get shivers running down your spine. It is a great experience.
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Weak, Boring and Uninteresting. Bleh! Go for a walk instead.
nospam-25-3749775 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers

I was very, very impressed with the "persons associated with the film" (shills) reviews. They are getting better at reducing the amount of their annoying brown-nosed "gushing". Don't get me wrong, they still do a yeoman's amount of sucking-up while writing many lines of "text" on their knees.

But, when all said and done, for the most part, I didn't vomit while reading their absolutely useless reviews. To avoid ruining the suspense, I won't tell you how many of the "early reviews" are shills (but there are a lot of them, more than 4 but less than 7 at the time of this submission). Of course, it is likely that some of them, after reading my review, will get new accounts and write indirect rebuttals. Keep an eye out for those. It happens about half the time.

That all being said, my opinion of the movie puts it somewhere between a homemade and a B-movie film. This movie is not horrible and it's production values were good. The acting, while not brilliant, for the most part was adequate. The the actors had to struggle with the limitations of the script. Photography was good.

The plot of this movie was sound if not a gnat's footprint away from being a cliché'. Sadly, this movie had some decent sets and plot points but failed to maintain the momentum they initially created. There were several locations along the way where the screen writers could have improved the script but didn't.

This movie was NOT exciting, not suspenseful, not interesting and not a real horror movie. It appears as if the director had placed cast in the movie who were well thought of in order to direct attention away from the weak screenplay (or weak directing). The ending was clichéd and stupid, most people will be annoyed by it. I didn't find any of the characters particularly strong, compelling or interesting.

Overall, I consider this movie a waste of time. Unless you are playing it as a source of background noise to drown out your neighbor's barking dog, I wouldn't suggest watching it. I certainly would not pay real money to watch it. Rather than buy the DVD, I would recommend using the money for something else or donate it to charity. Save yourself and ignore this one. Several more shill reviews have appeared (marching morons)!

Thanks for reading my review. Other View
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The Charnel House -- spooky and unique
redraven-5742110 November 2016
This is a compelling, spooky and -- unusual for the genre -- smart film. Callum Blue as the protagonist and Mackenzie Moss as his daughter put out exceptionally strong performances. The story is based somewhat on the traditional ghost-thriller structure but with several unusual twists. The central idea of a former slaughterhouse transformed into pricey lofts gives the movie the perfect set-up for a high octane haunted house setting. That the "haunting" is done by a ghost quite unlike the usual specter-phantom-poltergeist gives the movie a flavor unlike most other ghost stories. There is violence (and some blood to go along with it) but it's not excessive and is obviously not the central theme of the story. The Charnel House is definitely worth a watch!
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Not bad, Good enough
saskpareki12 September 2017
The "Horror" term ruined the movie. I also checked in to see a "horror" movie and that wasn't horror.

But it is actually a very good movie, i liked everything in it, maybe 1.30 was a bit too long. The plot was interesting, the acting is OK, i enjoyed the movie, Suspense is a good word to describe it.. Its worth seeing
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generally below average but not horrendous
gluonpaul4 May 2019
The premise is pretty generic and the film clearly has very little budget. The special effects are pretty lame and overall its not got anything very interesting to bring to the screen. In addition most of the acting isnt very good, with the notable exception of the little girl who was actually okay.

Having said all of that, I have seen an awful lot worse and it didnt completely bore me which plenty of other movies have done. So below average but not the worst movie ever.
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jasoncuff4 April 2020
A complete waste of time. Why would anyone spend this amount of time, effort and money on producing something so devoid of any artistic merit? Avoid.
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This is horrendous.
jadebuoey_11 October 2018
This had a 3 out of 5 on a streaming site to which I thought that it must be alright....

Oh how I was wrong.

Avoid it at all costs.

Worst hour and a half of my film viewing life.
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rosagee-8592810 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
30 minutes into it and I had to stop watching it. What made made me first consider it was when the old man went into the basement, like really? But before that, I already knew something was gonna come up, scary or not, when the little girl asked to walk the dog of some guy that she doesn't even know. Yeah, her parents own the place and the guy was the tenant of her parents but still. That was questionable for me, and personally, I do not know why anyone would just let a child walk out of sight with a dog no matter how big or small without supervision.

But back to the old man, they couldn't have made it anymore predictable when he went into the basement? Yeah the T.V screen said "I want you to die" when he screamed "what do you want from me" trying to exit the building, the lights going off above him one by one as he was walking as fast as he can, but com'on. At least have him go back to his room, let him settle himself, take his meds and than BOOM! he gets slaughtered like one of the animals. And another thing, they really had to make the flashlight from his phone flicker AND have it "go back to normal" when he taps it like a regular flashlight? HAHAHAHA!!!!!! That is BEYOND foolish.

Thank goodness I stopped watching it before I wasted my time even, but writing this review wasn't a waste at because I want other horror fans to read this so they don't waste their time watching a movie thats a slap across the face to horror fans like I did.
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Unoriginal The Shining rip off.
halcyonbear12 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I put this on as some background noise for when I was doing other things. To be fair to the film, it did the job. We've all seen it before. Family moves into building with a dark past✅ Child gets "imaginary" friend✅ One parent becomes possessed and therefore a threat✅ Wise character of colour knows exactly what is going on and is ultimately injured trying to protect the child ✅ It's pedestrian, horror-by-numbers stuff. It's all been done so much better too, which isn't to say it's an awful film, just unoriginal. The effects aren't awful and the acting standard is sufficient to tell the story. It will kill 90 minutes of your time if nothing else.
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real poor
Kirpianuscus3 November 2019
The subject is familiar for many viewers. In same measure, it is a generous subject for so many versions . This film has a lot of chances to be real good. But each of them is wasted . Scene by scene. Less coherence, bad solutions, many holes of logic and common sense and not the most inspired performances. So, just poor.
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Just Awful
debs-349772 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This really is painful to watch...I've just wasted 15 minutes of my life watching a bit of this.
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Not great, not terrible
nicolemay-8676527 October 2019
Now this definitely isn't the best horror I've ever watched but I don't think it deserves less than 5 stars. The acting isn't horrible, and although the plot is slightly predictable it makes sense and is carried out quite well. It's not super frightening but there are a few scary parts. For a Sunday afternoon watch it was what I expected.
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Ratings higher than 5 for this movie are probably fake.
dnljordaan3 August 2018
Just when I thought that I've seen the worse movie in my life so far; this came along. Don't waste your time - it is truly awful.
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One to remember
VLR8811 November 2016
The Charnel house is an interesting film. It takes a rather familiar genre and backstory, but blends it with a much darker, sinister, and more disturbing twist.

A long abandoned slaughter house is turned into a modern, inviting apartment building. But something is already there, something that has been there for many years, just waiting for a chance to be unleashed.

What can I say? This is a classic and enjoyable horror movie that blends the best of multiple horror genre's into one spooky and unnerving film that will leave the viewer shaken.

Don't miss it!
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parkmanjohn5 November 2018
I love all styles of the horror genre, but this was awful. No substance at all.
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What are the rules?
kayhansen12 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's competent acting and filming which is why you continue watching.

Ultimately, though, you realize the premise makes no sense. A doppelgänger suspended in time, that never grows up? But what, then, with its phantasmal, ghostly nature? What exactly is it? Weird, scary double or ghost?

What. Are. The. Rules? You ask and never get an answer.

Also, you roll your eyes when you realize the stupid high tech voice activated lifestyle system is nothing but a delivery device for the doppelgänger/ghost ... but you're never sure why.

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