Pass Thru (2016) Poster


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Not as good as Lawrence of Arabia!
mauritsschelvis30 March 2024
We as human beings should take notes while watching this epic and beautiful homage to the desert.

The film teaches us about the fluidity of time and the possibility of time travel. This also explains his earlier films and unchronological order and stories that coexist. Actually it makes us realize that we as humanity sometimes live on our own island and close our eyes to atrocities, dishonesty and corruption. Apart from these great lessons we learn how we as humans can survive in a world with Siberian tigers.

The film has several surreal elements that refer to previous art such as jungle book and Salvador Dali's clocks.

Neil breen, the gift that keeps on giving.
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This movie caused me to have a mental breakdown
jrye-5616529 December 2016
That summary was not an exaggeration. I've only ever had one other mental breakdown in my life, and it was nothing as severe as this one. I'm not gonna go over how or why it was so terrible, because I can't even remember anymore, even though I only finished watching it an hour ago.

I decided to watch this movie with online friends on a website where you can stream videos and watch them together. They said we were gonna watch a "so bad it's funny" movie. Yeah, I laughed at it at first, but then something started going wrong. Some time between the time Neil Breen started spinning around surrounded by rocks forming circles for the first time, and the time the movie showed the first scene with news reporters (Oh my, I can't even remember which came first.). That's when I was starting to feel a bit off. It got gradually worse and worse. I kept watching it and I had to watch it to the very end. The last 10 minutes of the movie felt like hours. The last minute felt like a whole day. I just wanted to get it over with. I couldn't take it much longer. My eyes glued to the screen.

The credits started rolling. My friends, through their microphones, I could hear them laughing about how bad it was. My computer has no microphone, so they couldn't hear me. But then I cracked while the credits were rolling. I started having a mental breakdown. I went into full hysteria. I was howling, screaming, hyperventilating, shivering, I could hear and feel my heart beating despite how noisy my howling was. I felt so physically sick from this movie. I was in so much mental pain thanks to this film. Confused and broken. I am still feeling the aftermath of the mental breakdown this movie sent me through, even more than an hour later. I'm mentally struggling to breathe right now and something feels really strange and painful in my chest. My body temperature feels abnormally high even after taking a cold shower to try to cool down. Now I feel miserable and weak like I never did before. I never felt that way in a very long time.

Something inside me broke. It broke. I am broken. This isn't an exaggeration. I'm not making this up. This actually happened, I swear on my life. Now, after reading the guidelines for IMDb reviews, I have discovered that I must remove profanity and obscenities from my post. I'll try to do that, it might take a while, and might be difficult. I still want to portray how awful this film made me feel, even if I have to remove the curse words I originally wrote. I'm sorry. I can't think straight right now. This movie doesn't even deserve 1 star out of 10. I wish I could give 0 stars out of 10 but I don't think I can. This made Dora the Explorer look like a timeless masterpiece that I would watch every day of my life and be happy with it. So much pain.

Congratulations, Neil Breen, you have created the cruelest form of psychological torture.
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Neil Breen doing Neil Breen things
morten-8728011 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Yup, the title says it all...

  • Neil Breen randomly walking around
  • Neil Breen taking to people about nothing really..or anything relevant
  • Neil Breen swinging around in the desert in a big circle of rocks for some reason
  • Neil Breen sitting on rocks looking around
  • Neil Breen making random people disappear
  • Neil Breen yelling at people

That's right...a whole movie about Neil Breen just doing Neil Breen things

According to other people there is supposed to be some kind of plot about Neil Breen being some sort of alien who makes bad people disappear ...or he is an artificial intelligence from the future...or something. But really the whole movie is just about Neil Breen doing random things! ...then theres a tiger that randomly appears as well for unknown reasons
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Possibly the worst Neil Breen movie out there.
Java_Joe22 March 2019
Neil Breen movies exist in a category all by themselves. They are amazingly bad in every way you can imagine. The acting is bad. The special effects are bad. The camera work is bad. But at the same time they are some of the most entertainingly bad movies out there. And unlike other creator / writer / director / producers out there Neil Breen has embraced this weirdness that infiltrates every movie he makes and continues to make them in the same way. Others might try too hard or attempt to write something bad on purpose. Not our man Neil Breen. He's committed to making these movies his way and we all love him for it.

There's really one rule when it comes to watching a Neil Breen movie and that is just go with it. No matter what happens, don't question the Breenius at work. Just accept it and move on. You will however notice a lot of similarities in his movies that seem to follow them through time and time again. Things like he plays a messianic figure. Magic rocks that play some kind of role in it. Hacking, government and corporate secrets. An environmental message of sorts. He's also got the sexual magnetism and charisma that just causes women of all ages to want to get down with the Breen. But don't let any of that stop you from watching it. Remember, just go with it.

In this movie he plays an AI from the future. His goal? To kill a lot of bad people and usher in a world of peace. That's literally the plot right there and I'll be honest, this is all I could really get from it. This is Neil at his most incoherent. There's a lot of shots of him walking through the desert and sitting on rocks. This is being done for reasons but I can't figure out why. Maybe he's being artsy? There's a bit about human trafficking. A couple shots of a tiger that is supposed to represent something I guess. Stuff just happens for no apparent reason and there's never a payoff.

Really this should be for Niel Breen purists only or those that want to see a truly baffling and bad movie.
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Just Say No.
admiraladama6 December 2018
A heroin addict imagines himself to be a supernatural being on Earth to cleanse the human race, after shooting up near the U.S.-Mexico border.
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Um ?
saint_brett30 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, so I'm only 2 minutes into watching Pass Thru and I can already hear Danny Glover from Predator 2 saying, "Hey, make sense man!" Have I glaucoma? There's some mysterious red poker dot on the screen. The foundation of the movie is being set by Barney Rubble vandalizing a cave with blot out liquid paper. We've also got a green screened tiger; computer whiz kids and Obi One Kenobi half dead in a dentist chair struggling on life support. I dunno if we're in Wyoming or Oregon as this tour group seems to be scouting Mount Shasta or the sand dunes of Tatooine, who knows? Wouldn't there be tiny scorpions or rattlesnakes out here? Alrighty - Breen's shooting up some substance even though he hasn't even cooked it yet. (One can't inject pure powder, Neil. Silly.) I'm watching Pass Thru as I write all this down and it makes about as much sense as a Chinese bible written in Latin so far. From what I can gather Breen overdoses & dies even though he's supposedly sent from the future? These 2 kids on the phones are in the same house. It's the same house! You ain't fooling no one, Mr. Movie Director fella. Elsewhere baddies are smuggling illegal immigrants into America. The illegal immigrants all have ready-made Yankee accents yet most of them are Mexican in appearance and are well versed in English might I add so I can deduce from this that they must have entered via Canada through the backdoor but this sure don't resemble Seattle if that's the case so what gives? There's that red Terminator laser beam again so it's not glaucoma. "Wherever the red dot goes, bang, you're dead." Breen's the walking dead going nowhere fast so it seems. He's sort of a disappearing act dropping in & out, I don't get it? The tiger & Breen face off in a Jedi mind trick battle which leads to nowhere? Apparently, Breen's been sent to cleanse the humans of their degradation & derailments? So, he's the spokesman for the future, is he? Out of all the things the future could have sent they send Neil Breen in human form? Kenobi continues to mourn his own pending death on the phone. This movie's in need of a compass A.S.A.P. Is that the monster from the end of the 1990 IT miniseries? The spidery cricket thing? Breen? You haven't built the suspense for the anarchy unfolding so early in the movie, guy! That comes later. It's called pacing. You're doing it all wrong. I'm only 22 minutes into this puzzle and it's scrambled eggs meets a Rubik's cube cross Sudoku combined with the Chinese bible thrown in of course. Seriously, are your movies designed just to be deciphered, Breen? It's like you just want to film a movie but don't bother writing it first. (Fools rush in, sir.) Why's everyone so angry & confused in this movie? They're all bickering like pigeons fighting over bread. Breen's got himself a new toy. Loves using this drone thingy. That annoying gadget was in the last Blair Witch movie and served no purpose. Wow - this woman at the 29:56-minute mark is poetic justice in action! She's left scratching her head wondering why she's even in this atrocity for. That's introspection for ya. Where's Kenobi gone? Holey Moley SHE JUST DIED! She witnessed Breen peeing on a cave then he disappeared into thin air and she rolled over and died. Did you know that there's more salt in Subway than a Big Mac? It's that grasshopper creature from IT lurking about again. Wait! Said lady's been resurrected by the gracious footsteps of Neil Breen approaching or the IT monster, I'm not sure? (I checked out back at the 22-minute mark.) Quote, "You're a weird dude." That's an understatement, lady. Now said lady is stoning Breen to death. Literally. That's twice he's died now. Or is it 3 times with the gun killing him earlier as well? Oh brother, now she's model coddling him back to good health after just slaughtering him. A Star Wars reference - WHAT? The editing is just balls. It's all over the shop. It's balls. Again, with the drone? Crop circles? Is this pet cemetery now? Breen's too advanced for mankind. He's ahead of his time. He's like from the year 8082, or something. Here he is using the force to levitate some baked bean tins just to impress some floozy, (Said woman.) The Neanderthal Barney Rubble blot out liquid paper palm painting is reminiscent of Total Recall. It's some kind of portal to conjure up the senseless tiger. For what reason who knows? (Only Breen and the tiger know.) Why don't you just become an astronaut if you're such a Martian, Breen or better yet can I make a suggestion? Can you write a book and explain yourself in great detail to set the record straight for the general public? We need either reason or understanding of what you're all about. I'll give this garbage 1 star out of 10 for the Lady in Red - she's hot. Sorry but my brain's set on snooze mode for now so let's conclude this dribble. Throughout the movie there's this constant windy noise like The Langoliers are approaching however they fail to materialize and in their place an Aurora Borealis does. "Let the light be in your eyes." What, the dead lights? Breen turns into a Mortal Kombat 2 God. There's the detection of Jones Town or Heaven's Gate with the valley of death in all its marvelous glory where dedicated devotees of Breen drink the funky out-of-date liquid and die for Breen's sins, or something. The end. Roll credits. Neil Breen director; producer, editor, star, caterer, puppet master, scientist, Don, boom mike, physiotherapist, mastermind, hair stylist, dentist, assistant director, distributor and any initials with LLB or NB you know who! He's all that and then some. I've seen all Breen's movies now and do you think I'll be damned for watching them in this order - Fateful Findings, Double Down, I Am Here....Now, Twisted Pair then Pass Thru. Did I watch his movies in the wrong order?
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A new kind of masterpiece
K2nsl3r25 April 2017
A warning from the future... or a primitive calling from our ancestral past?

Breen's fourth film is a portal. It reveals the ethical follies of the human race, and exposes them for all to see. Our lost connection to Mother Earth, to tigers, to immigrants... it's all there. The movie provides deep feelings, Spielberg-esque childlike wonder, biting political commentary, nail-biting action and harrowing drama.

It's almost a perfect 90 minutes a length. It could even fit on a CD and could be listened to as an audiobook. Burn it to a CD and work out to the tune of Breen's soothing voice as you ponder its message.

Absorb it with care, and with any luck, Breen's vision might "pass thru" your system, like yesterday's lasagna - having given you enough sustenance to survive another day in the sad world. It's not so bad it's good. It's so good that it's bad.
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Not great but not good ethier
dilly-1423030 August 2020
I have fell asleep to this movie 3 times now. It is one of the hardest movies to watch.
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A fine quaility movie for the intillectual elite.
mandaloreviii7 September 2017
This was by far one of the most entertaining movies I have seen in a while. It is best viewed as a comedy, and although I cannot speak for the director, editor, and main star, (All Neil Breen) I believe this was the ultimate goal of the film. I look forwards to further Breen productions in the future.
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One of the funniest movies I have ever seen.
kerwickjosh14 June 2017
Whether Breen knows of his incompetence as a director and filmmaker is purely unknown, but what I do know is that Pass Thru, like Fateful Findings, is perhaps one of the funniest movies I have ever seen. It's so genuinely, awfully terrible but yet it reeks of passion and charm and, whether he likes it or not, Breen accidentally creates some of the funniest scenes I've ever seen in a movie. Sublime. 7/10 purely for entertainment value with a bit of influence from actual quality. So funny.
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Not even a movie so bad it's good..
griffinsober16 May 2020
I watched this "Movie" with some friends. I'd seen trailers for other Neil Breen films and assumed they were all "so bad it's good" type films. I was wrong, this is the most boring movie ever made. It's like an hour of Neil Breen walking through a desert saying terrible pseudo-deep quotes. I played this movie at 2X speed and even then it was incredibly boring.
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We Need to Talk About Neil
carbo9059 October 2018
...because this movie is the manifesto of someone about to snap. Anyone familiar with Breen's Work will know what to expect; i.e. bad green screen, weird nonsensical imagery, 1-dimensional characters so flat they could fit through a mail slot, and a holier-than-thou agenda of "morality" driven by Mr. Breen's own misguided self-righteousness.

His past movies have done more than touch on this, but it's always been so ridiculously executed that you don't think too hard about what his true intentions are. Guy pushes over some wheelchair-bound geezer, Magical Captain Neil makes his eyes bleed. Thugs in some middle-of-nowhere location shoot at each other over who gets to rape a prostitute first, Big Breen crucifies them. Yeah, Double Down had the bit about him threatening to poison ALL the water with anthrax, but... he didn't actually do it.

In Pass Thru, it's clear from minute one that Almighty Breen Machine is done with threats. He's taken matters into his own hands, and just starts dropping people left and right, killing over 300 MILLION PEOPLE he deemed unworthy. All corporations, all banks, all lawyers, just gone in the blink of an eye. I'm beginning to think Neil actually believes that his character is a good guy in this movie, that he's actually the righteous one, and that's just... chilling, to say the very least.
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Neil breen buys a drone
odddit5 November 2018

one of the greatest forays into non linear nonsensical psychic threats in modern history

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So bad its good
danielj-7276016 March 2017
This film is so thrash yet so rewarding.

if you thought The room was bad boy you are gonna have a great time with this one.

I would recommend watching this with friends after y'all done with exams and realize you are broke as hell and can't afford to do anything else
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A cinematic masterpiece- makes citizen Kane look like birdemic
hansensun20 June 2019
This is the possibly the best film of the decade. Neil breen has once again proven himself to be the FINEST FILMMAKER of his generation making Steven Spielberg, Stanley Kubrick and Martin Scorsese look like first year amateurs compared to the holy god like BREENESS himself . Pass thru not winning all the categories at the oscars shows how corrupt, arrogant and decadent hollywood elitist has been in past few years ignoring real art while giving the academy awards to amateur talentless hack movies like the favourite and moonlight much like how Neil breen depicts elites in his EPIC MASTERPEICE of a filv. The terrifying special effects and poignant and electrifying stock music soundtrack by Hans Zimmer along with Oscar worthy performance of breen being robo messiah super hero god for the fourth time that saves humanity from evil self serving elitist trump supporters makes me disconnected from reality and question humanity and my very own existence that will make dan brown blush
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Ahead of our time
LANGUISHMAN20 November 2019
This film is a masterpiece. No questions needed.

The cinematography? Perfection.

The action? Real and virtually impossible to distinguish from what's real and what's not.

The story? It's the best! It's the best! No questions ask. Can't you tell that Neil Breen is about revamp the human civilization (look at the poster, it shows!)? He is about to kill the 300,000,000 'bad guys' in order to preserve humanity and to that end, he has accomplished the biggest cinematic achievement of all times.

The music? It's meticulous, gratifying, life-changing.

It's a masterpiece!
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Eyes on breen
rafael-daholosbach8 January 2021
In this "movie" breen plays god (again) in this twisted,dark,dirty and edge masterpiece
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Only you Hollywood Review Bombers know the Threat that This Brilliance reps to the industry!
therskybznuiss12 June 2021
So stop shilling for crooked corporations such as Fox, Disney and Netflix and show your love for the sheer brilliance, the magnitude of amazinginess Neil Breen repersents!
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Neil-breen-fan1 February 2021
Great, amazing, masterpiece!!!!! I love this movie, and great twists, story, and timeline!!! Recommend 10/10!!
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I give this film 10 stars
xtankter3 December 2018
This is the only Neil Breen movie I have not been forced to watch, therefore it is a masterpiece. On top of this, jrye-56165's review presents exactly why this movie is an absolute master piece.

Thanks Neil Breen and I want my 50 dollars in shipping back please and some good ol' breen beans
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What is 'good' and 'bad' filmmaking?
mattflohr25 September 2023
With a sixth feature film now in release, Neil Breen's career as an independent filmmaker is the stuff of legend. The American Dream come true. Ignoring all modern ideals of 'quality' and cinematic value, he's forged a 20-year legacy of making exactly what he wants to make the way he wants to make it. His growth as a filmmaker can't be charted. All of his films are basically the same story, the same ideas and the same characters. And nothing makes a lick of sense. They're objectively some of the worst films ever made. But it doesn't matter. The subjective experience is unforgettable.

In Pass Thru, he portrays yet another cyber-space-Messiah who wants to cleanse the world from evil and immorality. Striking a blow for truth and decency and mass-murdering millions who he believes are evil. The morality of this is never questioned. This happens and there's still 30 minutes left in the film. Some people might call such pacing 'boring' but nothing can be boring if you have love in your heart. No lie, this film has some of the best supporting performances I've seen in his films, but the female actresses in particular are excellent. And it hints at a romantic interest only briefly which is a nice change from some of the cheesy love scenes in his previous works. It also relies slightly less on green-screens particularly in the wonderful mine sequences. Maybe he has grown while still staying the same. I love Neil Breen and this film. He's so bizarre, funny and brave that he transcends all possibility of legitimate criticism. A must-see.
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BandSAboutMovies23 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"Artificial Intelligence from far into the future arrives to immediately CLEANSE the human species of millions of humans who are harmful to other humans. A VISIONARY, REVOLUTIONARY FILM which pushes the human species to the limits of controversial, thought-provoking actions."

As the film begins, Breen's character lies dying in the Las Vegas desert, the victim of a group of drug smugglers and human traffickers. In his last moments, he is overtaken by a future messiah of artificial intelligence that plans on walking our world and then killing at least 300,000,000 evil people along with the help of a tiger named Vlad.

This same AI - Thigl - will also fulfill the storylines which are demanded of every Neil Breen film: he will come to the rescue of a young woman - Amanda (Kathy Corpus) and her niece Kim (Chaize Macklin), who are on the run from those human traffickers - as well as befriend a young person - two child astronomers (Abraham Rodriguez and Taylor Sydney) - and also come to grips with the forgotten people of our nation - the dying professor who is teaching those precocious astronomers (James D. Smith) and a veteran with PTSD (Jason James).

He also finds the time to attend the cocktail parties of the rich, famous and ultracorrupt so that he can learn exactly who must die and also walks the desert to explain to us that the laws of nature mean more than the laws of man. He ends all of this by wiping out the news anchors that we have listened to throughout the movie as well as blowing up the mansion that said party was in, because why wouldn't you nuke big pharma if you had space god AI powers?

That's the point, I think I've arrived at, after five Neil Breen movies in a day. We must all become the beings that we have the potential to be and if his movies are the sand in the shell that creates the oyster, that is his role. I've loudly bemoaned the fact that with cameras in everyone's phone, no one has seized the democratic nature that now exists within film, taking advantage of the opportunity that regional and shot on video filmmakers struggled so hard to attain. Yet Neil Breen does with every movie and while so many laugh or throw away insults that may them feel superior like so bad it's good - and what does that even mean? - he's one of the lone voices out there in the desert - the philosophical and artistic one, not the body-riddled one outside of Las Vegas - that is saying something no matter how many people decide to watch and how much even fewer deign to listen.

Neil Breen gives me hope.
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