Night Zero (2018) Poster


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wolverine3422 September 2018
Wasn't all bad, but there was enough to give this a low rating. The quality was quite good as low budget films go. The acting was ok at times, though it did seem to be improvised a lot.

I was frustrated as it had potential to be better. The topic of the film was to do with human anger, I think, but the constant shouting and angry confrontations between the couples got a bit annoying.

It didn't matter who they were shouting at, it just seemed everyone was angry. Sometimes for no real reason! Which I guess is human anger, but it was just too much.

The sound was quite bad. The dialogue seemed to dip now and again (maybe distortion caused by all that shouting!). The background noise didn't make sense, with police sirens going past and crowds shouting.

The worst part for me was this constant beeping in the house. It really ended up putting me off what the actors were saying.

With the sound issues and all the shouting, I really wanted to reach for the remote. I did watch to the end, which did allow me to see what the film was trying to say, but what an anticlimax. Or maybe that is the wrong word to use, as the last 5 mins was the most exciting part of this film.

If the rest of the film was left out I probably would have enjoyed it more.
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Wish it was as cool as the cover
chelseacred8 September 2019
Never judge a film by the cover... I bought the film from walmart and proceeded to watch it in hopes of an awesome Alien, zombie, military showdown. In short the zombies were a reflection of my 2 year old having a melt down. No aliens. And the actors... I hope they recover from this awful movie. All the characters were bland and lacked depth. Little to say dont watch this movie if you live in an earthquake pron zone because the camera shaking had me almost running under the stairs. At least the creativity was in the concept and stories line.
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2 Different Movies...
taankh-116 February 2020
I don't know if anyone else had the same perception, but I felt like there were 2 different movies going on here.

Now let me say first, that I am THE zombie fanatic. Like some of you, I have sat through movies filmed on someone's cell phone just on the off chance that they came up with something clever. I'm that much of a fan.

But I didn't want to see zombies in this flick.

The first movie was about the couples...the breaking up couple, the couple who was pregnant and about to move, and the Indian couple. I enjoyed that movie. The acting was good to me and I believed their conflicts and stories. I believed the dynamic between the people.

The second movie was the zombie flick. Everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING that had to do with the zombies was horrible to me. The same people whose acting I liked when they were dealing with their relationships, suddenly made no sense to me once the zombies arrived. Everybody was hysterical, and not in a good and believable way. It just fell apart for me.

I kept thinking, they had the makings of a good little adult movie here, but somebody insisted ton adding a Hollywood touch, hence the zombies, and the poor people didn't know what to do with it.
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An awful, awful, movie
Hajimoto06257 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I love alien movies...I love zombie movies...put them together and it should be a home run for me! Unfortunately, it was not to be. This movie is horrible.

For starters, all the cool stuff is implied. Almost all of the movie takes place in one house. Couple that with really poor acting by 6 of the most annoying characters I have seen in a movie - for the first 32 minutes, they sit around a table being annoying, then after that they mostly run around and scream at each other - and you have a really bad story and a really bad film.

Technically the cinematography is bad - the shaking camera work nearly gave me a seizure. And what was with that continuous beeping in the background? Change the battery in the smoke alarm already!

Lastly, the script was clumsy and forced. I actually felt a little embarrassed for the actors.

If you're considering watching this, don't! Do yourself a favor and watch ANYTHING else...this is the worst movie I have seen in quite a while, and I am usually more accepting of independent films than most.
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100 % stinker
Till31615 September 2018
Horrible sound quality, bad acting, rubbish plot, waste of 80 minutes
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Guess what's coming to dinner?
nogodnomasters5 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
CJ (Eric Swader) and Nina (Katie Maloney) are at a dinner party with other couples as two of them are off to Boston. CJ is accused of having an affair with a co-worker which he vehemently denies. This puts a damper on the party and the audience must endure 24 minutes of boring conversation. The film takes place outside of Pittsburgh, known for mall zombies, but could take place anywhere as most of the filming is done inside one house, so the neat scenes on the DVD cover are not part of the low budget film. Something is going on as it appears there is some kind of attack on major east coast cities and Boston.

Very boring. Over hyped.

Guide:F-word. No sex or nudity.
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Stopped watching at 45 mins
darwinvalken27 November 2018
Man, i know i have bad ears but man i had to put the sound to te max te hear them speak, even my GF didnt properly undertand them, every time you think.. And now its gonna happen, but its not gonna happen sorry never signd a bad review but this is frustration. the cover is 10 times better than the movie itself
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Awful quality
contactcrashballrugby21 December 2018
This film had such huge potential, but the sound quality is ridiculously poor. The film starts off promising and begins to spiral.

Full star reviews seem to be people involved with the film trying to bump the numbers.
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A movie that reminds you to check the battery in your smoke detector and get your hearing tested
A movie whose synopsis on the back cover that mentions alien invasion and zombie apocalypse all in one evening, just felt like the horror movie jackpot to me....Score! But sadly no .....not at all. This was really just all that happening outside of the house , away from the camera , except for the low drone of people murmuring outside. The movie is really just about three young couples arguing during farewell dinner for one couple moving to Boston. The arguing however is quite realistic and will have you reconsidering ever getting into relationship ever. The sound quality is awful as it will have you turn up the volume to hear anyone speak only to blow out your speakers and/or eardrums when someone screams. You simply watch the movie waiting for something to happen or show what the dvd case promised only for it to be a complete let down.
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Irritating Nonsense
soheyl-989-53857211 January 2019
The most annoying characters I've ever seen EVER! The worst movie I've stupidly pretentious...give it a skip
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Tight and involving sci-fi/horror item
Woodyanders13 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Three young couples all find themselves trapped in a house and must figure out a way to survive after a chemical explosion unleashes a toxin that causes those that are exposed to it to turn into lethal murderous crazies.

Writer/director Mark Cantu relates the familiar, but still gripping story at a constant pace, takes time to develop the believably flawed warts'n'all human characters, and builds a good deal of tension along with a strong sense of dread. The small intimate scale gives this film an extra jolting impact while the take-no-prisoners harsh tone further enhances the nerve-jangling suspense, with each and every character placed in an equal amount of jeopardy. In addition, there are acceptable performances from the game no-name cast: Katie Maloney as the snippy Nina, Eric Swader as the bitter CJ, Dawnelle Jewell as the perky Sophie, Umar Faraz as the easygoing Danny, Vincent Bombara as the upwardly mobile Eric, Monisha B. Schwartz as the jittery Monica, and Mike Dargatis as wounded cop Officer Riley. The shuddery pounding'n'pulsating score does the heart-racing trick. The compact 81 minute running time ensures that this film never overstays its welcome. Worth a watch for fans of low-budget indie fright fare.
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An interesting look at the Pittsburgh film scene
jimchartley3 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Night Zero is impressive, to start. I went in assuming that it was produced at a much lower budget than anything you'd find in theaters, and if that is true (I don't actually know), it doesn't show at all until pretty late into the film. It looks and moves in line with any horror film I've seen, and while I'm admittedly not a fan of the genre or of zombies specifically (I imagine there are a lot of viewers who are going to click with this film more than me), there's a lot to like here.

The smartest choice in my mind was that this isn't an important event in the world of the film. It's crucial to these characters, and not just because of all the bloodshed. But no one saves the day here, none of our leads unleashed these horrors, it's all incidental. I think anything more would have been overwrought, and by making the events of the story irrelevant to the crisis the government and society are facing, the filmmakers allow the much more personal crisis of CJ and Nina's marriage to surface to the fore.

The performances are all consistent-- each actor has maybe one line at most that didn't land for me, but otherwise are all very believable. CJ (Eric Swader) in particular comes off as very natural (I'd be interested to see the script of his initial scene in the car with Nina, because it didn't feel wholly scripted or entirely adlibbed).

There is one exception-- the husband in the couple that's hosting the dinner party. Pretty much nothing about this character clicked for me, but I also think that 1. it was an issue with the script, not the actor and 2. the writer was attempting something that needed to be attempted, so it doesn't feel right to blame them either. The atmosphere would have been oppressive without any levity, so there needed to be someone who could function as comic relief, but all of his lines felt so at odds with the tone of the piece, that it felt like he belonged in a different movie. I don't know exactly how to solve this, and I don't envy either the writer or actor-- it's a tough balancing act.

We eventually do see the zombies, and this is where the film's budget finally catches up with it. It might've been better if we never got a clear shot, because the zombie makeup and movements were unconvincing and really took me out of the film. Though as I said before, I already have a sort of anti-zombie bias, so I'm not sure there'd be any winning with me here even if the effect were perfect. Fans of the genre might have a higher tolerance than me here.

I was pleasantly surprised with how the film ended-- I expected CJ and Nina to escape to safety with a renewed intimacy and a willingness to try again. What we got instead was quite a bit more original, with CJ being zombie-d and Nina having to kill him herself, a sort of physical manifestation of her need to (and strength in) ending the relationship. The dialogue here felt a bit needlessly crude (as if trying to impress with its edginess), but I thought Swader found a way to deliver it believably. I don't know if it was intentional, but I found some interesting ambiguity in whether CJ had actually cheated, or if Zombie-CJ had fabricated it while searching for the words that would wound Nina most.

One last nitpick would be the sound mixing-- the dialogue was much too quiet, but I also found that any shouts or screams were much too loud-- I was fiddling with the volume throughout. I'm experiencing a similar issue with Luke Cage on Netflix though, so I'm finding this is an industry-wide issue.

I do think horror fans will find something interesting here. But it might also appeal to anyone working their way up in the entertainment industry, or who has an appreciation for those early works in an artist's career. Be they actors, writers, directors, makeup artists, editors, or what have you, artists are always learning and growing. I think Night Zero will be an informative time capsule of a moment in these artists' lives before they moved on to bigger things.
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Very poor sound quality
coflorida24 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I found myself constantly turning up and down on my television Which was extremely annoying
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More convincing work done by middle schoolers
jsbell7 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sorry, but from my perspective, the beeping through the whole movie is the only mystery really worth solving (spoiler alert: apparently a malfunctioning smoke alarm?). We actually thought it was intentional at the beginning, something to build the tension. Though tension gave way to laughter at the shakey-camera-as-a-substitute-for-action during a very, very weak moment of zombie fighting. Eventually, the acting started to wear us out with the non-stop melodramatic navel-gazing dialogue-as-a-substitute-for-action, and I began to suspect the beeping was, like everything else in this film, just an accident, which nobody cared to fix, because heck, they were all going to die anyway, right? But of course, if nihilism is the message, then yeah, do anything you like, cuz it really doesn't matter, especially to me.
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I hope the sound guy never works again
DrLeatherface21 February 2021
Going from ear popping shouting to barely audible conversations leaving you constantly fiddling with the volume.

About the only thing consistent is the damn smoke alarm low battery warning. Someone needs to change that thing
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Beyond Bad, but not quite bad enough to be good.
borncrazy-1191230 December 2019
Dear me, Where to start? I won't bother. There was the smoke alarm battery beeping for what seemed the entire monstrosity. Main gripe about it was it kept me awake. Why are there never vegetarian zombies? Munching their way through your cabbage patch.
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Why Me!!!???
bgsmoove20 December 2018
It would be great if I can stop being caught watching these horrible type of movies but I can't win.. This movie never goes anywhere with their no zombies scenes but maybe 2, and no aliens whatsoever.. You'll be better off watching paint dry..
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The value of good friends and family
berg-7453220 February 2019
My title is not about the characters in the movie it's about the high star count of some of the reviews. It's the same as horrible pictures you made as toddlers that look like nothing but the family art. No one not emotionally involved with this could possibly see anything other than amateur carp that it is. First of you do you watch this do yourself a huge favor skip to about the 25 minute mark you'll watching time by a third and all you miss is really really bad soap opera nonsense. But this does lead to the one good part and only good part and why i watched till the end. I could not wait to see every character die I'm not saying everyone does die but when people die it's wonderful to watch this group of over dramatic people get what s coming to them for putting this piece of garbage out into the world. My guess is that this is the affect giving everyone a trophy for everything and not keeping score in youth sportssports. Life has consequences good and bad and if one person in the group learned that as kids this abomination have happened.
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Not worth watching as human drama or alien/zombie movie
moorek19 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Except for the first three reviews, clearly by people associated with the movie or their mothers, the rest of the reviews are spot on.

It is not a movie to really waste your time on. Certainly don't spend money for it. I watched it on Prime.

It is really not an alien invasion or a zombie movie. Those elements are fragments. This could have been one of those movies that we rarely see - the start of a zombie apocalypse instead of a movie being right in the middle of one. The way the first episodes of TWD were great compared to what came after. Sadly this was not the intention of the writers.

The movie is really about the interactions of three couples - none of whom seem to like the person they are with. The writers were likely trying to show the anger that exists in normal folks and in existing relationships and trying to make a point with a anger plaque. Like what was happening with the political environment. But it failed. None of the characters were enjoyable and you didn't care for any of them. The only person you care about is a poor cop who is wounded.

The acting is really quite bad most of the time. The cop isn't too bad. The three male leads are poor most of the time esp the guy whose house they are visiting. The three female leads are also poor, two in particular. The one who gets some credit is the first and last one we see. She has some anger management issues in the movie and she does seem to bring that out well. Too well at times. The opening argument in the car for example is exactly like a real argument would unfold. Normally that would be good but it sets the tone for the rest of the movie - angry yelling over things that don't make sense.

The plot is basically non-existent. Aliens release some gas that removes all inhibitions and make people angry. And of course when you are angry without controls - you eat other humans. Duh! At least in 28 Days Later the rage virus just made you kill people. But we see so little of that as the 3 couples just keep arguing and no one wants to do anything. Even when they are watching the news... the guy who owns the house turns it off and starts yelling some nonsense. WTF? You're watching the news about what is happening around the country. That is where you are going to get some advice on what to do next. You don't just turn it off. They do practically nothing to barricade themselves in and barely arm themselves. I might have missed it but the cop had a rifle but I don't think that is ever used.

I'm giving this movie much more thought than it deserved. And more than the writers gave to it. I think it was a therapy session for the screen writer and am glad I am not hir partner.
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Worth watching if your bored
jeffwilson-0662721 December 2020
The actors are not the best, But the one girl in Glasses, Sophie is cute. She is the only reason I watched it till the end.
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A Glorious Example of a Sci-Fi Character-Driven Storyline Film
theodoremazer28 June 2018
I was really impressed with the quality of the character development and building tension between the male and female leads as the movie progressed. You can clearly see there is so many emotions and feelings trapped in the couples' heads, and are kept on the edge of your seat waiting for that "emotional volcano to erupt." At the end of this movie, you will almost certainly feel that the characters could have a prequel that focused almost strictly on their relationship and character development. There's a great balance of allowing just enough information to be available about them throughout the movie, but also a sizable amount of info that's purposely left out and left open to viewer interpretation. Its a movie I could see myself re-watching to think more deeply about the whole dynamic of the relationship and how it affects the characters actions during the climax. Overall, it was a low budget film done in a clever way to make you forget about that fact. I would highly recommend this movie to anyone that can relate to a struggling relationship, or just loves apocalyptic Sci-Fi movies.
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Really bad
continuumx15 February 2023
Is it an alien invasion movie? A zombie movie? Both? It opens with some military guys investigating a meteorite or a crashed space ship or something. They are attacked an alien I guess. It's hard to tell what is supposed to be going on. Then the movie cuts to a couple in a car arguing. We spend the next approximately forever with a group of unlikable people and their boring relationship drama. Then there are zombies or something. A scientist guy in a white lab coat just appears to deliver exposition about what is going on. A couple of characters hear a noise and this guy just pops out and attacks them for no apparent reason. We spend most of the movie in this house with these insufferable people and I didn't care about any of it. The acting is fine for a low budget movie but there is just nothing to work with in these characters. The sound mixing is unbelievable in the sense that I can't believe that they released it with the sound like this. One moment, you can barely hear the dialogue. The next, it sounds like the actor is screaming directly into your ear. If your TV or headphones have automatic volume leveling, turn it on before watching this movie. There are also a bunch of weird electronic noises sprinkled throughout the movie. It has a cool poster which has nothing to do with the movie and a somewhat interesting idea but the movie itself is just a waste of time.
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An auditory assault
prince-2176719 August 2021
The sound in this movie is the worst of the worst. There is a fire alarm battery beeping thru the whole movie. Sometimes it sounds like they've actually mic'd the fire alarm. Incompetence at this level is actually impressive.
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Not a great representation of a good Indie/Low Budget Film
Leonatio2 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Alright, so I normally don't review movies I don't like since I don't like being an armchair critic if I don't think I could do it better.

This movie is one of those rare exceptions where I'm pretty sure I actually COULD do it better had I been given the same budget (was there even much of one? Sure didn't seem like it) and some major rewrites to the script.

So let's talk about the good, first of all: -The idea was pretty decent on paper. A zombie-like movie where people were thrown into overdrive on killer hate in a similar vein of Mom and Dad (but instead of reversed paternal instincts, it just really revved up anger in ANYONE infected), and aliens were involved in it. Okay, that's not the most original idea, but if done properly I can roll with it.

Alright, now let's talk about the bad.

First off, I say this is a movie, but it's more like 2 as another reviewer mentioned. The first movie is about couples who bicker and argue and are generally all unlikeable in their own ways despite the movie trying to push us to care about even one of the characters.

Then part way through the other movie invades, and it becomes a zombie survival movie. Naturally as you'd expect in a horror survival movie, all of these generally unlikeable characters do a personality 180 and become REALLY unlikeable...whether it's because they become such cowards despite talking a big game earlier, crapping on the characters wanting to do stuff because of what would be considered petty reasons at that point, that kind of stuff.

Speaking of unlikeable things, there's the two...I guess for lack of a better word we'll call them leads despite the movie trying to make it a team effort. You have the guy who the girl suspects has cheated on her (man, can we come up with something original for couples arguing?) so they have a big loud blowout in the car over it with him frustratingly saying he'll move out first thing.

Then they go to a party together to celebrate one of the other couples moving, where the girl tells all her girlfriends about what happened and why (despite it being suspicious but not confirmed), and naturally like cliche girlfriends (and the one guy), they tell her how the guy is generally trash and how she's better off. But if that's not enough, ONE of the girls right at the table makes a remark about it right then and there WHILE THE GUY IS SITTING THERE, which of course leads to yet another blowup.

And that's not the best part. Throughout the entire movie you see the guy trying to make amends because of COURSE the movie is going to follow another cliche of making the absolutely toxic couple be the ones the want us to care about. Yeah, forget the other two couples which had more petty reasoning for their tenseness for each other, but let's try to focus on mending the couple who has already shown twice to be incredibly toxic when they're together.

Then of course, remember how I said the premise sounded pretty neat at a glance? Well, unfortunately it doesn't improve from that. Here's some gripes that I have:

*At one point when Doctor Shane breaks into their house, it's made out to sound like this was just a new weapon being worked on, beyond the capabilities of the regular type of biological warfare.

*At another point when we finally leave the house, we see a flying saucer in place of where the moon would be, implying aliens were going to come into play at some point.

Not only are these a bit conflicting ideas, but neither get explored. Why do they never get explored? Because 3/4ths of the movie is spent in the house with the characters talking to each other. Yes, you read that right: A movie where the premise is some pseudo-alien virus that turns people into raging zombie types of versions of themselves spends almost all of its time focusing on the characters standing/sitting and talking, even during the shift to the zombie part.

On top of that, the zombie bit isn't that greatly executed. For a virus that's supposed to highly heighten our negative angry emotions, where does the zombie aspect of eating people come into this? Why is it some of the people don't talk and only mumble/make sounds, but then you have two that can form perfect sentences and are even capable of taunting other characters (example being the "lead"-guy in the end taunting the "lead"-girl with how he cheated on her and saying how it was going to only ALMOST feel less great than killing her).

So which was it? Are the people zombies in a typical zombie fashion of just wanting to kill and consume? Or are they more like, again, the people in Mom and Dad to where they're just crazier/more kill prone versions of themselves?

But in all honesty, let's talk about the biggest offender of this movie: The sound quality.

Alright, so I'm not a sound expert, but first of all: FIX THE SMOKE ALARM. Seriously, I don't know if that was intentional to keep it beeping throughout the movie, but goodness was it annoying (although it'd probably be explained away as some "deeper metaphorical thing to symbolize the ideas the movie was trying to convey").

On top of that, volume control was a huge problem, as was overall audio quality. At points you had characters talking way too quietly to hear without turning up the volume, only to have to immediately turn it back down because someone was screaming/yelling at such a high amount that it would always produce that annoying sound with it that you'd hear when someone shouted directly at a microphone. You'd also have characters that were supposed to be farther away, but their voice was as if they were right next to the microphone to where at one point when it focused on another character and someone else talked that closely, I legit thought to myself "What, they gave the camera-man a part?"

Finally, the acting was pretty offputting. It came off as community-college level, especially the cop who I found myself shouting "EMOTE!" at the TV because he would tell these stories with such a disinterest that he came off as incredibly bored both expression wise as well as tonally. Some actors ranged from super quiet to super screechy as if they had no other notes in between, the "leads" were not the greatest...I actually can't really think of one actor/actress that stood out to me at all.

Overall, this movie was a mess. Sound wise, acting wise, direction wise, story wise, it was all just a mess that sadly actually HAD potential in the premise had it been handled better.

Had they cut down severely on the one-location talk time and focused a bit more on the virus, got their story straight on where it came from, and ran with that a bit...then it could have at the very least been decent...or heck, even so bad it's good had they gone balls to the walls with the insanity of the idea and relished in the possible cheesiness of it.

But as it stands, it was neither decent, nor so bad it was good. It was simple just...bad.

Edit: Also, the kicker? This movie was supposedly shot in the course of 5 days...and it definitely shows.
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