The Cropsey Incident (2017) Poster

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More like the Crap-See Incident
lynnebriangoldstein25 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is possibly one of the worst movies ever made. It's like some film school students found some "actors" and agreed to pay them in beer and pizza if they would "act' in their semester project movie.

The characters are total douchebags who deserve nothing less than death. There are enormous logical and plot holes: if you found a dead body, would it disconcert you in the slightest? Hmm.

The acting is more like shouting, and nothing about it seems natural: it is all just a bunch of film students trying to remember their lines.

The plot itself is horrible. The "activist group" might as well be serial killers, and the "internal conflicts" between the members are forced and juvenile.

I think I made better movies as a kid with a 1980s VCRrecorder and my little friends. This movie is total crap. In fact, it is a Crap-See incident.
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this was just painful.
xyle66615 November 2017
I'm not one for hating on low budget found footage flicks. sometimes you can look past a little bad acting or some bad effects if the story/events are well thought out. i cant stand it when people post shitty reviews on decent movies all because they want to be trendy. that really isn't the case here. this one was bad. really bad. probably the first time i've turned off a movie halfway through in years. I can easily say it was Rinska Carrasco's performance and character. not only did the actress fail, but the personality she gave the character failed as well, just stupid and senselessly angry. if they would have cut her character out, its likely i could have been willing to at least finish the movie. i swear, my hedgehog could have played Nina better.
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Not even cheesy good bad, just bad bad
haileighmethven23 December 2017
I love cheesy low budget horror movies. But oh god this was just bad bad in every way possible.
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shmarie20 November 2017
This movie is so terrible. I am not really done watching the movie and I am almost considering turning it off, which I rarely do. The lead actress had the most grating voice in the world- so if you suffer from migraines please skip this. This is cheesy but not in a cheeky way or "so bad its good". It's about a bunch of unlikable characters (who are played by talentless hacks) who present themselves as activists for social justice but they really just go around terrorizing people to feed their own egos. (Example- finding a victim of a beating in an alley and forcing him to say stupid things on camera to their liking and stopping only when they hear police sirens). You do not care for the ANY of the characters, the actors voices hurt your ears and it has cheap special effects. I think they actually used a cap gun to simulate gunfire.
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Is there a rating lower than 1 star?
djeheuty20 July 2018
If not, IMDB should adopt one. This film is a steaming pile of vomit. It looks like it was acted, directed, written and edited by a bunch of meth addicts with ADD. Total waste of money and time. Not just in my renting and watching it but for whatever morons actually invested their time and money in producing this video abortion.
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brittthompson19 August 2018
Absolutely flipping awful!!!!!!! Don't bother!!!! It was a serious waste of time. Pathetic all around. Crap actors and obviously low budget
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How do these films get made?
bobeaumont9 March 2019
I was prepared to give this film a chance, however it is just bad. Awful acting, apart from Hannah Phelps who is on. The characters are pretty much vile people, who are seeking internet fame, I was just waiting for them to die. It is obviously zero budget, and found footage but it no excuse how cheap and amateur this is. I'd recommend you watch Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum to see how it's done.
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Yep crap.
Tina_jeppesen15 October 2018
Like a couple reviewers said just turned this off halfway thru lol. The description actually makes this sound like a possibly good movie. My boyfriend told me I was banned from choosing red box movies lol I said whatever I swear the description did not warn me of this total crap. It's one so bad u feel compelled to get on your imbd account and warn people to just not see it. It's one so bad u are pissed over spending $1.75 to rent it and pissed u coulda just spent your time sleeping instead. Annoying boring not entertaining in any way and definitely doesn't belong under "horror" cuz not all lol other than scary how this piece of crap ends up being rentable
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Absolutely worthless... Bad, bad, bad in every and any possible ways...
t-rexx-568-19682512 January 2019
It's rare for me not to find anything worthy of interest in a movie, but here comes this film. The editing is nerve-wracking. The shots, video quality and colors might cause diarrhea with some viewers. The characters just won't die quickly enough to stop the bleeding of our ears and eyes, especially the lead woman, who's constantly yelling obscenities and who actually comes across, really, like a human piece of garbage. She's despicable in every possible ways, which in itself is a very, very nasty way of portraying women these days. She and her male companion are totally obnoxious. The whole thing is an ego trip, both from the standpoint of its characters, and from its producer/film director's. It's overbloated, distorted, insulting, incoherent, brainless and it doesn't even portray the youth in a very positive way. Worse, it takes its viewers for less than nothing. Ugh. What a waste...
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what did i just watch lol
waynevy18 February 2018
Gonna keep it short and sweet. this movie was crap don't bother watching it. only good thing was the few gore scenes. definetly a 2/10
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A failed attempt at Satire
Armin_Nikkhah_Shirazi11 July 2023
THE CROPSEY INCIDENT is a found footage movie which follows four misguided do-gooders into the woods where they search for the eponymous child kidnapper and killer.

Cropsey is a real-life urban legend based in the New York and New Jersey area, and evidently his story has been used to scare the bejesus out of kids around bonfires in Summer camp. It is even the basis for the halfway decent 80s slasher flick THE BURNING (1981).

Anyway, this film is clearly meant as satire; it has characters which are way over the top and features many absurd moments to make a point. Unfortunately, it misses practically on every count.

Most importantly, what this satire criticizes does not ring true because it tries to eat its cake and have it, too.

Here is concrete example: the main character is the leader of the group of progressive zealots. She does not care one whit for truth, and goes even to the length of making the victim of an unrelated attack say things to the camera to further convince the audience of her cause. So far, so good: this is end-justifies-the means reasoning that characterizes many an ideological zealot.

But then, the movie turns around and shows her in later scenes dreaming of becoming an actress and having her own perfume line, the ultimate symbol of capitalist luxury. So the zealotry was all fake, and in reality she is just another vapid social media personality.

The problem is that in real life, there is no real overlap between these two groups, and that is actually for a good reason. If someone was as vapid as the protagonist turns out to be, then they would not have had the capacity to impersonate a convinced ideologue because being that takes hard work of the kind that vapid social media types generally avoid. However far off the truth, an ideological zealot makes a massive effort to be informed (or misinformed) about their pet issue, usually a societal ill that affects some disadvantaged segment. A vapid influencer type would be too self-centered to bother finding out about those things beyond the most superficial layer

So, in the end, this is just dumb, lazy critique of progressive zealots. Satire that makes fun of them has been around for a long time, for example BANANAS (1971) by Woody Allen, which I consider one of his lesser works but still immeasurably better than this hodgepodge. One movie about murderous progressive liberal do-gooders which is not only well-made and funny but actually succeeds as satire is THE LAST SUPPER (1995), which does basically everything right that this film fails at. Also, a thematically similar found footage movie about film-makers trying to expose a legend related to child abuse which actually shows how to break new ground in the genre is WEKUFE (2016).

The general laziness or perhaps incompetence extends to other aspects of this movie: the story is half-baked; the pace is off; the acting is bad, the dialogue amateurish and many gags miss.

Also, even though this is supposed to be found footage, the director apparently abandons it later in the movie in favor of many shots that could not have been shot by any in-movie camera.

About halfway through, I predicted how this movie was going to end, and only hung in there to check. Turns out, I was right. The idea for the ironic ending, that if we go to sufficient extreme, we become what we hate, was actually not bad but was severely undermined by the failure to make a proper satire. In particular, if the leader of the group was really just a vapid influencer, her hate for cropsey-even as an idea- would not have been genuine, so the irony falls flat.
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Pretty terrible
tkell3124 March 2020
I really need to pay more attention. I saw a review on Cropsey that was pretty positive with good scores on IMDB and RT. When I stumbled onto this on Tubi I figured it was good for a watch. The devil really is in the details. The Cropsey Incident should never, ever be confused for Cropsey. Anyhow I made this sad mistake (who knew there would be two movies with "cropsey" in the name???) and being a real gluten for punishment let this thing (I refuse to call it the M word) play out to the end..

Anyhow I should have trusted my instincts because right out of the gate there is a lot of ranting and raving with the kind of "acting" I assumed would end after the intro. I was wrong. This is beyond terrible with the kind of characters you cant wait to die horrible deaths. The acting might be the worst I've ever seen on film. The dialogue sounds like a bunch of people, wrote a script about how they think stupid people sound and might have come close, but who wants to listen to intentionally bad dialogue?

Fortunately I was doing other things so just let it stream until the merciful end only occasionally having to put it on mute when the dialogue got too idiotic to tolerate. Unfortunately there's a good idea here that got wasted. Their execution was so awful even the best idea ever couldn't heat up this turd.
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africe24 October 2019
I watched 3 minutes and it was the most racist and terrorist favoring rants I've ever seen! If you want to make a point about social injustice this is definitely not the way to go. I'm saddened that this kind of crap makes it on streaming channels. This is the WORST movie I have ever watched!!! And to leave it with the possibility of a part 2??? SHAME ON THE WRITERS AND ALL INVOLVED!!!!
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I'm sure what this was
byronhold1 July 2020
I almost never give a film a one star rating. In fact, I think I only have twice before but this one gave me little choice. Every review is pretty spot on. I can't give any spoilers, because there is virtually no plot nor character development. Avoid this one unless you want to put on a movie that you will mute, fast forward and possibly turn off midway through. Sadly, I went all the way through to the bitter end.
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I made this account just to give it a zero and explain how bad this is.
calrenfrow8 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So firstly I was start off and say sorry for spelling mistakes I'm not a very good speller but I feel as though this movie needs to buried next to ET in the Nevada Desert for how bad it is. Also I know it's a 1 star apparently God had to give Mercy to movies like these and give them atleast 1 star so.... yeah.

Where to begin with this movie..... Well it's characters are what I believe most Far-Right Wing Republicans think of SJWs are..... Extremely violent nut jobs who have a hard on for just beating random people down to get a point across even if they're completely innocent. Honestly I'm not fan of SJWs myself but in this case I'm gonna say the director has a number of things wrong with him with these characters. The killer is...... pretty generic, just some killer with a potato sack over killing these people nothing about him really stood out beyond the fact he apparently possesses people after you kill him. Oh yeah, that was great having the most annoying character I've ever seen survive and be the next killer incarnated and BTW I need to point out how annoying she is. Just imagine that toxic bride that has to have everything right on HER special day (You know the type) but mixed in with what I said before and you get her.
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Wow do not watch
thedarkestshadow-3278528 January 2024
This movie needs to win an award for the most annoying cast of characters of all time. I could not stomach their annoying attitudes long enough to see if they got their comeuppance. I had to turn it off. I really wish you could give negative stars on this site. A negative ten would not be enough for this raging dumpster fire.

I should have known this would be a terrible waste of film, streaming data, money, etc when I saw the opening text scrawl. Instead of just having the text on screen and letting you read it they had the bright idea to have it be read by an irritating computer voice. Wild Eye is a terrible studio.
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zamboni-3663323 August 2022
I've seen bad movies and I've seen bad movies. This thing is one of the worst things I've ever had the privilege of not finishing. And I never leave a movie unfinished! I got 45 min in and couldn't take it anymore. Stupid plot. Horrible acting. The main girl in it needs to be told that yelling every word isn't acting. Don't watch this. Save yourself the pain. Seriously.
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I got nothing
kylielightfoot20 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What did I just watch?

Seriously, what was that?!?!

Psychotic leader (racist & just can't understand this character at all) Another girl let's the psychotic constantly tear her boyfriend down.. says nothing Dude on camera is her lapdog

And what happened to the old man?? Is he still in the shed? And who on earth was bag head?

And the photo in the skeleton?

Seriously what on earth was that?!

Save yourself the 90mins and avoid.
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