Atlantic Rim: Resurrection (2018) Poster

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OK.... This Is A Joke Right?
Info-241-56232327 March 2018
I managed to watch it, but I've really no idea how.... woeful, terrible, pointless - I honestly can't express enough how bad this film really is. As other reviews have said... from the 'acting' to the script, to the CGI, everything about this excuse for a movie is just wrong wrong wrong on so many levels, and should be put out of it's misery. It's not even good enough for the bargain bin!

If it was a B Movie from the early 80's, it may just have warranted a 2/10, but as it's supposed to be 2018, and obviously a rip-off of 'Pacific Rim', I honestly can't find the words to describe this complete waste of time and effort - what were you guys seriously thinking?

No idea how I made it through this - yes.. I feel tremendous shame that I actually did, if not just to warn others to avoid at all costs.

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2/10 went from bad, to unbearable
ironbrad18 March 2018
This could very well be one of the worst movies ever made. The acting was absolutely horrible. The plot was non-existent. The special effects...well, we can't even call them special...more like, special-ed effects! I'm not kidding, this movie is a complete waste of time. You might was well just watch a candle melt - it will be more entertaining. I wouldn't watch this movie again even if someone paid me $1,000. It's THAT bad!
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This must be a parody of pacific rim
kemal9111126 March 2018
I mean i would of thought that but it is not. People spend time, money, resources to do this movie. It is a horrible experience. Effect are from 1950s, script feels like wrote by bunch of 8 years for a school project, actors are aware that movie is terrible but they had to see it through because easy money, director have no idea what a movie is... i can go and go and go on with bad things to say about this sad movie. I felt like i had to warn people who is about to watch this wretched movie. Don't do it.
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I like bad movies. This isn't a movie. It's just bad.
tonyrtoon27 November 2018
I love bad movies. Getting together with friends to drink some beers and laugh at poor continuity, questionable acting, and incoherent plots? Classic.

The Asylum doesn't make bad movies. "Movie" implies an attempt at application of art. They don't care. They aren't trying. What they make isn't bad because they're incompetent, it's bad because they didn't even try.

Manos? Plan 9? As terrible as they may be (and terrible they are), they are still movies. Somebody set out to realize their vision (however incoherent) and try to entertain audiences. The Asylum isn't doing that. They're not making movies. They're just being shameless because they know people will buy their products either 1) on accident or 2) ironically.

Save yourself the time and watch some Roger Corman stuff. It's full of low-budget schlock with actual artistry. When it's bad, it's still good.
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It's a rare sight to see a movie this bad ...
adrianbalan-8333018 March 2018
Actually I watched this movie as I thought It was a sequel of Pacific Rim (6.9 on IMDB). It isn't. It is a sequel of Atlantic Rim , 1.7 on IMDB. The acting is really bad (maybe with the exception of Jenna Enns), the graphics are worst that my Z80 was able to do, the script ... was really a script to begin with ? :) Skipped through it after the first 5 minutes. Do not waste your time :(
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This can't be...
marceldam20 March 2018
This is garbage, trash or whatever and a been waste of time and my money...
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Man I'm lucky
dannie_fjordside29 March 2018
If I hadn't fallen asleep, half an hour through the movie, just to wake up, 10 minutes before the end, I'm pretty sure my eyes would have popped out - it's that bad.

Yet, I gave it 2! stars - just in case I decide to make my own version of this movie, with myself as sole actor, and a Go-Pro, so there's always room for a 1-star rewiew.
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Sorry, not good; not good at all.
djak-4304919 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers

Like it's predecessor, I am left wondering why there are such attempts to beat a mainstream title with a lesser offering.

An areal shot shows the CG 'monsters' apparently rampaging around downtown LA, while those driving to the rescue of the ill-fated city poodle along as though on a family picnic.

The dialogue is awful (and often repeated in the scenes I could bear to watch), the acting is yawnful, interactions are so poor you'd think the actors are in different films. They discuss the fate of the world as if discussing the price of soap detergent.

As they enter a cavernous space where stands three of the mechanical warriors, the entire chamber has six or seven armed guards who I felt looked quite embarrassed to be there. Other background technicians stand around seemingly playing with their smartphones.

I cannot recommend this film at all and I couldn't sit through even 5 minutes before wanting to shake the actors awake, wanting them to show some emotion that relates to the seriousness of the threat rather than the banal dialogue disguised as camaraderie.
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Truly awful
dieter-fellner23 March 2018
Bad script, terrible plot, awful acting, poor CGI ....
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What is with music?
boumpanimusic19 June 2018
I have watched several asylum movies and one thing is constant -- the music makes no sense. Who writes this music? The music does not fit the scene, especially with the constant tension that never resolves. Then there is just too much music. I don't want to throw total blame on the composer, because the director may have too much say, but, damn, doesn't anyone there understand the role of music in a film?
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This movie must be banished
oegank29 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It didn't even deserve to be titled using any ocean Rims title nor claiming as the sequel.

the bald soldier act was just annoying, making me want to puke from my eyes.

if theres a minus five (-5) stars, i'd choose -5 fot this amazing movie.
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Basically perfect
davideruggerobertolini16 September 2022
This movie is awesome. It's not your usual "so bad it's good", The Asylum have found a way to achieve awesomeness without relying on that precise mechanism. It is related, but not exactly THAT.

First of all, the budget: people need to realise that an extremely low budget is a GOOD thing. Look at what the major studios do with their loads of money: polished, shiny turds. A ridiculously low budget will force you to get creative and that's a plus, not a minus.

Setting expectations so low allows the viewer to be pleasantly surprised by the somewhat subpar acting, which is way better than expected, so that ends up leaving a good impression at the end.

The movie never takes itself seriously, the "science" doesn't even try to sound realistic, the writers go out of their way to make it as absurd as possible and the result is hilarious.

All the characters are likeable and simple, as opposed to the sanctimonious specimens we are usually subjected to. The cast is as diverse as it needs to be, naturally, in the best possible way.

Reviewers who complain about the VFX and the production in general simply don't understand anything of what they just watched. Those who have discovered that this is a ripoff of that other similarly named franchise are just as clueless.
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worst. reviewers. ever.
japegwyn17 October 2018
Snivelling over privileged brats snort and moan about how bad this movie is: it's from The Asylum for crying out loud, it's SUPPOSED to be as it is!

So, haters, get with the groove and bug out; keep your whingeing opinions to yourselves and let the rest of us enjoy this nonsense without your meaningless rantings.

Of COURSE it's a Pacific Rim ripoff... Of course it has a micro budget... But... It's from THE ASYLUM, and I admire what that studio does, and why it does it... Plus the ghusto and joy in their shamelessly riffing off others.
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Robotic and monstrous...and those adjectives are being kind
TheLittleSongbird2 April 2018
Have made no secret in the past of intensely disliking, and even outright hating a lot, a vast majority of The Asylum's (near-universally maligned for good reason) output, though there is curiosity as to whether they are capable of making something good and compulsive about their output's badness. Admittedly, The Asylum do have a small group of watchable films and the occasional (big emphasis on that word) above average one, unfortunately outweighed by the lacklustre at best and often dreadful films they churn out.

Despite hating the first 'Atlantic Rim' (the first 'Pacific Rim' had its problems but it was to me reasonably entertaining and there is no question it is the better film), there was curiosity to see the second film that capitalised upon the second 'Pacific Rim's' release. Have yet to see the second 'Pacific Rim', but it, although hearing negative comments on it, would have to be really awful to be worse than 'Atlantic Rim 2', that manages to be even worse than its predecessor.

The special effects are far worse here for instance, while far from great (or even good) they were the least bad asset of the first 'Atlantic Rim' whereas they are one of this film's biggest sore spots. They are some of the shoddiest for any film seen not just recently but actually ever, they are incredibly fake-looking and afterthought-like, quality so cheap they would have been out of date and looked awful even in the 50s.

In other technical areas 'Atlantic Rim 2' fares worse, the editing and camera work are rushed and frenzied, making some scenes containing action not very cohesive and the sound effects and mixing are muddied. The music is generic and doesn't come across as memorable at all, sometimes at a sluggish tempo which made it a rather dull score too.

The dialogue is just painful, the interplay is awkward and the actors look even more uncomfortable delivering it while the scripting itself is shallow, on the wrong side of camp and rambling and if you're looking for sense you won't find it. The story as to be expected shows The Asylum's complete lack of originality, it's a decent idea but executed horribly. The pacing is hugely problematic in 'Atlantic Rim 2', there is a lot of irrelevant filler that bogs everything down significantly while the action is rushed and done in such a half-hearted way.

Anybody who expects thrills, fun and a little suspense are better off finding something else, none of those things are in 'Atlantic Rim 2'. It's just ridiculous and dull, with no heart, charm or brains. None of the characters are likable, they have cardboard personalities- once you get over the fact that once again The Asylum are using literally every cliché in the book- and are severely undeveloped, with a mix of dull as dishwater and cartoonish.

Regarding the acting, it gives insult to the word amateurish, with a mix of looking constipated, bad overacting, having the inability of acting scared or fearful of their situation and just acting emotionless. It doesn't even have dependable actors trying to save it or being wasted.

Summing up, even when knowing what to expect 'Atlantic Rim 2' was an abomination. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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it really hurts your brain for 01h25 minutes in a constant and amazing pace = a guranteed zapper
jumperman_021 March 2018
It really hurts your brain for 01h25 minutes in a constant and amazing pace = a guranteed zapper
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bad movie
manafalfaour21 April 2018
Not even worth it , it is really bad movie I am sorry for the I have wasted on it
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why waste money on crap like this
parso-2671329 March 2018
This is one of the worst movies I have seen. The CGI I thought was a joke to start with. It is out of the 80's!!! Please Hollywood, WHY make rubbish like this when you could be using 1.5 million dollars to feed many starving people!!! They are more important than doing absolute rubbish like this.
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Try-ing to make an effort though
almaddy31 March 2018
I\ve tried my best, but this can't be real. I can't bear with my stomach anymore! This is waaaayyyyyyy tooooo dumb to young to realize. Sweet lord holy mother fvcking. They must be joking right? There's is no way such a movie intended to make it serious right?? HAHAHA!!!.. WHAT ARE THOSE !!!!!. Yea, pretty sure, I'm dead. XD
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Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear oh dear.
neil-4765 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Pacific Rim was a film which told a story of giant robots vs giant monsters - effectively, Transformers vs. Godzilla. It was successful enough tp spawn a sequel. But that sequel was not Atlantic Rim despite the fact that said movie has been identified as such from time to time. No, Atlantic Rim is produced by The Asylum and, as any connoisseur of bad films worth his salt knows, The Asylum specialises in films which capitalise on box office hits by tweaking a name and having a minuscule budget. Voila - Atlantic Rim.

The story is familiar. The script is poor. The cast of unknowns act from adequate downwards. The special effects, often avoided by concentrating on cast members looking at something out of shot, would have been poor 10 years ago.

I'll give this credit for two things.. One is baby bugs, a nice and unexpected touch. The other is that it is surprisingly effective at giving a good, if superficial, impression of decent production values.
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I lasted 15 mns
MariaRK3 September 2023
In a nut shell, they made this movie when the scripts were running a special of BOGO and the actors agreed to work for $2.99 an hour and a chicken sandwich.

Terrible acting, bad script and sets and props, that looked like found in the salvage yard of the long gone Hollywood studios.

I am sorry but how to describe a movie so awful that more attention went to everything but the story?

I watched the first one and I liked it, happy to see they made another one, but wow! I should have known when none of the actors were familiar to me, I expected a cheap movie, but this one defines the word CHEAP!
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If I could rate this a ZERO, I would.
MinistryofDoom18 March 2019
Alas IMDB requires that I, at least, rate this a 1 which is far more generous that I ought to be. So enjoy it, Jared Cohn. You're 1 more star towards glory. OK, do I need to tell you how bad this film is; surely it must be obvious, right? This film is complete and total garbage. It only reason for existence is to capitalize on the films respectively directed by Guillermo del Toro and Steven DeKnight. I'm sure you must be thinking to yourself, "But if there's a Pacific Rim, surely there must be an Atlantic Rim, too!" No. Stop. Don't think that. It's a trap! Again, if it's not crystal clear yet: Atlantic Rim has nothing to do whatsoever with Pacific Rim. Nothing at all. It uses B-movie actors, cheap CGI, and horrible writing and direction to attempt to tell a story that isn't even original. It's outright stolen. You should avoid this like the plague. Though I'd rather die of the plague than sit through this stinker again. I watched it so that you won't have to; no thanks required. AVOID THIS FILM.
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Cheap pc made pos
tomikoskimo15 April 2018
Like cartoon transformers. Poor actor performance and trying just to scam people bu its movie title. Nothimg to do with pacific rim.
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atlanc rim
souptimeyesnow29 August 2022
Everything Pacific Rim couldn't do, this movie did. In some ways a spiritual successor to Joker, I can definitely see the Joker vibes all throughout this movie. If you haven't watched the first movie you have to. Big fan of method acting and this movie is just more proof that method acting is superior to all other methods of acting. It's a shame this isn't a trilogy. 7/10 for me.

My review needs to contain at least 600 characters, so I will simply enter the thesaurus entry for breathtaking spectacular magnificent wonderful awe-inspiring awesome astounding astonishing amazing stunning stupendous incredible thrilling exciting sensational out of this world fabulous fantastic amazeballs wondrous.
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Worst movie in the history of bad movies.
federicomehlhorn26 April 2018
I cant truly believe someone actually spent time and resources making this "movie" (cant even call it that) CGI is so bad it looks like a power rangers episode from 20 years ago, i mean robots didn't even cast a shadow when flying for crying out loud. I feel sorry for the actors that will have this stench forever on their resume.

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Truly amazing
mattrader-5171727 February 2019
This is one of the greatest movies of all time. The acting is probably the most spectacular acting I've ever seen. They obviously had a very high special effects budget and it shows. 100/10
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