Bunker (2022) Poster

(II) (2022)

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Low Budget Bore
ykjdh25 February 2023
Usually low budget horror movies tend to be the better ones because of their creativity and creepy tone. Take your pick: Evil Dead (1981), night of the living dead (1968), Elm St (1984), and even last year's Barbarian. These movies rely of a setting, decent cast, creepy music, and some kind of scary reveal. Bunker has potential but bombs.

I thought maybe the slow pace was equal to a slow burn that pays off in the end. This is like watching a bad M. Night Shamalan movie. No pay off and just a plain dumb ending, especially when the monster is revealed. The audience I saw this with laughed at the ending and you just might too when you see what I'm talking about.

Disappointing because the setting could have worked. WW1 soldiers hide in bunker behind enemy lines during war. Their lives at stake causes them to duck into the bunker unaware there's something very spooky in their. That's all I'm gonna say in case you're still curious. I'll admit the first act did draw my attention but then after that I got so bored at one point I thought about walking out. As for the big reveal, well when you see it you may feel cheated.

You could wait for Redbox or Netflix on this one. Save the $11 ticket fee and get a pizza instead.
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Don't bother with this one...
paul_haakonsen7 April 2023
When I stumbled upon the 2022 movie "Bunker" from writer Michael Huntsman and director Adrian Langley, I hadn't even heard about it. But seeing it was a war-based horror movie, of course I opted to watch it.

Writer Michael Huntsman failed to deliver a particularly thrilling storyline here for director Adrian Langley to bring to the screen. Sure, the concept behind "Bunker" was interesting enough, but the execution of it was just downright too monotonous, slow paced and uneventful. And that made 108 minutes seem like quite the prolonged suffering.

And it was exactly that. Because it was only the last 5 minutes of the movie that proved overly interesting. Needless to say that by then, the ship had long sailed and the movie was beyond salvation.

I wasn't familiar with the cast in the movie, but the actors virtually had nothing wholesome or solid to work with from writer Michael Huntsman.

Visually then "Bunker" was okay. It was a pretty low-key special effects movie, which in itself was okay, as the movie hardly felt like it needed an impressive array of special effects.

"Bunker" was a swing and a miss of a movie, and it is not something I would recommend you waste your time, money or effort on.

My rating of "Bunker" lands on a generous three out of ten stars.
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Not As Bad As Some Reviews for A Low Budget Movie
fatfil-414-45179721 April 2023
This was one of those that had potential. It was let down by some truly appalling dialogue and a couple of bad actors, most noticeably the commanding officer, whose delivery reminded me of something from Monty Python. Although to be fair, the lines he was given to deliver were very poor. It was a stereotypical British officer, full of "Blighters" and "As God is my witness." It sounds like an English officer, as written by an American who has never travelled out side the deep south. There is very little "Horror" on view here, apart from the script, and perhaps the last 10 minutes, which are fairly predictable. The rest of the movie is very dialogue heavy, and really doesn't progress much, and there is no real clear story or explanation of events. There is also a certain repetitiveness to events. I have to admire the effort here, but ultimately let down by a low budget and a very average script.
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A SyFy Movie brought to the big screen
feldo17225 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love a good war movie. I equally love a good horror movie. Unfortunately, Bunker was neither.

I understand that not every movie can have a $100 million budget, but the low production values of this film just hamstring it from the start.

This premise DOES have potential. But it needs a MUCH bigger budget to be fully realized.

This is, at best, a made for TV production. I'm thinking SyFy, where quantity seems to be preferred over quality.

Just a few of the many glaring issues:

The monster/entity is in absolutely no way frightening, regardless of the efforts by cast and crew. And its "horrifying" appearance in the finale was a guy in a rubber monster suit.

A lieutenant giving orders to a captain? I have to admit I lost interest very early on (so maybe there was some explanation for it, or perhaps I misconstrued the conversation), but I just couldn't wrap my head around this. And I swear the captain had corporal's stripes.

The small company was able to cross "no-man's land" in about 30 seconds crawling on their bellies. They arrived at the other side with barely a speck of dirt on their nicely pressed uniforms. Have you ever seen photos of "no-man's land" in WWI? It's hundreds of yards of mud, blood and barbed wire. Surely it wouldn't have cost that much to smear some mud on the uniforms.

A captured German played by an Australian actor. Again, I get the budget issue. But his German "accent" was about the most horrific thing in the film. Couldn't you have hired an English-speaking German actor who would have had a credible accent?

There are lots of issues, and I really feel like this started out with a great premise that was slowly eroded by the lack of funds available to realize the vision. The production values are low, the plot and writing seem lazy and uninspired. I originally thought the acting was bad, but in retrospect I really think it was more a case of the actors trying to work with poor material and dealing with poor direction.

I was honestly looking at my watch only 10 minutes into the film. And as a theater employee, I was able to see the film for free. But I still feel like I was overcharged.
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Write what you know, or can research. But FGS research properly.
NickyDee079387 April 2023
Another low budget war-set film that failed to do its due diligence. I'm literally 4.5 mins in and already frustrated for everything else to come. When filmmakers, or more precisely storytellers, do not have direct experience in the field in which they are narrating, they have an obligation to research - and research the ass out of the subject. When they fail to do that, they fail in creating a world in which audiences can suspend their disbelief. There is simply no excuse for laziness in scene setting or character presentation especially when audiences are far more historically clued up. So, for anyone who's interested, just watch the first 4.5 mins and observe...... 1) uniforms have staybrite buttons. They should be brass. Such a small detail isn't hard to get right. Buttons of the era up to WW2 (any will do as you're unlikely to see insignia detail) are freely and widely available online. Staybrite are horrible and shout modernity.

2) Our officer, the Lieutenant interacts with a Corporal (stripes on his left arm) referring to him as 'Captain'.....twice just in case you think you misheard it.....

3) The 'Captain' offers up a salute to the Lt first - not the way its done. You salute the rank, not the man. If indeed he was a Captain the Lt would have come to a smart attention and offered up the salute to the new arrival.

It's pretty basic stuff to get right to be fair. The script is just plain awful if the actors are regurgitating what's on the page. And it's not the first film I've seen in the low budget war genre that has made this simple error..........and there's a lot more wrong here that I could labour on with. But to keep it short when you don't have much in the way of budget you have to make the most of what you do have. Be less pompous, cut the narrative back and tell a simple story well. War-set stories are ones where scrimping on accuracy simply isn't the way to best present your story and keep your audience engaged.
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It doesn't take a genius to know a little about history
colourblonde-369037 October 2023
Whew this isn't a great movie. I wouldn't waste your time.

However, what really caught my attention was one reviewers comments. They claimed that during WW1 the Americans fought with the Germans and then followed it up with this comment...."It doesn't take a genius to know a little about history." Apparently it does.

The Germans never fought with the Americans during either WW1 or WW2. They entered both wars late (1916 and 1942 respectively) but were on the side of the Allies.

I know this review has nothing to do with the actual movie but considering we now have all historical information at our fingertips via the internet, such comments just shocking.
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Actors weren't bad. The movie however...
daddy8ball14 June 2023
In my best Joe Biden voice: 'C'mon man!' It's WW1. Trench warfare. Acres of black mud. Rotting bodies. Flies.

The uniforms, the trenches, the faces, the props -- all cleaner than a mall display at Abercrombie and Fitch. Seriously, if you had A&F do a little mannequin scene in their store in a WW1 theme, it would look like this movie.

It took me right out of the movie. Little things like accurate ranks, dirty uniforms, squalid environment, would go a long, long way. Takes minutes of research.

Guess the crew just didn't care.

I think the actors and the director have potential. Maybe put a little more research into future projects.
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A soldier's main survival tool is his weapon. Mine was my computer.
fedor817 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"How do we stop this thing?" "You can't stop it."

Unlike this movie, which can so easily be stopped just by pressing the STOP button - a decision 95% of all horror fans will be tempted to do on many occasions.

Nevertheless, despite a strong urge to do so, I resisted pressing STOP. I wanted to survive this movie, just like all those poor WW1 shlucks had to survive an awful war. If they could sit through that cataclysmic trench war for months or years, then surely I can sit out one dumb movie. My plan for surviving this film was to surf through the internet while this thing was making noise in the background... Which is one of many ways of letting the movie know you gave up on it. Without the computer to distract me, there is no way I could have survived this film, just as no WW1 veteran could have survived that war unarmed. They had their guns, I had my computer.

Better still, don't even start the film. One of the most boring cheapies I've come across in recent years. The production values are that of a low-budget TV movie, which is almost instantly obvious. The acting is crap, the dialog flat, the plot generic, the soundtrack meager...

The first 10 or so minutes are manageable (though promising very little), but then the plot stops to a crawl. For the next hour or so there is practically nothing of interest, just a lot of tedious babble, and when some action finally kicks in it is torture to sit through.

It's my fault, I should have known. A 4.2 average with not even 500 votes: this means that even people involved in the making of this stinker couldn't be bothered to swarm-vote, they just couldn't care less. All 50 of them, because I doubt more than that was required to produce this single-setting Z-movie, which couldn't have cost more than $20,000. What can you do with 20,000 bucks? Certainly can't make a good movie. If you could, then cinema would be in a far better situation because we wouldn't have the need for big American film studios, which specialize in garbage only. (What a great situation that would be.) Unfortunately, you need not just talent and skills, but lots of money too. This film-maker has none of the three.

If you're drawn to this because you like the "Outpost" films, don't. Those movies are masterpieces compared to this. This is like student theater.
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A cool concept in a slowly paced movie
alexivalle9 March 2023
Bunker is horror/thriller film that clearly has a small budget. My girlfriend, one of my best friends and I all saw Bunker in a theater as part of the limited release.

We all generally liked it (we all gave it a 6/10), but agreed it could have been a lot better. We are all horror fans, and my friend and I both have degrees in World War I history.

There is a lot of good in this movie, including the acting of the lieutenant, the creature effects, the setting, and the costumes. I was really curious how that would work out, especially since there is a giant Hollywood trend to have WW1 set films (1917 and All Quiet on the Western Front come to mind, both movies I enjoyed). Needless to say, it is pretty immersive in the time period (except for a few obvious uses of green screen).

However, one aspect that really drags this film down is how inconsistent it is. For example, the acting of the main character varies from good and committed to distracting and over the top, the special effects are good (sometimes) and other times involve terrible CGI or obvious use of miniatures. The tension building is sometimes fantastic, and sometimes leads to absolutely nothing or repeats what we as an audience already know.

But the biggest problem with this film is the inconsistency of the pacing. If you've seen the trailer, there is clearly a lot of build up to the plot of this movie (they go in the Bunker and find something). I'm not against slowly paced films (I quite enjoyed some of these types of horror films, namely the Witch), but there is a giant middle portion of this movie that drags. This film is just under 2 hours, but feels easily like a 2 hour and 15 minute film.

I don't think it was worth watching in theaters, but if this film came on Shudder or Netflix, I'd give it a watch.
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Absolute rubbish. Inaccurate uniforms. An embarrassment.
jeremyhavard-8823325 December 2023
Where should I start? I managed 20 mins of this facile movie on Prime, a record seeing as I am a WW1 buff who's grandfather was a British officer in the trenches at the Battle of the Somme. Stilted acting, looked like a bunch of enactors who got together for the movie. But enactors would not have got fundamentals wrong. The 'Lt' wears no rank badges that should have been on his lower sleeves. Out of nowhere, a very elderly man in U. S corporal rank with upside down stripes appears as a "Captain". I mean, how can you get this wrong? I couldn't work out who was supposed to be U. S or British. Squeky clean Lee Enfield rifles, with a smattering of P1917 U. S rifles. Mixed up kit both U. S and British. British with U. S style button up collars amoungst correct flat lapel type correct for British in WW1. Modern Jerry cans lying on the battlefield. The rankless British 'Lt' carrying a Lee Enfield instead of side arm, possibly acceptable if going on a raid. Shiney reproduction helmets when they were not green they were khaki and covered with a springling of sand to stop reflection. It went on and on until I just had to switch off my Boxing Day feet up relax. Awful and ridiculous.
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Grerat job for the budget : }
dj_shamrock1 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Decent low budget horror film. Cool sets, nice camera work and excellent lighting. Good acting from unknowns. Cool FX. I loved the monster suit. This is a slow burn that most watchers are not getting. It's a metaphor for how evil grows and consumes. What many people do not know is that in WWI fighters during downtime and ceasefires would sometimes fraternize with the enemy and learn that they are not that much different, and then when the Generals return to their posts, they would be angry for the friendships being made. I am a fan of isolation type films and this did a pretty good job. If you are a fan of well built Haunted Attractions like am, this has great sets and atmosphere. It's a bit underrated..
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Low Budget WW 1 Horror
stevendbeard27 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I saw Bunker, starring Eddie Ramos-Animal kingdom_tv, Incorporated_tv; Julian Feder-The Doorman, A Boy Called Po; Luke Baines-Shadowhunters_tv, Saving Mr. Banks and Patrick Moltane-his first movie.

This is a low budget WW1 horror movie. Some English soldiers-along with a couple of Yanks-take over a German bunker during an advancement through German territory. Patrick is the LT in charge. Eddie is the medic and one of the Yanks, along with Julian as the other. After getting trapped inside the bunker-bombs outside bury the door-they discover Luke, a German soldier, chained up inside and staked to a wall with knives through his hands to hold him. After releasing Luke and putting him to work, they try to dig their way out and soon discover that there is something mysterious going on. Some of them start going stir crazy-acting weird and such-and an unknown white fluid starts to drip from the ceiling. Why was Luke tied up? Was he a deserter or was there another reason? And what's with the white fluid? Answers are forthcoming and if you know much about the horror stories about the German's experiments during the war, you might have an idea about what is going on.

It's rated R for violence, gore and language and has a running time of 1 hour & 48 minutes.

I don't know if I would buy it on DVD but it would be alright to stream.
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It doesn't take a genius to know a little about history Part 2
bizjavier24 October 2023
Adding to what another user wrote a few weeks back, RE WW1 (The Great War) versus WWII. Not that I've watched through all this (yet) but within a short amount of time watching it was obvious that they attire was WW1 just due to the Brodie helmet Mark 1. But also the barbed wire and just the title itself of "Bunker" was a bit of a giveaway.

There were significant differences between the two wars, in particular trench warfare in the Great War as it was the first large-scale war after the Industrial revolution and where battles hadn't quite become accustomed to these technological changes yet. A film based on WWII would not have used this backdrop, more likely something like the Pacific theatre perhaps + of course the attire would have been different looking ie. A Mk III Helmet for the British for example.

And of course that The US were never allies with the Germans, in either war.
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Hollywood returns
unorthodoxy-058542 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was happy with the classic look of the intro and then it turned to the low budget cool feel of yesteryear, where the camera focuses a lot on the characters from the shoulder up and expressions are very important for the feel of the characters and of the movie in general. This is maintained throughout.

If you love H. P. Lovecraft, this film feels like it could have come right off his pages. It has the elements of an ill defined "something is definitely wrong here" focus and strange inexplicable and suspicious things start to happen to a group consisting of younger grizzled vets and young buck's "fresh off the boat" who cannot understand it and cannot hope to cope for long.

You can already tell that war has done its work on the older ones and it really shows in their characters so they are RIPE to be tipped right over the edge, and you can feel the growing dread as the impossibility of their situation is exacerbated by the horror of what they find below.

And like Lovecraft would have enjoyed, some lose their grip because their mind can't comprehend their situation. Very H. P. Lovecraft! It could even have been a Twilight zone, from back in the day.

Whoever wrote it obviously could have benefitted from some help in planning the final final scene. It could have ended five or six minutes sooner and been a great ending. I know some will complain about what I almost consider a tacked on scene that didnt really add to the overall story, but I'll tell you what: i liked the style and feel of the movie. That was done on purpose and it was for people who remember the old fadeaways cacophanies and startled closeups etc... of yesteryear.
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