Where Stars Land (TV Series 2018) Poster

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ninchenbienchen11 November 2020
To be honest, I added this show to my watchlist because I liked the series cover visual. The short description of the show didn't convince me though so it actually took a while until I finally gave it a shot.

First things first: The description doesn't do it any justice. This show isn't about a common romantic relationship between two ordinary co-workers. The main plot is a little more complicated and unique than that. And you're gonna realize it in the first few episodes. Your curiosity is also what keeps you going at first.

Soon after, the chemistry between the main couple plus the supporting characters were what made me stay and also somewhat enjoy the show. In between, you're even served some nice life lessons and a few beautiful quotes.

Because this show kind of ended up being a mess. Too many side plots or characters that come and go and you never know what happened to them. In short: too many things left unresolved for the viewer. The relationship between the main couple, though I liked their characters and the chemistry between them, became a marathon of finding reasons why they couldn't be together and the reasons became more and more ridiculous towards the end until I couldn't understand their actions anymore AT ALL. And although that didn't keep me from continuing to watch the drama, it did get exhausting and kind of annoying towards the end.

Last but not least, the final scenes were unsatisfying to me although there is somewhat of a happy end.

In conclusion: It's a good show you won't regret watching but also one which won't make it into your favorites list for the reasons mentioned above.
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How to spoil the last scene of a fine series
AJ_McAninch20 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I love most of the cast, enjoyed most of the series. But the final scene annoyed me. It's not that this is a bad ending, but a lousy finale. I felt the writer or director gave up on the script, and the actor was not available. To build this beautiful love story and not even show the man's sweet face and eyes seeing her again, or hear his warm voice upon the return after a year? Ridiculous cop out.
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A slice of airport life with a surprise element
leahcubed20 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
8.5/10 is my rating. This is a 2018 South Korean romantic drama series with 32, 35 minute, episodes

Han Yeo-reum (Chae Soo-bin) struggled hard together a job at Incheon International airport. However, her clumsiness and tendency to act on her emotions has caused some of her supervisors to look down on her ability as an employee. Yeo-reum has a series of encounters with a man who has amazing strength and agility and saves her from having a fatal accident. When Yeo-reum is transferred to a new team she winds up being supervised by Leo Soo-yeon (Nam Da-reum), the man who saved her. Soo-yeon prefers to keep a low profile but events keep happening that reveal his unusual abilities. He realizes that Yeo-reum is often misunderstood and begins helping her by fixing her mistakes and encouraging her to be confident. In turn, although she has first hand experience with Soo-reun's unusual strength, she keeps it secret which earns his trust. With a slice of life of a passenger services team, there is rarely a dull day at the airport. Will understanding lead to love for the somewhat unlikely pair? What happened to Soo-yeon that resulted in his exceptional ability?

Spoiler 🚨 Overall I liked this very much. It was well acted and had enough interesting things going on in the airport all the time to keep you engaged. The main story was well paced and believable.. You got to know the whole cast of main characters and enjoy several side relationships. I also thought it was unique and interesting that there was something very special about his abilities. I don't know South Korean culture well enough to know if this accurately portrays the way some look on disabilities. In the United States I know we like to think we are further along but from first-hand experience I can say that people do still discriminate in the workplace. The toughest disabilities to deal with are the hidden disabilities. Because the male lead used a assistive device his disability was hidden and, with the device, he had super human strength. That became one plot point - him trying to hide his different ability but still act in situations where superior strength was helpful. The backstory on him and his brother was very interesting and they gave you just enough detail as it went along so that you got little bits that kept you guessing and forming predictions. I liked their boss because she was everything I envision in a good supportive boss and I thought the way the female lead flourished under her direction was very accurate in the way a good leader can bring out the best in people. Where I felt it lacked a little was towards the end, and that might be a bit of cultural misunderstanding. To me it seemed like he was a little bit old not to get that if he just gave it a year or so to be back in the wheelchair that he would have the rest of his life to experience all the things he wanted to. It felt really selfish to me that he was willing to die because, at that point, there were so many people around him that would be hurt by that. I was glad when he finally made the decision to do what he needed to do and I usually don't like when they go away somewhere for a while but in this case it made sense. The one thing about that which was not consistent was he didn't even contact her during his time away. As much as he hated being away from her for even a day it was hard to buy he would go that length of time with little contact. Then in the scene when they finally reunite it just shows the back of his head and I would've liked to of have seen the expression on his face after reuniting with her. I really like the second guy in this one and I found it very admirable that he was willing to have any role in her life even as just her friend. There were several times when second guy could've been selfish and made it difficult for the male lead but he cared about her enough to take care of the lead guy even when it would've been more advantageous for him to take his chance with her. The ending felt a little rushed after we had gone through so much with him being willing to die. There were also some loose ends with some of the other couples where it felt like there should've been a happy ending there as well. Those that prefer a more realistic ending may be OK with these things I mentioned. For me I like well tied up and perfectly happy because I watch these as an escape from adulting and all the difficulties to go with it. Still recommend this just be prepared for some sad moments.
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Overall it was delightful!
esthercolon-5380421 October 2020
Except for the times the lead female character Han Yeo Reum was a little over the top being clumsy, nosy and annoying, I really enjoyed this series. I became very interested in the security couple. It was nice watching them realize how much Thy really cared for one another.

I especially enjoyed all the behind the scenes incidents at the airport. They did a good job showing what airport workers deal with on a daily basis. I will keep that in mind next time I fly somewhere.
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Not your typical KDrama
KdramaInStudio3 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The ending will keep you guessing...will she? Will she not? Will he return or not? All actors were great in their parts. Set in Incheon Airport, I liked the scenes where they showed the pilots talking to the control power. I never really thought about all the different kinds of people that go through or stay daily in the airports, like the homeless. This will open your eyes up and you'll appreciate even more the staff and their commitments to customer service. The employees and the way they played their roles reminded me of working in a corporation. Everyone is watching everyone's next move. There were quite a few hidden romances going on asides the main two characters. I don't want to spoil this show at all. It's about a young girl who has a bit of difficulty never getting into trouble just because she's young and hasn't matured yet to a veteran worker. The young man is struggling with something that happened in his youth that caused him to have a disability and he just wantS to be like every other young adult; work and fall in love. It's a touching movie and heartbreaking at some points. And, some lovely, caring parts even amongst co workers and friends. Not anyone could play the main mans role. He was perfect at it.
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Nuisance heroine ..
ushagowri-6073625 November 2021
Why do Korean programs have heroines that are loud, nosey bumbling idiots with a huge sense of self? Why?

Airport and you have this woman weepy, bad mouthing everyone except herself. Ughh. I think the writers think it's funny to have her behave like a rat..it only demeaning and stupid.

Otherwise a powerful human interaction with the working of an airport beautifully woven into the story. The backdrop of a busy airport is a great backdrop to the complexity of human interactions.
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Where the Stars Fell Flat
Ro-atthemovies16 September 2022
Where the Stars Land (Yeowoogakshibyeol) had the potential to soar as the mighty planes in the background of this series, but it never quite took off. There was the potential for a few interesting main plot lines that the viewers could have boarded into that were left on the runway. Why did the writer go into a tail spin? Why did the writer clutter the series with too many plot lines only to crash, leaving them unfinished. The nose dive of the finale was a big disappointment of all the stories, it was grounded on the runway. There was a terrific cast fulfilling their roles, especially the male lead, Lee Jehoon! The actors showed up but stayed stuck at the gate too many times. My rating of 8 is based on the actors commitment to their roles with good performances and the landing of a few plot lines.
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lyntonadam21 July 2019
Chae Soo Bin is the only reason I started watching.

And how could I not after her totally charming performance in the totally charming "I'm Not A Robot" ? I said in my review of IANAR that I was desperate to marry her and for some reason I've never had a reply, but I'm not one to hold a grudge ( plus I'm poor and ugly ). So I was keen to see her again and see if my love might be re-kindled.

The answer : yes and no.

Underwhelming is probably too harsh a word, yet the central concept here just doesn't work for me. The setting is a major Korean airport and CSB is a new employee with an unfair reputation for being unreliable. The male lead is Lee Je Hoon and therein lies the problem. Let's say that he is...not like the other employees. So in the tradition of K Dramas with super-strong women or exceptional weightlifters, this character provides the concept which the producers hope will hook you in. There's also a sub-plot involving shady corporate dealings which is ok but hardly riveting.

THE BIG IDEA didn't work on me, unfortunately. It does offer some fun and novelty early on, yet the further we go the more I felt the writers had painted themselves and the character into a corner. The ending we're given is consistent with the central idea and therefore unsatisfying, What increases the frustration is this : a good ending IS feasible and, in my opinion, maybe even obvious, yet we don't get one. Aargh ! That said, WSL is made watchable because various incidents/events occurring at the airport are both interesting and well written, with some bringing tears and emotional impact as well. The other aspect serving the show surprisingly well is the secondary romance.

Normally the main romance is a show's primary asset, and this is the first time I've seen a sub-plot relationship take centre stage. That's clearly necessary when the lead couple are so romantically dull and the Airport Security team duo doing relationship back-up duty are actually excellent. Kim Kyung Nam is great as the shy, stoic Team Leader trying to gather the courage to confess his feelings to a subordinate, yet it's the ferocious Lee Soo Kyung who leaves a lasting impression. She's so terse and focussed and tightly wound, which means we almost cringe whenever the two of them interact because she's more likely to put him in a head-lock than speak. The writing and the acting combine very well as this fractious and entertaining couple intrigue us at all times.

As for Chae Soo Bin, my offer of marriage and undying devotion is still on the table ( but I won't hold my breath ) and she's typically likable and sympathetic as an audience surrogate. Not much more she can do with a script like this, and I can only assume LJH was directed to behave like a robot ( and yes, irony noted ! ) with a blank look on his face most of the time. So calm, reserved and even lugubrious ( such a great word; is even ugly to look at or say ), this strategy works for a while due to his "otherness" and consequent anxiety, though I can't see the average woman swooning or being swept off her feet by it in the longer term.

I expect any modern K Drama to be technically proficient and WSL looks good ( that opening scene with the slo-mo in the rain is beautiful ), though the title is clunky and conjures images of some special airport for celebrities. Now, I do try and suggest improvements when I criticise but struggled for a better name. We could be silly with "Departure Gate For Love City", but I think "Fly To Love" is a slight, um, upgrade on WSL.
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Good Enough
PennyReviews27 November 2018
A Simple drama with a cozy feeling to it. I wasn't going to watch it at first, as the description wasn't that appealing. Also, the first episode was just so so, with nothing interesting to display. However, the story had more to it than just Incheon employees. The robot parts twist was entertaining at first, as it was fascinating to try to figure out what was happening and why he had super human strength. Then, when it was explained properly his story, it became more humain and closer to a slice of life drama than a fantasy. However, I found the leading character dull. Not that the actor did a bad job with his performance. But the character was only presented as a man who hated his currant condition and was in love with the leading lady. So, that and the ending too. Too many stories were left open, questions were left unaswered and the final scene wasn't satisfying.
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Not the brightest star but good enough
thejassivakumar10 December 2021
The series is about a mysterious man who works in an airport and he meets Han yeo rum who wants to be the best employee but messes things up. They both start working together in the same department and as their relationship progresses the mysteries starts to unfold.

The series starts in a mystery mode then it transcends into romantic comedy and the final three episodes were the best of all. There were a lot of good elements in this series, Choi soo bin being the eye-capturing one. The rest of the cast also did a good job but it could've been better, especially the chemistry between the lead couple. The second lead couples should have been given a little more importance. The ost was good and there were some emotional scenes as well. Overall it is a good series but could be made better.
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Good setup
kinogems10 January 2022
This was very entertaining throughout. The main couple chemistry wasn't that compatible but I liked them individually. There isn't much plot it's more of a slice of life drama that follows employees at an airport. I liked that aspect the most and it was good to learn the workings at the airport. Overall I did not like it's commentary on disability and it did feel quite ableist but the support did give him some liberation.

I think it is enjoyable and the side characters are the main charms.
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pleasant surprise
backnblack-061234 February 2020
Its really good so far has a nice even pace to it, the older Korean actress is good as well not sure i've seen her before, still in the early part of this series ill adjust my rating if/as needed but very happy i found it changed it to a 6 from a 8 but still okay last few shows dragged on
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The writers should really be banned from writing such silly female leads
neha-850602 February 2024
I'm only on the 3rd episode but boy does the FML suck big time. She's constantly whiny, complaining, and crying. As everyone pointed out in the series she has a victim mentality and is always constantly whining and thinking everyone is out to get her. So much so that she takes her anger out on the ML calling him words when he fails to understand her victim-ness. Shes loud and bitchy and GODS I can't stand her.

I will most probably DNF this series if this bimbo keeps this up. It does hold a potential to be something. - but having read the reviews, I seriously hope they don't mess this up. But having witnessed this bimbo for three episodes, I'm not so hopeful... *Sigh* Indeed where they mistook silly for stars.
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Interesting and annoying
soulpianist25 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm still at Ep7, but I felt compelled already to make this review out of a mixed feelings of curiosity and frustration.

The male and female leads are actually very charming and doing a good job, so far. I wouldn't have watched this far into the series if the plot and subplots were not interesting. They are, and you would get hooked wanting to know what will happen next. Still, it was quite a struggle even to reach Ep7. There were many times I was annoyed and wanted to stop watching, especially in the early episodes. The reason? I am really annoyed at the character of the female lead - not the actress, just the character. She gets worked up for the most shallow and, hate to say it, stupid reasons and then makes a lot of mess and problems for herself and the other characters. Maybe for some people this kind of script is fun, but for me it's just really unsettling. However, I am very curious about the plight of the male lead, so that seems enough to keep me hooked, so far.

At this point, I don't know if I'll be able to finish the series. But now that I've aired my annoyance by making this early review, I found a new reason to continue. If I don't get to finish the series, then the reason is already here - it would mean the character of the female lead did not improve in the next episodes and just made it too unbearable to watch, i.e., the series was more annoying than interesting. Still, I'm giving it a chance.
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Must watch this !!!!!!
reetasakshi17 May 2021
A stunning korean series that is available on MX PLAYER in hindi and other languages. You must watch this for once. The story is about a man who has a medical illness and a beautiful girl. They fall in love together , after so many obstacles finally they were united.

So many ups and downs will make your interest high.

I also suggest you to watch other korean dramas like, i am not a robot , where star land , put your head on my shoulder , richman , etc. They are on top of my list. You should also watch them.
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Could Have Been Better...
Chaokage19 December 2020
The story of this series felt rushed during the last episodes. It lacked preparation for the last arc of the series. The lead actor self-sabotage did not help at all as the consequences were severe which in the end did not help the story at all. The ending was poor and lacking. It was similar to Memories Of Alhambra in that aspect. They could have saved the series if they made a better ending over a full episode instead of a minute. What's even worse, the series has a Sci-fi theme and still took zero advantage of it and failed to push it further.
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Extraordinary drama
choncolm6 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Full of action and future technology. Thats why I think this is a extraordinary drama and future tech drama forever.
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It was pretty good!! So true about full moons....
chilligrrl18 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I tossed up whether to write this or not, but in the end I did enjoy this show quite a bit. Working in a similar major transport organisation I identified with almost everything in the workplace especially the nutcase passengers at full moons, weird staff who don't like to do work, office romances, major disruption, dodgy bosses... the lot.

I did find myself saying to the screen "GO FOR THE SUPER HOT GUY WHO IS TOTALY INTO YOU!!!" more often than i should have, as I am superficial enough to want to marry a super hot guy and have very good looking tall children (I'm vertically challenged), but this is a K-drama and they don't always make sense in my world when there's a storyline in play.

The scene with the parents and the grandparents by the lift - holy moly, that was so my family it's not funny. I'm not even Asian and it's not really in my culture to arrange dates. It was so funny and so relatable and so awkward that I just wanted to crawl into a hole for the poor character. I seriously laughed so hard and died at the same time. It's moments like that one that make these shows enjoyable.

It was quite enjoyable. Might not be everyone's cup of tea, but very enjoyable to a hopeless, superficial romantic :)
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One of the Best K-Drama Couples (Mild Spoilers)
fake_moviestar17 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ah K-Dramas: they have tons of different genres but the most beloved is the romance genre. I have seen a bunch of romance k-dramas and while not everything is perfect about this show, I really really loved the main couple. They are both really likeable characters who are so much fun to watch as they grow more fond of each other. I loved that there was no toxic element to the relationship, and the dreaded cliche episode 14 breakup never happens either, (which I actually kinda like if its done well, but it does become tiresome).

The airport backdrop was actually pretty interesting - I fully anticipated it being boring but it definitely wasn't. I know a lot of drama happens at airports so some of the stories weren't too hard to picture really happening.

Were there some cliche moments? Definitely. Was the robotic arm subplot a bit contrived? Absolutely. However it was very entertaining. And at the heart you have the question of acceptance of disability. It was totally believable and understandable that our ML would act and feel the way he did. I only wish we had gotten a few more answers at the end. Overall I was very satisfied and loved the happy ending. Great acting all around, Lee Jehoon and Chae Soo-bin are two of my very favorite actors so that was a treat.

The only reason I didn't rate it higher was for some plot holes and the fact it doesn't have a ton of re-watchability. But overall a really great love story!
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One of the best drama that i have ever seen
proangel-461747 December 2020
This Korean show is one of the best drama that i have seen ever. I loved the story and the characters and everything. It's worth to watch this show. You will laugh, cry and smile.
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