Pandamonium (2020) Poster

(I) (2020)

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Panda phoney fun
maxwellsnake2428 November 2021
For fans of bad movies and even worse puns, on the lookout for low quality entertainment, your luck is in because someone went and made 'pandamonium'. Why is another matter. From the outset m j Dixon's film wears its ineptitude like a badge of honor, the acting was so bad that I was convinced that this was originally a foreign movie and the actors were dubbed into the English language. The dialogue is no better,it seemed like it was authored by a lobotomised ex lads mag journalist. The biggest crime of all however is the attempts at humour, for a supposed horror comedy, the jokes were painfully unfunny, consisting of puns that were so inane and witless, they make Freddy Krueger sound like Stephen fry in comparison. The horror elements were so meh, they are barely worth mentioning. 'pandamonium' may have amused it's creators whilst coming up with its pun based title, but I have a more apt,pun based title for this movie : 'unbearable '
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Within 5 seconds of pressing play, I realized I made a huge mistake
selfdestructo9 June 2022
Yeah, another Mycho production. I just watched one of these the other night, The Haunting of Molly Bannister, and it was completely and utterly ineffective. I gave it 3 stars based on unintentional laughs (and one foxy Brit). Fortunately, Dani Thompson makes a return appearance in Pandamonium. Writer/director MJ Dixon tries his hand at the slasher this time around, with pretty sub-par results.

This one involves the biggest possible lecherous corporate d-bags imaginable (admittedly, characters you want to see die), and a bunch of very average to below average looking strippers (plus one ex-stripper the leeches inexplicably go berserk for). Oh, save for you Dani! You're alright with me, cookie. Also of note, there isn't a stripper in this movie who comes even CLOSE to getting naked.

So there's this young guy who it's his first day on the job (He repeats his name when he introduces himself, and the Head Idiot calls him Daniel Daniel for the remainder of the film. And thus sets the bar for the level of humor in this), and the ex-stripper ("Legs," whose legs are actually kind of short) is having her first day as well. The story pretty much revolves around these two.

The corporate guys on level 6 throw this "crazy" party (er, that's how they try to sell it), and act like colossal imbeciles. Then the strippers show up with attitudes, and refuse to strip (but one might sleep with you with her clothes on). Subsequently, the killer shows up, and somehow, some way manages to lock down the entire floor. Better still, he wears a big panda head. Why is he killing all these people? Why does he wear a panda head? None of this is explained.

Oh man, the infantile stabs at humor. The panda killer has a "witty" remark for each of his kills. I can safely say every one would make Arnold Schwarzenegger blush.

Not a lot works in this. Gore? Not really. Foxy ladies? Not really. Clever wordplay? Not really. Engaging protagonists? Not really. Logical story with twists and turns? Sorry. A killer with a backstory? You get the idea. 4 stars because I like slashers, and gawking at Dani Thompson.

Is there such a thing as an MJ Dixon fanboy? Both these disastrous movies are met with primarily glowing reviews on here. Financial stakes? Worked on the project? Friends of his? Your guess is as good as mine.
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This office has a panda problem
nogodnomasters26 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The film opens with Phil Tanterton, a senior law partner at Killmore and Percival, having his throat slit and creating an opening. The film centers on Arielle Walters (Oriana Charles ) a new hiree at said firm filled with sexists. A panda masked wearing killer comes into the building during an after-hours party and kills people.

The production had humor and so much potential. The killings were not gory. The humor seemed incomplete. They nerfed on the nudity, even with stripper-prostitutes.

Guide: F-word. sex. No nudity
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Slasher comedy that became an instant favorite!
moviemac-739363 March 2020
The office men in this film are wild caricatures of the stereotypical misogynist office worker, and I don't like them... not even a bit, but we really aren't supposed to... The film is much more of a comedy than expected; I know, I know, killer in a panda mask and you expect big drama and such? Well we do get a surprisingly emotional performance from Arielle, one scene near the middle and she really sells it... give this girl some type of award because she earned it... Loved the Panda killer too; he's not the silent antagonist of typical slasher films, and this is far beyond the typical slasher film... he always has a "dad joke" level quip for his kills and I will not apologize for loving it

This may be the best film from this studio I have seen yet and you should buy it...
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It's Really Really NOT That Bad!!!
omendata21 March 2020
I have seen some awful movies this year and have wanted to switch off at many points but at no point in this film did I want to switch off.

It is low budget but is well filmed, has decent acting and some rather bizarre and witty dialogue "oh you cut my **** off, i think i will go and die!" , "classic stripper move" , "yes i am definitely going to die" "overtime can be such a killer" - so bizarre and unusual in its concept and the Panda outfit adds quite a sinister element so in my humble opinion it does rather well and I never found it boring as the other reviewers have but then I like things that are out of the ordinary / off the wall / imaginative, call it what you will but this is easily an above average British Comedy Horror slasher!

Actually not as bad as people are making out!

Lee Mark Jones for some inexplicable reason is the standout for me , he was truly bizarrely funny!
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Hilarious mix of Old school Slasher and Modern Comedy
Orangeytang00722 May 2020
This film is hilarious.

Sometimes you take a chance on something like this and have low expectations, but boy was this a funny film. The jokes never stop, like 'Ever'.

Some sickly funny one liners and some awesome and inventive kills make this one to watch and one death in-particular had me literally falling off the chair laughing. Mix with that some lovely looking ladies and WOW!!! Top stuff.

Highly Recommended.

P.S. Drinking throughout will effect your enjoyment levels. This is a proper drunk with your buddies movie.
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Solid enough effort but does have some issues
kannibalcorpsegrinder29 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Starting work at a new office, a woman finds herself forced to stay late due to her job while her boss throws a party with his friends and a bunch of strippers, but when a strange masked killer begins killing them one-by-one they have to find a way to get the survivors together and get out of the building alive.

Overall, this one was a decent enough genre effort. Among the more enjoyable efforts here is the genuinely hilarious and over-the-top setup done for the work environment. There's a nice bit of fun here with the care-free, laid-back manner of how they go about treating the job, ranging from piling work on the underlings whether it's their duty or not, spending time organizing new ways of tormenting the others and focused on partying on the job. It gives off a great sitcom-style take on the office atmosphere with the exaggerated manner and unrealistic behavior that seems wholly appropriate to be the place to give a stripper-party after-hours which is the case here with the equally -goofy strippers that show up as each one also has their exaggerated mindset and behavior. Once this comes into play, the film's slasher elements offer up some great aspects. Starting with the attack on the couple in their home, there are solid stalking scenes of the bizarrely-dressed killer going around the various parts of the building in the security room, ambushing the voyeur in the control office and the various outside stragglers of the party which no one believes. Taking advantage nicely of the creepiness of the abandoned floors by having confrontations take place in dark corridors or flickering lighting as well as the bacchanalia-laden behavior where a victim doesn't believe their drug-fueled state that the killer is real, these scenes have some great suspenseful atmosphere which leads along with the decent kills into the final half where the remaining workers have to face off with the killer in several solid encounters and reveals. Along with the bizarre concept of the killers' attire as well as the comical wisecracks he offers, these are what hold this one up overall. This one does have a few minor aspects against it. The main problem here is the complete lack of urgency towards the killer everyone has, even if this is a comedy. That everyone here, regardless of how far gone they are in their drug-induced high, would fail to take what's going on seriously with the discovery of the bodies around them is highly suspect. One confrontation, where the killer circumcises a victim who then wanders around with the severed unit in a state of whimsical delirium as if the act was so incredulous he can't believe he experienced it rather than shock at what's going on that is far more likely and reasonable, borders on the ludicrous. As well, there's also the underwhelming finale where there's no real confrontation between the killer and the final girl which had taken place moments earlier so it ruins the final encounter considerably which is barely that much of a confrontation due to that earlier battle. Combined with the personal distaste for the comedy, these here are the film's main issues that hold it down.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Language, Extreme Graphic Violence, a clothed comedically-intended sex scene and drug use.
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How can you not like this?
carlywarlycarl6 March 2020
Great movie. We need more movies like this. Felt like it was worthy of at least something like channel 4.
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Good mindless fun
buzzcutsmultimedia25 June 2021
It feels a bit like this whole movie was built on a weak and contrived pun to put a killer panda in its own slasher. And I'm totally okay with that! The cast did great, I dig the light social commentary and the fun lighting. The kills are nothing to write home about, but as others have stated, this is a very underrated - if not outstanding- indie horror romp that never takes itself too seriously. Don't be Bamboozled by all the bad ratings, it's far from unbearable.
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Great low budget indie film
tonymardon3 March 2020
A lot of fun, beautifully produced. Strippers, a serial killer and a most unpleasant collection of businessmen getting dispatched. What's not to like?
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Panda Panda Panda
IndieZeus20 March 2021
What's not to like about a serial killer who likes to target strippers while wearing a giant panda head.

Shoe string budget horror with some fun 80's style cheesy one liners.
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JohntheBadtwist28 May 2020
If you like low budget, daft horror, then you are in for a treat. I certainly do.

The score is ludicrously low for this film, I'm baffled. Do people not have a sense of humour no more? I came here just to review it.

Funny, gory, some fit birds, what more do people want from horror films?


Classic in the making
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That final fight... amazing
ToriBella202029 May 2020
This film is pretty much what you'd expect with a title like this.

Slasher walks around building killing attractive people for 90 minutes.

But they dating in the final fight scene REALLY impressed. So good. Like something out of 300. I'm a sucker for slow motion fight scenes.

Some proper cring-worthy lines though.
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Pandamonium is pure genius
Moosha3727 May 2020
Its been a while since I've seen a film this funny, This movie is hilarious.

Especially the lead girls Oriana Charles and Dani Thompson, I've been a big fan of the latter for some time and also really loved the character she played in this one.

Really great comedy/horror movie with lots of heart.
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Best low budget comedy slasher for ages
simon-ball33 March 2020
OK Pandamonium may be a formulaic serial killer movie, but its well executed and devastatingly funny, with some killer lines delivered with deadly precision (see what I did there) . James Harmer-Morton is suitably obnoxious as the leader of the 6th floor's senior partners, he reminded of Douglas Reynholm of The IT Crowd as played by Matt Berry, only completely out of control. The rest of them are so outrageously sexist and arrogant that its just an absolute delight to see them butchered in a variety of inventive ways by the Panda headed killer, who as a bonus supplies a suitably appropriate wisecrack like a pyschopathic Roger Moore playing James Bond. The strippers are delightfully cynical about taking the money for the extras while Arielle and Daniel make a likeable final girl (with a secret) and boy.
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A Cult Classic Comedy Slasher!
GypsyLeePistolero9 March 2020
Loved it! Strippers, drug crazed would be playboys, a panda masked killer all done in the best possible distaste! Whats not to love? A cult classic for the Indie horror genre
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Hilarious Comedy
SallyGoomb24 May 2020
I'm still laughing thinking about this now.

Some of jokes are brilliant, some made me cringe, but I kind of enjoyed that element of it as well. Some the jokes are proper cringy, or like Arnie jokes, but I had a great time. Possibly the most fun i've had with a film this year.

Some of it was very confusing, but the jokes kept me entertained. It was only when I got to the end that I discovered that its actually part of another film series called Slasher House (It says it at the end credits)... weird after credits scene though.
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Great horror entertainment
rightmediau4 March 2020
A great angle to have a killer panda! Love the twists (don't want to spoil things so will not say) and great comedy too. All delivered by a great cast and an amazing leading lady perfromance! Horrors with comedy can often loose their way trying to shoe horn comedy in but this tight script shot mainly in an office building at a night party is briliantly filmed and it flows through a whole evening (mainly) follwing one death after another with well scripted funny lines being nailed in their delivery by a strong cast. Effects are great and there is plenty of blood and a few twists to surprise! And make sure you watch till after the credits!!! This is a good film to watch anythime! Perfect for horror fans who like a lighthearted script!
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Strippers, Nerds and a panda headed killer.
singhlall22 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Great indie horror with some great kills and humour throughout. The killer has some "killer" one liners as the office workers and strippers are despatched in an entertaining way.
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Psycho Killer... Qu'est-ce que c'est
info-15169-7241721 January 2020
Caught Pandamonium at its world premiere at Horror on Sea in 2020. Mycho always have their film premieres at HOS and theres always a buzz when they do. I have to say this is definitely one of their best features - theres generally humour in their films, but Pandamonium steps this up a notch and is a full on Horror-Comedy without actually being a parody.

Every kill comes with a pun, for talking heads fans theres an amazing bit where the killer finishes off someones sentence with a lyric and it got a big laugh! The cast are all really game and actually probably has their best defined set of characters yet - theres several who really stand out as not wanting anything bad to happen to them - the characters played by Oriana Charles, Charlie Bond, Charlie Clarke, Dani Thompson and Will Jones stick out particularly as ones you hope make it to the end.

Theres an awesome cameo from Martin W Payne at the start and it has one of the best set-ups I've seen in a long time - cant spoil it, but when he gets to say his first line, its hilarious!

On the other side of the spectrum James Hamer-Morton is spectacularly dastardly and David Hon Ma Chu's physicality and one-liner timing are amazing as the stripper ripper himself. As I say though the whole cast are on-point and really do deliver excellent work here.

The film also never forgets to be scary and is brilliantly directed by MJ Dixon. Well done to all involved.
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