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Shōgun (2024–2026)
An Epic Misadventure
6 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
There is plenty to like at first with the series. The authenticity to Japanese customs and language, the beautiful visuals in cinematography and dress, and the set up of different characters. The problem is as the show progresses, the characters do not. English subtitles are needed, not only for those who don't speak Japanese but those who butcher the English language. Perhaps their authenticity to speaking 16th century uneducated English was intended, but John Blackthorne, his sailors, and other sailors are difficult to understand throughout the series and often seem to yell their lines. The hope was John Blackthorne would grow and adapt, that he would learn the language, understand the customs, and love the people. He does not. As other reviews mentioned, he is close to a village idiot who just wants to leave as soon as possible even late into the series. Sure he falls for his beautiful Japanese translator, which does nothing but show how shallow of a man he is. He also learns to bathe which sadly is progress, but he continues to bumble his way through the show even at the end. He's very unlikable from start to finish. Mariko, his translator, and Usami, John's housekeeper, are the only likable characters both of which have such tragic lives that they want to be free of them by committing Seppuku. With so many samurai characters, the hope is there would be some epic fight scenes and battles but there wasn't much. The number of suicides is equal to the few fight scenes, which are short and glossed over. The show builds to a grand ending only for it to be undramatic due to great scheming. The show was full of unnecessary sex scenes that did nothing to add to the story. This show does not compare to The Last Samurai which is a pretty low bar in Samurai shows. The expectations of what is built early on fall flat by the end. If talking, scheming, no real action, no real love story, a complex plot that builds to nothing is your thing, than this is your show.
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Forgiveness and Loss
19 April 2024
I started this thinking it would be your typical Korean romance drama, and was surprised at how it turned into a dark comedy. It took a few episodes to get into it, but it was especially satisfying to see the female characters in the show. The grandmother is my favorite, and she has a great story once you learn it at the end. The show does a good job of building characters as the show progresses. It's easy to find yourself not liking someone, then once you get to know them, you find yourself liking them. There were at least 3 characters I didn't like, but by the end I really liked them. Something should be said regarding that in life as well. Sometimes we're quick to judge others, but once we truly get to know them we find we like them. I watched the show with subtitles since I don't know Korean, but it was worth it. I liked how they didn't have to show us excessive violence despite the dark material regarding abduction and murder. There were two times for some reason the subtitles quit working, but I found if you rewind just a little bit they come back up. The story was different, heart warming, and had good character development. It wasn't your typical predictable story with excessive violence and unlikable characters who constantly make bad choices like so many HBO dramas. The best part was its a story of loss and forgiveness. Several characters have to learn to live with those two themes and it comes to a good conclusion. I enjoyed it, and I looked forward to watching it each night to see where the story would go. The the soundtrack gets a little overplayed by the end but helps. The best parts is each character is dealing with their own demons of both past and present and that's why it got a high rating from me. I enjoyed each character's story arc. It expands beyond the two main characters, and like a Dickens story has a lot of characters by the end that you learn a little something about and add to the overall story.
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Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2024– )
Relationships in Spy Craft
18 March 2024
This show starts slow, hence the impatience of the ADD generation and bad reviews. Two people are put together to be spies for a mysterious organization. Both of their personalities are very different, so it takes time for them to gel and for the audience to get to know them. That's actually a strength as the series continues because just like a real relationship their differences is what makes it work. Their relationship starts slow, develops, then their personalities clash after the honeymoon phase and the show does a good job of exploring where the characters go from here. Unlike the movie it does a better job of exploring the relationship dynamic and is not as dependent on their looks. The movie was terrible, and there in lies a problem. People who liked the attractive people in the movie, explosions, and action aren't going to enjoy a nuanced show about how to make relationships work within a spy show. This is more of a show about being in a relationship with two very different personalities than a spy show. If you're looking for a flashy show, with attractive people, no plot, lots of explosions, then watch the movie. If you want actual characters, character development, and an overarching storyline, then give this series a try. It's a slow burn that requires a little patience. It's by no means perfect, but you might find yourself growing to like their characters as the series progresses. The show does take some liberties to push the storyline along and to further explore their relationship. Examples include the episode with Toby who acts more like their child than a grown man, their opening up their home and secrets to another couple, and others. This is done to further show the relationship dynamic more than the actual spy craft. It is a fun show, just more relationship oriented and character development than action.
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Slow to Fast
13 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
"It's better to go slow in the right direction than to go fast in the wrong direction." Simon Sinek.

This movie is very different from the first movie. While it starts off with the same tone and pacing with Paul and his mom mixing with the Fremen people, it shifts to Paul leading the Fremen while his mom goes south to sew belief in Paul as their Messiah. Paul wins over the Fremen people and this is where the pacing and cut scenes become a bit of a mess. Parts of the movie pick up, while other parts move at a snails pace. Scenes of Paul and the Fremen people attacking the Harkonnens come and go so quickly that it becomes difficult to enjoy them. The background of the Harkonnen planet and the Baron's nephew are slow and seem unnecessary. Not sure an exposition on how terrible the Harkonnen and the Baron's nephew are necessary after we came to know them from the first movie. The movie then significantly speeds up and cut scenes are more rapid and short. This causes pacing issues. Once Paul heads south the movie becomes a bit of a mess. One scene he's on a worm heading south, then he's running into the temple drinking worm juice and becoming poisoned, then Chani flies in on an ornithopter, it happens so fast the audience may mistake it for one of his visions. Where did they get an ornithopter? When did Chani learn to fly one? Why is Paul running into the temple? The pacing and cutting is so fast it becomes rushed, which is directly opposite of the first half of the movie. The final battle happens so fast it's hard to enjoy it. It just becomes such a rushed mess that it almost feels like a cliff notes version of what really happens. There is little to no involvement of Paul and Chani at the end of the movie. It almost feels as if they should have done yet another movie to give us more action and backstory on Paul's relationship with his mother while in the south, and his relationship with Chani before the end. The revenge scenes fall flat due to the fast pacing and lack of build up. Overall a good movie but it starts slow, but then speeds up and moves away from character building, plot development, to rush to an end.
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Not the Bob Marley We Love
6 March 2024
The movie takes place between 1976 to 1978, therefore there is little exposition both before and after this time. Unlike the movie Ray or Walk the Line, there is no starting from the beginning on the Bob Marley before he was famous. There are flashbacks, which help show Bob Marley as a human being, but they're too little and not shown until almost half way into the movie. It's difficult to know the characters until almost an hour into the movie. Because of this, it's difficult to be invested into the character. The movie showed little of the pains and struggles he had to overcome growing up in poverty, a father who didn't want to know him, the difficulties of Trench Town. For those that are fans of his music, the movie only focuses on the light hearted and Rastafarian message. Missed out are the powerful messages of overcoming poverty such as his lyrics from Concrete Jungle, "No chains around my feet but I'm not free." Bob Marley's messages in his music are powerful but this film fails to show where that message came from. His son, wife, and others all contributed in making the movie, but they fail to show his growth and character. They also fail to show his fun loving side so commonly seen in interviews. Kingsley Ben Adir does a reasonable job, especially in the more serious scenes, however, his acting was almost laughable in the light hearted scenes. He almost seems to be a parody of Bob Marley at times. (Side note he doesn't look much like Bob Marley. You can't just put a wig of dreads on somebody, a beard, a fake Jamaican accent and call him Bob Marley.) The best parts of the movie are when you see the past snippets of his life, how he met his wife, and the acting by Lashana Lynch. She's the best part of a generic telling of one the greatest musicians of our time. Film critics that did not give this movie high marks were correct in calling out the missed opportunity to really show the audience the great man Bob Marley truly was.
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Lioness (2023– )
Good, Bad, and Ugly
12 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So the first episode draws you in with its fast pace, action, and drama. It doesn't take long before it goes down hill from there. The good is it tackles some real life political and moral issues on the war on terror and those who are trying to keep us safe. The acting is done really well and the cinematography is good. The bad, the action is few and far between, and the drama of people's lives gets in the way of the story. The drama isn't bad and it's well acted but reviewers have reason to say they're upset. The show comes across as a Jack Ryan action show but is more about the drama of raising a family, being undercover, and dealing with it all while waiting for your mission. The ugly, the Lioness has her asset tortured by American servicemen to see her breaking point. This will have you screaming, "what?!" Torture is bad, especially on your own citizens. How can you even trust someone or a country that feels torture on you is okay? The Boy Scout in me couldn't stand how terrible the people are in this show. The doctor should have left his terrible wife long ago. She neglects him and her children, but it's for America so the show tries to justify it. She tortures American soldiers but she needs to know when they'll break, so it's okay. She allows her team to help a CIA operative to kidnap a man in police custody because it's for America. And if the Sheriff or cops pull guns on her team, what then? The show will have you questioning, "are you going to kill cops to protect your asset?" The situational ethics is why this show is terrible. This was a common theme with Jack Bauer in 24. The need to do something terrible for the greater good. Life is not black and white. The binary thinking that there's only one way to do things and it's the wrong way is why cops justify police brutality, politicians lie, and whole world is morally corrupt. This is not to say the guy that needs to be killed doesn't need to be killed, but how you do it and why you do it, says everything about who we are. The show doesn't capture Jack Ryan's action and fast pace, and it's hard to like any of the characters. There is too much needless drama, from date rape, to breaking and entering, to lesbians, a lot of family drama, to torture, etc. That it will leave you wondering what happened to the show you started to watch. This show is the show for you if you love almost no action, America is always right, the end always justifies the means, there's not enough family drama in action shows, and you like terrible people that are completely unlikable.
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Barbie (I) (2023)
A Tale of Two Halves
6 January 2024
The movie starts in one direction and then changes course half way through to a rushed and unsatisfying end. The second hour of the movie is a stark contrast to the first hour. There were funny moments mixed with thoughtful gender roles, views on our patriarchal society, self-worth, etc. That took a complicated subject and made it interesting in the first half. The problem is, the movie then begins to take itself too seriously and the second half loses the clever comedy and pushes stereotypes of male and female gender roles in our society to become a rushed mess of a story that becomes preachy. There are a lot of issues in today's society with regards to gender roles, feminism, our patriarchal society, etc. The problem is the movie seems to take on some of these issues with comedy, then takes a more serious tone, and rushes through the second half so that characters brought forward in the first half have no real resolution. Sure Barbie finds her purpose at the movie's end, but it becomes a mess to get there. The rich comedy common in the first half turns to slapstick and serious drama. Are there two more opposites than slapstick and drama? The first half had me rethinking my views on how women are treated with it's lighthearted comedy, while the second half had me bothered by pushing male stereotypes into a slapstick war and a rush to finish while also being preached to about male and female gender roles. The movie seems to lose it's purpose and then rushes for a resolution. The mom and daughter story would have been better explored with a light hearted comedy that touches on gender roles and a woman's self-worth, and making it for the whole family but especially focused on an audience of young girls and women who are trying to figure out who they are. It really should have explored the mother and daughter characters and how they each struggle with being a woman in society and used Barbie as a tool of them helping to better understand each other. The movie glosses over this and despite their differences their complicated relationship is easily fixed as the focus turns back to Barbie and the focus on her. The movie brings up good ideas and a good story to once again have Hollywood ruin it. It loses focus as too many ideas, issues, characters, and plots, are brought up, to have it rushed to a finish with only some resolved. All a common problem with too many Hollywood movies these days. What is the purpose of your story? Who is it written for? Why are you writing it? Focus on that, and don't let others over complicate it. It's sad that a movie that brings up important issues especially with women's self-worth with both older and younger women is ruined by too much of everything else this movie takes on.
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Person of Interest (2011–2016)
Mystery AI With Detailed Characters and Plot
28 December 2023
This show has great acting, action, great storytelling, likable characters, and it will keep you engaged as you try to figure out more with each episode. With AI being big on the news I went back and decided to watch this show again. John Reese is like John Wick, a likable killing machine that helps out the little guy, Harold is his wealthy handler and techie whose past is just as mysterious. The machine is an AI that like any machine doesn't seem to be sentient, but with each season, different layers are peeled back and moral dilemmas brought up both in the lives of the characters and the machine that question its abilities and sentience. The moral dilemmas, the time the show dedicates to getting to better know its characters and develop an overarching story with each episode and season, makes this one of the best shows I've ever watched. There are few episodes I would call filler episodes, (episodes you could remove and not change the story), which is one reason this show is so engaging. Unlike so much current television and movies now days you actually get to know these characters and in so doing, care about what happens to them. Each episode leaves you wanting to know more about each character, the AI machine, and how will it end. I highly recommend this show. Give it a few episodes to get to know the characters and you'll be hooked. Some how each season continues to be good.
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The Marvels (2023)
Starts Strong, Then Goes Off Rails
10 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The movie starts strong as you get to know all 3 of the main characters. It helps that as they get to know each other, the audience also gets to know them better. The problem is what starts out as a good premise slowly delves into a chaotic story with plenty of plot holes. The main villain was subpar and seemed more of a device to create conflict more than an actual character with depth or substance. The teeth are distracting, and she doesn't come across as someone to be reckoned with, or to even really care about it. Kamala's family gets old after a while and should have stayed home, (why were they taken to space again?) It was working until Carol went to the water planet where they communicate through song. Not only was this not funny, it was weird and out of place. Her being the princess was a good idea, but it never really went anywhere and it brought up more questions than answers. Then there was the herding of cats on a space ship. The jump the shark moment if there ever was one. Did no one ask questions about this story, or were they too scared to ask? I like all three characters. All have their own unique personalities and they make a good team. They also are a good foundation for future stories. The writing on this was just terrible. It's getting to a point where Marvel just pays anyone with an idea to make a movie without any editing, criticism, or work in developing an actual story. This movie was somewhat similar to the last Thor movie, where it starts out well then goes off a cliff, or better jumps a shark.
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The Circle (I) (2017)
Red Flags
7 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a thinking person's movie that brings up common problems found in our world today. It begins well but there is so much in the movie that it's unable to tackle all of the problems it brings up along the journey. Red flags should be going off as you watch the main character, Mae (Emma Watson), start a new job at well paying tech company, that is an echo chamber. One of the many problems is the movie presents all these problems to her, but never resolves them nor brings up the consequences of those problems until the very end. For example, working long hours, constantly being watched, graded on her performance, expected to stay after hours to attend social events, only highlight the company in a positive light, be more social, etc. These problems are brought up, but Mae easily seems to navigate them without any issues. Instead the movie moves on to privacy and "big brother" issues along with social media. Never does Mae seem to be stressed or depressed. While some others, including her friend Annie struggle with these issues, the movie doesn't waste too much time explaining the negative consequences of working for this company that expects you to always be your best. Eamon Bailey, (Tom Hanks) asks Mae, "do you think you do better or worse when you are being watched?" To which she replies, "Better. Secrets are lies." So the question is asked are we better when watched, and if so is this good or bad. The movie doesn't really ask us to think, but like Mae just accept that being watched all the time is good. Privacy is an illusion and that we should bare our souls to the world. Mae drinks the Kool-aid and rather than get burned out or disillusioned, she becomes the poster child to having her entire life on camera. (Which is somewhat ironic since Emma Watson has had her fair share of issues with that in her real life.) Finally it becomes too much as her best friend dies after being in the media spotlight. The problem is you rarely got to know him so it doesn't have the impact it should. The movie never really dives into all of the problems and consequences that are brought up and it requires us to know these things. The fact that Mae almost unknowingly just follows blindly is probably the point, however her climatic "ah hah" moment comes so late and without much impact. It would have been more impactful as a series that allows you to see the different consequences of all the issues brought up and at least had more time to delve into these issues. Lack of privacy is a good theme, but it would be interesting to see burn out, how people crack under pressure, how ostracized people can feel being on social media or not part of the group. It feels a little wasted in this regard but still worth a watch.
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Annoyingly Different and Difficult
4 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So I just finished passing the game but rather than it being an enjoyable affair I found it annoyingly difficult and unrewarding. There are several missions that will test your patience and fortitude as you play a game of leap frog on trucks, run and hide creating improvised weapons, or just being bored as you sneak around not getting to shoot anything. The story is the same old story from previous versions of Modern Warfare where someone powerful in government goes rogue but you are somehow cast as the bad guy. The story was so so, the graphics were great, and the play control is the same as previous versions. The problem was the many missions of being outgunned. Enemies have armor, you take on a tank by yourself also being attacked by enemies, you sneak around a lot, and your teammates do nothing to help out. I died countless times because an enemy killed me from whatever side my teammates were on because they do almost nothing to take down enemies. I hated sneaking around without a weapon, knowing where to go or what to do. This game leaves the fun behind as you are tasked to do everything by yourself and often without a gun. Hours will be wasted as you just try to figure out what you are doing and how to do it. The multiplayer was the same old thing and became boring quickly. The game company loves to push micro transactions on its players to be better with little work. With the large size of the game at close to 200 GB it was a relief to delete this off my hard drive. Call of Duty is trying to find out how much money it can make and alienate its audience only appealing to the die hards. Save yourself some headache and avoid this game. I don't plan on buying the next one.
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Final Fantasy XVI (2023 Video Game)
Same Old Final Fantasy
8 September 2023
This game has a lot of the same old tropes of past Final Fantasy games, long boss battles, long cinematic cutscenes, and a story that's too complex for it to be compelling. The big problems are the following: 1-The story is uninspiring and difficult to follow. So much is going on, that you have to do a lot of reading to figure out why these people hate these people and who are these people.

2-The main character is whiny. Other characters are flat and lack depth. Previous FF games had some great characters that added to the story, this one does not.

3-Hack and slash with the occasional dodge not only tires your thumbs and gets old fast, but especially in boss battles. Bosses are difficult and morph, followed by cutscenes, followed by more button mashing.

4-Graphics are good, but nothing out of the ordinary on most games now days.

5-The game is violent for no reason other than to be violent. This produces the conundrum is it good to add violence to a series that has childish side stories of chocobos and moogles? Some stories in the game are too violent for kids, and others are too childish for adults.

This game follows a lot of the same patterns of previous Final Fantasy games but with the added violence and button mashing it does nothing to improve previous games. If you love Final Fantasy games chances are you will like this one, but nothing new here and lack of a good story and characters really hurts this game.
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4 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Interesting how divisive this episode is among Trek fans. You are either going to hate or love the episode. I loved it because it dealt with real emotions and issues with PTSD and the pains of war. The silence is often deafening because of great acting and script. This is the most gritty episode Star Trek episode I've seen. For those who hated it, sure it wasn't a happy ending, but wake up, life isn't always happy. I like most people like to think I have morals and ethics but this episode tests those as you find out how two men on opposite sides of the war both did things they regret. Difference being, one killed civilians and children, the other murdered the men responsible including one who was a fraud, (no matter how good his intentions might be.) Is taking another man's life okay? Well that depends on the situation otherwise everyone who fights in a war is a murderer. Life, nor this episode makes it that simple. If you take time to put yourself in the place of those who fought against the Klingons, saw women and children butchered by them, then have to not only share a ship with one, but one specifically you knew murdered civilians then maybe you gain a better appreciation of those crew who struggled with him. Emotional scars take time to heal, but some scars take longer to heal than others. This wasn't just any Klingon who fought in the war, but one who butchered civilians then preached peace. No matter how good his intentions may have been, he was a fraud, and no amount of good intentions can be done to overcome his savage butchery of civilians. It's one thing to forgive an enemy on the battlefield who fought against you and killed soldiers, it's another thing to forgive someone who killed and tortured civilians including children. Should the doctor's actions be forgiven? Should the nurse not seeing who instigated the attack take a side? While I might not have done what they did, I can at least understand it given the circumstances. That is why this episode is divisive and while you might not condone an action you understand it. I do agree that this should not be the end. There should be consequences, how severe and what I will let the writers decide. Just know, the consequences will be just as decisive.
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Love Story
2 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
While somewhat different than Love Story, the same concept applies. This can also be compared to a Nicholas Sparks movie. There were some artistic moments that helped the movie. The love story followed the cycle of a tree. So it bloomed in Spring than slowly died for winter, (good symbolism). I also enjoyed the characters and their acting. The two main characters do well with what seemed to be a pretty simple script. The photos help tell the story. The photos express the love between the characters and Haruto's journey of self discovery for his love of photography. This is a tear jerker for sure, so if you love a good love story than this is the right movie for you. It's about 30 minutes of joy, and an hour and a half of crying so have plenty of tissues nearby.
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The Night Agent (2023– )
Spy 101 "Trust No One"
6 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Watching this was very similar to the tv series 24. Lots of plot twists and turns and never knowing who to trust. If not taken too seriously this show is entertaining. The chemistry between the main character, (Peter) and the female lead (Rose) was good. Rose wasn't just some damsel in distress with nothing to offer. She actually helped Peter and they made a good team. No instant love story common in the 80s where the damsel is saved and helpless and of course sleeps with the main male lead, at least not at first. When they do have that scene later they at least have chemistry but one does wonder when you're the most wanted man in America how is that something even considered. Diane Farr was a little vexing as a character, since the actress who played her didn't come across convincing enough of her character. Same goes for madam President who seems a little young to be president. There are plenty of plot twists, unfortunately the story takes a while to develop. Even over half way through all the episodes you still may be wondering what everyone's motive is. It comes together in the end and makes sense and perhaps that just adds to the intrigue. Like the show 24 there are some absurd moments. For example Peter fights an assassin and as they wrestle for the gun only 3 shots are fired and yet the gun is empty when Peter goes to shoot the assassin. Also when a hand gun is empty the slide kicks back, which didn't happen, basic firearm knowledge. Also why is Peter not wearing sunglasses and a hat when he's blamed for kidnapping the VP's daughter is pretty stupid. Guess some people don't like wearing hats even when they're America's most wanted which leads to a confrontation with Meal Team Six or some Proud Boys. The assassins' story gets stale pretty fast as they constantly kill people. The audience is not interested in psychopaths or sociopaths, so why the show focuses so much on them is a little perplexing. The ending is absurd like most action shows are these days but who doesn't want a happy ending? It ends well enough and hopefully sets up a second season. As mentioned earlier if not taken too seriously it's an entertaining show despite some odd moments.
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Stalker (1979)
Faith, Fear, and Hope - Religious Overtones
22 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Reading the reviews the audience much like our companions received what they put into it. The main character, or stalker, is a much like a man who has faith in religion. The movie starts out with bleak sepia tone with a very depressing vibe. This is intended because it represents the main character's view of the world he lives in. As he takes two companions into the zone his outlook changes and color is seen. Much like a religious man bringing people in to the faith, he has purpose and with it color. Everything he does has purpose and is based upon faith. His companions like some who join religion for awhile go along, but never have the same faith as the stalker. Interestingly both are two people who often struggle with faith. A professor, who believes in science, and a writer who questions everything to a point he doesn't believe in anything. While fear guides the motivations of each man, (similar to how some faiths use fear for obedience), they finally get to their final destination. A room that will grant the wishes of those who enter. The man of science, the professor sees faith as something that can be used for evil, (Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, etc.) and therefore wants to destroy the room and the zone with a bomb. The writer while not overly convinced since he can't decide anything since he questions everything not really looking for an answer supports the idea. It's only when the Stalker, the man of faith, convinces them that faith while used for evil, can also be used for good as it gives men and women hope. Something to believe in is better than nothing. They change their minds and leave returning back to their lives, much like those interested in religion do. They start down a path out of interest but are unwilling to follow it to the end. What they know is all they want, because that's what they understand and know. Comfort can be found in what you have no matter how miserable you may be, because it's what you know. The man of faith, the Stalker returns home, but he's changed this time. He begins to have hope, and you see it as his daughter is full of color despite the sepia tones for everything else. So this is a movie about faith, fear, and hope. What you see is what you get. Just like the 3 companions and their views on faith.
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Good Story Lost in a Convoluted Mess
12 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is three parts and while there is a good story in there, it takes too long to get there. The messiness of this philosophical story ruins the good once you find it at the end. Which basically is no matter how many worlds or infinite realities there are, you are where you need to be. The life, the world, you are currently living, is the life you need to live and where you need to be. Now why we had to see endless kung fu fight scenes, a raccoon that controls a chef, hot dog fingers, trophies put where trophies should never go, and endless stupidity is why this movie is terrible. A simple story about a family that's hurting and finds out that true happiness is found in each other without all the silliness and stupidity would have been better. The film like a fortune cookie will give you what you expect. Either some profound wisdom from a higher power, or hollow meaningless words that could make sense to a lot of people. Be a better person to those around you.
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Woody Allen Version?
6 March 2023
There are plenty of more detailed reviews that better sum up the problems of this film. However, it must be stated that this film suffers from some very specific problems. First, it comes across as a Woody Allen film in Victorian England. Plenty of clever lines with mixed frivolity and at times the bad comedy gets in the way of what could be good acting from a good story. The jazz music added to the scenes really pushes a Woody Allen vibe, not what you would expect from Victorian England. The actors in this film are good, but the tone at which they bring forth the comedy is more slapstick than quality. It distracts and dilutes the quality of the story. The play is witty, this film is not. This bad adaptation is something closer to the movie Clue, or some other "b" rated movie. Not what you would expect from Oscar Wilde or this ensemble cast. The play requires quality acting and wit to drive forward the story, while this film dumbs it down and adds extra scenes not from the play. These scenes are not only unnecessary, it's obvious the director doesn't understand the comedy and wit in the play. You will often find yourself questioning the motives of the actors in the story due to the stupidity in which the director pushes the comedy. Perhaps my expectation was too much. I was expecting a high class affair with wit and quality acting, to only be disappointed by quality actors acting like imbeciles. The sarcasm and comedy of the play is lost on a director who can't seem to understand the genius and wit of Oscar Wilde.
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Documentary for People Who Peaked in High School
21 January 2023
What happens when you peak in high school? You make a documentary about how awesome your childhood park was and then add commentary by mostly immature people just like you. This was a tough watch due to how much one man got away with. People died at this park, several were injured, several were involved in fights, and yet most of the commentary is about how dangerous it was, and how that made it awesome. Exactly what you would expect from those people you know who peaked in high school. People like uncle Rico or Al Bundy who look back on the few good memories they have. About the only thing that I found interesting was the mother who lost her son. Watching people talk about how great this place was for the first 40 minutes, with 10 minutes of seriousness, finished by how they romanticize this place and their childhood is basically what you would expect from an immature documentarian. This was a fascinating subject carried out by what you would expect from a high school kid. A lot of repeated footage, cartoons to explain rides and experiences, commentary by mostly people who this was their high in life, best sums this mediocre watch. The subject was fascinating but portrayed in the wrong light.
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Regression (I) (2015)
Motives and Evidence
7 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was an interesting mystery that takes you on a journey of how panic, hysteria, accusations, paranoia, hearsay, and gut instinct can lead you down the wrong path. I found it interesting how the detective and main protagonist of the movie allowed people to insert comments and their personal motives to direct his case. People continue to make assertions without any evidence. That's where this movie really shines. If you're a scientific thinker, looking for evidence you will find it, but it will only lead you down the path of the actual ending. The main characters all have a motives and use their motives to direct the outcome in their favor. The beauty in this story is how these main characters believe in something then look for evidence to prove their theory rather than objectively looking at the evidence presented. The reverend believes in God and a battle is fought against Satan and evil. He continues to push this in his support of Emma Watson's character and her belief there is a cult out there. He never questions her motives, the lack of evidence, because this mass hysteria of evil makes him even more popular. The Psychologist pushes his motive that hypnosis works, and he's the main driver of people having regressive memories that in fact don't exist. This is proof that his work in hypnosis is an actual science. The detective allows these motives to corrupt him as he listens to these motives of science and faith take him down the wrong paths despite no evidence. His gut feeling takes over logic and he allows the motives of others determine his case. Where's the DNA, the fingerprints, the evidence? This movie is beautiful in that if you believe something to be true you will often only look at what little evidence you may have to further support your belief, rather than what the evidence is really telling you. Why do people believe in Qanon, conspiracy theories, a flat earth, and other crack theories? Because they don't want to truly follow the evidence. Their mind is already made up, and it doesn't matter if 99 others say something is false, only that the 1 says it's true. The movie ends well as the main character finally decides to look at all of the evidence to come to a conclusion without the motives of others distorting his view. Once he comes to this conclusion the real truth comes forth. There is something to be said about how important evidence really is in building a case, and how people's motives can stir us down the wrong path. Remember that next time you watch Dateline, hear a conspiracy theory, a politician speaks, etc. Critical thinking, deductive reasoning, logic, following the evidence, and understanding people's motives will help you find truth.
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Dash & Lily (2020)
Good Christmas Love Story
19 December 2022
The show starts out with a great hook. A lonely boy finds a notebook and gets to know a lonely mystery girl through the notebook. Neither the boy or girl know who the other is, but they begin to get to know each other through the notebook. Both have an imaginary perfect person in their head of the other person. Perhaps we do put people we're romantically linked to up on pedestals, and when reality comes they come crashing down. The difference is these two have a good connection and they help build the other up by pushing the other out of their comfort zone. There are themes of loneliness, trying to fit in, and being different. At one point the male protagonist states, "Well, if one's different, one's bound to be lonely." Both characters struggle with these feelings as neither fits in completely. There are times that the show slows, and the ending is not the best, but the themes and two main characters are what really drives this movie. Both characters are different and likable, and more importantly they help the other be a better version of themselves. You'll find yourself rooting for them as they push the other to try new things. This is one reason this Christmas romance is much better than the other low budget Christmas movies out there. The fact that each makes the other a better person. It's so well done, it's just too bad that's the end, because once you watch it, you'll want to see where they go from here.
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More of the Same
19 December 2022
If you liked the first one, you should like this one. Cool special effects, mediocre story and acting, along with the theme, natives and nature are good, military and science is bad. This movie is really for 9-18 year olds, since they're the main focus. As an adult I really struggled to stay interested, and as always the 3D is cool until about 30 minutes in, and then it's the same old same old. The movie is too long, and while some of the CGI is really good, some of it seemed mediocre. Some of the Navi and the sea people looked unnatural. The bad guys looked ridiculous at times, and head shapes of characters ranged from too big to too small for the body. The bad guys are the worst part of the story. It's often lazy writing to bring back same problems just different background. I couldn't understand how someone's vendetta became the main conflict of the story and everyone in the movie was okay with it, and characters on both sides supported it. This one has nothing to do with unobtanium, the driving force for the last film, (stealing from the gold rush). It seemed like it would steal from the American West, and people coming to colonize Pandora just as early pioneers and natives conflicted in American history, but worse it just goes back to the same old players not liking each other. The snarling gets old, and while it has moments. It's not a movie you'll likely want to see more than once.
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Belfast (2021)
Touching Film About Family
8 August 2022
This movie surprised me, because too often in Hollywood they lean into drama focusing on problems people face without showing any heart or determination. With a film set in the background of Ireland and the difficulties growing up in the Troubles I assumed the movie might be too political and focused on how hard and a drudgery life was. To my wonderful surprise it's not. Sure the family is struggling with debt, the Troubles play a role, but it's more about heart, hope, and how family can help us through trying times. So this movie did what too few in Hollywood are doing and it gives us a feel good story that helps the audience understand the difficulties without dwelling on them so much you become depressed. It also avoids shoving a political agenda, a religious one, and being over all so sappy that it takes you out of the story. It's a good film if you can put down your phone and get caught up in how each character is struggling in their own way. The main character, Buddy, is endearing and sweet as the show is seen through his innocence and the mom does the best job she can to raise her family with a husband always gone and struggling with debt, let alone the political atmosphere of Ireland at the time.
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Needed More Perspectives
5 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
While greed and depravity is the underlying theme of this documentary the show fails on so many fronts. It did well to get the aspects of the show from several different perspectives such as artists, MTV DJs, concert goers, security, the promoters, and others there were still plenty of questions not answered. One is where did all the money go? $150 per ticket for 250,000 people and you mean to tell me you didn't have enough money for decent sanitation or adequate water. With around at least $37 million in ticket sales alone, someone made out like a bandit. Whether that was musical artists or more likely the promoters we'll never know. It would have received a higher rating if it addressed more on how this was not only greed but who were the "real" victims. There were 3 deaths and several sexual assaults none of which are adequately addressed. While they definitely mention the depravity and how people became animals living like in "Lord of the Flies", I kept wanting to hear a perspective different than those limited people they had. They somewhat address a male influence problem among white youth who grow up with rage and over sexualisation in media and music they do nothing to adequately explore this further. Several things were wrong at Woodstock 99 with greed being only one of them. There were plenty of victims of this horrible event and yet the documentary seems to lightly gloss over these facts. One eye opening moment of many is when one of the promoters acts as if the rapes happening were okay since there were 250,000 people there. Either way you'll want to take a shower after watching this. It does a good job of reminding us how horrible people are in general, as well as how people will return to their baser nature when treated as such. The ending is the worse as some of those people they interview have fond memories of such a terrible event. Be aware it will make you hate some 90s musical artists who did nothing to help and even worse talk about it like it was a great show.
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Heartburn (1986)
11 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Can't add anything new here other than this movie does a good job of tackling adultery, the troubles with marriage, children, gossip, friend's problems becoming your problems, etc. It's serious and emotional at times but does a good job of mixing in humor to lighten each emotional blow. It's enjoyable because it allows you to think about relationships, real life situations, and then come to your own conclusions. Jack Nicholson and Meryl Streep do an amazing job with a challenging subject matter and Nora Ephron did a good job of adding in some light hearted points to make it watchable. It's crazy this is somewhat autobiographical to Nora Ephron and she does a good job of asking what is important in a marriage. For those of you who fall asleep during the movie, the answer is trust. Love only goes so far if you can't trust the person you're with.
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