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Great! (but not perfect)
12 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, yes I really enjoyed watching this movie.

Second, yes it is probably the best Godzilla movie since the original from 1954.

Third, no it isn't a masterpiece.

The story itself is pretty straight-forward and easy to understand. A kamikaze pilot at the end of WWII is unable to kill himself for his country and lands on an island pretending to have some technical issues. The mechanics on the island aren't really buying it, but it doesn't really matter. Godzilla comes on the island and an unfortunate series of events leads all the mechanics except one to die. Now, with the shame of not dying for his country is added the shame of letting mechanics die. Our pilot comes home in Japan after the war. He is still haunted by his two recent mistakes. He finds himself a friend (girl) who carries a young girl with her. They form a small family. Our young pilot finds a job as a minesweeper. Things seem to be getting better, but our pilot still hasn't recovered from the shame. Meanwhile, Godzilla has mutated and is on its way to destroy Japan. What follows is classic Godzilla. He shows up, destroys a bunch of things, people die and he goes back in the water. Now, Japan has a massive threat, but they can't really do anything, because their army and navy don't exist anymore. So they think of plan, execute it, it doesn't go as planned and carnage ensues. They find a way to fight it and win. Simple stuff really.

But that's not where the movie shines. The characters are far more interesting than the story itself. Our pilot feels guilty for cheating death many times, while the people around him died. He feels like he was meant to die. So, when the time comes, he is ready to do whatever it takes to help his country, even die if it is necessary.

This strong sense of guilt is common for many survivors of wars or traumatic events. The movie plays with this idea and creates a strong character with a strong motivation. But our pilot isn't alone in this conflict. The whole nation is ashamed of their loss in the war, but also the way they treated lives during this war. Soldiers were killed without a second thought and so many died at the end of an unwinnable war. The Japanese army officials recognize this mistake on their part, and whish to correct it by not letting anyone die uselessly against a giant lizard. This is interesting to me, because our pilot symbolizes an entire nation: ashamed, but alive. As he slowly rebuilds his life, so is Japan rebuilding itself. He is also uncertain of his future, so he doesn't want to get too close to the people around him. The army is also quite interesting, because they recognize their mistakes and want to correct them. A lot of people don't want to help an army that mistreated them during the war, so they don't participate in the effort to kill Godzilla. Fair enough... Once again, this is certainly what a lot of people had in mind after the war ended. Godzilla acts as a way to reunite a divided and broken country. From this new threat, they will learn from their mistakes and go forward. This time, the movie doesn't want to make Godzilla a symbol of the destruction caused by Little Boy and Fat Man. Instead, it makes him a problem that needs to be solved with logic and science, not with violence and death. It may seem a bit cheesy, but I really liked this semi-historical interpretation of Godzilla. Godzilla is war, and we must learn from it.

Other than that, the movie is still pretty good, but flawed. The shots are lit with light that doesn't always match the surroundings, so the characters often feel too lit for where they are.

Also, some of the shots feel weird. Instead of having a nice storyboard that makes every shot important, the movie prefers to make the camera move uselessly and to make shots short for no good reason. It has the undesired effect of making me want to throw a chair at the editor. It absolutely hate it when shots are too short for no goddamn reason. It doesn't make the movie feel energetic or fast-paced, it just bothers me and takes me out of the film.

Another thing that bothers me is the music. The classic Godzilla theme song is amazing and used well in this film, so I'm not complaining about that. Instead, I am annoyed by the subtle music playing in the background of dramatic scenes. Sometimes, during a conversation with two characters, emotional music will randomly start playing. The scenes in question were just fine without the music, so that music only makes these scenes feel cheap and melodramatic for no reason.

Actually, the music isn't the only thing that makes this movie feel too melodramatic. The performances often feel exaggerated, so it doesn't always work with the more serious tone of the movie.

To finish on positive note, I would like to mention the incredible CGI (for a movie of this budget) and the absolutely amazing sound. The world feels alive and every sound that the boats, guns and explosions make is pure bliss. But of course, nothing comes close to the original roar from Godzilla. That roar is brutal and scary. It really helps to sell Godzilla as a serious threat and sounds AMAZING every time you hear it.

In conclusion, Godzilla -1.0 is a really solid film, but not perfect.
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Under appreciated classic!
15 October 2023
Last night, I was fortunate enough to experience a special projection of this film in a church with improvised music from a professional organ player. I have to say that I absolutely adored this experience and found the movie to be excellent. Silent movies are not necessarily my cup of tea, but The Hunchback of Notre Dame ist one that I would recommend to anyone.

Even though it's over two hours long, I found myself enjoying every minute. The pacing is surprisingly really good and doesn't drag thanks to the classic structure in three acts. The first act gives sufficient information on all the important characters and locations. The second act follows up nicely and makes you feel invested in Quasimodo and Esmeralda's struggles. The third act has a ton of action and wraps everything up in a satisfying manner.

The sets and costumes look amazing. The church, the streets, the dark taverns and tunnels look realistic and add a lot of depth to the story. It doesn't feel like it was made in soundstages. Lon Chaney gives an incredible performance for the ages. The cinematography is decent enough, but doesn't stand out too much. But by far, the best thing about The Hunchback of Notre Dame is the live music that was played during that special projection. The powerful organ made the whole church vibrate and resonate and added so much to every scene. It was something special that I had only experienced once before in my life (last year at the same event). If you ever have the chance to watch a special projection like I did (with live instrumentation), I would absolutely recommend that you go and see it. It's truly something special that cannot be replicated by watching the movie at home on a TV.
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Greatest movie I've seen all year
7 August 2023
Of all the movies I've seen since the beginning of 2023, this one is my favourite. This movie captures the viewer by sending him into a crazy adventure through the main character's mind. It's visually stunning, very entertaining and incredibly touching. We follow Bill, a somewhat normal man as he slowly starts to loose his thoughts, his memories and his grasp on reality. We get to live every moment with him and share in his confusion and mental hallucinations. We also get to live with him, follow his daily activities, follow his mental health and know his past. We live in his world through him and we get to see the people that surround him, the things he does, the things he sees, the things he imagines, the things he likes, the things he thinks about and the world as it is (for him). We simply become... Bill. As weird as it sounds, this is actually the most incredible and fascinating cinematic experience I've had in my life. I love Bill and I love this movie.
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My only complaint is that it feels too short
28 October 2022
With very little knowledge on Yukio Mishima, I watched this movie and I was not disappointed at all. Actually, I really really liked it!

From the start of the first play, I was completely hooked. The incredible sets with their bright colours and unusual shapes bring to life the various stories with style and beauty. They also help to make each segment feel unique. This colourful and original set design is complemented by beautiful costumes and music all along the movie to tell the fascinating story of Mishima's life. This story of his life alternates between a main story around his final days, three plays written by him and flashbacks. The flashbacks from Mishima's life are in black and white to separate them from the main story and the plays. The flashbacks give us some context to better appreciate the plays and the striking finale.

In every sense of the word, this movie is great. It's a visually stunning, complex and entertaining film about a writer's past, his motivations and his body of work. I absolutely recommend it to any cinephile out there!
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10 September 2022
I know it's a B movie, but still...

It's not exactly "bad", it's just not impressive. The script and dialogue is weird and doesn't feel natural and realistic. The music is awful. The story isn't groundbreaking, actually it's pretty dumb (who in their right mind would attempt to rob the federal gold reserve). The acting is ... acceptable. The cinematography is really obnoxious and annoying (for example, the camera repeatedly goes around the characters like in a Michael Bay movie). Honestly, even for what it is, it's pretty "meh", but I got it for free with the original Inside Man in a double feature DVD set, so I shouldn't complain.
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Really well made
19 August 2022
This movie is probably my second or third favourite sci-fi movie from the 50s. One of the reasons why I like this movie so much is because of how good the effects look. Obviously, it also has a great, original and action packed story with a lot of entertaining scenes, good dialogue and good characters, but the thing that stood out the most (to me) was the way they made our main guy appear small (yes, I know it sounds stupid, but it amazed me)

If this movie had been made today, it would have been all CGI, but because it was made before CGI was a thing, they had to think of new ways of making a person appear small. To do that, they used forced perspective, huge props and other techniques. This movie is a brilliant example of ingenuity and great visual effects. Just for that kind of innovation and ingenuity, it would be a must-watch. I know most people aren't just interested in VFX, so I would also like to mention that it is an original story with some good characters and many great scenes where the outcome is hard to predict. It's totally original and very entertaining!

My review-making skills aren't the best, so it's hard for me to explain why I like this movie so much, but I sincerely think this movie should be watched by every cinephile at least once in their life. Hopefully you'll enjoy it as much (or more) as I do.
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Yet another certified Wilder classic!
4 August 2022
I might be slightly biased since I already like Wilder's work as a director and screenwriter, but I find this movie to be absolutely amazing. The many screenwriters truly show off their talent in this movie. The story seems to evolve naturally without being guided by the plot too much. Instead, it is guided by the characters and by the things that those characters want to gain from the sticky situation, whether that's a career, money, power or even just entertainment in the case of the tourists that come to visit the site. The many characters of this complex story are all affected by and view the situation differently. Their various individual goals regarding the man in the hole take the story in different directions and create new complications that couldn't be anticipated. All of it eventually comes crashing down in a twist ending. I would also like to add that this movie has a great moral about greed and how it can destroy a man's life (quite literally).

This multi-layered character focused story, aided by great acting and directing talents, makes one great movie that I would gladly rewatch anytime.
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Not bad at all
10 July 2022
A couple of months ago, I bought and watched Paris Texas, directed by Wim Wenders. I searched his filmography to find some other potentially good movies. One of the movies that seemed interesting (to me at least) was this little gem with Bruno Ganz and Dennis Hopper. So finally I decided to watch it and I wasn't disappointed. The performances in English German and French are a bit « sketchy » and don't stand out too much, but other than that, this movie is good. The story is interesting and original. It's not just a standard crime drama like you would expect. The action and crime stuff is good and entertaining. The movie is slow, but it doesn't drag. But the best part about this movie, by far, is the cinematography, including the lighting and the colours.

I've seen many crime movies from the seventies and they all had one thing in common: the "dirty" look. The "dirty" look is hard to explain, but mostly it's abandoned, broken down buildings and streets, brown, grey, elephant pants, polluted streets, guns and big-ass cars. Those things give 70s crime movies that "dirty" look. I really like it, it fits well with crime stories. Der amerikanische Freund has that awesome "dirty" look, but it also has many many colours mixed in. The brightly coloured lights (neons, street lights, car headlights, etc.) reflect heavily on everything and the natural sunlight makes beautiful skies. It looks wonderful and it ads something interesting to the "dirty" look. There are also many great shots and colour choices that I liked throughout the movie.

This cinematography made this crime movie a whole new experience. I can't say this is a better movie than Serpico or Dog Day Afternoon, but at it looks way better. So if you're looking for something different that looks good, I would definitely recommend this german classic.
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Timeless classic
31 May 2022
Although it starts out quite slowly without much going on for the first twenty minutes, Le salaire de la peur (wages of fear) is nonetheless a great movie. Basically, four guys in two trucks need to deliver a shipment of nitroglycerin by crossing deserts, forests and mountains.

It's a simple, but great story. There's good suspense that comes from the various obstacles that the four guys encounter on their journey and there's interesting ways of going around or beating those obstacles . It's fascinating to see the many solutions and ideas that they come up with. This perilous journey, mixed with a good mix of characters and a real sense of danger make for a great movie that I really enjoyed watching. I know it's just guys driving trucks in the wild, but it was a brilliant movie and I'm glad I saw it.
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Wow, I did not expect that!
8 February 2022
First of all, I would like to mention that I do not really care about mountaineering. I respect it and I think it's cool, but I have no particular interest in it. Yet, this movie gripped me immediately and I was fully invested in the story and the characters. The suspense and the action are presented in a manner that makes them incredibly entertaining and interesting to watch. I really wanted to keep watching this till the end and see what would happen. In other words, I was hooked.

Also, it feels necessary to mention the incredible visuals. The mountains, the night sky, the snow and ice and the colors used all look magnificent and really add to the general quality of this movie. Many times in the movie, I pressed pause to admire the incredible images on my screen.

Mix this with a good animation style and some solid acting and you have one hell of a good movie. I don't want to make it seem like this movie is the greatest thing ever, but so far, it's the best thing I have seen from Netflix. I hope I'll come across more of this stuff in the future.
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Paprika (2006)
Animation at its best
24 October 2021
In the western world, animated movies are usually associated with kids. This is pretty sad when you think about it, because it means that adults rarely get interested in animated movies. But this movie is so great and looks so good that it would be a shame to simply dismiss it because it's animated. Actually, animation is what makes this movie so great. All the things that would be very hard or impossible to do on film can be done and are done beautifully in this movie. All the transitions between the dreams, the transformations, the environments, the character's movements, flying, the weird dream sequences, reflexions in mirrors and windows and so many more things use animation to their advantage and make this film feel special and unique in such a good way. Combine that great animation with an original story and you have one hell of a good movie.
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It's definitely old, but it's great
20 October 2021
I just finished watching this great adventure and what else is there to say than wow.

Honestly the two only "flaws" that I can think of are the action scenes and the acting (maybe it was meant to be that way, but I'm not sure). Everything else is great.

The story is great and very original.

The costumes and makeup are weird but make the movie feel different. The sets and settings, even with the paintings, are great and remind me of Star Trek in a lot of ways, even though this movie was released six years before the first season of ST TOS. The time machine looks stupid, but other than that the movie looks great.

The soundtrack is very old school, but it's not necessarily bad.

Overall it's a really fun and entertaining adventure from start to finish, but it's probably not for everyone. So if old sci-if is your thing, give this movie a watch, you won't regret it.
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Four stories combined into one great movie
28 September 2021
As you look at the cast, you see no familiar faces, but the director, has a name that we all know. There is a reason for that. As one of John Carpenter's first movies, it didn't have a big enough budget to get well known actors, but it didn't really matter, because Carpenter's great directing and music made this movie much more enjoyable than the average b-movie.

The movie presents four separate stories of different characters, and pretty soon those stories merge together and lead to an action packed siege of a police station. With no obvious way out, the people inside the police station need to defend the station to stay alive until back-up arrives. All of this leads to a movie that is really entertaining and fun to watch. With this movie, it's easy to see what a good director can do, even with a low budget. No wonder Carpenter became famous. I highly recommend this movie to any John Carpenter fan and to anyone who likes well-structured action movies.
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Westworld (1973)
Proper Sci-fi, proper western, proper film
6 July 2021
What are the two most opposite movie genres?

Horror and romance? Comedy and drama?

Nope, it's western and science fiction.

But guess what, this movie is a perfect combination of the two opposites. Westworld uses the best aspects of both genres to makes this thrilling Frankenstein's monster of a movie.

It has a great, realistic story (for sci-fi), great characters, great settings, cool costumes, realistic, but great acting, great action, and much more.

If you ever come across this movie, I definitely recommend you check it out.
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Magnum Force (1973)
For a sequel, this is awesome
28 June 2021
I want to start by saying that I really liked this movie. It was exactly what I expected from a Dirty Harry movie, but without being ruined by the fact that it has to follow up the original. Honestly, this movie doesn't feel like a sequel. The movie starts right in the middle of the action of the story, and the movie never mentions the events of the first movie.

What makes this movie great: Great story Great action No annoying love interest subplots (the girl is not an important character) Realism (for an action movie from the 70's) Clint Eastwood's performance It never feels like it's boring, there is always something interesting or important happening More...
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27 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
That's the sound that I want to make after watching this movie.

It's so bad, that it's hard to explain how bad it is. It's not even one of those "It's so bad, it's good" type of movies, just awful.

First, the story is stupid: they are after a device that can control every electronic device on earth. They also need to get this device before Dom's yet unknown brother that finally decides to make an appearance in the ninth film of the franchise (10th if you count Hobbs and Shaw) to become the main enemy of the team, because... reasons. Apparently, this brother that comes out of thin air in the FaF lore is responsible for the death of Dom's father, which is why Dom hates him. I DON'T CARE. This movie is too long and it's because of stuff like this. So the team embarks on this journey across the world to find the two parts of this device and get clues, or something. But, they don't get the device, but instead find magic magnets that only work when the script needs it to. Because they can't get their hands on the magic device, they need to send two of them in space to stop the device from being activated in a satellite, while the rest chase the truck that contains the device. What???

But honestly, this is nothing compared to the action scenes and the other problems of the movie. For example, this movie is full of clichés, terrible product placements, bad acting, dramatic poses, bad effects, etc. There is also no logic to how the magnet weapon works. Apparently, it's the strongest magnet ever, which would normally mean it catches or repulses everything around it, which is already impossible because of... you guessed it, physics, but nah, it only works when the script needs it to do so. Sometimes, it catches every single little thing, like phones, tools, cars, carts, guns, etc., sometimes, just the cars or guns. If it's the most powerful magnet, shouldn't it attract everything in every store and every pocket that it comes close to? But it also works without being attracted itself to other things, or destroying the cars that it's mounted to. This doesn't make any sense.

Besides this, the movie also has the habit of saving the main characters from danger at the last second. EVERY SINGLE TIME. The worst example of this is at the beginning when the crew is about to get killed by this gang of militants, but Roman comes in to save the day by coming out of nowhere to ram into the militants. Oh wow, the main characters survived an encounter with terrorists that have a severe case of the stormtrooper syndrome, I wasn't expecting that. But they do this thing many more times, this wasn't the last. They survive every single thing at them, without a problem, it's really annoying.

After this garbage formula to try and make action interesting and entertaining, they also add stuff that simply isn't possible. An example where Dom fights ten guys at once comes to mind. In that scene, the crew manages to stick all the guns and smoke grenades of the enemies on the wall with the magic magnet. The smoke starts to suffocate the bad guys, but not the good guys, because... physics don't count if you have a bald guy in his fifties fighting younger, more experienced soldiers in an action movie about cars, I think. They use this to their advantage to escape, while Dom tries to catch the guy with the device, but the soldiers catch up to him and fight him on this platform high above ground. He somehow manages to stand his ground in this clearly unfair fight, but he even manages to push every bad guy for second, to then use his muscles to pull down a concrete pillar, which destroys the platform and sends everyone in a pool below. The guy is literally strong enough to break off concrete from the ceiling.

Hey, guess what, that guy that died a couple of movies ago, he's alive, because... reasons.

Also, there is a scene where they are in japan, and while eating, the girls of the crew see a flag of Mexico. They think this is a reference to a sentence that was said before and decide to investigate the apartment. They are in Tokyo, there are probably thousands of flags of Mexico in Tokyo, but who cares about logic, let's enter without permission in this apartment, and of course, it's the apartment of the person they were looking for, but villains get in and they have this unrealistic fight, to get saved at the last section by the guy that everyone thought was dead. Seems legit.

I also want to talk about the space stuff. It is so dumb, it makes no sense. Also, how did the guys in Germany manage to get access to a jet to carry the car-rocket close to space??

Now, let's talk about the funky stunts. There is a part where Dom has to get across a bridge, but the bridge disappeared, so as he's getting chased by helicopters, he decides to run into a pole attached to a rope. The rope gets stuck to his car and he gets swung across the canyon. ???????? Bonus point, the helicopters even stop chasing him.

There is also a scene right before this where the bridge gets destroyed and starts falling while a car is going across that bridge, and the car doesn't fall. ???

There is also another scene where a Mustang jumps off a cliff and gets caught mid-air by a plane with magic magnets. What????

Honestly, there is so much more awful stuff, but I can't name it all. It would just like to mention the scene where a car gets attracted through a wall because of the magic magnets. The magnets somehow don't attract anything IN the building, but they attract a car with enough force to make it go through a wall. How???

With all of these horrible stunts, there is also a major lack of logic, boring characters, a switching of sides from the villain, bad physics, awful jokes, predictability, clichés, and the same ending as the other movies. There is even more than this, but it's too long to name it all.

It's hard to explain how bad it is in a written review, but save your money and don't go see this movie.
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Awesome 80's action movie
9 May 2021
Snake has less than 24 hours to save the president from an island full of dangerous prisoners and return him to the proper authorities or he will not get his freedom and he will get killed. It sounds stupid, doesn't it ? But believe me, this movie is awesome. Here's why: -Snake is a badass character that can kick ass and deal with any situation that he happens to find himself into.

-The sets look amazing, even in the dark. It really looks abandoned, perfect for a giant prison in New York.

-The costumes are great. Actually, everything looks awesome: the 3D maps of the city, the vehicles, the weapons, etc.

-The music is great, it's pretty much perfect for this movie.

-Kurt Russell and Lee Van Cleef

-There is a lot of action, and it's really entertaining.

-Not too much dialogue, because in this case, it isn't really necessary.
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Good old pg fun
4 May 2021
This is the story of a trucker who loses his truck in the wrong part of town. He is then trown into this weird adventure to save a girl and get his truck back. The action is great fun, the story is meh, the dialogue sucks, the costumes are cool, the sets are great, the effects are stunning and overall, it's a fun movie that could be enjoyed by all.
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