
42 Reviews
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Ripley (2024)
11 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This series is intriguing. I have to admit, I didn't know the story nor read the books that a lot of reviewers seem to know well. Therefore I had no expectations and was curieus to see it this "Mr Ripley" could get away with all these criminal acts. The actors are all excellent. The scenes, mainly playing in Italy, are fascinating. The black and white, it took me some time to get used to, but finally I did. And then, these paintings from Carvaggio. The old guy killing the young guy and both are the same person. Everything is so spotless, apart from the blood and stilling of wine on the treachered book with Carvaggio paintings. The sloppy detectives. It all fits together. I will not forget this series.
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Scoop (2024)
Sad but true
19 April 2024
This movie is about a sad subject, the abuse of young vulnerable girls and - the complete oppositie - a royal that has no guilt nor regret of being involved.

But it is a true story and this movie shows how a journalist manages to show the public how insensitive, selfish and disconnected this royal is. This is what the press should be doing, bring the hard facts and fight for justice.

The actors are excellent. Rufus Sewell, Gillian Anderson, Billie Piper, the cast could not have been better for these roles. Also Keeley Hawes, perfect for that (difficult) role. I also like the start of this movie, in New York where a photographer has to be smart, quick and handy to take a unique picture.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
20 January 2024
Very intriguing movie, but I had to see it twice to understand it. So many characters and key talks between Einstein and Oppenheimer. These scenes with Mr Strauss running for Secretary, neither did I understand these the first time I watched. But I absorbed and appreciated it all the second time. And I would have given nine stars but I became disappointed about the scene in Leiden (The Netherlands) where Oppenheimer supposedly had learned Dutch in six months and is lecturing in Dutch. The thing is that he is not speaking Dutch but German. Why does this American movie maker think that he can make this mistake? How difficult would it have been to let Oppenheimer speak some sentences in Dutch? I was so disappointed. The German guy in the audience should not have been able to understand Dutch, unless he had learned it himself. This is a ridiculous glitch whereas it could have been another interesting scene. Robbert Dijkgraaf, the Dutchman in the closing credits would have known how to help.
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Why let them all talk
3 December 2023
Excellent characters and talented actors. But why let them all talk? I was waiting for the end, to tell me what this movie is about. Some say that this movie has so many layers. Maybe it has. But I did not discover these. Some of the discussions are promising, but then, there is no follow-up. The idea of letting a group travel on a cruise ship is fantastic since here they have a lot of time to talk. About the past. About their desires. About their shortcomings. There is some honesty. I like second and third layers. Much more than the first, superficial layer. But how many layers do we have here?
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The Fall (I) (2013–2016)
Who is falling?
4 August 2023
This is an intriguing series. I liked it from the beginning to the end. Others write that it is too slow, and that the third series is the worst, but I have a different opinion. I liked the third most and after all we have seen in series one and two, it adds to the characters and the final fascinating developments. Also the title fascinated me, since who is falling here? There seem to be only losers. This series had a lot of depth, and there is a lot of psychology and suspense. It is one of the best I have ever seen and much better than many others that often go in such a high speed that you have forgotten about it, as soon as you finish it. The Fall, I will not forget.
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The White Lotus (2021–2025)
Waiting for BML
13 July 2023
This is like the Love Boat but then much worse. Selfish people, bored and spoilt. Like many other watchers, I was waiting for interesting things to happen. One thing came up and it was BML. Black Lives Matter. There, a worthwhile conversation started. But it was cut-off immediately. Back to the great emptiness. The actors are not the problem here, they seem fine to me. But there is no story, no depth. Absolutely none. I watched four of the six episodes on a long flight, in between meals and some sleeping moments. But it is terrible. If this is meant to be a comedy, then I do not have the right type of humour.
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Hope Gap (2019)
Hopeful it is
16 June 2023
This is a simple story. With a simple plot. The situation of each of the players, I can understand. It is so recognizable. Moreover, I very much like the way it is told. And I admire the only child. His acting is also great (like in the Crown where he played Prince Charles). The dialogues are entertaining. The poems are terrific. The scenery also contributes to the beauty of this movie. The colors are bright, the sea is rough, the cliffs are peaking out dangerously. Nice shots are taken from the air and the combination of the land, the sea, the sky and the colors is perfect. For the main characters, despite everything, hopeful it is.
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Keeping Faith (2017–2021)
Why keeping Faith?
25 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
One has to keep faith in life. But this Faith. I do not know, I simply stopped watching at the beginning of series 2, then I watched the last episode. In the very beginning of series 1 I was intrigued, then I got so fed up with the characters. I had sympathy for none. Maybe only for Faith's brother-in-law, which I found a good actor. The bright colors, the hastiness, the bad conversations. No, this is not for me. I even hardly found any suspense. And the ending of series 1 was so confusing and disappointing, I thought well maybe series 2 is better. But it is the same. Faith running around in harsh yellow, blue or green, on ugly high heels. Sorry, but this looks so unrealistic and ridiculous. Also the appearances in court. As if she does everything by heart, no preparations and nonetheless she seems to win cases.
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Mrs. Wilson (2018)
The wives
12 May 2023
I would have titled this series "The wives" since it is about several wives, all carrying the same name. It is so intriguing. This story, based facts, will stay with me the rest of my life. What happened to these Mesdames Wilson will not happen anymore in developed countries due to digital, mandatory birth and marriage registration. But in those times, around World War II, registration was lacking or incomplete. I find everything in this series excellently chosen and performing, the cast, the build-up of suspense, even the blue colors (as some of the reviewers pointed out; indeed, there is a lot blue). I read also Mrs Wilson's book, and the background, and I know that the mystery remains. We will not know whether Alec was a true crook, a spy or a double-spy after 1942. But this series magnificently reflects this mystery.
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I.M.: De achtste dag (2020)
Season 1, Episode 1
In Memoriam revisited - one sided
29 March 2023
Connie Palmen, I know and I read her book I. M. a long time ago. Ischa Meijer I have never known but I recall the commotion around his death in 1995. In this series, I have to admit that I was pleasantly struck by the actress playing Connie Palmen. There is a lot that does not fit, e..g Ischa's singing, the hills in Limburg (there are no hills around St Odiliënberg where Connie was born) and Connie's accent (should be much more southern Dutch). But the acting of Wende playing Connie is beautiful. Apart from this, I think this series is much more than the book the story of a man with problems; his jealousy, his alleged problems with his parents. We only see this story from one side, and that is Connie's.
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Pim's point of view
28 March 2023
It is definitely worthwhile to have a series about Pim Forteyn's period in politics. However, I think that Pim would not have been happy with the way this is done. Melkert does not resemble the true Melkert at all. I followed Melkert in the press in that period, but he was much more the intellectual and solidly appeared in the press. These were also his weaknesses. In this series he seems a soft house father and more of a slave towards others. Also Pim himself, he was determined when he appeared on tv while he is here often uncertain and easy to bypass. It is a pity. This series could have been so interesting. The dialogues could have been vivid too.
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Deadwind (2018–2021)
23 March 2023
Part 1 and 2 are great. Part 3 is too long, too many characters, the end is predictable and worst of all, the whole family seems to be involved in one plot. Moreover, I found it all so dark and depressing. The scenery and cars are sometimes interesting to see, but that's it. The two cops play well, but again, since everything is so dark, there is not much I can like in this thriller that started so promising. I also found it a pity that Henna changed, I think from season 2 to season 3, although I have to say that she plays very well. We do not find out however, if she later rejoins her (young) stephmother. I would have liked to know.
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Frikjent (2015–2016)
Acquitted at last
3 December 2022
The scenery and the plot are absolutely fascinating. The end is also very well filmed, intruiging and satisfying. But I agree with other reviewers that something is lacking. By tweaking the conversations and sequence of events, this series could have had a higher rating. The conversations are also not always gripping. And then always these super complicated family ties. I wonder if we need these. Best actor in this whole series is in my opinion Hendrik Rafaelsen in the fabulous role of Lars. No other person could have played that role better. Ellen Dorritt Petersen complemented this. Well-done.
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While based on a true story, tedious
16 November 2022
This series frustrated me, although I watched it until the end. I found it extremely difficult to follow. But I wanted to know what was going to happen, since after all, this is based on a true story. With none of the characters I could sympathise, since they are all distant and dark. Moreover, and worst of all, I lost the thread of the story. At a certain point I did not even know anymore if I had seen already several characters that were shown. This is really a pity because the story in itself seems intriguing; the media parroting the police and one police officer even feeding deliberately the media with information. The female journalist that was courageous and probably right, hence different from her colleagues, lost her job and we did not see her anymore. There is absolutely nothing beautiful or interesting in the way this has been filmed, neither in the dialogues, nor in the scenery and definitely not in the way the story is told. The Danish series "The Investigation", on the contrary, tells in a magnificent way also a horrible true story and the actors are all fabulous.
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The Duke (2020)
Paying for a painting of the Duke or paying for tv licenses
2 September 2022
I did not know what to expect when I started watching this movie. But I enjoyed it from the beginning to the end. The typical British ironic conversations, the good acting, and in particular the topic "where tax payers' money should go" makes it a very entertaining movie. I found it interesting to hear that the borrower of the Duke's painting was guilty for stealing the frame, but not for stealing the painting. And, true, paying for tv licenses is questionable. At least a citizen should be able to see the ordinary news channels, and hence this should be free, to all. How much is true of this whole taxpayers' money-waisting story, I do not know. Maybe this does not even matter so much. The movie illustrates the topic excellently.
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Vera (2011–2025)
Entertaining but predictable
6 February 2022
I agree with those who write that this is an entertaining series, with beautiful sceneries around Newcastle and that the personalities are all interesting and even funny, in particular Vera herself.

However, after having watched some episodes I found the plots predictable. There are always a number of suspects and the one that is the most suspect in the beginning will not turn out to be the true suspect. The twists at the very end is repeated in every episode.

Apart from this, this series is definitely worthwhile watching.
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Endeavour (2012–2023)
Endeavour, not Morse
3 January 2022
This prequel was a great idea, not the least because so many people adored Inspector Morse. It is also interesting as a series, as such, and there are magnificent plots. But in my modest opinion, Shaun Evans has no physical resemblance with Morse and also in his character, he does not resemble Morse. Apart from his crosswords hobby and love for old cars, I do not find anything in this series in which I recognise the grumpy Inspector Morse.
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The Keepers (II) (2017)
This is about more than Justice for Catherine Cesnik
22 October 2021
I am unable to judge if this documentary provides us with the right size of true facts, but the information that it tells is fascinating. It shows that the power of the catholic church in Baltimore in the 1960s-1980s must have been bigger than the power of the Baltimore police. If this is all true, it is a big story that absolutely had to be told. I have no reason to question what is said by Jane Doe and all the others, but I am wondering about those that did not speak. For instance, the roommate of Cathy, who later married, got children and then sadly died of cancer. Do her relatives really not know about this big secret about the abuse, murder and tremendous cover up by the church and the police? Why would people want to take this with them into their graves? There must still be people out there that know something and the keepers will have to go on searching for the missing pieces that constitute the truth.
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Manhunt (2019–2021)
A true manhunt
15 October 2021
This series tells in a sensitive way about four recent tragedies in the United Kingdom. The title is well-chosen since it is a true manhunt. There is only suspect and he turns out to be the one. I think this series could have benefitted from the way the Danish tell in "The Investigation" about a terrible recent crime in Denmark. The scenes in Manhunt are delicate and Martin Clunes seems definitely the right character for the role of Colin Sutton (NB: I do not know. Sutton), but in my view settings in "The Investigation" - which is actually also very much about details in the investigation - are often telling the story, instead of the people. I also think that one could benefit from far less people in scenes, instead of many.
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Beck (1997– )
Down to earth
13 October 2021
I only saw S#5-8, while some argue the first series are better. But I found these already excellent. It is so down to earth. The tense relationships in the office, the investigations regarding the crimes and the conversations. Beck is such a trustworthy person and performed by an excellent actor, and so are Oskar, Jenny and Alex. Once I start watching this, I do not regret one single moment. This Nordic detective reminds me of the Swedish Wallander, although it plays in a more sophisticated environment. At least, the city is bigger and these people move in a team, though sometimes disintegrate.
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Judgement of a layman: Insightful and entertaining
18 September 2021
Although I read the book about Mountbattan by David Butler, I am just a layman. Therefore, I cannot judge to what extent this movie is reflecting truthfully the period of India around 1947-1948 when the independence of the UK became of a fact. But I truly was entertained by each of the scenes. This movie must have cost a fortune, with the great number of people and animals, and the beautiful sceneries in India. All main characters are in my view excellent, in particular Janet Suzman as Edwina, the wife of Mountbattan, and Ian Richardson, as Nehru. The tensions among the Hindus and the Muslims, and the main reasons for these, I felt and understood at the same time. The rushing of the break-off and break-up of the country is also understandable, although it remains crazy to determine the exact borders at the latest stage. This independence period has parallels with the current situation in Afghanistan. By rushing out of a country, one can only expect huge migration flows, violence and chaos. At least in the short term.
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The Accident (2019)
Should have been good
24 August 2021
The theme is very good and highly relevant. This series c/should thus also have been good. But I do not really know what it exactly is that gave me a bit feeling. Maybe the scenes are too short. Some of the characters are interesting but none are well-developed during this series, there is simply no depth. Also, some of the actors are not credible at all in their roles. Some of the spoken lines are good, but most are so obvious that I got bored. This is a really a pity, since the theme is relevant. There have been so many accidents that hit poorer families, where no one was convicted. This accident in Wales could have changed a course in time.
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20 August 2021
This is a movie with a lot of "cold" aspects. Black and white. Cold war. Cold characters. Lack of humanity. It has all great significance. For those born very long after World War II, this is a story that can make you understand how the cold war was. The movie has so many layers. There is a superficial love story. But there is also the history of WW II and the remnants with the wall just built, splitting Germany in two parts. Different views of communism and capitalism. Fascism. Jewishness. It is definitely a story to see several times and to discover each time some new elements. The main character comes in from cold, indeed. He became more human. But lost his life, which is just some collateral damage for British intelligence. The higher aim has been achieved. Capitalism as communism.
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A true investigation
15 August 2021
'The Investigation" is the well-chosen, dry title of this fascinating, (unfortunately) true story. We see no victim, no suspect and hear no interviews with the suspect. In this respect, it is completely different from other Nordic crime stories. When I started watching I did not know that this was based on a true story. Later, I realised, that I had heard about it. The series is fascinating from beginning to the end. There are cadaver dogs and sea-current experts, that I had never heard of before. While the focus remains on the main investigator who suffers from beginning to the end, and the parents of the victim who suffer alongside, it is the toughness, endurance and the silences that chill. The final piece of proof, referring to the two (of the seventeen) cuts that were made just before or after the death, I did not understand fully. But I do not know if that matters.
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Irish versus French views
14 August 2021
This seems a French way of filming. Dragging a short story long, with beautiful Irish scenes and many characters giving their serious views and impressions. As others already wrote, there is not much forensic evidence in this crime story. It is hard to believe that the pathologist(s) were not able to bring more information and that there is basically only one suspect, and a series of witnesses that change their statements over time. A very thin story. Having said this, it is worthwhile seeing it. It is also interesting that the Irish court was not able to convict the suspect while the French court was.
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