
3 Reviews
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Unbelievable crap!
6 January 2006
I watched the first two episodes of this show, and I can honestly say that I have never been more frustrated in a TV show in my life. The funny thing is, despite my Christian upbringing, it was not the Jesus chats that bothered me...the most. For those of you who watched the first episode, you might agree with me. The show was doing alright until the first Sunday dinner. Then it went downhill so fast I could hardly believe it.

So, let's summarize. First we have a Priest who has random chats with Jesus, kinda funny but pointless, and unfortunately, not the worst part of the show. Next we have his wife...who I can honestly say is the only character who I don't hate.

Now we get to the kids. I will say this right now, the fact that their son is gay does not bother me in the least. To be honest, as a gay kid brought up in a Christian home, I can relate to him and I think the character is great. What I hate is that there is not a single scene he is in where it is not mentioned in some way shape or form that he's gay. Seriously, after the first two times, WE GET IT! Next we have Adam, the adopted son,(again a good Christian stereotype), who is also the standard teenage boy who only thinks with one part of his body. Combined with him dating the daughter of racist parents, well, you get the idea.

Finally there is the rebellious daughter. There is one in every family, and the one welcome change from standard shows is that it is a girl in this one. However, the idea is the same.

Throw in some dealings with a Catholic Priest/mob connection, missing millions, and family illness back plots, it all leads to one thing. A very VERY bad imitation of 7th Heaven and an attempt to fill 7 seasons worth of plot lines into a two hour pilot. It seemed like anytime something happened I was yelling at the TV because I was so mad at it. The most angering thing is, I will probably watch it next week to give it another chance...maybe.
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Hamlet (1996)
Brilliant version
5 February 2005
I must say that, looking at Hamlet from the perspective of a student, Brannagh's version of Hamlet is by far the best. His dedication to stay true to the original text should be applauded. It helps the play come to life on screen, and makes it easier for people holding the text while watching, as we did while studying it, to follow and analyze the text.

One of the things I have heard criticized many times is the casting of major Hollywood names in the play. I find that this helps viewers recognize the characters easier, as opposed to having actors that all look and sound the same that aid in the confusion normally associated with Shakespeare.

Also, his flashbacks help to clear up many ambiguities in the text. Such as how far the relationship between Hamlet and Ophelia really went and why Fortinbras just happened to be at the castle at the end. All in all, not only does this version contain some brilliant performances by actors both familiar and not familiar with Shakespeare. It is presented in a way that one does not have to be an English Literature Ph.D to understand and enjoy it.
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Pure Classic Myers
22 December 2004
This movie is one of those greats that you can watch over and over again and laugh every time. It is Mike Myers at his (at the time) best. His portrayal as Charlie is made great by his perfect facial expressions. However, the real humor in this movie comes from Myers' performance as his father, Stuart. He is absolutely hilarious whenever we see him. His comments about William's (whose relationship to Stuart is never explained) large head are priceless. And his cry after the wedding is pure gold. no matter how often I see this movie, I laugh hysterically every time. I highly recommend it for anyone who needs a laugh! I just got it as an early Christmas gift, and I have watched it three times. Every time I hear "HEED, MOVE, NOW!!" I can't hold it back. If you think you don't like Mike based on the Austin Powers movies, then give this one a try. It just might change your opinion.
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