
6 Reviews
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Lame, and I wouldn't watch it if it was free.
24 September 2017
What was CBS thinking when they decided to launch this thing? I don't know how much they spent, supposedly a lot, but it's just wrong in so many ways. The Klingons look ridiculous, their ships do too. The First Officer acts like she's on meth or crack, and the Captain is dull, to be nice about it. To me, it just looks cheap in some ways, the Klingon ships, etc, and very high budget, the costuming. How this being set 10 years before Kirk and Spock is something I guess I'll never understand, or accept. Something so simple as the Klingon ships looking totally different than the old show is a mistake that should never have been made. Just like this show.
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El Condor (1970)
Not great, but enjoyable enough.
29 September 2011
I saw this movie with my dad in 1970, something we had planned to see was sold out, and we both liked Westerns, so we picked this. Van Cleef does a good job, but Brown is his normal stiff as a board self. I found he was the same in real life when I met him in 1980. He knew someone I worked with from his football days and I guess he brought him to work to prove he really did know him. Patrick O'Neal as a Mexican is hilarious!

The highlight is the Marianna Hill nude scene, but there are a lot of explosions and action to pass the time quickly enough. There are a lot of worse ways to spend an evening.
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Breakout (1975)
We should have appreciated these movies more than we did!
29 March 2010
I liked this movie when I saw it when it first came out, and it wasn't anything special, or so I thought, but when I compare it to most of the movies I've seen lately, it, along with so many of the action type movies, were special, and so much better than most of the crap I've seen over the last 10 years or so. I watched Mr. Majestyk a few nights ago, it's always been one of my favorite Bronson movies, and this one was right up there too. The movies anymore seem to either be full of special effects with no story, or inferior rehashes of older better movies. What point is there of remaking old non special effect movies? Every time they do it, it's almost always a failure. Look at "The Getaway", the 1972 one was great, just for the casting alone (Ali Mcgraw doesn't count, she's just bad in everything), but the remake was just horrible. It's not like I hate all movies made now, but a lot of them are really just not done very well at all, story wise.
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Not all that bad.
5 March 2010
It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I've seen far worse. The "demon" bald headed character really annoyed me and I would have taken it up a star if he hadn't been there. What was all the wandering along the train tracks all about? There did seem to be a lot of artsy-fartsy stuff tossed in for no real reason. The acting was OK for a super low budget movie. Exorcist II, Heaven's Gate, and many other big budget movies were much worse than this one. The actress that played the fiancé was nice looking and she did her part OK. I wish more of Ann Arbor had been shown though.

It killed some time, and I didn't nod off, so it's a slightly positive review.
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This was a dog that needed to be put to sleep!
4 March 2010
What a mess this thing was. Reminds me of Green Acres in an odd way, except nobody is really having a good time, and it wasn't funny. Ed O'Neil was the onlygood character on it, and he was basically doing Al Bundy with birds.

Milch himself seems to be embarrassed by it in some interviews I've seen, and rightly so. I always wonder how does a train wreck of a series like this get the green light to go on in the first place? And comparing this mess to a great show like Deadwood is just hilarious. Is this REALLY the best that HBO could come up with? I doubt it, they just wanted to go weird for weird's sake. Weird is sometimes good, but usually, it's BAD, and this show was VERY VERY BAD.
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What a waste of time and money...
5 October 2005
I can't go to the movies very often due to work and home situation, so if I go, I try to pick something that looks like it might be good, and from the reviews and the trailer, "History" would be OK, at least.

Boy, was I wrong. I haven't seen one for a long time that gets good, and sometimes great reviews (A local critic gave it 4 stars!)like this movie, and it turned out to be so horrible, like this one was. Ed Harris it great in it, but even he can't come close to saving it. The sex scenes were odd, and Mario Bello's man hands are creepy to say the least. If you haven't seen it, look at her hands in the first sex scene in the! I thought "Well, at least she isn't nude in this epic",and there she comes in an open robe, and folks, she never has been, and sure isn't now, attractive in the slightest way. I know some guys think she's hot, but I don't get it at all.

For every 10 seconds of action, there's about 20 minutes of looking at each other, teary eyed most of the time. There are high points, the action is done well, and the kid getting revenge on the jock was something I could relate to, having been harassed by a similar clown in high school. I got my revenge on him psychologically, years later, but the way it was done in the movie was pretty satisfying, and showed a "Like father, like son" theme, mess with them long enough, and they stomp you like a bug.

The ending was a joke. Some posters said people laughed at then end and during the movie, but when I went it was like a crypt until the end, when all *7* if us in the theatre (Yes, I counted) either chuckled or snorted as the credits came up.

Since it didn't have any really big stars in it, the studio wont lose much on it. The director has done much better movies in the past, so one dud won't hurt too much. I have to wonder about people who think this is a good movie, I really do.
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