23 March 1999
"Lawrence of Arabia" rightfully deserves its reputation as a masterpiece. Its stunning footage of towering sand dunes, quirky camels and blazing sun set a high standard for future cinematographers to meet. I could almost feel the heat of the desert in my living room, as well as the intense strain of the Arabs. Watching the film was almost reminiscent of reading "The Old Man and the Sea"; they both have that wearying effect on a person.

Officer Lawrence himself reminded me of Kurtz in "Heart of Darkness." He began as an officer stifled by civilization, who later found himself in the unknown, in this case, Arabia. Lawrence's fellow officers also resembled the men in "Heart of Darkness." They were more actors than people, never realizing what the Arabs truly faced, what their ideals were. Lawrence found himself among them...yet he discovered that there were parts of himself he did not care for. The film also asks questions about the morals of civilization,and basic human rights.

"Lawrence of Arabia" reminded me of several other films. First, because of the involvement of Alec Guiness and the desert setting, I was reminded of "Star Wars." The camels reminded me of "Indiana Jones," as did the white clothing. Lawrence's costume resembles Indy's in "Raiders of the Lost Ark." Speaking of costumes, notice the use of color in the movie. Ali is dressed in black, Lawrence in white. The classic bad guy v. good guy colors used in many films that followed. I could continue on forever about this film, yet I will simply state: I have never before seen a film quite like this.
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