A Gem of an Old Hollywood Disasterpiece
8 May 2002
Following the success in 1965, of "The Sound of Music", "Mary Poppins", and "My Fair Lady", Hwood studios thought that old-fashioned musicals were the next big thing. "THOROUGHLY MODERN MILLIE" was birthed from this predication, something of a Waterloo for the studios, an anachronism in the face of the real new wave that heralded "Bonnie & Clyde" and "Easy Rider". That hindsight only reinforces the impression that one gets when viewing "Millie" today, the impression that the film is COMPLETELY RETARDED. It must be seen to be believed. Go rent this film just to experience the nervous chuckles and blushes of humiliation you'll feel. Watch in fascination/horror the unfolding white slavery plot, the rascist caricature of Asians, Carol Channing, the kitschy 20's slang, James Fox's acting, Carol Channing in a plane, the ridiculous dance numbers, the ugly soundstage-bound sets, Carol Channing being shot out of a cannon, Julie Andrew's boobs exploding underneath her dress, Carol Channing dancing on a xylophone, James Fox in drag, Carol Channing playing a trumpet, Carol Channing... you get the idea. A good companion piece to this is Otto Preminger's SKIDOO, one of the worst movies ever made, also starring... Carol Channing.
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