What do you think you guys are, untouchable?
2 December 2002
The Untoucables is a masterpiece of the 80's. Kevin Coster, Charles Martin Smith, Sean Connery, and Andy Garcia make up "The Untouchables", a group of good cops who could not be swayed by bribes or threats. The Untouchables' main goal was to take down crime kingpin Al Capone (Robert De Niro) who was trafficking booze into Chicago, which was illegal at the time of prohabition.

Elliot Ness (Kevin Costner) is just assigned as the head of investigation in the Chicago police force, sent by The State Department. The whole movie is a rivalry between Capone and Ness as they both try to outwit and outgun each other, threw a series of action-packed and exciting adventures. Malone (Sean Connery) is an old Irish cop who wants to help Ness, and he does, by telling him exactly how to get to Capone and beat him, with his insider information. Charles Martiin Smith is the brains of the group, who can bring down Capone by using IRS laws against him. Andy Garcia is the marksman of the group, and he is recruited last, while they are looking for the best shooter in the Chicago P.D. trainee department. The Untouchables are kind of like the internal affairs group, they can't trust any of their fellow cops, and they go at it alone. Great movie, underrated for what it is, should have been given Best Picture for 1987. This is a crime epic for the ages.
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