Can you erase fate ?
1 May 2004
It seems like Hollywood is fascinated with the question of whether things are destined to happen or whether freewill determines our actions. Donnie Darko delved into that issue in a brilliant, but somewhat complex way. In "Eternal Sunshine" we are treated to an examination of the stated issue, but in a clear and rather easy to understand way. Joel has had a both wonderful and difficult relationship with Clementine. However, after the fun has ceased to be, Clementine decides to call the whole thing off, actually, she attempts to erase all memories of the relationship. By using a new type of medical procedure, one can remove all memories about something you no longer care to remember. Just think of it, taking your most traumatic memories at getting rid of them forever. Of course, Joel is not aware that Clementine has done this. When heartbroken Joel finds out, he decides that turn about is fair play, so he will cancel his memories of her out. However, as Joel soon discovers, relationships might always end badly, but they were not always bad. Can Joel keep the good times in his memory? If meeting someone is fate, can two people destined for one another really be prevented from meeting or forgotten? I enjoyed this film and although the story might seem complicated, it really is easy to follow. Nice story, great performances and interesting things to think about after you have left the theater. **** out of ****.
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