Pulp Fiction (1994)
31 December 2004
Saw Pulp Fiction today, and the only think I could say after it was...wow. 2 and a half straight hours of brilliant, but quite bloody. This was one of the best movies ever made, but also, maybe the most disturbing film of the 90's. This enforces my hypothesis that Q. Tarintino is a sick f**k, but a brilliant one.

One other thing I noticed about the film was the number of "f bombs" dropped. Its like the only word people can say in L.A. is the "f" word. Language wise, this film made a George Carlin show look like Mr. Rogers. It made South Park look Tiny Toons. I'm not saying that profanity is all that bad, its just...did it really need so many? So

anyway, I would not suggest Pulp Fiction to the weak at heart or those partial to hard language, you will not believe your ears. Apart from that, see Pulp Fiction, its a great movie.
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